예제 #1
    def update(self):
        """ Gets the latest data and updates the states. """

        time_date = dt_util.utcnow()
        time = dt_util.datetime_to_time_str(dt_util.as_local(time_date))
        time_utc = dt_util.datetime_to_time_str(time_date)
        date = dt_util.datetime_to_date_str(dt_util.as_local(time_date))

        # Calculate the beat (Swatch Internet Time) time without date.
        hours, minutes, seconds = time_date.strftime('%H:%M:%S').split(':')
        beat = ((int(seconds) + (int(minutes) * 60) + ((int(hours) + 1) *
                                                       3600)) / 86.4)

        if self.type == 'time':
            self._state = time
        elif self.type == 'date':
            self._state = date
        elif self.type == 'date_time':
            self._state = date + ', ' + time
        elif self.type == 'time_date':
            self._state = time + ', ' + date
        elif self.type == 'time_utc':
            self._state = time_utc
        elif self.type == 'beat':
            self._state = '{0:.2f}'.format(beat)
예제 #2
 def update(self):
     """Get the latest system information."""
     import psutil
     if self.type == 'disk_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).percent
     elif self.type == 'disk_use':
         self._state = round(
             psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).used / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'disk_free':
         self._state = round(
             psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).free / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'memory_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
     elif self.type == 'memory_use':
         self._state = round((psutil.virtual_memory().total -
                              psutil.virtual_memory().available) / 1024**2,
     elif self.type == 'memory_free':
         self._state = round(psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'swap_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.swap_memory().percent
     elif self.type == 'swap_use':
         self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().used / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'swap_free':
         self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().free / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'processor_use':
         self._state = round(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None))
     elif self.type == 'process':
         if any(self.argument in l.name() for l in psutil.process_iter()):
             self._state = STATE_ON
             self._state = STATE_OFF
     elif self.type == 'network_out':
         self._state = round(
             psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][0] /
             1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'network_in':
         self._state = round(
             psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][1] /
             1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'packets_out':
         self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][2]
     elif self.type == 'packets_in':
         self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][3]
     elif self.type == 'ipv4_address':
         self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][0][1]
     elif self.type == 'ipv6_address':
         self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][1][1]
     elif self.type == 'last_boot':
         self._state = dt_util.datetime_to_date_str(
     elif self.type == 'since_last_boot':
         self._state = dt_util.utcnow() - dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(
예제 #3
 def update(self):
     """ Get the latest system informations. """
     import psutil
     if self.type == 'disk_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).percent
     elif self.type == 'disk_use':
         self._state = round(psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).used /
                             1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'disk_free':
         self._state = round(psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).free /
                             1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'memory_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
     elif self.type == 'memory_use':
         self._state = round((psutil.virtual_memory().total -
                              psutil.virtual_memory().available) /
                             1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'memory_free':
         self._state = round(psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'swap_use_percent':
         self._state = psutil.swap_memory().percent
     elif self.type == 'swap_use':
         self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().used / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'swap_free':
         self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().free / 1024**3, 1)
     elif self.type == 'processor_use':
         self._state = round(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None))
     elif self.type == 'process':
         if any(self.argument in l.name() for l in psutil.process_iter()):
             self._state = STATE_ON
             self._state = STATE_OFF
     elif self.type == 'network_out':
         self._state = round(psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
                             [self.argument][0] / 1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'network_in':
         self._state = round(psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
                             [self.argument][1] / 1024**2, 1)
     elif self.type == 'packets_out':
         self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][2]
     elif self.type == 'packets_in':
         self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][3]
     elif self.type == 'ipv4_address':
         self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][0][1]
     elif self.type == 'ipv6_address':
         self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][1][1]
     elif self.type == 'last_boot':
         self._state = dt_util.datetime_to_date_str(
     elif self.type == 'since_last_boot':
         self._state = dt_util.utcnow() - dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(