def array2data2D(self, data, weights=None, normed=False, binning=1, reBin=None): """ Convert array of data to internal format - Designed for arrays of raw, un-binned data. - If you pass values here from an existing histogram ('weights' is not None and the 'data' param is just bin centers), it is possible to re-bin this histogram using the 'reBin' keyword """ try: x = data['x'] y = data['y'] except TypeError: x = data[0] y = data[1] data, bins_x, bins_y = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=binning, normed=normed, weights=weights) results = Hist() results.content = data.flatten() # data is a ndarray (nxbins,nybins) results.bins = {'x': bins_x, 'y': bins_y} xcenter, ycenter = tools.dummy_bins2D(tools.midpoints(bins_x), tools.midpoints(bins_y)) xwidth, ywidth = tools.dummy_bins2D(tools.widths(bins_x), tools.widths(bins_y)) = {'x': xcenter, 'y': ycenter} results.width = {'x': xwidth, 'y': ywidth} results.error = np.sqrt(data) if weights is not None: # scipy.stats to get sumw2 (x,y,weights should have the same shape) results.error = results.sumw2_2D(xdata=x, ydata=y, values=weights) if reBin is not None: # re-binning after making data from array, likely that the user # passed in binned data and wants to re-bin. results.Rebin2D(reBin) if normed: results.normalize() # normalize after re-binning results.xbins = results.bins['x'] results.ybins = results.bins['y'] results.xcenter =['x'] results.ycenter =['y'] results.xwidth = results.width['x'] results.ywidth = results.width['y'] return results ## THE END ##
def array2data(self, data, weights=None, normed=False, binning=1, reBin=None): """ Convert array of data to internal format - Designed for arrays of raw, un-binned data. - If you pass values here from an existing histogram ('weights' is not None and the 'data' param is just bin centers), it is possible to re-bin this histogram using the 'reBin' keyword """ data, bins = np.histogram(data, bins=binning, weights=weights, normed=normed) results = Hist() results.content = data results.bins = bins = tools.midpoints(bins) results.width = tools.widths(bins) results.error = np.sqrt(data) if weights is not None: # numpy digitize to get sumw2 results.error = results.sumw2_1D(xdata=data, values=weights) if reBin is not None: results.Rebin(reBin) if normed: results.normalize() # normalize after re-binning return results
def TEfficiency2data(self, histo): """Convert TEfficiency to internal format. No support for re-binning TEfficiencies.""" h_histo = histo.GetPassedHistogram() bin_contents = [] bin_errors_up = [] bin_errors_dn = [] bin_centers = [] bin_widths = [] bin_edges = [h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)] for i in xrange(1, h_histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): bin_contents.append(histo.GetEfficiency(i)) bin_errors_up.append(histo.GetEfficiencyErrorUp(i)) bin_errors_dn.append(histo.GetEfficiencyErrorLow(i)) bin_centers.append(h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i)) bin_edges.append(h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i)) bin_widths.append(h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1) / 2.) results = Hist() results.content = np.array(bin_contents) results.error = [bin_errors_dn, bin_errors_up] results.bins = np.array(bin_edges) = bin_centers results.width = bin_widths return results
def TEfficiency2data2D(self, histo): """Convert 2D TEfficiency to internal format. No support for re-binning TEfficiencies.""" h_histo = histo.GetPassedHistogram() bin_centers = {'x': [], 'y': []} bin_contents = [] bin_error_ups = [] # eff uncertainty up bin_error_dns = [] # eff uncertainty down bin_widths = {'x': [], 'y': []} binns = {'x':[h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)],\ 'y':[h_histo.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)]} bin_edges['x'] += [ h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i) for i in xrange(1, h_histo.GetNbinsX() + 1) ] bin_edges['y'] += [ h_histo.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(j) for j in xrange(1, h_histo.GetNbinsY() + 1) ] for i in xrange(1, h_histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): for j in xrange(1, h_histo.GetNbinsY() + 1): bin_center['x'].append(h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i)) bin_center['y'].append(h_histo.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(j)) this_bin = histo.GetGlobalBin(i, j) bin_contents.append(histo.GetEfficiency(this_bin)) bin_error_ups.append(histo.GetEfficiencyErrorUp(this_bin)) bin_error_dns.append(histo.GetEfficiencyErrorLow(this_bin)) bin_widths['x'].append(h_histo.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1) / 2.) bin_widths['y'].append(h_histo.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(1) / 2.) results = Hist() results.content = np.array(bin_contents) results.error = [np.array(bin_error_dns), np.array(bin_error_ups)] results.bins = { 'x': np.array(bin_edges['x']), 'y': np.array(bin_edges['y']) } = bin_centers results.width = bin_widths return results ## THE END ##
def hist2data(self, histo, reBin=None, normed=False): """Convert ROOT histogram for internal use.""" bin_contents, bin_edges = histo.numpy() results = Hist() results.content = bin_contents results.bins = bin_edges = tools.midpoints(bin_edges) results.width = tools.widths(bin_edges) if len(histo.variances) > 0: results.error = histo.variances else: results.error = np.sqrt(bin_contents) if reBin is not None: results.Rebin(reBin) if normed: results.normalize() return results
def hist2data(self, histogram, normed=False, reBin=None): """Convert ROOT histogram for internal use.""" results = Hist() histo = histogram.Clone() if not histo.GetSumw2N(): histo.Sumw2() if reBin is not None: # Use ROOT functionality to re-bin histogram try: histo.Rebin(reBin) except TypeError: newname = histo.GetName() + "_" histo.Rebin(len(reBin) - 1, newname, reBin) histo = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject(newname) if normed: integral = histo.Integral() histo.Scale(1. / integral) bin_centers = [] bin_contents = [] bin_errors = [] bin_widths = [] bin_edges = [histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)] for i in xrange(1, histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): bin_edges.append(histo.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i)) bin_centers.append(histo.GetBinCenter(i)) bin_contents.append(histo.GetBinContent(i)) bin_errors.append(histo.GetBinError(i)) bin_widths.append(histo.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i) * 0.5) results.content = np.array(bin_contents) results.error = np.array(bin_errors) results.bins = np.array(bin_edges) = bin_centers results.width = bin_widths return results
def hist2data2D(self, histo, reBin=None, normed=False): """Convert ROOT histogram for internal use.""" bin_contents, (xbin_edges, ybin_edges) = histo.numpy() bin_contents = bin_contents.T if len(histo.allvariances) > 0: bin_errors = histo.allvariances[ 1:-1, 1: -1] # variances() doesn't produce correct values in 2D right now else: bin_errors = np.sqrt(bin_contents) xbin_centers, ybin_centers = tools.dummy_bins2D( tools.midpoints(xbin_edges), tools.midpoints(ybin_edges)) xbin_widths, ybin_widths = tools.dummy_bins2D(tools.widths(xbin_edges), tools.widths(ybin_edges)) results = Hist() results.content = bin_contents.flatten() results.error = bin_errors.flatten() results.bins = {'x': xbin_edges, 'y': ybin_edges} = {'x': xbin_centers, 'y': ybin_centers} results.width = {'x': xbin_widths, 'y': ybin_widths} if reBin is not None: results.Rebin2D(reBin) if normed: results.normalize() # Set extra attributes (placeholders for the moment) results.xbins = results.bins['x'] results.ybins = results.bins['y'] results.xcenter =['x'] results.ycenter =['y'] results.xwidth = results.width['x'] results.ywidth = results.width['y'] return results ## THE END ##
def hist2data2D(self, histogram, normed=False, reBin=None): """Convert ROOT histogram for internal use.""" results = Hist() histo = histogram.Clone() if not histo.GetSumw2N(): histo.Sumw2() if reBin is not None: # Use ROOT functionality to re-bin histogram if isinstance(reBin, (int, long)): histo.Rebin2D(reBin, reBin) else: newname = histo.GetName() + "_" old_histo = histo.Clone() # special rebinning, redefine histo try: new_x = reBin['x'] new_y = reBin['y'] except TypeError: new_x = reBin[0] new_y = reBin[1] histo = ROOT.TH2F(old_histo.GetName() + newname, old_histo.GetTitle() + newname, len(new_x) - 1, new_x, len(new_y) - 1, new_y) xaxis = old_histo.GetXaxis() yaxis = old_histo.GetYaxis() for i in xrange(1, xaxis.GetNbins()): for j in xrange(1, yaxis.GetNbins()): histo.Fill(xaxis.GetBinCenter(i), yaxis.GetBinCenter(j), old_histo.GetBinContent(i, j)) if normed: integral = histo.Integral() histo.Scale(1. / integral) bin_centers = {'x': [], 'y': []} bin_contents = [] bin_errors = [] bin_widths = {'x': [], 'y': []} bin_edges = {'x':[histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)],\ 'y':[histo.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)]} bin_edges['x'] += [ histo.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i) for i in xrange(1, histo.GetNbinsX() + 1) ] bin_edges['y'] += [ histo.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(j) for j in xrange(1, histo.GetNbinsY() + 1) ] for i in xrange(1, histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): for j in xrange(1, histo.GetNbinsY() + 1): bin_contents.append(histo.GetBinContent(i, j)) bin_errors.append(histo.GetBinError(i, j)) bin_centers['x'].append(histo.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i)) bin_centers['y'].append(histo.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(j)) bin_widths['x'].append(histo.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i) * 0.5) bin_widths['y'].append(histo.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(i) * 0.5) results.content = np.array(bin_contents) results.error = np.array(bin_errors) results.xbins = np.array(bin_edges['x']) results.ybins = np.array(bin_edges['y']) results.xcenter = bin_centers['x'] results.ycenter = bin_centers['y'] results.xwidth = bin_widths['x'] results.ywidth = bin_widths['y'] results.bins = {'x': results.xbins, 'y': results.ybins} = bin_centers results.width = bin_widths return results