def run_utils_biascorr(args): biascorr.main(args)
def main(args): """ Segment hippocampus using a trained CNN :param args: subj_dir, subj, t1, out, bias, force :return: prediction (segmentation file) """ parser = parsefn() subj_dir, subj, t1, out, bias, ign_ort, num_mc, force = parse_inputs( parser, args) pred_name = 'T1acq_hipp_pred' if hasattr(args, 'subj') else 'hipp_pred' if out is None: prediction = os.path.join(subj_dir, "%s_%s.nii.gz" % (subj, pred_name)) else: prediction = out if os.path.exists(prediction) and force is False: print("\n %s already exists" % prediction) else: start_time = hfb = os.path.realpath(__file__) hyper_dir = str(Path(hfb).parents[2]) model_json = os.path.join(hyper_dir, 'models', 'hipp_model.json') model_weights = os.path.join(hyper_dir, 'models', 'hipp_model_weights.h5') assert os.path.exists( model_weights ), "%s model does not exist ... please download and rerun script" % model_weights # pred preprocess dir pred_dir = os.path.join('%s' % os.path.abspath(subj_dir), 'pred_process') if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) training_mod = "t1" if bias is True: t1_bias = os.path.join( subj_dir, "%s_nu.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) biascorr.main(["-i", "%s" % t1, "-o", "%s" % t1_bias]) in_ort = t1_bias else: in_ort = t1 # check orientation r_orient = 'RPI' l_orient = 'LPI' t1_ort = os.path.join( subj_dir, "%s_std_orient.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) if ign_ort is False: check_orient(in_ort, r_orient, l_orient, t1_ort) # threshold at 10 percentile of non-zero voxels thresh_file = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_thresholded.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) in_thresh = t1_ort if os.path.exists(t1_ort) else t1 threshold_img(in_thresh, training_mod, 10, thresh_file) # standardize std_file = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_thresholded_standardized.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) standard_img(thresh_file, std_file) # resample images t1_img = nib.load(std_file) res = resample(t1_img, [160, 160, 128]) res_file = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_thresholded_resampled.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) res.to_filename(res_file) std = nib.load(res_file) test_data = np.zeros((1, 1, 160, 160, 128), dtype=t1_img.get_data_dtype()) test_data[0, 0, :, :, :] = std.get_data() print( colored("\n predicting initial hippocampus segmentation", 'green')) pred = run_test_case(test_data=test_data, model_json=model_json, model_weights=model_weights, affine=res.affine, output_label_map=True, labels=1) # resample back pred_res = resample_to_img(pred, t1_img) pred_th = math_img('img > 0.5', img=pred_res) # largest conn comp init_pred_name = os.path.join(pred_dir, "%s_hipp_init_pred.nii.gz" % subj) get_largest_two_comps(pred_th, init_pred_name) # trim seg to size trim_seg = os.path.join(pred_dir, "%s_hipp_init_pred_trimmed.nii.gz" % subj) trim_img_to_size(init_pred_name, trim_seg) # trim t1 t1_zoom = os.path.join(pred_dir, "%s_hipp_region.nii.gz" % subj) trim_like.main( ['-i %s' % thresh_file, '-r %s' % trim_seg, '-o %s' % t1_zoom]) # -------------- # 2nd model # -------------- pred_shape = [112, 112, 64] t1_zoom_img = nib.load(t1_zoom) test_zoom_data = np.zeros( (1, 1, pred_shape[0], pred_shape[1], pred_shape[2]), dtype=t1_zoom_img.get_data_dtype()) # standardize std_file_trim = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_trimmed_thresholded_standardized.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) standard_img(t1_zoom, std_file_trim) # resample images t1_img = nib.load(std_file_trim) res_zoom = resample(t1_img, pred_shape) res_file = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_trimmed_resampled.nii.gz" % os.path.basename(t1).split('.')[0]) res_zoom.to_filename(res_file) test_zoom_data[0, 0, :, :, :] = res_zoom.get_data() model_zoom_json = os.path.join(hyper_dir, 'models', 'hipp_zoom_mcdp_model.json') model_zoom_weights = os.path.join(hyper_dir, 'models', 'hipp_zoom_mcdp_model_weights.h5') assert os.path.exists( model_zoom_weights ), "%s model does not exits ... please download and rerun script" % model_zoom_weights print( colored( "\n predicting hippocampus segmentation using MC Dropout with %s samples" % num_mc, 'green')) pred_zoom_s = np.zeros( (num_mc, pred_shape[0], pred_shape[1], pred_shape[2]), dtype=res_zoom.get_data_dtype()) for sample_id in range(num_mc): pred = run_test_case(test_data=test_zoom_data, model_json=model_zoom_json, model_weights=model_zoom_weights, affine=res_zoom.affine, output_label_map=True, labels=1) pred_zoom_s[sample_id, :, :, :] = pred.get_data(), os.path.join(pred_dir, "hipp_pred_%s.nii.gz" % sample_id)) # computing mean pred_zoom_mean = pred_zoom_s.mean(axis=0) # pred_zoom_mean = np.median(pred_zoom_s, axis=0) pred_zoom = nib.Nifti1Image(pred_zoom_mean, res_zoom.affine) # resample back pred_zoom_res = resample_to_img(pred_zoom, t1_zoom_img) pred_zoom_name = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_trimmed_hipp_pred_mean_prob.nii.gz" % subj), pred_zoom_name) # reslice like t1_ref = t1_ort if os.path.exists(t1_ort) else t1 pred_zoom_res_t1 = os.path.join( pred_dir, "%s_%s_hipp_pred_mean.nii.gz" % (subj, pred_name)) reslice_like(pred_zoom_name, t1_ref, pred_zoom_res_t1) # thr pred_zoom_res_t1_img = nib.load(pred_zoom_res_t1) pred_zoom_th = math_img('img > 0.5', img=pred_zoom_res_t1_img) # largest 2 conn comp # comb_comps_zoom_bin_cmp = os.path.join(pred_dir, "%s_hipp_pred_mean_bin.nii.gz" % subj) bin_prediction = os.path.join(subj_dir, "%s_%s_bin.nii.gz" % (subj, pred_name)) get_largest_two_comps(pred_zoom_th, bin_prediction) # split seg sides split_seg_sides(bin_prediction, prediction) print(colored("\n generating mosaic image for qc", 'green')) seg_qc.main([ '-i', '%s' % t1_ref, '-s', '%s' % prediction, '-d', '1', '-g', '3' ]) endstatement.main( 'Hippocampus prediction (Using MC Dropout) and mosaic generation', '%s' % ( - start_time))