def hv_adjust_image_landmarks(image, landmarks, landmarks_match=None, bregma_offset=None, resolution=0.0194, msize=40): ''' TODO: merge part of this with the one for the landmarks landmarks are in allen reference space ''' h, w = image.shape if bregma_offset is None: # then it is the center of the image bregma_offset = np.array([int(w / 2), int(h / 2) ]) # place bregma in the center of the image landmarks_im = allen_landmarks_to_image_space(landmarks.copy(), bregma_offset, resolution) if landmarks_match is None: landmarks_match = landmarks_im import holoviews as hv from holoviews import opts, streams from holoviews.plotting.links import DataLink bounds = np.array([0, 0, w, h]) im = hv.Image(image[::-1, :], bounds=tuple(bounds.tolist())).opts(invert_yaxis=True, cmap='gray') points = hv.Points(landmarks_match, vdims='color').opts(marker='+', size=msize) point_stream = streams.PointDraw(data=points.columns(), add=False, num_objects=4, source=points, empty_value='black') table = hv.Table(points, ['x', 'y', 'name'], 'color').opts(title='Annotation location') DataLink(points, table) from bokeh.models import HoverTool hoverpts = HoverTool(tooltips=[("i", "$index")]) widget = (im * points + table).opts( opts.Layout(merge_tools=False), opts.Points(invert_yaxis=True, active_tools=['point_draw'], color='color', tools=[hoverpts], width=int(w), height=int(h)), opts.Table(editable=True)) return widget, point_stream, landmarks_im
def hv_adjust_reference_landmarks(landmarks, ccf_regions, msize=40): ''' landmarks = {'x': [-1.95, 0, 1.95, 0], 'y': [-3.45, -3.45, -3.45, 3.2], 'name': ['OB_left', 'OB_center', 'OB_right', 'RSP_base'], 'color': ['#fc9d03', '#0367fc', '#fc9d03', '#fc4103']} landmarks = pd.DataFrame(landmarks) # adjust landmarks wid,landmark_wid = hv_adjust_reference_landmarks(landmarks,ccf_regions) wid # to display # use the following to retrieve (on another cell) landmarks = pd.DataFrame([['x','y','name','color']] ''' import holoviews as hv from holoviews import opts, streams from holoviews.plotting.links import DataLink referenceplt = hv_plot_allen_regions(ccf_regions).options( {'Curve': { 'color': 'black', 'width': 600 }}) points = hv.Points(landmarks, vdims='color').opts(marker='+', size=msize) point_stream = streams.PointDraw(data=points.columns(), add=False, num_objects=4, source=points, empty_value='black') table = hv.Table(points, ['x', 'y', 'name'], 'color').opts(title='Landmarks location') DataLink(points, table) widget = (referenceplt * points + table).opts( opts.Layout(merge_tools=False), opts.Points(invert_yaxis=True, active_tools=['point_draw'], color='color', height=500, tools=['hover'], width=500), opts.Table(editable=True)) return widget, point_stream
def LoadAndCrop(video_dict,stretch={'width':1,'height':1},cropmethod='none'): #if batch processing, set file to first file to be processed if 'file' not in video_dict.keys(): video_dict['file'] = video_dict['FileNames'][0] print(video_dict['file']) #Upoad file and check that it exists video_dict['fpath'] = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(video_dict['dpath']), video_dict['file']) if os.path.isfile(video_dict['fpath']): print('file: {file}'.format(file=video_dict['fpath'])) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_dict['fpath']) else: raise FileNotFoundError('{file} not found. Check that directory and file names are correct'.format( file=video_dict['fpath'])) #Get maxiumum frame of file. Note that max frame is updated later if fewer frames detected cap_max = int(cap.get(7)) #7 is index of total frames print('total frames: {frames}'.format(frames=cap_max)) #Set first frame cap.set(1,video_dict['start']) #first index references frame property, second specifies next frame to grab ret, frame = frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cap.release() print('dimensions: {x}'.format(x=frame.shape)) #Make first image reference frame on which cropping can be performed image = hv.Image((np.arange(frame.shape[1]), np.arange(frame.shape[0]), frame)) image.opts(width=int(frame.shape[1]*stretch['width']), height=int(frame.shape[0]*stretch['height']), invert_yaxis=True,cmap='gray', colorbar=True, toolbar='below', title="First Frame. Crop if Desired") #Create polygon element on which to draw and connect via stream to poly drawing tool if cropmethod=='none': image.opts(title="First Frame") return image,None,video_dict if cropmethod=='Box': box = hv.Polygons([]) box.opts(alpha=.5) box_stream = streams.BoxEdit(source=box,num_objects=1) return (image*box),box_stream,video_dict if cropmethod=='HLine': points = hv.Points([]) points.opts(active_tools=['point_draw'], color='white',size=1) pointerXY_stream = streams.PointerXY(x=0, y=0, source=image) pointDraw_stream = streams.PointDraw(source=points,num_objects=1) def h_track(x, y): #function to track pointer y = int(np.around(y)) text = hv.Text(x, y, str(y), halign='left', valign='bottom') return hv.HLine(y) * text track=hv.DynamicMap(h_track, streams=[pointerXY_stream]) def h_line(data): #function to draw line try: hline=hv.HLine(data['y'][0]) return hline except: hline=hv.HLine(0) return hline line=hv.DynamicMap(h_line,streams=[pointDraw_stream]) def h_text(data): #function to write ycrop value center=frame.shape[1]//2 try: y=int(np.around(data['y'][0])) htext=hv.Text(center,y+10,'ycrop: {x}'.format(x=y)) return htext except: htext=hv.Text(center,10, 'ycrop: 0') return htext text=hv.DynamicMap(h_text,streams=[pointDraw_stream]) return image*track*points*line*text,pointDraw_stream,video_dict
def LoadAndCrop(dpath, file, stretch_w=1, stretch_h=1, cropmethod='none'): #Upoad file and check that it exists fpath = dpath + "/" + file if os.path.isfile(fpath): print('file: ' + fpath) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fpath) else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'File not found. Check that directory and file names are correct.') #Get maxiumum frame of file. Note that max frame is updated later if fewer frames detected cap_max = int(cap.get(7)) #7 is index of total frames print('total frames: ' + str(cap_max)) #Retrieve first frame cap.set( 1, 0 ) #first index references frame property, second specifies next frame to grab ret, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cap.release() #Make first image reference frame on which cropping can be performed image = hv.Image( (np.arange(gray.shape[1]), np.arange(gray.shape[0]), gray)) image.opts(width=int(gray.shape[1] * stretch_w), height=int(gray.shape[0] * stretch_h), invert_yaxis=True, cmap='gray', colorbar=True, toolbar='below', title="First Frame. Crop if Desired") #Create polygon element on which to draw and connect via stream to poly drawing tool if cropmethod == 'none': image.opts(title="First Frame") return image, None, fpath if cropmethod == 'Box': box = hv.Polygons([]) box.opts(alpha=.5) box_stream = streams.BoxEdit(source=box, num_objects=1) return (image * box), box_stream, fpath if cropmethod == 'HLine': points = hv.Points([]) points.opts(active_tools=['point_draw'], color='white', size=1) pointerXY_stream = streams.PointerXY(x=0, y=0, source=image) pointDraw_stream = streams.PointDraw(source=points, num_objects=1) def h_track(x, y): #function to track pointer y = int(np.around(y)) text = hv.Text(x, y, str(y), halign='left', valign='bottom') return hv.HLine(y) * text track = hv.DynamicMap(h_track, streams=[pointerXY_stream]) def h_line(data): #function to draw line try: hline = hv.HLine(data['y'][0]) return hline except: hline = hv.HLine(0) return hline line = hv.DynamicMap(h_line, streams=[pointDraw_stream]) def h_text(data): #function to write ycrop value center = gray.shape[1] // 2 try: y = int(np.around(data['y'][0])) htext = hv.Text(center, y + 10, 'ycrop: {x}'.format(x=y)) return htext except: htext = hv.Text(center, 10, 'ycrop: 0') return htext text = hv.DynamicMap(h_text, streams=[pointDraw_stream]) return image * track * points * line * text, pointDraw_stream, fpath