예제 #1
async def get_note_type(message):
    data_type = None
    content = None
    text = ""
    split = message.text[len("/save "):]
    splitter = re.match(NOTE_REGEX, split)
    note_name = splitter.group(1).strip('"')

    reply = await message.get_reply_message()

    buttons = []
    # determine what the contents of the filter are - text, image, sticker, etc
    if not reply:
        note = re.sub(NOTE_REGEX, "", split)
        text, buttons = message_parser(note)
        if buttons:
            data_type = Types.BUTTON_TEXT
            if len(text) != 0:
                data_type = Types.TEXT

    elif reply and reply.text:
        text, buttons = message_parser(reply.text)
        if buttons:
            data_type = Types.BUTTON_TEXT
            data_type = Types.TEXT

    elif reply and reply.media:
        content = utils.pack_bot_file_id(reply.media)
        text = reply.text
        data_type = Types.FILE

    string = re.sub(' +', ' ', text).strip()
    return note_name, string, data_type, content, buttons
예제 #2
async def get_message_type(message, split: None):
    data_type = None
    content = None
    text = ""
    reply = await message.get_reply_message()

    buttons = []
    # determine what the contents of the filter are - text, image, sticker, etc
    if split:
        text, buttons = message_parser(split)
        data_type = Types.BUTTON_TEXT if buttons else Types.TEXT
    elif reply and reply.media:
        content = utils.pack_bot_file_id(reply.media)
        text = reply.text
        data_type = Types.FILE

    string = re.sub(' +', ' ', text).strip()
    return string, data_type, content, buttons