def kgAcceptance(self, n_steps = 20, step_size = .1, tol = 1e-2, print_out = True): """calculates the value <P_acc> for the free field Optional Inputs n_steps :: int :: LF trajectory lengths step_size :: int :: Leap Frog step size m :: float :: parameter used in potentials tol :: float :: tolerance level of deviation from expected value print_out :: bool :: prints info if True """ passed = True pot = KG() n_samples = 1000 delta_hs, measured_acc = self._runDeltaH(pot, n_samples = n_samples, step_size=step_size, n_steps=n_steps) av_dh = np.asscalar(delta_hs.mean()) expected_acc = erfc(.5*np.sqrt(av_dh)) passed *= np.abs(measured_acc - expected_acc) <= tol meas_av_exp_dh = np.asscalar(np.exp(-delta_hs).mean()) if print_out: utils.display('<P_acc> using ' +, passed, details = { 'Inputs':['a: {}'.format(self.spacing),'m: {}'.format(pot.m), 'shape: {}'.format(self.lattice_shape), 'samples: {}'.format(n_samples), 'n steps: {}'.format(n_steps), 'step size: {}'.format(step_size)], 'Outputs':['expected: {}'.format(expected_acc), 'measured: {}'.format(measured_acc), '<exp{{-𝛿H}}>: {}'.format(meas_av_exp_dh), '<𝛿H>: {}'.format(av_dh)] }) return passed
def kgCorrelation(self, mu = 1., tol = 1e-2, print_out = True): """calculates the value <x(0)x(0)> for the QHO Optional Inputs mu :: float :: parameter used in potentials tol :: float :: tolerance level of deviation from expected value print_out :: bool :: prints info if True """ passed = True pot = KG(m=mu) measured_xx = self._runCorrelation(pot) expected_xx = theory.operators.x2_1df(1, self.n, self.spacing, 0) passed *= np.abs(measured_xx - expected_xx) <= tol if print_out: utils.display('<x(0)x(t)> using ' +, passed, details = { 'Inputs':['a: {}'.format(self.spacing),'µ: {}'.format(mu), 'shape: {}'.format(self.lattice_shape), 'samples: {}'.format(self.n)], 'Outputs':['expected: {}'.format(expected_xx), 'measured: {}'.format(measured_xx)] }) return passed
def kgDeltaH(self, n_steps = 20, step_size = .1, tol = 1e-1, print_out = True): """Tests to see if <exp{-\delta H}> == 1 Optional Inputs n_steps :: int :: LF trajectory lengths step_size :: int :: Leap Frog step size tol :: float :: tolerance level of deviation from expected value print_out :: bool :: prints info if True """ passed = True pot = KG() delta_hs, av_acc = self._runDeltaH(pot) meas_av_exp_dh = np.asscalar(np.exp(-delta_hs).mean()) passed *= np.abs(meas_av_exp_dh - 1) <= tol if print_out: utils.display('<exp{-𝛿H}> using ' +, passed, details = { 'Inputs':['a: {}'.format(self.spacing),'n steps: {}'.format(n_steps), 'step size: {}'.format(step_size), 'lattice: {}'.format(self.lattice_shape)], 'Outputs':['<exp{{-𝛿H}}>: {}'.format(meas_av_exp_dh), '<Prob. Accept>: {}'.format(av_acc)] }) return passed
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from models import Basic_HMC as Model from hmc.potentials import Klein_Gordon as KG pot = KG(m=0.) n, dim = 10, 1 x0 = np.random.random((n,)*dim) n_samples = 1000000 n_burn_in = 50 step_size = .2 n_steps = 20 model = Model(x0.copy(), pot, step_size=step_size, n_steps=n_steps), n_burn_in=n_burn_in, verbose=True), file_name, '_allPlot') plot(save = saveOrDisplay(save, file_name), **all_plot) if __name__ == '__main__': from hmc.potentials import Klein_Gordon as KG import numpy as np from theory.operators import magnetisation_sq from theory.acceptance import acceptance from theory.clibs.autocorrelations.fixed import ihmc m = 0.1 n_steps = 20 file_name = __file__ pot = KG(m=m) n, dim = 20, 1 x0 = np.random.random((n,)*dim) spacing = 1. # number of samples/burnin per point n_samples, n_burn_in = 100000, 1000 mixing_angles = np.array([.5*np.pi]) min_step = 0.2 max_step = 0.7 data_res = 100 plot_res = 1000 step_sizes = np.linspace(min_step, max_step, data_res) separations = np.arange(500)
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from common import dynamics_constEn_1d from hmc.potentials import Klein_Gordon as KG file_name = __file__ pot = KG(debug=True) n, dim = 100, 1 x0 = np.random.random((n, ) * dim) if '__main__' == __name__: dynamics_constEn_1d.main(x0, pot, file_name, all_lines=False, step_size=0.1, n_steps=100, save=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from common import intac from hmc.potentials import Klein_Gordon as KG from correlations.corr import twoPoint from theory.operators import x2_1df from theory.autocorrelations import M2_Fix as AC_Theory file_name = __file__ pot = KG() n, dim = 20, 1 x0 = np.random.random((n,)*dim) spacing = 1. step_size = .1 n_steps = 1 points = 50 tau = n_steps*step_size n_samples, n_burn_in = 100000, 20 h_res = np.linspace(-0.15, 0.15, 100, True) l_res = np.linspace(0.151, 0.85, points, True) angle_fracs = np.concatenate([h_res,l_res,h_res+1,l_res+1,h_res+2]) opFn = lambda samples: twoPoint(samples, separation=0) op_name = r'$\hat{O}_{pq} = \phi_0^2$' # theoretical calculations op_theory = x2_1df(mu=pot.m, n=x0.size, a=spacing, sep=0) pacc_theory = acceptance(dtau=step_size, tau=tau, n=x0.size, m=pot.m, t=tau*n_samples)
if __name__ == '__main__': # utils.logs.logging.root.setLevel(utils.logs.logging.DEBUG) dim = 1 n = 10 spacing = 1. step_size = [0.01, .1] n_steps = [1, 500] samples = 5 step_sample = np.linspace(n_steps[0], n_steps[1], samples, True, dtype=int), step_sizes = np.linspace(step_size[0], step_size[1], samples, True) for pot in [SHO(), KG(), QHO()]: x_nd = np.random.random((n, ) * dim) p0 = np.random.random((n, ) * dim) x0 = Periodic_Lattice(x_nd) dynamics = Leap_Frog(duE=pot.duE, n_steps=n_steps[-1], step_size=step_size[-1]) test = Constant_Energy(pot, dynamics) utils.newTest(, x0, step_sample, step_sizes) test = Reversibility(pot, dynamics) utils.newTest(
import numpy as np from common import corr1d_xx from hmc.potentials import Klein_Gordon as KG file_name = __file__ pot = KG(phi_4=1, m=1) n, dim = 20, 1 x0 = np.random.random((n, ) * dim) spacing = 0.5 if '__main__' == __name__: corr1d_xx.main(x0, pot, file_name, n_samples=100000, n_burn_in=25, spacing=spacing, c_len=30, step_size=0.1, n_steps=20, save=True, free=False)