예제 #1
파일: result.py 프로젝트: barkls/holopy
 def best_fit(self):
     shape, spacing, start, coords = yaml.load(self.dataset.data.original_dims)
     schema = detector_grid(shape, spacing, extra_dims = coords)
     schema['x'] = schema['x'] + start[0]
     schema['y'] = schema['y'] + start[1]
     schema = copy_metadata(self.dataset.data, schema, do_coords = False) 
     return self.model._forward(self.values(), schema)
예제 #2
def add_noise(image, noise_mean=.1, smoothing=.01, poisson_lambda=1000):
    """Add simulated noise to images. Intended for use with exact
    calculated images to make them look more like noisy 'real'

    Real image noise usually has correlation, so we smooth the raw
    random variable. The noise_mean can be controlled independently of
    the poisson_lambda that controls the shape of the distribution. In
    general, you can stick with our default of a large poisson_lambda
    (ie for imaging conditions not near the shot noise limit).

    Defaults are set to give noise vaguely similar to what we tend to
    see in our holographic imaging.

    image : xarray.DataArray
        The image to add noise to.
    smoothing : float
        Fraction of the image size to smooth by. Should in general be << 1
    poisson_lambda : float
        Used to compute the shape of the noise distribution. You can generally
        leave this at its default value unless you are simulating shot noise
        limited imaging.

    noisy_image : xarray.DataArray
       A copy of the input image with noise added.

    return copy_metadata(
        image, image +
        simulate_noise(image.shape, noise_mean, smoothing, poisson_lambda) *
예제 #3
def bg_correct(raw, bg, df=None):
    """Correct for noisy images by dividing by a background. The calculation used is (raw-df)/(bg-df). 

    raw : xarray.DataArray
        Image to be background divided.
    bg : xarray.DataArray
        background image recorded with the same optical setup.
    df : xarray.DataArray
        dark field image recorded without illumination.

    corrected_image : xarray.DataArray
       A copy of the background divided input image with None values of noise_sd updated to match bg.

    if df is None:
        df = raw.copy()
        df[:] = 0

    if not (raw.shape == bg.shape == df.shape and list(get_spacing(raw)) ==
            list(get_spacing(bg)) == list(get_spacing(df))):
        raise BadImage(
            "raw and background images must have the same shape and spacing")

    holo = (raw - df) / zero_filter(bg - df)
    holo = copy_metadata(raw, holo)

    if hasattr(holo, 'noise_sd') and hasattr(
            bg, 'noise_sd') and holo.noise_sd is None:
        holo = update_metadata(holo, noise_sd=bg.noise_sd)

    return holo
예제 #4
 def test_copies_metadata_keys(self):
     metadata = make_metadata()
     data = make_data()
     copied = copy_metadata(metadata, data)
     for key in METADATA_VALUES.keys():
         self.assertIn(key, copied.attrs)
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(copied, key))
예제 #5
파일: fit.py 프로젝트: barkls/holopy
def make_subset_data(data, random_subset=None, pixels=None, return_selection=False):
    if random_subset is None and pixels is None:
        return data
    if random_subset is not None and pixels is not None:
        raise ValueError("You can only specify one of pixels or random_subset")

    tot_pix = len(data.x)*len(data.y)
    if pixels is not None:
        n_sel = pixels
        n_sel = int(np.ceil(tot_pix*random_subset))
    selection = np.random.choice(tot_pix, n_sel, replace=False)
    subset = flat(data).isel(flat=selection)
    subset = copy_metadata(data, subset, do_coords=False)

    shape = (len(data.x), len(data.y))
    spacing = (get_spacing(data))
    start = (np.asscalar(data.x[0]), np.asscalar(data.y[0]))
    coords = {key:val.values for key, val in dict_without(dict(data.coords), ['x','y','z']).items()}
    subset.attrs['original_dims'] = yaml.dump((shape, spacing, start, coords))

    if return_selection:
        return subset, selection
        return subset
예제 #6
 def best_fit(self):
     shape, spacing, start, coords = yaml.load(
     schema = detector_grid(shape, spacing, extra_dims=coords)
     schema['x'] = schema['x'] + start[0]
     schema['y'] = schema['y'] + start[1]
     schema = copy_metadata(self.dataset.data, schema, do_coords=False)
     return self.model._forward(self.values(), schema)
예제 #7
 def test_copies_coords(self):
     metadata = make_metadata()
     data = make_data()
     copied = copy_metadata(metadata, data)
     for coordinate in data.coords.keys():
         old_coords = data.coords[coordinate].values
         copied_coords = copied.coords[coordinate].values
         self.assertTrue(np.all(old_coords == copied_coords))
예제 #8
 def test_no_metadata(self):
     filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'image0007.tif')
     header = ifd2()
     header[270] = 'Dummy String'
     pilimage.fromarray(self.holo.values[0]).save(filename, tiffinfo=header)
     # load doesn't work
     self.assertRaises(NoMetadata, load, filename)
     # load_image does
     l = load_image(filename, spacing=get_spacing(self.holo))
     assert_obj_close(l, copy_metadata(l, self.holo))
예제 #9
 def test_copies_metadata_values(self):
     metadata = make_metadata()
     data = make_data()
     copied = copy_metadata(metadata, data)
     # we check illum_polarization separately:
     illum_polarization = METADATA_VALUES['illum_polarization']
         np.all(illum_polarization == copied.illum_polarization.values[:2]))
     # Then we check the rest:
     for key, value in METADATA_VALUES.items():
         if key != 'illum_polarization':
             self.assertEqual(value, getattr(copied, key))
예제 #10
def normalize(image):
    Normalize an image by dividing by the pixel average.
    This gives the image a mean value of 1.

    image : xarray.DataArray
       The array to normalize

    normalized_image : xarray.DataArray
       The normalized image
    return copy_metadata(image, image * 1.0 / image.sum() * image.size)
예제 #11
파일: result.py 프로젝트: sid6155330/holopy
 def forward(self, pars):
     if hasattr(self.data, 'original_dims'):
         # dealing with subset data
         original_dims = self.data.original_dims
         # can't currently handle non-0 values of z, as in detector_grid
         x = original_dims['x']
         y = original_dims['y']
         shape = (len(x), len(y))
         spacing = (np.diff(x)[0], np.diff(y)[0])
         extra_dims = dict_without(original_dims, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
         schema = detector_grid(shape, spacing, extra_dims=extra_dims)
         schema = copy_metadata(self.data, schema, do_coords=False)
         schema['x'] = x
         schema['y'] = y
         schema = self.data
     return self.model.forward(pars, schema)
예제 #12
def detrend(image):
    Remove linear trends from an image.

    Performs a 2 axis linear detrend using scipy.signal.detrend

    image : xarray.DataArray
       Image to process

    image : xarray.DataArray
       Image with linear trends removed
    return copy_metadata(
        image, dt(dt(image, image.dims.index('x')), image.dims.index('y')))
예제 #13
def zero_filter(image):
    Search for and interpolate pixels equal to 0.
    This is to avoid NaN's when a hologram is divided by a BG with 0's.

    image : xarray.DataArray
       Image to process

    image : xarray.DataArray
       Image where pixels = 0 are instead given values equal to average of
       neighbors.  dtype is the same as the input image
    zero_pix = np.where(image == 0)
    output = image.copy()

    # check to see if adjacent pixels are 0, if more than 1 dead pixel
    if len(zero_pix[0]) > 1:
        delta_rows = zero_pix[0] - np.roll(zero_pix[0], 1)
        delta_cols = zero_pix[1] - np.roll(zero_pix[1], 1)
        if ((1 in delta_rows[np.where(delta_cols == 0)])
                or (1 in delta_cols[np.where(delta_rows == 0)])):
            raise BadImage(
                'Image has adjacent dead pixels, cannot remove dead pixels')

    for row, col in zip(zero_pix[0], zero_pix[1]):
        # in the bulk
        if ((row > 0) and (row < (image.shape[0] - 1)) and (col > 0)
                and (col < image.shape[1] - 1)):
                   col] = np.sum(image[row - 1:row + 2, col - 1:col + 2]) / 8.
        else:  # deal with edges by padding
            im_avg = image.sum() / (image.size - len(zero_pix[0]))
            padded_im = np.ones(
                (image.shape[0] + 2, image.shape[1] + 2)) * im_avg
            padded_im[1:-1, 1:-1] = image
            output[row, col] = np.sum(padded_im[row:row + 3, col:col + 3]) / 8.
        print('Pixel with value 0 reset to nearest neighbor average')

    return copy_metadata(image, output)
예제 #14
파일: fit.py 프로젝트: vnmanoharan/holopy
def make_subset_data(data,
    if random_subset is None and pixels is None:
        return data
    if random_subset is not None and pixels is not None:
        raise ValueError("You can only specify one of pixels or random_subset")
    if pixels is not None:
        n_sel = pixels
        n_sel = int(np.ceil(data.size * random_subset))
    selection = np.random.choice(data.size, n_sel, replace=False)
    subset = flat(data)[selection]
    subset = copy_metadata(data, subset, do_coords=False)
    if return_selection:
        return subset, selection
        return subset
예제 #15
def subimage(arr, center, shape):
    Pick out a region of an image or other array

    arr : xarray.DataArray
        The array to subimage
    center : tuple of ints or floats
        The desired center of the region, should have the same number of
        elements as the arr has dimensions. Floats will be rounded
    shape : int or tuple of ints
        Desired shape of the region.  If a single int is given the region will
        be that dimension in along every axis.  Shape should be even

    sub : xarray.DataArray
        Subset of shape shape centered at center. DataArray coords
        will be set such that the upper left corner of the output has
        coordinates relative to the input.
    center = (np.round(center)).astype(int)

    if np.isscalar(shape):
        shape = np.repeat(shape, arr.ndim)
    assert len(shape) == arr.ndim

    def intr(n):
        return intr(np.round(n))

    extent = [
        slice(int(np.round(c - s / 2)), int(np.round(c + s / 2)))
        for c, s in zip(center, shape)

    return copy_metadata(arr, arr.isel(x=extent[0], y=extent[1]))
예제 #16
def finalize(detector, result):
    if not hasattr(detector, 'flat'):
        result = from_flat(result)
    return copy_metadata(detector, result, do_coords=False)
예제 #17
def ps_propagate_plane(data, d, L, beam_c, out_schema = None, old_Ip = False):
    Propagates light back through a hologram that was taken using a diverging reference beam.
    Propataion can be to one plane only.
    Only propagation through media with refractive index 1 is supported.
    Based on the algorithm described in Manfred H. Jericho and H. Jurgen Kreuzer, "Point Source 
    Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy," Chapter 1 of Coherent Light Microscopy, Springer, 2010.

    data is a holopy Xarray. It is the hologram to reconstruct. Must be square. The pixel spacing must also be square.
    d = distance from pinhole to reconstructed image, in meters (this is z in Jericho and Kreuzer). Must be a scalar.
    L = distance from screen to pinhole, in meters
    beam_c = [x,y] coodinates of beam center, in pixels
    out_schema = size of output image and pixel spacing, default is the schema of data.
    if Ip == True, returns Ip to be used on calculations in the stack
    if Ip == False compute reconstructed image as normal
    if Ip is an image, use this to speed up calculations
    returns an image(volume) corresponding to the reconstruction at plane(s) d.

    npix0 = float(len(data.x)) # size of original image in pixels
    wavelen = float(data.illum_wavelen) #laser wavelength in meters
    n_medium = float(data.medium_index) #not used for now (assumes n_medium = 1)
    datavals = data.values.squeeze()
    Dx,Dy = get_spacing(data) #size of pixels on camera
    if out_schema is None:
        #mag = 1
        out_spacing = Dx
        #mag = Dx/get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
        out_spacing = get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
    #get number of pixels to reconstruct given the desired output spacing
    def X0_f(npix):
        result = -Dx * (beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)*0.5)
        return result
    def to_solve(npix):
        result = (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx) / np.sqrt(L**2 + (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx)**2) - X0_f(npix)/np.sqrt(L**2-X0_f(npix)**2) - wavelen/out_spacing
        return result
    npix = int(fsolve(to_solve, npix0)[0])
    #npix = npix0*mag #number of pixels to reconstruct (this is an older way of doing the magnification)

    #center coordinates
    i_c = beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)/2
    j_c = beam_c[1] + (npix - npix0)/2

    #set (X0,Y0) so beam center is at index (i_c,j_c)
    #Scaling constants (eqn 1.32)
    X0p = X0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0)
    Y0p = Y0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0)    
    con = X0+(npix-1)*Dx #useful constant
    Dxp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*X0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0) #Delta_x^prime
    con = Y0+(npix-1)*Dy #useful constant
    Dyp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*Y0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0) #Delta_y^prime

    #scale actually used in reconstructed image
    spacing = wavelen*L/npix/np.array([Dxp,Dyp]) #calculate 'magic' spacing (eqn 1.34). 

    #useful constant
    ikz = 2j*np.pi*d/wavelen # this is (ikz)

    #Calculate I'(X,Y) (eqn 1.27)
    print('Calculating Ip')

    def Ip_calc(i,j):
        # (X',Y') coordinates corresponding to indecies (i,j)        
        #Useful constant (this is L/R')
        L_over_Rp = L**2-Xp**2-Yp**2
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp >= 0, L_over_Rp, 0.0)
        L_over_Rp = L/np.sqrt(L_over_Rp)
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp == np.inf, 0.000001, L_over_Rp)

        if isinstance(old_Ip,bool):
            # (X,Y) coordinate in original image
            X = Xp*L_over_Rp 
            Y = Yp*L_over_Rp         

            # (X,Y) indecies of original image, but (npix,npix) in size
            i_X = np.array( (X-X0)/Dx )
            i_Y = np.array( (Y-Y0)/Dy )
            i_X = i_X - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_Y = i_Y - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_X = i_X.astype(int)
            i_Y = i_Y.astype(int)
            if old_Ip:  # returns partially computed I'        
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4
            else: #returns full I'
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4 * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)

            result = old_Ip * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)      
        return result
    #get I'
    result = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: Ip_calc(i,j), (npix, npix), dtype=int) #result is I'
    if isinstance(old_Ip,bool) and old_Ip: # returns partially computed I' and uncropped size of reconstruction
        return result, npix
    #compute final result, K_nm (eqn 1.33)
    i2Pi_over_N = 2j*np.pi/npix # this is i*2pi/N
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( -i2Pi_over_N * (i*i_c + j*j_c) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    print('Taking FFT')
    result = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.fftshift(result*phase_factor, axes=[0,1]), axes=[0, 1], overwrite_x=True)
    #result = ifft(result*phase_factor, shift =1, overwrite = True)
    print('Multiplying prefactor')
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( i2Pi_over_N * ((i-i_c)*X0p/Dxp + (j-j_c)*Y0p/Dyp) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    result = Dxp*Dyp*phase_factor*result
    #crop to correct size
    if npix > npix0:
        x_cen = int(npix/2)
        y_cen = int(npix/2)

        if out_schema is None:    
            offset = int(npix0/2)
            offset = int(len(out_schema.x)/2)
        result = result [x_cen - offset : x_cen + offset, y_cen - offset : y_cen + offset] 

    #return Image result    
    return copy_metadata(data, data_grid(result, spacing=spacing, z=d))
예제 #18
def ps_propagate_plane(data, d, L, beam_c, out_schema = None, old_Ip = False):
    Propagates light back through a hologram that was taken using a diverging reference beam.
    Propataion can be to one plane only.
    Only propagation through media with refractive index 1 is supported.
    Based on the algorithm described in Manfred H. Jericho and H. Jurgen Kreuzer, "Point Source 
    Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy," Chapter 1 of Coherent Light Microscopy, Springer, 2010.

    data is a holopy Xarray. It is the hologram to reconstruct. Must be square. The pixel spacing must also be square.
    d = distance from pinhole to reconstructed image, in meters (this is z in Jericho and Kreuzer). Must be a scalar.
    L = distance from screen to pinhole, in meters
    beam_c = [x,y] coodinates of beam center, in pixels
    out_schema = size of output image and pixel spacing, default is the schema of data.
    if Ip == True, returns Ip to be used on calculations in the stack
        if Ip == False compute reconstructed image as normal
        if Ip is an image, use this to speed up calculations
    returns an image(volume) corresponding to the reconstruction at plane(s) d.'''    

    npix0 = float(len(data.x)) # size of original image in pixels
    wavelen = float(data.illum_wavelen) #laser wavelength in meters
    n_medium = float(data.medium_index) #not used for now (assumes n_medium = 1)
    datavals = data.values.squeeze()
    Dx,Dy = get_spacing(data) #size of pixels on camera
    if out_schema is None:
        #mag = 1
        out_spacing = Dx
        #mag = Dx/get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
        out_spacing = get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
    #get number of pixels to reconstruct given the desired output spacing
    def X0_f(npix):
        result = -Dx * (beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)*0.5)
        return result
    def to_solve(npix):
        result = (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx) / np.sqrt(L**2 + (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx)**2) - X0_f(npix)/np.sqrt(L**2-X0_f(npix)**2) - wavelen/out_spacing
        return result
    npix = int(fsolve(to_solve, npix0)[0])
    #npix = npix0*mag #number of pixels to reconstruct (this is an older way of doing the magnification)

    #center coordinates
    i_c = beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)/2
    j_c = beam_c[1] + (npix - npix0)/2

    #set (X0,Y0) so beam center is at index (i_c,j_c)
    #Scaling constants (eqn 1.32)
    X0p = X0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0)
    Y0p = Y0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0)    
    con = X0+(npix-1)*Dx #useful constant
    Dxp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*X0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0) #Delta_x^prime
    con = Y0+(npix-1)*Dy #useful constant
    Dyp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*Y0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0) #Delta_y^prime

    #scale actually used in reconstructed image
    spacing = wavelen*L/npix/np.array([Dxp,Dyp]) #calculate 'magic' spacing (eqn 1.34). 

    #useful constant
    ikz = 2j*np.pi*d/wavelen # this is (ikz)

    #Calculate I'(X,Y) (eqn 1.27)
    print('Calculating Ip')

    def Ip_calc(i,j):
        # (X',Y') coordinates corresponding to indecies (i,j)        
        #Useful constant (this is L/R')
        L_over_Rp = L**2-Xp**2-Yp**2
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp >= 0, L_over_Rp, 0.0)
        L_over_Rp = L/np.sqrt(L_over_Rp)
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp == np.inf, 0.000001, L_over_Rp)

        if isinstance(old_Ip,bool):
            # (X,Y) coordinate in original image
            X = Xp*L_over_Rp 
            Y = Yp*L_over_Rp         

            # (X,Y) indecies of original image, but (npix,npix) in size
            i_X = np.array( (X-X0)/Dx )
            i_Y = np.array( (Y-Y0)/Dy )
            i_X = i_X - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_Y = i_Y - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_X = i_X.astype(int)
            i_Y = i_Y.astype(int)
            if old_Ip:  # returns partially computed I'        
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4
            else: #returns full I'
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4 * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)

            result = old_Ip * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)      
        return result
    #get I'
    result = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: Ip_calc(i,j), (npix, npix), dtype=int) #result is I'
    if isinstance(old_Ip,bool) and old_Ip: # returns partially computed I' and uncropped size of reconstruction
        return result, npix
    #compute final result, K_nm (eqn 1.33)
    i2Pi_over_N = 2j*np.pi/npix # this is i*2pi/N
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( -i2Pi_over_N * (i*i_c + j*j_c) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    print('Taking FFT')
    result = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.fftshift(result*phase_factor, axes=[0,1]), axes=[0, 1], overwrite_x=True)
    #result = ifft(result*phase_factor, shift =1, overwrite = True)
    print('Multiplying prefactor')
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( i2Pi_over_N * ((i-i_c)*X0p/Dxp + (j-j_c)*Y0p/Dyp) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    result = Dxp*Dyp*phase_factor*result
    #crop to correct size
    if npix > npix0:
        x_cen = npix/2
        y_cen = npix/2

        if out_schema is None:    
            offset = npix0/2
            offset = len(out_schema.x)/2
        result = result [x_cen - offset : x_cen + offset, y_cen - offset : y_cen + offset] 

    #return Image result    
    return copy_metadata(data, data_grid(result, spacing=spacing, z=d))
예제 #19
 def test_copies_name(self):
     metadata = make_metadata()
     data = make_data()
     copied = copy_metadata(metadata, data)
     self.assertEqual(metadata.name, copied.name)
예제 #20
def load_average(filepath,
    Average a set of images (usually as a background)

    filepath : string or list(string)
        Directory or list of filenames or filepaths. If filename is a directory,
        it will average all images matching image_glob.
    refimg : xarray.DataArray
        reference image to provide spacing and metadata for the new image.
    spacing : float
        Spacing between pixels in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    medium_index : float
        Refractive index of the medium in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    illum_wavelen : float
        Wavelength of illumination in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    illum_polarization : list-like
        Polarization of illumination in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    image_glob : string
        Glob used to select images (if images is a directory)

    averaged_image : xarray.DataArray
        Image which is an average of images
        noise_sd attribute contains average pixel stdev normalized by total image intensity
    if normals is not None:

    if isinstance(filepath, str):
        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
            filepath = glob.glob(os.path.join(filepath, image_glob))
            #only a single image
            filepath = [filepath]

    if len(filepath) < 1:
        raise LoadError(filepath, "No images found")

    # read spacing from refimg if none provided
    if spacing is None:
        spacing = get_spacing(refimg)

    # read colour channels from refimg
    channel_dict = {'0': 'red', '1': 'green', '2': 'blue'}
    if channel is None and refimg is not None and illumination in refimg.dims:
        channel = [
            i for i, col in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
            if col in refimg[illumination].values

    if np.isscalar(spacing):
        spacing = np.repeat(spacing, 2)

    # calculate the average
    accumulator = Accumulator()
    for path in filepath:
        accumulator.push(load_image(path, spacing, channel=channel))
    mean_image = accumulator.mean()

    # calculate average noise from image
    if noise_sd is None and len(filepath) > 1:
        if channel:
            noise_sd = xr.DataArray(accumulator.cv(),
                                      for ch in channel]], ['illumination'])
            noise_sd = ensure_array(accumulator.cv())

    # crop according to refimg dimensions
    if refimg is not None:

        def extent(i):
            name = ['x', 'y'][i]
            return np.around(refimg[name].values / spacing[i]).astype('int')

        mean_image = mean_image.isel(x=extent(0), y=extent(1))
        mean_image['x'] = refimg.x
        mean_image['y'] = refimg.y

    # copy metadata from refimg
    if refimg is not None:
        mean_image = copy_metadata(refimg, mean_image, do_coords=False)

    # overwrite metadata from refimg with provided values
    return update_metadata(mean_image, medium_index, illum_wavelen,
                           illum_polarization, normals, noise_sd)
예제 #21
 def test_does_not_change_data(self):
     metadata = make_metadata()
     data = make_data()
     copied = copy_metadata(metadata, data)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(data.values == copied.values))