예제 #1
def create(noerror=False):
    from histogram import createContinuousAxis, createDiscreteAxis, arange
    #create axis E
    axisE = createContinuousAxis('E', 'meter', arange(0.5, 3.5, 1.0))

    #create axis "tubeId"
    axisTubeId = createDiscreteAxis("tubeId", [1, 3, 99], 'int')

    #create histogram
    from histogram import createDataset
    from ndarray.StdVectorNdArray import NdArray
    dataStorage = NdArray('double', range(9))
    dataStorage.setShape((3, 3))
    errorsStorage = NdArray('double', range(9))
    errorsStorage.setShape((3, 3))

    data = createDataset('data', '', storage=dataStorage)
    if noerror: errors = None
    else: errors = createDataset('errors', '', storage=errorsStorage)
    from histogram.Histogram import Histogram
    histogram = Histogram(name='I(E, TubeId)',
                          axes=[axisE, axisTubeId])
    return histogram
예제 #2
def create(noerror = False):
    from histogram import createContinuousAxis, createDiscreteAxis, arange
    #create axis E
    axisE = createContinuousAxis( 'E', 'meter', arange( 0.5, 3.5, 1.0 ) )
    #create axis "tubeId"
    axisTubeId = createDiscreteAxis( "tubeId", [1, 3, 99], 'int')
    #create histogram
    from histogram import createDataset
    from ndarray.StdVectorNdArray import NdArray
    dataStorage = NdArray( 'double', range(9) ); dataStorage.setShape( (3,3) )
    errorsStorage = NdArray( 'double', range(9) ); errorsStorage.setShape( (3,3) )
    data = createDataset('data', '', storage = dataStorage )
    if noerror: errors = None
    else: errors  = createDataset('errors', '', storage = errorsStorage )
    from histogram.Histogram import Histogram
    histogram = Histogram( name = 'I(E, TubeId)', data = data, errors = errors,
                           axes = [axisE, axisTubeId])
    return histogram
# {LicenseText}
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

import unittest
from unittest import TestCase

from ndarray.NumpyNdArray import NdArray
from histogram import createDataset
from histogram.DatasetContainer import DatasetContainer

ds = createDataset( "ds", shape = (3,4) )
ds2 = createDataset( "ds2", shape = (3,4) )

class DatasetContainer_TestCase(TestCase):

    def testCtor(self):
        """ DatasetContainer: ctor """
        dc = DatasetContainer()

    def testAddDataset(self):
        """ DatasetContainer: addDataset"""
        dc = DatasetContainer()
    def testSetSlice(self):
        "Histogram: h[ slices ] = rhs"
        histogram = self._histogram.copy()
        #set element
        histogram[1.5,1] = (2,4)
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1.5,1], (2,4) )

        #set slice
        from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo, all, front, back
        from histogram import createDataset
        from numpy import array
        data = createDataset( "data", shape = [2,2] )
        data[:,:] = array( [ [1,2],
                             [3,4], ] )
        errs = createDataset( "errs", shape = [2,2] )
        errs[:,:] = array( [ [1,2],
                             [3,4], ] )

        histogram[SlicingInfo((0.5, 1.5)), SlicingInfo((1,3))] = data,errs
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,1], (1,1) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,3], (2,2) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,1], (3,3) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,3], (4,4) )

        histogram[(0.5, 1.5),(1,3)] = data,errs
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,1], (1,1) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,3], (2,2) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,1], (3,3) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,3], (4,4) )

        from histogram import makeHistogram
        name = "h"
        axes = [
            ('x', [1,2]),
            ('y', [1,2]),
        data = array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] )
        errs = array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] )
        h2 = makeHistogram( name, axes, data, errs )
        histogram[SlicingInfo((0.5, 1.5)), SlicingInfo((1,3))] = h2

        #setslice: rhs is a histogram
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = h2

        # setslice: rhs is a list of arrays
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = data, errs
        # setslice: rhs is a list of arrays including None
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = data, None

        # setslice: rhs is a lit of arrays. histogram is 1D
        data = array([1,2]); errs = data;
        histogram[ 0.5, () ] [ (1,3) ] = data, errs

        # setslice: rhs is a tuple of two numbers
        histogram[ 0.5, () ] [ (1,3 )]  = 0., 0.
        #setitem using dictionary
        histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ] = 3, 3
            histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ], (3, 3) )

        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ][ {'tubeId':3} ] = 3, 3
            histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ], (3, 3) )

        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ] /= 3,3
        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ] /= 3,3
예제 #5
    def testSetSlice(self):
        "Histogram: h[ slices ] = rhs"
        histogram = self._histogram.copy()
        #set element
        histogram[1.5,1] = (2,4)
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1.5,1], (2,4) )

        #set slice
        from histogram.SlicingInfo import SlicingInfo, all, front, back
        from histogram import createDataset
        from numpy import array
        data = createDataset( "data", shape = [2,2] )
        data[:,:] = array( [ [1,2],
                             [3,4], ] )
        errs = createDataset( "errs", shape = [2,2] )
        errs[:,:] = array( [ [1,2],
                             [3,4], ] )

        histogram[SlicingInfo((0.5, 1.5)), SlicingInfo((1,3))] = data,errs
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,1], (1,1) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,3], (2,2) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,1], (3,3) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,3], (4,4) )

        histogram[(0.5, 1.5),(1,3)] = data,errs
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,1], (1,1) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[0.5,3], (2,2) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,1], (3,3) )
        self.assertVectorEqual( histogram[1,3], (4,4) )

        from histogram import makeHistogram
        name = "h"
        axes = [
            ('x', [1,2]),
            ('y', [1,2]),
        data = array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] )
        errs = array( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] )
        h2 = makeHistogram( name, axes, data, errs )
        histogram[SlicingInfo((0.5, 1.5)), SlicingInfo((1,3))] = h2

        #setslice: rhs is a histogram
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = h2

        # setslice: rhs is a list of arrays
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = data, errs
        # setslice: rhs is a list of arrays including None
        histogram[(0.5, 1.5), (1,3)] = data, None

        # setslice: rhs is a lit of arrays. histogram is 1D
        data = array([1,2]); errs = data;
        histogram[ 0.5, () ] [ (1,3) ] = data, errs

        # setslice: rhs is a tuple of two numbers
        histogram[ 0.5, () ] [ (1,3 )]  = 0., 0.
        #setitem using dictionary
        histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ] = 3, 3
            histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ], (3, 3) )

        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ][ {'tubeId':3} ] = 3, 3
            histogram[ {'E':1.5, 'tubeId':3} ], (3, 3) )

        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ] /= 3.,3.
        histogram[ {'E':1.5} ] /= 3.,3.