async def importfbans_cmd(message, fed, strings): fed_id = fed['fed_id'] key = 'importfbans_lock:' + str(fed_id) if redis.get(key) and not in OPERATORS: ttl = format_timedelta(timedelta(seconds=redis.ttl( key)), strings['language_info']['babel']) await message.reply(strings['importfbans_locked'] % ttl) return redis.set(key, 1) redis.expire(key, 600) if 'document' in message: document = message.document else: if 'reply_to_message' not in message: await ImportFbansFileWait.waiting.set() await message.reply(strings['send_import_file']) return elif 'document' not in message.reply_to_message: await message.reply(strings['rpl_to_file']) return document = message.reply_to_message.document await importfbans_func(message, fed, document=document)
async def export_chat_data(message, chat, strings): chat_id = chat['chat_id'] key = 'export_lock:' + str(chat_id) if redis.get(key) and not in CONFIG.operators: ttl = format_timedelta(timedelta(seconds=redis.ttl(key)), strings['language_info']['babel']) await message.reply(strings['exports_locked'] % ttl) return redis.set(key, 1) redis.expire(key, 7200) msg = await message.reply(strings['started_exporting']) data = { 'general': { 'chat_name': chat['chat_title'], 'chat_id': chat_id, 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'version': VERSION } } for module in [m for m in LOADED_MODULES if hasattr(m, '__export__')]: await asyncio.sleep(0) # Switch to other events before continue if k := await module.__export__(chat_id): data.update(k)
async def import_fun(message, document, chat, strings): chat_id = chat['chat_id'] key = 'import_lock:' + str(chat_id) if redis.get(key) and not in CONFIG.operators: ttl = format_timedelta(timedelta(seconds=redis.ttl(key)), strings['language_info']['babel']) await message.reply(strings['imports_locked'] % ttl) return redis.set(key, 1) redis.expire(key, 7200) msg = await message.reply(strings['started_importing']) if document['file_size'] > 52428800: await message.reply(strings['big_file']) return data = await bot.download_file_by_id(document.file_id, io.BytesIO()) try: data = rapidjson.load(data) except ValueError: return await message.reply(strings['invalid_file']) if 'general' not in data: await message.reply(strings['bad_file']) return file_version = data['general']['version'] if file_version > VERSION: await message.reply(strings['file_version_so_new']) return imported = [] for module in [m for m in LOADED_MODULES if hasattr(m, '__import__')]: module_name = module.__name__.replace('hitsuki.modules.', '') if module_name not in data: continue if not data[module_name]: continue imported.append(module_name) await asyncio.sleep(0) # Switch to other events before continue await module.__import__(chat_id, data[module_name]) await msg.edit_text(strings['import_done'])
async def fban_export(message, fed, strings): fed_id = fed['fed_id'] key = 'fbanlist_lock:' + str(fed_id) if redis.get(key) and not in OPERATORS: ttl = format_timedelta(timedelta(seconds=redis.ttl( key)), strings['language_info']['babel']) await message.reply(strings['fbanlist_locked'] % ttl) return redis.set(key, 1) redis.expire(key, 600) msg = await message.reply(strings['creating_fbanlist']) fields = ['user_id', 'reason', 'by', 'time', 'banned_chats'] with io.StringIO() as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fields) writer.writeheader() async for banned_data in db.fed_bans.find({'fed_id': fed_id}): await asyncio.sleep(0) data = {'user_id': banned_data['user_id']} if 'reason' in banned_data: data['reason'] = banned_data['reason'] if 'time' in banned_data: data['time'] = int(time.mktime( banned_data['time'].timetuple())) if 'by' in banned_data: data['by'] = banned_data['by'] if 'banned_chats' in banned_data: data['banned_chats'] = banned_data['banned_chats'] writer.writerow(data) text = strings['fbanlist_done'] % html.escape(fed['fed_name'], False) await message.answer_document( InputFile(f, filename='fban_export.csv'), text ) await msg.delete()