예제 #1
""" -*- python -*-

This script demonstrates  the creation of a displays with multiple data reps

Author: [email protected]

$Id: datareps.py,v 1.10 2005/07/30 16:31:57 pfkeb Exp $


from load_hippo import app, canvas

from hippo import NTupleController
# Create NTuple with its's controller.
ntc = NTupleController.instance()

# create full path to the file in case this script is not run from this
# directory
import sys
full_path = sys.path[0] + '/' + 'aptuple.tnt'
nt = ntc.createNTuple ( full_path )

from hippo import Display

# Create a histogram
hist = Display ("Histogram", nt, ('Age', ) )
canvas.addDisplay( hist )

# Overlay another histogram.
예제 #2
""" -*- python -*-

This script demonstrates  the creation of a displays with multiple data reps

Author: [email protected]

$Id: datareps.py,v 1.10 2005/07/30 16:31:57 pfkeb Exp $


from load_hippo import app, canvas

from hippo import NTupleController
# Create NTuple with its's controller.
ntc = NTupleController.instance()

# create full path to the file in case this script is not run from this
# directory
import sys
full_path = sys.path[0] + '/' + 'aptuple.tnt'
nt = ntc.createNTuple(full_path)

from hippo import Display

# Create a histogram
hist = Display("Histogram", nt, ('Age', ))

# Overlay another histogram.
예제 #3
# Create second static histogram and add it to canvas
sthists = Display ( "Static Histogram" )
sthists.setTitle ( "Gaussian Distribution (low statistics)" )
sthists.setLabel ( 'x', 'X' )
sthists.setRange ( 'x', 0, 100)
sthists.setBinWidth ( 'x', 1. )
canvas.addDisplay ( sthists )

# Create empty NTuple and set the column label.
# Setting the column labels sets the number of columns
ntuple = NTuple ( )
ntuple.setTitle ( 'Gaussian Distribution' )
ntuple.setLabels ( ('X value', ) )

# Register the NTuple so the Inspector can see it.
NTupleController.instance().registerNTuple ( ntuple )

# Create dynamic histogram and attach it to NTuple.
# It will automatically adjust its range, title, and labels
dyhist = Display ( "Histogram", ntuple, ('X value',  ) )
canvas.addDisplay ( dyhist )

mean = 45
sigma = 10
gauss = random.gauss

# Generate some data,  fill the static histograms and NTuple.
for i in range(10000):
    x = gauss( mean, sigma )
    sthist.addValues ( (x, ) )
    ntuple.addRow ( (x, ) )