예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH, 'completeness_test_cat.csv')
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()

        self.config = {'algorithm': None, 'number_bootstraps': None}
        self.model = CumulativeMoment()
예제 #2

mmax_ksb = KijkoSellevolBayes()

mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_ksb.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)

print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {
    100,  # Selects the N largest earthquakes in the catalogue for analysis
    'input_mmax': None,
    'input_mmax_uncertainty': 0.5

mmax_knpg = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_knpg.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {
    'number_bootstraps': 1000
}  # Number of samples for the uncertainty analyis

mmax_cum_mo = CumulativeMoment()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_cum_mo.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)