def test_args_pretty(testapp, pretty, lines): """Sitemap processor has to respect pretty argument.""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], pretty=pretty, ) assert isinstance(stream, items = list(stream) assert items == [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://sitemap.xml"), "destination": pathlib.Path("sitemap.xml"), "content": unittest.mock.ANY, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), ] assert len(items[-1]["content"].splitlines()) == lines
def test_args_save_as_unsupported(testapp, document_path, sitemap_path): """Sitemap process has to check enlisted URLs for compatibility.""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": document_path, "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], save_as=str(sitemap_path), ) assert isinstance(stream, with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: next(stream) excinfo.match( "The location of a Sitemap file determines the set of URLs " "that can be included in that Sitemap. A Sitemap file located " "at .* can include any URLs starting with .* but can not " "include .*.")
def test_args_save_as(testapp, save_as): """Sitemap processor has to respect save_as argument.""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("posts", "1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], save_as=str(save_as), ) assert isinstance(stream, assert list(stream) == [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("posts", "1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://", save_as), "destination": pathlib.Path(save_as), "content": unittest.mock.ANY, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), ]
def test_item_many(testapp, amount): """Sitemap processor has to work with stream.""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path(str(i)), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) for i in range(amount) ], ) assert isinstance(stream, assert list(stream) == list( itertools.chain( [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path(str(i)), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) for i in range(amount) ], [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://sitemap.xml"), "destination": pathlib.Path("sitemap.xml"), "content": _pytest_xmlasdict( { "urlset": { "@xmlns": "", "url": [{ "loc": "" % i, "lastmod": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", } for i in range(amount)], } }, force_list=["url"], ), "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], ))
def test_args_gzip(testapp): """Sitemap processor has to respect gzip argument.""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], gzip=True, ) assert isinstance(stream, assert list(stream) == [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path("1.html"), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://sitemap.xml.gz"), "destination": pathlib.Path("sitemap.xml.gz"), "content": _pytest_xmlasdict( { "urlset": { "@xmlns": "", "url": { "loc": "", "lastmod": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", }, } }, ungzip=True, ), "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), ]
def test_item(testapp, filename, escaped): """Sitemap processor has to work!""" timepoint = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) stream = sitemap.process( testapp, [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path(filename), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ], ) assert isinstance(stream, assert list(stream) == [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "destination": pathlib.Path(filename), "updated": timepoint, "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://sitemap.xml"), "destination": pathlib.Path("sitemap.xml"), "content": _pytest_xmlasdict({ "urlset": { "@xmlns": "", "url": { "loc": "" + escaped, "lastmod": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", }, } }), "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }), ]
def test_item_many_zero(testapp): """Sitemap processor has to work with stream of zero items.""" stream = sitemap.process(testapp, []) assert isinstance(stream, assert list(stream) == [ holocron.WebSiteItem({ "source": pathlib.Path("sitemap://sitemap.xml"), "destination": pathlib.Path("sitemap.xml"), "content": _pytest_xmlasdict({ "urlset": { "@xmlns": "" } }), "baseurl": testapp.metadata["url"], }) ]
def test_args_bad_value(testapp, args, error): """Sitemap processor has to validate input arguments.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: next(sitemap.process(testapp, [], **args)) assert str(excinfo.value) == error