예제 #1
def test_get_expired():
    d = LocalStorage()
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key"), b"val", get_dht_time() + 0.1)
    assert d.get(
        DHTID.generate("key")) == (None, None), "Expired value must be deleted"
    print("Test get expired passed")
예제 #2
def test_change_expiration_time():
    d = LocalStorage()
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key"), b"val1", get_dht_time() + 1)
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate("key"))[0] == b"val1", "Wrong value"
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key"), b"val2", get_dht_time() + 200)
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate("key"))[0] == b"val2", "Value must be changed, but still kept in table"
    print("Test change expiration time passed")
예제 #3
def test_maxsize_cache():
    d = LocalStorage(maxsize=1)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1", get_dht_time() + 1)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key2"), b"val2", get_dht_time() + 200)
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate(
        "key2"))[0] == b"val2", "Value with bigger exp. time must be kept"
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate(
        "key1"))[0] is None, "Value with less exp time, must be deleted"
예제 #4
def test_localstorage_freeze():
    d = LocalStorage(maxsize=2)

    with d.freeze():
        d.store(DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1", get_dht_time() + 0.01)
        assert DHTID.generate("key1") in d
        assert DHTID.generate("key1") in d
    assert DHTID.generate("key1") not in d

    with d.freeze():
        d.store(DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1", get_dht_time() + 1)
        d.store(DHTID.generate("key2"), b"val2", get_dht_time() + 2)
        d.store(DHTID.generate("key3"), b"val3", get_dht_time() + 3)  # key3 will push key1 out due to maxsize
        assert DHTID.generate("key1") in d
    assert DHTID.generate("key1") not in d
예제 #5
def test_store():
    d = LocalStorage()
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key"), b"val", get_dht_time() + 0.5)
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate("key"))[0] == b"val", "Wrong value"
    print("Test store passed")
예제 #6
def test_localstorage_top():
    d = LocalStorage(maxsize=3)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1", get_dht_time() + 1)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key2"), b"val2", get_dht_time() + 2)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key3"), b"val3", get_dht_time() + 4)
    assert d.top()[:2] == (DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1")

    d.store(DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1_new", get_dht_time() + 3)
    assert d.top()[:2] == (DHTID.generate("key2"), b"val2")

    del d[DHTID.generate('key2')]
    assert d.top()[:2] == (DHTID.generate("key1"), b"val1_new")
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key2"), b"val2_new", get_dht_time() + 5)
    d.store(DHTID.generate("key4"), b"val4", get_dht_time() + 6)  # key4 will push out key1 due to maxsize

    assert d.top()[:2] == (DHTID.generate("key3"), b"val3")
예제 #7
def test_get_empty():
    d = LocalStorage()
    assert d.get(DHTID.generate(source="key")) == (None, None), "LocalStorage returned non-existent value"
    print("Test get expired passed")
예제 #8
    async def create(cls,
                     node_id: Optional[DHTID] = None,
                     initial_peers: List[Endpoint] = (),
                     bucket_size: int = 20,
                     num_replicas: int = 5,
                     depth_modulo: int = 5,
                     parallel_rpc: int = None,
                     wait_timeout: float = 5,
                     refresh_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     bootstrap_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     cache_locally: bool = True,
                     cache_nearest: int = 1,
                     cache_refresh_before_expiry: float = 5,
                     reuse_get_requests: bool = True,
                     num_workers: int = 1,
                     listen: bool = True,
                     listen_on: Endpoint = "*",
                     **kwargs) -> DHTNode:
        :param node_id: current node's identifier, determines which keys it will store locally, defaults to random id
        :param initial_peers: connects to these peers to populate routing table, defaults to no peers
        :param bucket_size: max number of nodes in one k-bucket (k). Trying to add {k+1}st node will cause a bucket to
          either split in two buckets along the midpoint or reject the new node (but still save it as a replacement)
          Recommended value: k is chosen s.t. any given k nodes are very unlikely to all fail after staleness_timeout
        :param num_replicas: number of nearest nodes that will be asked to store a given key, default = bucket_size (≈k)
        :param depth_modulo: split full k-bucket if it contains root OR up to the nearest multiple of this value (≈b)
        :param parallel_rpc: maximum number of concurrent outgoing RPC requests emitted by DHTProtocol
          Reduce this value if your RPC requests register no response despite the peer sending the response.
        :param wait_timeout: a kademlia rpc request is deemed lost if we did not receive a reply in this many seconds
        :param refresh_timeout: refresh buckets if no node from that bucket was updated in this many seconds
          if staleness_timeout is None, DHTNode will not refresh stale buckets (which is usually okay)
        :param bootstrap_timeout: after one of peers responds, await other peers for at most this many seconds
        :param cache_locally: if True, caches all values (stored or found) in a node-local cache
        :param cache_nearest: whenever DHTNode finds a value, it will also store (cache) this value on this many
          nodes nearest nodes visited by search algorithm. Prefers nodes that are nearest to :key: but have no value yet
        :param cache_size: if specified, local cache will store up to this many records (as in LRU cache)
        :param cache_refresh_before_expiry: if nonzero, refreshes locally cached values
          if they are accessed this many seconds before expiration time.
        :param reuse_get_requests: if True, DHTNode allows only one traverse_dht procedure for every key
          all concurrent get requests for the same key will reuse the procedure that is currently in progress
        :param num_workers: concurrent workers in traverse_dht (see traverse_dht num_workers param)
        :param listen: if True (default), this node will accept incoming request and otherwise be a DHT "citzen"
          if False, this node will refuse any incoming request, effectively being only a "client"
        :param listen_on: network interface, e.g. "" or "localhost:*" (* means pick any port) or "[::]:7654"
        :param channel_options: options for grpc.aio.insecure_channel, e.g. [('grpc.enable_retries', 0)]
          see https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/group__grpc__arg__keys.html for a list of all options
        :param kwargs: extra parameters used in grpc.aio.server
        if cache_refresh_before_expiry > 0 and not cache_locally:
                "If cache_locally is False, cache_refresh_before_expiry has no effect. To silence this"
                " warning, please specify cache_refresh_before_expiry=0")

        self = cls(_initialized_with_create=True)
        self.node_id = node_id = node_id if node_id is not None else DHTID.generate(
        self.num_replicas, self.num_workers = num_replicas, num_workers
        self.is_alive = True  # if set to False, cancels all background jobs such as routing table refresh

        self.reuse_get_requests = reuse_get_requests
        self.pending_get_requests = defaultdict(
                    key=lambda _res: -_res.sufficient_expiration_time))

        # caching policy
        self.refresh_timeout = refresh_timeout
        self.cache_locally, self.cache_nearest = cache_locally, cache_nearest
        self.cache_refresh_before_expiry = cache_refresh_before_expiry
        self.cache_refresh_queue = LocalStorage()
        self.cache_refresh_available = asyncio.Event()
        if cache_refresh_before_expiry:

        self.protocol = await DHTProtocol.create(self.node_id, bucket_size,
                                                 depth_modulo, num_replicas,
                                                 wait_timeout, parallel_rpc,
                                                 cache_size, listen, listen_on,
        self.port = self.protocol.port

        if initial_peers:
            # stage 1: ping initial_peers, add each other to the routing table
            bootstrap_timeout = bootstrap_timeout if bootstrap_timeout is not None else wait_timeout
            start_time = get_dht_time()
            ping_tasks = map(self.protocol.call_ping, initial_peers)
            finished_pings, unfinished_pings = await asyncio.wait(
                ping_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

            # stage 2: gather remaining peers (those who respond within bootstrap_timeout)
            if unfinished_pings:
                finished_in_time, stragglers = await asyncio.wait(
                    timeout=bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)
                for straggler in stragglers:
                finished_pings |= finished_in_time

            if not finished_pings:
                    "DHTNode bootstrap failed: none of the initial_peers responded to a ping."

            # stage 3: traverse dht to find my own nearest neighbors and populate the routing table
            # ... maybe receive some values that we are meant to store (see protocol.update_routing_table)
            # note: using asyncio.wait instead of wait_for because wait_for cancels task on timeout
            await asyncio.wait([
                asyncio.sleep(bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)

        if self.refresh_timeout is not None:
        return self
예제 #9
class DHTNode:
    A low-level class that represents a DHT participant. Please see DHTNode.create for parameters
    Each DHTNode has an identifier, a local storage and access too other nodes via DHTProtocol.

    :note: Hivemind DHT is optimized to store a lot of temporary metadata that is regularly updated.
     For example, an expert alive timestamp that emitted by the Server responsible for that expert.
     Such metadata does not require regular maintenance by peers, persistence on shutdown.
     Instead, DHTNode is designed to rapidly send bulk data and resolve conflicts.

    Every (key, value) pair in this DHT has an expiration time - float computed as get_dht_time(), UnixTime by default
    DHT nodes always prefer values with higher expiration time and may delete any value past its expiration.

    Compared to Kademlia RPC protocol, hivemind DHT has 3 RPCs:

    * ping - request peer's identifier and update routing table (same as Kademlia PING RPC)
    * store - send several (key, value, expiration_time) pairs to the same peer (like Kademlia STORE, but in bulk)
    * find - request one or several keys, get values & expiration (if peer finds it locally) and :bucket_size: of
        nearest peers from recipient's routing table (ordered nearest-to-farthest, not including recipient itself)
        This RPC is a mixture between Kademlia FIND_NODE and FIND_VALUE with multiple keys per call.

    Formally, DHTNode follows the following contract:

    - when asked to get(key), a node must find and return a value with highest expiration time that it found across DHT
      IF that time has not come yet. if expiration time is smaller than current get_dht_time(), node may return None;
    - when requested to store(key: value, expiration_time), a node must store (key => value) at until expiration time
      or until DHTNode gets the same key with greater expiration time. If a node is asked to store a key but it already
      has the same key with newer expiration, the older key will not be stored. Return True if stored, False if refused;
    - when requested to store(key: value, expiration_time, in_cache=True), stores (key => value) in a separate "cache".
      Cache operates same as regular storage, but it has a limited size and evicts least recently used nodes when full;

    # fmt:off
    node_id: DHTID
    is_alive: bool
    port: int
    num_replicas: int
    num_workers: int
    protocol: DHTProtocol
    refresh_timeout: float
    cache_locally: bool
    cache_nearest: int
    cache_refresh_before_expiry: float
    cache_refresh_available: asyncio.Event
    cache_refresh_queue: LocalStorage
    reuse_get_requests: bool
    pending_get_requests: DefaultDict[DHTID, SortedList[_IntermediateResult]]
    serializer = MSGPackSerializer  # used to pack/unpack DHT Values for transfer over network
    # fmt:on

    async def create(cls,
                     node_id: Optional[DHTID] = None,
                     initial_peers: List[Endpoint] = (),
                     bucket_size: int = 20,
                     num_replicas: int = 5,
                     depth_modulo: int = 5,
                     parallel_rpc: int = None,
                     wait_timeout: float = 5,
                     refresh_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     bootstrap_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                     cache_locally: bool = True,
                     cache_nearest: int = 1,
                     cache_refresh_before_expiry: float = 5,
                     reuse_get_requests: bool = True,
                     num_workers: int = 1,
                     listen: bool = True,
                     listen_on: Endpoint = "*",
                     **kwargs) -> DHTNode:
        :param node_id: current node's identifier, determines which keys it will store locally, defaults to random id
        :param initial_peers: connects to these peers to populate routing table, defaults to no peers
        :param bucket_size: max number of nodes in one k-bucket (k). Trying to add {k+1}st node will cause a bucket to
          either split in two buckets along the midpoint or reject the new node (but still save it as a replacement)
          Recommended value: k is chosen s.t. any given k nodes are very unlikely to all fail after staleness_timeout
        :param num_replicas: number of nearest nodes that will be asked to store a given key, default = bucket_size (≈k)
        :param depth_modulo: split full k-bucket if it contains root OR up to the nearest multiple of this value (≈b)
        :param parallel_rpc: maximum number of concurrent outgoing RPC requests emitted by DHTProtocol
          Reduce this value if your RPC requests register no response despite the peer sending the response.
        :param wait_timeout: a kademlia rpc request is deemed lost if we did not receive a reply in this many seconds
        :param refresh_timeout: refresh buckets if no node from that bucket was updated in this many seconds
          if staleness_timeout is None, DHTNode will not refresh stale buckets (which is usually okay)
        :param bootstrap_timeout: after one of peers responds, await other peers for at most this many seconds
        :param cache_locally: if True, caches all values (stored or found) in a node-local cache
        :param cache_nearest: whenever DHTNode finds a value, it will also store (cache) this value on this many
          nodes nearest nodes visited by search algorithm. Prefers nodes that are nearest to :key: but have no value yet
        :param cache_size: if specified, local cache will store up to this many records (as in LRU cache)
        :param cache_refresh_before_expiry: if nonzero, refreshes locally cached values
          if they are accessed this many seconds before expiration time.
        :param reuse_get_requests: if True, DHTNode allows only one traverse_dht procedure for every key
          all concurrent get requests for the same key will reuse the procedure that is currently in progress
        :param num_workers: concurrent workers in traverse_dht (see traverse_dht num_workers param)
        :param listen: if True (default), this node will accept incoming request and otherwise be a DHT "citzen"
          if False, this node will refuse any incoming request, effectively being only a "client"
        :param listen_on: network interface, e.g. "" or "localhost:*" (* means pick any port) or "[::]:7654"
        :param channel_options: options for grpc.aio.insecure_channel, e.g. [('grpc.enable_retries', 0)]
          see https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/group__grpc__arg__keys.html for a list of all options
        :param kwargs: extra parameters used in grpc.aio.server
        if cache_refresh_before_expiry > 0 and not cache_locally:
                "If cache_locally is False, cache_refresh_before_expiry has no effect. To silence this"
                " warning, please specify cache_refresh_before_expiry=0")

        self = cls(_initialized_with_create=True)
        self.node_id = node_id = node_id if node_id is not None else DHTID.generate(
        self.num_replicas, self.num_workers = num_replicas, num_workers
        self.is_alive = True  # if set to False, cancels all background jobs such as routing table refresh

        self.reuse_get_requests = reuse_get_requests
        self.pending_get_requests = defaultdict(
                    key=lambda _res: -_res.sufficient_expiration_time))

        # caching policy
        self.refresh_timeout = refresh_timeout
        self.cache_locally, self.cache_nearest = cache_locally, cache_nearest
        self.cache_refresh_before_expiry = cache_refresh_before_expiry
        self.cache_refresh_queue = LocalStorage()
        self.cache_refresh_available = asyncio.Event()
        if cache_refresh_before_expiry:

        self.protocol = await DHTProtocol.create(self.node_id, bucket_size,
                                                 depth_modulo, num_replicas,
                                                 wait_timeout, parallel_rpc,
                                                 cache_size, listen, listen_on,
        self.port = self.protocol.port

        if initial_peers:
            # stage 1: ping initial_peers, add each other to the routing table
            bootstrap_timeout = bootstrap_timeout if bootstrap_timeout is not None else wait_timeout
            start_time = get_dht_time()
            ping_tasks = map(self.protocol.call_ping, initial_peers)
            finished_pings, unfinished_pings = await asyncio.wait(
                ping_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

            # stage 2: gather remaining peers (those who respond within bootstrap_timeout)
            if unfinished_pings:
                finished_in_time, stragglers = await asyncio.wait(
                    timeout=bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)
                for straggler in stragglers:
                finished_pings |= finished_in_time

            if not finished_pings:
                    "DHTNode bootstrap failed: none of the initial_peers responded to a ping."

            # stage 3: traverse dht to find my own nearest neighbors and populate the routing table
            # ... maybe receive some values that we are meant to store (see protocol.update_routing_table)
            # note: using asyncio.wait instead of wait_for because wait_for cancels task on timeout
            await asyncio.wait([
                asyncio.sleep(bootstrap_timeout - get_dht_time() + start_time)

        if self.refresh_timeout is not None:
        return self

    def __init__(self, *, _initialized_with_create=False):
        """ Internal init method. Please use DHTNode.create coroutine to spawn new node instances """
        assert _initialized_with_create, " Please use DHTNode.create coroutine to spawn new node instances "

    async def shutdown(self, timeout=None):
        """ Process existing requests, close all connections and stop the server """
        self.is_alive = False
        if self.protocol.server:
            await self.protocol.shutdown(timeout)

    async def find_nearest_nodes(
            queries: Collection[DHTID],
            k_nearest: Optional[int] = None,
            beam_size: Optional[int] = None,
            num_workers: Optional[int] = None,
            node_to_endpoint: Optional[Dict[DHTID, Endpoint]] = None,
            exclude_self: bool = False,
            **kwargs) -> Dict[DHTID, Dict[DHTID, Endpoint]]:
        :param queries: find k nearest nodes for each of these DHTIDs
        :param k_nearest: return this many nearest nodes for every query (if there are enough nodes)
        :param beam_size: replacement for self.beam_size, see traverse_dht beam_size param
        :param num_workers: replacement for self.num_workers, see traverse_dht num_workers param
        :param node_to_endpoint: if specified, uses this dict[node_id => endpoint] as initial peers
        :param exclude_self: if True, nearest nodes will not contain self.node_id (default = use local peers)
        :param kwargs: additional params passed to traverse_dht
        :returns: for every query, return nearest peers ordered dict[peer DHTID -> network Endpoint], nearest-first
        queries = tuple(queries)
        k_nearest = k_nearest if k_nearest is not None else self.protocol.bucket_size
        num_workers = num_workers if num_workers is not None else self.num_workers
        beam_size = beam_size if beam_size is not None else max(
            self.protocol.bucket_size, k_nearest)
        if k_nearest > beam_size:
                "Warning: beam_size is too small, beam search is not guaranteed to find enough nodes"
        if node_to_endpoint is None:
            node_to_endpoint: Dict[DHTID, Endpoint] = dict()
            for query in queries:
                        query, beam_size, exclude=self.node_id))

        async def get_neighbors(
            peer: DHTID, queries: Collection[DHTID]
        ) -> Dict[DHTID, Tuple[Tuple[DHTID], bool]]:
            response = await self.protocol.call_find(node_to_endpoint[peer],
            if not response:
                return {query: ([], False) for query in queries}

            output: Dict[DHTID, Tuple[Tuple[DHTID], bool]] = {}
            for query, (_, _, peers) in response.items():
                output[query] = tuple(peers.keys(
                )), False  # False means "do not interrupt search"
            return output

        nearest_nodes_per_query, visited_nodes = await traverse_dht(
            visited_nodes={query: {self.node_id}
                           for query in queries},

        nearest_nodes_with_endpoints = {}
        for query, nearest_nodes in nearest_nodes_per_query.items():
            if not exclude_self:
                nearest_nodes = sorted(nearest_nodes + [self.node_id],
                node_to_endpoint[self.node_id] = f"{LOCALHOST}:{self.port}"
            nearest_nodes_with_endpoints[query] = {
                node: node_to_endpoint[node]
                for node in nearest_nodes[:k_nearest]
        return nearest_nodes_with_endpoints

    async def store(self, key: DHTKey, value: DHTValue,
                    expiration_time: DHTExpiration, **kwargs) -> bool:
        Find num_replicas best nodes to store (key, value) and store it there at least until expiration time.

        :note: store is a simplified interface to store_many, all kwargs are be forwarded there
        :returns: True if store succeeds, False if it fails (due to no response or newer value)
        store_ok = await self.store_many([key], [value], [expiration_time],
        return store_ok[key]

    async def store_many(self,
                         keys: List[DHTKey],
                         values: List[DHTValue],
                         expiration_time: Union[DHTExpiration,
                         exclude_self: bool = False,
                         **kwargs) -> Dict[DHTKey, bool]:
        Traverse DHT to find up to best nodes to store multiple (key, value, expiration_time) pairs.

        :param keys: arbitrary serializable keys associated with each value
        :param values: serializable "payload" for each key
        :param expiration_time: either one expiration time for all keys or individual expiration times (see class doc)
        :param kwargs: any additional parameters passed to traverse_dht function (e.g. num workers)
        :param exclude_self: if True, never store value locally even if you are one of the nearest nodes
        :note: if exclude_self is True and self.cache_locally == True, value will still be __cached__ locally
        :param await_all_replicas: if False, this function returns after first store_ok and proceeds in background
            if True, the function will wait for num_replicas successful stores or running out of beam_size nodes
        :returns: for each key: True if store succeeds, False if it fails (due to no response or newer value)
        if isinstance(expiration_time, DHTExpiration):
            expiration_time = [expiration_time] * len(keys)
        assert len(keys) == len(values) == len(
        ), "Number of keys, values and expiration doesn't match."

        key_ids = list(map(DHTID.generate, keys))
        id_to_original_key = dict(zip(key_ids, keys))
        binary_values_by_key_id = {
            key_id: self.serializer.dumps(value)
            for key_id, value in zip(key_ids, values)
        expiration_by_key_id = {
            key_id: expiration_time
            for key_id, expiration_time in zip(key_ids, expiration_time)
        unfinished_key_ids = set(
        )  # we use this set to ensure that each store request is finished

        store_ok = {key: False
                    for key in keys}  # outputs, updated during search
        store_finished_events = {key: asyncio.Event() for key in keys}

        if self.cache_locally:
            for key_id in key_ids:

        # pre-populate node_to_endpoint
        node_to_endpoint: Dict[DHTID, Endpoint] = dict()
        for key_id in key_ids:
                    key_id, self.protocol.bucket_size, exclude=self.node_id))

        async def on_found(key_id: DHTID, nearest_nodes: List[DHTID],
                           visited_nodes: Set[DHTID]) -> None:
            """ This will be called once per key when find_nearest_nodes is done for a particular node """
            # note: we use callbacks instead of returned values to call store immediately without waiting for stragglers
            assert key_id in unfinished_key_ids, "Internal error: traverse_dht finished the same query twice"
            assert self.node_id not in nearest_nodes

            # ensure k nodes stored the value, optionally include self.node_id as a candidate
            num_successful_stores = 0
            pending_store_tasks = set()
            store_candidates = sorted(
                nearest_nodes + ([] if exclude_self else [self.node_id]),
                reverse=True)  # ordered so that .pop() returns nearest

            while num_successful_stores < self.num_replicas and (
                    store_candidates or pending_store_tasks):
                # spawn enough tasks to cover all replicas
                while store_candidates and num_successful_stores + len(
                        pending_store_tasks) < self.num_replicas:
                    node_id: DHTID = store_candidates.pop(
                    )  # nearest untried candidate
                    if node_id == self.node_id:
                            key_id, binary_values_by_key_id[key_id],
                        store_ok[id_to_original_key[key_id]] = True
                        num_successful_stores += 1
                        if not await_all_replicas:

                                    node_to_endpoint[node_id], [key_id],

                # await nearest task. If it fails, dispatch more on the next iteration
                if pending_store_tasks:
                    finished_store_tasks, pending_store_tasks = await asyncio.wait(
                    for task in finished_store_tasks:
                        if task.result()[0]:  # if store succeeded
                            store_ok[id_to_original_key[key_id]] = True
                            num_successful_stores += 1
                            if not await_all_replicas:


        store_task = asyncio.create_task(
            await asyncio.wait([
                evt.wait() for evt in store_finished_events.values()
            ])  # wait for items to be stored
            assert len(
            ) == 0, "Internal error: traverse_dht didn't finish search"
            return store_ok
        except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
            raise e

    async def get(
            key: DHTKey,
            **kwargs) -> Tuple[Optional[DHTValue], Optional[DHTExpiration]]:
        Search for a key across DHT and return either first or latest entry.
        :param key: same key as in node.store(...)
        :param latest: if True, finds the latest value, otherwise finds any non-expired value (which is much faster)
        :param kwargs: parameters forwarded to get_many_by_id
        :returns: (value, expiration time); if value was not found, returns (None, None)
        if latest:
            kwargs["sufficient_expiration_time"] = float('inf')
        result = await self.get_many([key])
        return result[key]

    async def get_many(
        keys: Collection[DHTKey],
        sufficient_expiration_time: Optional[DHTExpiration] = None,
    ) -> Dict[DHTKey, Union[Tuple[Optional[DHTValue], Optional[DHTExpiration]],
        Traverse DHT to find a list of keys. For each key, return latest (value, expiration) or None if not found.

        :param keys: traverse the DHT and find the value for each of these keys (or (None, None) if not key found)
        :param sufficient_expiration_time: if the search finds a value that expires after this time,
            default = time of call, find any value that did not expire by the time of call
            If min_expiration_time=float('inf'), this method will find a value with _latest_ expiration
        :param kwargs: for full list of parameters, see DHTNode.get_many_by_id
        :returns: for each key: value and its expiration time. If nothing is found, returns (None, None) for that key
        :note: in order to check if get returned a value, please check if (expiration_time is None)
        keys = tuple(keys)
        key_ids = [DHTID.generate(key) for key in keys]
        id_to_original_key = dict(zip(key_ids, keys))
        results_by_id = await self.get_many_by_id(key_ids,
        return {
            id_to_original_key[key]: result_or_future
            for key, result_or_future in results_by_id.items()

    async def get_many_by_id(
        key_ids: Collection[DHTID],
        sufficient_expiration_time: Optional[DHTExpiration] = None,
        num_workers: Optional[int] = None,
        beam_size: Optional[int] = None,
        return_futures: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict[DHTID, Union[Tuple[Optional[DHTValue], Optional[DHTExpiration]],
        Traverse DHT to find a list of DHTIDs. For each key, return latest (value, expiration) or None if not found.

        :param key_ids: traverse the DHT and find the value for each of these keys (or (None, None) if not key found)
        :param sufficient_expiration_time: if the search finds a value that expires after this time,
            default = time of call, find any value that did not expire by the time of call
            If min_expiration_time=float('inf'), this method will find a value with _latest_ expiration
        :param beam_size: maintains up to this many nearest nodes when crawling dht, default beam_size = bucket_size
        :param num_workers: override for default num_workers, see traverse_dht num_workers param
        :param return_futures: if True, immediately return asyncio.Future for every before interacting with the nework.
         The algorithm will populate these futures with (value, expiration) when it finds the corresponding key
         Note: canceling a future will stop search for the corresponding key
        :param _refresh_cache: internal flag, whether or not to self._trigger_cache_refresh
        :returns: for each key: value and its expiration time. If nothing is found, returns (None, None) for that key
        :note: in order to check if get returned a value, please check (expiration_time is None)
        sufficient_expiration_time = sufficient_expiration_time or get_dht_time(
        beam_size = beam_size if beam_size is not None else self.protocol.bucket_size
        num_workers = num_workers if num_workers is not None else self.num_workers
        search_results: Dict[DHTID, _IntermediateResult] = {
            key_id: _IntermediateResult(key_id,
            for key_id in key_ids

        if _refresh_cache:
            for key_id in key_ids:

        # if we have concurrent get request for some of the same keys, subscribe to their results
        if self.reuse_get_requests:
            for key_id, search_result in search_results.items():

        # stage 1: check for value in this node's local storage and cache
        for key_id in key_ids:
                *self.protocol.cache.get(key_id), source_node_id=self.node_id)

        # stage 2: traverse the DHT to get the remaining keys from remote peers
        unfinished_key_ids = [
            key_id for key_id in key_ids if not search_results[key_id].finished
        node_to_endpoint: Dict[
            DHTID, Endpoint] = dict()  # global routing table for all keys
        for key_id in unfinished_key_ids:
                    key_id, self.protocol.bucket_size, exclude=self.node_id))

        # V-- this function will be called every time traverse_dht decides to request neighbors from a remote peer
        async def get_neighbors(
            peer: DHTID, queries: Collection[DHTID]
        ) -> Dict[DHTID, Tuple[Tuple[DHTID], bool]]:
            queries = list(queries)
            response = await self.protocol.call_find(node_to_endpoint[peer],
            if not response:
                return {query: ([], False) for query in queries}

            output: Dict[DHTID, Tuple[Tuple[DHTID], bool]] = {}
            for key_id, (maybe_value_bytes, maybe_expiration_time,
                         peers) in response.items():
                output[key_id] = tuple(
                    peers.keys()), search_results[key_id].finished
                # note: we interrupt search either if key is either found or finished otherwise (e.g. cancelled by user)
            return output

        # V-- this function will be called exactly once when traverse_dht finishes search for a given key
        async def found_callback(key_id: DHTID, nearest_nodes: List[DHTID],
                                 _visited: Set[DHTID]):
            )  # finish search whether or we found something
            self._cache_new_result(search_results[key_id], nearest_nodes,

                             key_id: {self.node_id}
                             for key_id in unfinished_key_ids

        if return_futures:
            return {
                key_id: search_result.future
                for key_id, search_result in search_results.items()
                # note: this should be first time when we await something, there's no need to "try" the entire function
                return {
                    key_id: await search_result.future
                    for key_id, search_result in search_results.items()
            except asyncio.CancelledError as e:  # terminate remaining tasks ASAP
                for key_id, search_result in search_results.items():
                raise e

    def _reuse_finished_search_result(self, finished: _IntermediateResult):
        expiration_time_threshold = max(
            finished.expiration_time or -float('inf'),
        concurrent_requests: SortedList[
            _IntermediateResult] = self.pending_get_requests[finished.key_id]
        # note: concurrent_requests is sorded in the order of descending sufficient_expiration_time
        while concurrent_requests and expiration_time_threshold >= concurrent_requests[

    def _trigger_cache_refresh(self, result: _IntermediateResult):
        """ Called after get request is finished (whether it was found, not found, hit cache, cancelled, or reused) """
        if result.found_something and result.source_node_id == self.node_id:
            with self.protocol.cache.freeze(
            ):  # do not clear outdated cache for now...
                if self.cache_refresh_before_expiry and result.key_id in self.protocol.cache:
                    previous_earliest_item: Tuple[
                        DHTID, BinaryDHTValue,
                        DHTExpiration] = self.cache_refresh_queue.top()
                    if previous_earliest_item is None or result.expiration_time < previous_earliest_item[
                        )  # if we new element is now earliest, notify the cache queue

    async def _refresh_stale_cache_entries(self):
        """ periodically refresh keys near-expired keys that were accessed at least once during previous lifetime """
        while self.is_alive:
            with self.cache_refresh_queue.freeze():
                while len(self.cache_refresh_queue) == 0:
                    await self.cache_refresh_available.wait()
                key_id, _, nearest_expiration = self.cache_refresh_queue.top()

                # step 1: await until :cache_refresh_before_expiry: seconds before earliest first element expires
                time_to_wait = nearest_expiration - get_dht_time(
                ) - self.cache_refresh_before_expiry
                await asyncio.wait_for(self.cache_refresh_available.wait(),
                # note: the line above will cause TimeoutError when we are ready to refresh cache
                )  # no timeout error => someone added new entry to queue and ...
                continue  # ... and this element is earlier than nearest_expiration. we should refresh this entry first

            except asyncio.TimeoutError:  # caught TimeoutError => it is time to refresh the most recent cached entry
                # step 2: find all keys that we should already refresh and remove them from queue
                with self.cache_refresh_queue.freeze():
                    keys_to_refresh = {key_id}
                    del self.cache_refresh_queue[
                        key_id]  # we pledge to refresh this key_id in the nearest batch
                    while self.cache_refresh_queue:
                        key_id, _, nearest_expiration = self.cache_refresh_queue.top(
                        if nearest_expiration > get_dht_time(
                        ) + self.cache_refresh_before_expiry:
                        del self.cache_refresh_queue[
                            key_id]  # we pledge to refresh this key_id in the nearest batch

                # step 3: search newer versions of these keys, cache them as a side-effect of self.get_many_by_id
                await self.get_many_by_id(
                    sufficient_expiration_time=nearest_expiration +
                )  # if we found value locally, we shouldn't trigger another refresh

    def _cache_new_result(self, result: _IntermediateResult,
                          nearest_nodes: List[DHTID],
                          node_to_endpoint: Dict[DHTID, Endpoint]):
        """ after key_id is found, update cache according to caching policy. used internally in get and get_many """
        if result.found_something:
            previous_expiration_time = max(
                self.protocol.storage.get(result.key_id)[1] or -float('inf'),
                self.protocol.cache.get(result.key_id)[1] or -float('inf'))
            if result.expiration_time > previous_expiration_time:  # if this value has better expiration
                if self.cache_locally:
                if self.cache_nearest:
                    num_cached_nodes = 0
                    for node_id in nearest_nodes:
                        if node_id == result.source_node_id:
                        num_cached_nodes += 1
                        if num_cached_nodes >= self.cache_nearest:

    async def _refresh_routing_table(self, *, period: Optional[float]) -> None:
        """ Tries to find new nodes for buckets that were unused for more than self.staleness_timeout """
        while self.is_alive and period is not None:  # if None run once, otherwise run forever
            refresh_time = get_dht_time()
            staleness_threshold = refresh_time - period
            stale_buckets = [
                bucket for bucket in self.protocol.routing_table.buckets
                if bucket.last_updated < staleness_threshold
            for bucket in stale_buckets:
                refresh_id = DHTID(
                    random.randint(bucket.lower, bucket.upper - 1))
                await self.find_nearest_nodes(refresh_id)

            await asyncio.sleep(
                max(0.0, period - (get_dht_time() - refresh_time)))