def _create_vehicles(self): """ Create some new random vehicles of a given type, and add them on the road. """ self.vehicle = Vehicle(self.road, [0, 0], 2 * np.pi * self.np_random.rand(), 0) self.road.vehicles.append(self.vehicle) lane = self.np_random.choice( self.goal = Obstacle(self.road, lane.position(lane.length / 2, 0), heading=lane.heading) self.goal.COLLISIONS_ENABLED = False self.road.vehicles.insert(0, self.goal)
def main(): env = gym.make('highway-v0') road = Road.create_random_road(lanes_count=2, lane_width=4.0, vehicles_count=0, vehicles_type=IDMVehicle) vehicle = MDPVehicle.create_random(road) road.vehicles.append(vehicle) env.road = road env.vehicle = vehicle agent = MCTSAgent(env, iterations=100, temperature=20 * 5) # compare step by subtree and step by prior sim = Simulation(env, agent) t = 0 while not sim.done: sim.step() t += 1 if t == 10: print('Added obstacle') env.road.vehicles.append( Obstacle( road, [env.vehicle.position[0] + 50., env.vehicle.position[1]])) sim.close()
def _create_vehicles(self, parked_probability=0.75): """ Create some new random vehicles of a given type, and add them on the road. """ self.vehicle = Vehicle(self.road, self.vehicle_starting, 2 * np.pi * self.np_random.rand(), 0) self.road.vehicles.append(self.vehicle) goal_position = [self.np_random.choice([-2 * self.spots - 10, 2 * self.spots + 10]), 0] self.goal = Obstacle(self.road, goal_position, heading=0) self.goal.COLLISIONS_ENABLED = False self.road.vehicles.insert(0, self.goal) vehicles_type = utils.class_from_path(self.config["other_vehicles_type"]) for i in range(self.config["vehicles_count"]): is_parked = self.np_random.rand() <= parked_probability if not is_parked: # Just an effort to spread the vehicles out idx = self.np_random.randint(0, self.num_middle_lanes) longitudinal = (i * 5) - (self.x_range / 8) * self.np_random.randint(-1, 1) self.road.vehicles.append( vehicles_type.make_on_lane(self.road, ("d", "e", idx), longitudinal, velocity=2)) else: lane = ("a", "b", i) if self.np_random.rand() >= 0.5 else ("b", "c", i) self.road.vehicles.append(Vehicle.make_on_lane(self.road, lane, 4, velocity=0)) for v in self.road.vehicles: # Prevent early collisions if v is not self.vehicle and np.linalg.norm(v.position - self.vehicle.position) < 20: self.road.vehicles.remove(v)
def _make_road(self): """ Make a road composed of a straight highway and a merging lane. :return: the road """ net = RoadNetwork() # Highway lanes ends = [150, 80, 80, 150] # Before, converging, merge, after c, s, n = LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.STRIPED, LineType.NONE y = [0, StraightLane.DEFAULT_WIDTH] line_type = [[c, s], [c, c]] line_type_merge = [[c, s], [c, s]] ''' for i in range(2): net.add_lane("a", "b", StraightLane([0, y[i]], [sum(ends[:2]), y[i]], line_types=line_type[i])) net.add_lane("b", "c", StraightLane([sum(ends[:2]), y[i]], [sum(ends[:3]), y[i]], line_types=line_type_merge[i])) net.add_lane("c", "d", StraightLane([sum(ends[:3]), y[i]], [sum(ends), y[i]], line_types=line_type[i])) ''' i = 1 net.add_lane( "a", "b", StraightLane([0, y[i]], [sum(ends[:2]), y[i]], line_types=line_type[i])) net.add_lane( "b", "c", StraightLane([sum(ends[:2]), y[i]], [sum(ends[:3]), y[i]], line_types=line_type_merge[i])) net.add_lane( "c", "d", StraightLane([sum(ends[:3]), y[i]], [sum(ends), y[i]], line_types=line_type[i])) # Merging lane amplitude = 3.25 ljk = StraightLane([0, 6.5 + 4 + 4], [ends[0], 6.5 + 4 + 4], line_types=[c, c], forbidden=True) lkb = SineLane(ljk.position(ends[0], -amplitude), ljk.position(sum(ends[:2]), -amplitude), amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * ends[1]), np.pi / 2, line_types=[c, c], forbidden=True) lbc = StraightLane(lkb.position(ends[1], 0), lkb.position(ends[1], 0) + [ends[2], 0], line_types=[n, c], forbidden=True) net.add_lane("j", "k", ljk) net.add_lane("k", "b", lkb) net.add_lane("b", "c", lbc) road = Road(network=net, np_random=self.np_random) road.vehicles.append(Obstacle(road, lbc.position(ends[2], 0))) self.road = road
def generate_data(count): # Vehicle.COLLISIONS_ENABLED = False vehicle_type = LinearVehicle road = Road.create_random_road(lanes_count=2, lane_width=4.0, vehicles_count=5, vehicles_type=vehicle_type) sim = Simulation(road, ego_vehicle_type=vehicle_type, displayed=True) sim.RECORD_VIDEO = False road.add_random_vehicles(5, vehicles_type=vehicle_type) road.vehicles.append(Obstacle(road, np.array([50., 0]))) road.vehicles.append(Obstacle(road, np.array([130., 4.]))) for v in road.vehicles: v.target_velocity = LinearVehicle.VELOCITY_WANTED # v.enable_lane_change = False for _ in range(count): sim.handle_events() sim.act() sim.road.dump() sim.step() sim.display() sim.quit() return [v.get_log() for v in road.vehicles if not isinstance(v, Obstacle)]
def make_straight(self): lm10 = StraightLane(np.array([0, 0]), 0, 4.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 500]) l1 = LanesConcatenation([lm10]) lm20 = StraightLane(l1.position(0, 4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 500]) l2 = LanesConcatenation([lm20]) # lm30 = StraightLane(l2.position(0,4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED],bounds=[0,100]) # lm31 = StraightLane(lm30.position(0,0), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED],bounds=[0,500]) # l3 = LanesConcatenation([lm30,lm31]) lm30 = StraightLane(l2.position(0, 4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 500]) l3 = LanesConcatenation([lm30]) amplitude = 4.5 lm40 = StraightLane(l3.position(0, 4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE], bounds=[200, 400]) lm41 = SineLane(lm40.position(400, amplitude), 0, 4.0, -amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, [LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.CONTINUOUS], bounds=[0, 50], forbidden=True) lm42 = StraightLane( lm41.position(50, 0), 0, 4.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE], bounds=[0, 50], forbidden=True) l4 = LanesConcatenation([lm40, lm41, lm42]) road = Road([l1, l2, l3, l4]) # road = Road([ l3]) # road = Road([lm0,lm2]) # todo !!!!!!!!!!! how to do with Obstacle in lane.vehicles obstacle = Obstacle(road, lm40.position(0, 0)) road.vehicles.append(obstacle) road.lanes[3].vehicles.append(obstacle) self.road = road
def make_vehicles(self): """ Populate a road with several vehicles on the highway and on the merging lane, as well as an ego-vehicle. :return: the ego-vehicle """ # road = self.road ego_birth = [("se", "inters", 0), ("se", "inters", 1), ("se", "inters", 2)] ego_lane_index = ego_birth[0] ego_lane = position = ego_lane.position(0, 0) self.destination = self.exit[2] ego_vehicle = MPCControlledVehicle(self.road, position, velocity=10, heading=ego_lane.heading_at(position)).plan_route_to(self.destination) if self.destination == "inter_w": self.destination_trafficlight = self.traffic_lights[0] elif self.destination == "inter_n": self.destination_trafficlight = self.traffic_lights[1] elif self.destination == "inter_e": self.destination_trafficlight = self.traffic_lights[2] = 0 # ego_vehicle1.myimage = pygame.image.load("../red_alpha_resize.png") self.road.vehicles.append(ego_vehicle) self.vehicle = ego_vehicle # print("vehicle lane_index:", self.vehicle.lane_index) lanes = [("se", "inters", 0), ("se", "inters", 1), ("se", "inters", 2)] lanes.remove(ego_lane_index) lane_1 = ego_lane lane_2 =[0]) lane_3 =[1]) obstacle_1 = Obstacle(self.road, lane_1.position(np.random.randint(10, ego_lane.length-5), -1), LENGTH=2.0, WIDTH=4.0) # obstacle_2 = Obstacle(self.road, lane_2.position(np.random.randint(10, ego_lane.length-5), 0)) # obstacle_3 = Obstacle(self.road, lane_3.position(np.random.randint(10, ego_lane.length-5), 0)) self.road.vehicles.extend([obstacle_1]) self.obstacles.extend([ obstacle_1])
def make_roads(self): net = RoadNetwork() n, c, s = LineType.NONE, LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.STRIPED net.add_lane( "s1", "ex", StraightLane(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([100, 0]), line_types=[c, s])) net.add_lane( "ex", "em", StraightLane(np.array([100, 0]), np.array([200, 0]), line_types=[c, s])) net.add_lane( "em", "x1", StraightLane(np.array([200, 0]), np.array([300, 0]), line_types=[c, s])) # lm10 = StraightLane(np.array([0, 0]), 0, 4.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.STRIPED],bounds=[0,300]) # l1 = LanesConcatenation([lm10]) net.add_lane( "s1", "ex", StraightLane(np.array([0, 4]), np.array([100, 4]), line_types=[s, s])) net.add_lane( "ex", "em", StraightLane(np.array([100, 4]), np.array([200, 4]), line_types=[s, s])) net.add_lane( "em", "x1", StraightLane(np.array([200, 4]), np.array([300, 4]), line_types=[s, s])) # lm20 = StraightLane(l1.position(0,4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED],bounds=[0,300]) # l2 = LanesConcatenation([lm20]) net.add_lane( "s1", "ex", StraightLane(np.array([0, 8]), np.array([100, 8]), line_types=[s, c])) # lm30 = StraightLane(l2.position(0,4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE],bounds=[0,100]) net.add_lane( "ex", "em", StraightLane(np.array([100, 8]), np.array([200, 8]), line_types=[s, n])) net.add_lane( "em", "x1", StraightLane(np.array([200, 8]), np.array([300, 8]), line_types=[s, c])) # lm31 = StraightLane(lm30.position(0,0), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED],bounds=[0,300]) # l3 = LanesConcatenation([lm30,lm31]) amplitude = 4.5 net.add_lane( "s2", "ee", StraightLane(np.array([0, 8 + 3 * amplitude]), np.array([50, 8 + 3 * amplitude]), line_types=[c, c], forbidden=True)) # lm40 = StraightLane(l3.position(0,2*amplitude+4), 0, 4.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE],bounds=[0,50]) net.add_lane( "ee", "ex", SineLane(np.array([50, 8 + 2 * amplitude]), np.array([100, 8 + 2 * amplitude]), amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, line_types=[c, c], forbidden=True)) # lm41 = SineLane(lm40.position(50, -amplitude), 0, 4.0, amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2*50), np.pi / 2, # [LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.CONTINUOUS], bounds=[0, 50], forbidden=True) net.add_lane( "ex", "over", StraightLane(np.array([100, 8 + amplitude]), np.array([200, 8 + amplitude]), line_types=[s, c], forbidden=True)) # net.add_lane("over", "x1", # SineLane(np.array([200, 8 + amplitude/2]), np.array([220, 8 + amplitude/2]), amplitude/2, # 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, line_types=[c, c], forbidden=True)) # lm42 = StraightLane(lm41.position(50,0), 0, 4.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE],bounds=[0,150],forbidden=True) # l4 = LanesConcatenation([lm40,lm41,lm42]) # road = Road([l1,l2,l3,l4]) # road = Road([ l3]) # road = Road([lm0,lm2]) road = Road(network=net, np_random=self.np_random) road.vehicles.append(Obstacle(road, [200, 8 + amplitude])) self.road = road
class ParkingEnv(AbstractEnv, GoalEnv): """ A continuous control environment. It implements a reach-type task, where the agent observes their position and velocity and must control their acceleration and steering so as to reach a given goal. Credits to Munir Jojo-Verge for the idea and initial implementation. """ STEERING_RANGE = np.pi / 4 ACCELERATION_RANGE = 5.0 OBS_SCALE = 100 REWARD_WEIGHTS = [1 / 100, 1 / 100, 1 / 100, 1 / 100, 1 / 10, 1 / 10] SUCCESS_GOAL_REWARD = 0.15 DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"centering_position": [0.5, 0.5]} OBSERVATION_FEATURES = ['x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy', 'cos_h', 'sin_h'] OBSERVATION_VEHICLES = 1 NORMALIZE_OBS = False def __init__(self): super(ParkingEnv, self).__init__() self.config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() obs = self.reset() self.observation_space = spaces.Dict( dict( desired_goal=spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=obs["desired_goal"].shape, dtype=np.float32), achieved_goal=spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=obs["achieved_goal"].shape, dtype=np.float32), observation=spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=obs["observation"].shape, dtype=np.float32), )) self.action_space = spaces.Box(-1., 1., shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32) self.REWARD_WEIGHTS = np.array(self.REWARD_WEIGHTS) EnvViewer.SCREEN_HEIGHT = EnvViewer.SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 def step(self, action): # Forward action to the vehicle self.vehicle.act({ "acceleration": action[0] * self.ACCELERATION_RANGE, "steering": action[1] * self.STEERING_RANGE }) self._simulate() obs = self._observation() info = { "is_success": self._is_success(obs['achieved_goal'], obs['desired_goal']) } reward = self.compute_reward(obs['achieved_goal'], obs['desired_goal'], info) terminal = self._is_terminal() return obs, reward, terminal, info def reset(self): self._create_road() self._create_vehicles() return self._observation() def configure(self, config): self.config.update(config) def _create_road(self, spots=15): """ Create a road composed of straight adjacent lanes. """ net = RoadNetwork() width = 4.0 lt = (LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.CONTINUOUS) x_offset = 0 y_offset = 10 length = 8 for k in range(spots): x = (k - spots // 2) * (width + x_offset) - width / 2 net.add_lane( "a", "b", StraightLane([x, y_offset], [x, y_offset + length], width=width, line_types=lt)) net.add_lane( "b", "c", StraightLane([x, -y_offset], [x, -y_offset - length], width=width, line_types=lt)) self.road = Road(network=net, np_random=self.np_random) def _create_vehicles(self): """ Create some new random vehicles of a given type, and add them on the road. """ self.vehicle = Vehicle(self.road, [0, 0], 2 * np.pi * self.np_random.rand(), 0) self.road.vehicles.append(self.vehicle) lane = self.np_random.choice( self.goal = Obstacle(self.road, lane.position(lane.length / 2, 0), heading=lane.heading) self.goal.COLLISIONS_ENABLED = False self.road.vehicles.insert(0, self.goal) def _observation(self): obs = np.ravel( pandas.DataFrame.from_records([self.vehicle.to_dict() ])[self.OBSERVATION_FEATURES]) goal = np.ravel( pandas.DataFrame.from_records([self.goal.to_dict() ])[self.OBSERVATION_FEATURES]) obs = { "observation": obs / self.OBS_SCALE, "achieved_goal": obs / self.OBS_SCALE, "desired_goal": goal / self.OBS_SCALE } return obs def compute_reward(self, achieved_goal, desired_goal, info, p=0.5): """ Proximity to the goal is rewarded We use a weighted p-norm :param achieved_goal: the goal that was achieved :param desired_goal: the goal that was desired :param info: any supplementary information :param p: the Lp^p norm used in the reward. Use p<1 to have high kurtosis for rewards in [0, 1] :return: the corresponding reward """ return -np.power( * np.abs(achieved_goal - desired_goal), self.REWARD_WEIGHTS), p) def _reward(self, action): raise NotImplementedError def _is_success(self, achieved_goal, desired_goal): return self.compute_reward(achieved_goal, desired_goal, None) > -self.SUCCESS_GOAL_REWARD def _is_terminal(self): """ The episode is over if the ego vehicle crashed or the goal is reached. """ obs = self._observation() return self.vehicle.crashed # or self._is_success(obs['achieved_goal'], obs['desired_goal'])
def make_sin(self): # amplitude = 4.5 amplitude = 9.0 lm10 = StraightLane(np.array([0, 0]), 0, 5.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 400]) lm11 = SineLane(lm10.position(400, amplitude), 0, 5.0, -amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, [LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 250]) lm12 = StraightLane(lm11.position(250, 0), 0, 5.0, [LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 50]) l1 = LanesConcatenation([lm10, lm11, lm12]) lm20 = StraightLane(lm10.position(0, 5), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 400]) lm21 = SineLane(lm20.position(400, amplitude), 0, 5.0, -amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 250]) lm22 = StraightLane(lm21.position(250, 0), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 50]) l2 = LanesConcatenation([lm20, lm21, lm22]) lm30 = StraightLane(lm20.position(0, 5), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 400]) lm31 = SineLane(lm30.position(400, amplitude), 0, 5.0, -amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 250]) lm32 = StraightLane(lm31.position(250, 0), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED], bounds=[0, 50]) l3 = LanesConcatenation([lm30, lm31, lm32]) lm40 = StraightLane(lm30.position(0, 5), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE], bounds=[0, 400]) lm41 = SineLane(lm40.position(400, amplitude), 0, 5.0, -amplitude, 2 * np.pi / (2 * 50), np.pi / 2, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS], bounds=[0, 250]) lm42 = StraightLane( lm41.position(250, 0), 0, 5.0, [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.CONTINUOUS_LINE], bounds=[0, 50], ) l4 = LanesConcatenation([lm40, lm41, lm42]) road = Road([l1, l2, l3, l4]) # road = Road([ l3]) # road = Road([lm0,lm2]) # todo !!!!!!!!!!! how to do with Obstacle in lane.vehicles obstacle = Obstacle(road, lm40.position(0, 0)) road.vehicles.append(obstacle) road.lanes[3].vehicles.append(obstacle) self.road = road