def _degree_histo(self,numfig=1): import pylab def degreehisto(a): return numpy.histogram(a,bins=numpy.arange(0,numpy.max(a))) msg(1,"figure %(degree)s: node degree histograms " % self.pdf) pylab.figure(numfig) pylab.clf() pylab.axes(axisbg='w',frameon=False) # bg not visible? barlegend = LegendContainer() n,bins = degreehisto(self.D['degree']) lines =,n,align='center',color='black',width=1.0) barlegend.append(lines[0],'total') n,bins = degreehisto(self.D['indegree']) lines =,n,align='center',color='yellow',width=2./3.) barlegend.append(lines[0],'in') n,bins = degreehisto(self.D['outdegree']) lines =,n,align='center',color='red',width=1./3.) barlegend.append(lines[0],'out') pylab.legend(*barlegend.args()) pylab.xlim(xmin=-0.5) pylab.xlabel('degree') pylab.ylabel('count') #pylab.title("Distribution of node degrees (including connections with bulk)") pylab.savefig(self.pdf['degree'])
def _check_and_remap(self,densityList): """check that all densities are compatible with the reference density (densities are NOT saved)""" for k,dens in enumerate(densityList): if != msg(1, "Must remap density "+str(dens)+" to the reference "+str(self.reference)+"\n") dens_remapped = hop.sitemap.remap_density(dens,self.reference) # copy densityList[k] = dens_remapped # assignment (no idea why it has to be that clumsy)
def run(self,Ntotal=500000,Nskip=1000,verbosity=None): """MCMC run multiple cycles of lebgth <Nskip> scans for a total of <Ntotal>. run(Ntotal=500000,Nskip=1000) Starts from the current configuration in state. Creates the collection of configurations states: one state every Nskip steps """ set_verbosity(verbosity) Ntotal = int(Ntotal) Nskip = int(Nskip) Ncycle = int(Ntotal/Nskip) self.runparameters = {'Ntotal':Ntotal,'Nskip':Nskip,'Ncycle':Ncycle} state_list = [] msg(1,"Running MCMC:\n\tNtotal = %(Ntotal)d\n\tSaving state every cycle of Nskip steps = %(Nskip)d\n\t" "Hence in total Ncycle cycles = %(Ncycle)d\n" % locals()) for i in xrange(1,Ncycle+1): msg(3,"cycle %(i)4d/%(Ncycle)4d\r" % locals()) self.sample(Nskip) state_list.append(self.statevector) msg(3,"\n") if len(self.states) == 0: self.states = numpy.array(state_list) else: msg(2,"Extending states from %d configurations by %d new ones." \ % (len(self.states), len(state_list))) self.states = numpy.concatenate((self.states, numpy.array(state_list)))
def scan(self,cutoffs,merge=True): if not self.with_densities or not (self.bulkdensities and self.refbulkdensity): # need bulk densities because redrawing the map at a new # cutoff completely erases the manually inserted bulk # density raise ValueError("Densities (including bulk) are required for a scan.") if not merge: self.scanstats = {} # indexed by cutoff, list of stats self._check_and_remap([self.refbulkdensity]) self._check_and_remap(self.densities) self._check_and_remap(self.bulkdensities) try: iter(cutoffs) except TypeError: cutoffs = [cutoffs] for rhocut in cutoffs: msg(3, "rhocut = %5.2f: " % rhocut) r = self.reference r.map_sites(rhocut) r.site_insert_bulk(self.refbulkdensity) for k,d in enumerate(self.densities): msg(3,"%d/ref " % k) d.map_sites(rhocut) d.site_insert_bulk(self.bulkdensities[k]) d.find_equivalence_sites_with(r) self.scanstats[rhocut] = {'reference':r.stats(),k:d.stats()} msg(3,"\n") self._scan2recarray() msg(3, "Scan complete. See scanstats and scanarrays attributes.")
def save(self,filename='pscan.pickle'): """Save pscan object to pickle file. save(pscan.pickle) Load with import cPickle myPscan = cPickle.load(open('pscan.pickle')) """ import cPickle fh = open(filename,'wb') try: cPickle.dump(self,fh,cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) finally: fh.close() msg(3,"Wrote Pscan object to '%s'.\n" % filename)
def run(filename='hopgraph.pickle',Ntotal=500000,Nskip=1000,Nequil=Nequil_default): """Perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo on a model derived from the hopping graph.""" h = hop.graph.HoppingGraph(filename=filename) M = MCMCsampler(h) msg(0,"MCMCsampler() for %s\n" % filename) if Nequil > 0: # burn in/flooding msg(1,"Running %(Nequil)d steps for equilibration...\n" % locals()) M.sample(Nequil,record_iterations=False) # MCMC run,Nskip=Nskip,verbosity=3) return M
def save(self, filename='pscan.pickle'): """Save pscan object to pickle file. save(pscan.pickle) Load with import cPickle myPscan = cPickle.load(open('pscan.pickle')) """ import cPickle fh = open(filename, 'wb') try: cPickle.dump(self, fh, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) finally: fh.close() msg(3, "Wrote Pscan object to '%s'.\n" % filename)
def plot(self,filename=None,format='pdf',**kwargs): """Plot the heatmap and save to an image file. plot() # display using windowing system plot('hm') # --> hm.pdf plot('hm.png') # --> hm.png plot('hm','png') # --> hm.png By default a clustered heat map is constructed using R's heatmap.2 function. If R cannot be found, an unclustered heat map is plotted. **kwargs can be used to customize the output. :Arguments: filename name of the image file; may contain extension If empty use the windowing system. format eps,pdf,png... whatever matplotlib understands **kwargs for R: scale Determines the coloring. Choose between 'none' (the actual values in the heat map (possibly already normalized)), 'row' or 'column' (z-score across the dimension) N_colors Number of color levels; default is 32. **kwargs for matplotlib: The kwargs are applied to the matplotlib.text() method and are typically used to set font properties. See the pylab/matplotlib documentation. """ if filename: format = hop.utilities.fileextension(filename,default=format) labels = self.labels() try: try: import rpy except ImportError: from rpy2 import rpy_classic as rpy #[email protected]/msg01893.html rpy.set_default_mode(rpy.BASIC_CONVERSION) self._heatmap_R(labels,filename=filename,format=format,**kwargs) except ImportError: msg(0,"rpy package missing: cannot plot clustered heat map, defaulting to " "an unclustered heat map") self._heatmap_matplotlib(labels,filename=filename,format=format,**kwargs) if filename: msg(1,"Wrote image to file %s.\n" % self.filename(filename,ext=format))
def run(filename='hopgraph.pickle', Ntotal=500000, Nskip=1000, Nequil=Nequil_default): """Perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo on a model derived from the hopping graph.""" h = hop.graph.HoppingGraph(filename=filename) M = MCMCsampler(h) msg(0, "MCMCsampler() for %s\n" % filename) if Nequil > 0: # burn in/flooding msg(1, "Running %(Nequil)d steps for equilibration...\n" % locals()) M.sample(Nequil, record_iterations=False) # MCMC run, Nskip=Nskip, verbosity=3) return M
def _heatmap_matplotlib(self,labels,filename=None,format='pdf',**kwargs): """Plot a un-clustered heat map using matplotlib.""" import pylab pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(self.heatmap,interpolation='nearest') pylab.axis('off') pylab.colorbar(pad=0.075) col_labels = [_add_x_ticklabel(n,label,**kwargs) for n,label in enumerate(labels['columns'])] row_labels = [_add_y_ticklabel(n,label,**kwargs) for n,label in enumerate(labels['observables'])] norm_labels = [_add_y_ticklabel(n,label, offset=self.heatmap.shape[1], # number of colums horizontalalignment='left', **kwargs) for n,label in enumerate(labels['normalizations'])] if filename is not None: pylab.savefig(self.filename(filename,ext=format,set_default=True)) else: msg(3,"Only display, no file written because filename == None.")
def _occupancy_histo(self,numfig=1): import pylab msg(1,"figure %(occupancy)s: occupancy histograms" % self.pdf) pylab.figure(numfig) pylab.clf() pylab.axes(axisbg='w',frameon=False) # bg not visible? barlegend = LegendContainer() n,bins = numpy.histogram(self.D['site_occupancy_kin_avg'],bins=numpy.arange(0.1,1.6,0.1)) lines =,n,align='edge',color='k',linewidth=0,width=0.1) barlegend.append(lines[0],'from kinetics') n,bins = numpy.histogram(self.D['site_occupancy_rho_avg'],bins=numpy.arange(0.1,1.6,0.1)) lines =,n,align='edge',color=(0.7,0.7,0.7),alpha=0.7,linewidth=0.1,width=0.1) barlegend.append(lines[0],'from density') pylab.legend(*barlegend.args()) pylab.xlabel('occupancy') pylab.ylabel('count') pylab.savefig(self.pdf['occupancy'])
def _lifetime_histo(self,numfig=1): import pylab msg(1,"figure %(lifetime)s: life time histogram" % self.pdf) pylab.figure(numfig) pylab.clf() pylab.axes(axisbg='w',frameon=False) # bg not visible? barlegend = LegendContainer() n,bins=numpy.histogram(self.D['site_lifetime_avg'], bins=numpy.concatenate((numpy.arange(0,1000,50), [1000,5000,10000,20000]))) xcutoff = 1000 N_outliers = numpy.sum(n[bins > xcutoff]) lines =,n,align='edge',color='k',linewidth=0,width=50, label='life time') barlegend.append(lines[0],'life time\n(%(N_outliers)d counts > ' '%(xcutoff)g)' % locals() ) pylab.xlim(0,xcutoff) pylab.legend(*barlegend.args()) pylab.xlabel('life time/ps') pylab.ylabel('count') pylab.savefig(self.pdf['lifetime'])
def run(self, Ntotal=500000, Nskip=1000, verbosity=None): """MCMC run multiple cycles of lebgth <Nskip> scans for a total of <Ntotal>. run(Ntotal=500000,Nskip=1000) Starts from the current configuration in state. Creates the collection of configurations states: one state every Nskip steps """ set_verbosity(verbosity) Ntotal = int(Ntotal) Nskip = int(Nskip) Ncycle = int(Ntotal / Nskip) self.runparameters = { 'Ntotal': Ntotal, 'Nskip': Nskip, 'Ncycle': Ncycle } state_list = [] msg( 1, "Running MCMC:\n\tNtotal = %(Ntotal)d\n\tSaving state every cycle of Nskip steps = %(Nskip)d\n\t" "Hence in total Ncycle cycles = %(Ncycle)d\n" % locals()) for i in xrange(1, Ncycle + 1): msg(3, "cycle %(i)4d/%(Ncycle)4d\r" % locals()) self.sample(Nskip) state_list.append(self.statevector) msg(3, "\n") if len(self.states) == 0: self.states = numpy.array(state_list) else: msg(2,"Extending states from %d configurations by %d new ones." \ % (len(self.states), len(state_list))) self.states = numpy.concatenate( (self.states, numpy.array(state_list)))
def r_dev_off(): msg(1,"Interactive R display. Kill with hop.analysis.kill_R()") pass
def _heatmap_R(self,labels,filename=None,format='pdf',**kwargs): """Plot a clustered heat map using R.""" # Note on coloring: test if data is z-score normalized and if # true, force scale='row' for the heat map so that this is # reflected in the legend (in fact, the z-score is recomputed # over the data for heatmap.2 coloring but it looks identical # and in any case, the clustering is done on the original # data --- which is NOT clear from the heatmap docs) try: from rpy import r, RException except ImportError: from rpy2.rpy_classic import r, RException hm_args = dict(scale='none', margins=(10,10), # space for long labels N_colors=32, ) hm_args.update(kwargs) N_colors = hm_args.pop('N_colors') # N_colors not a true heatmap argument if filename is not None: interactive = False def r_format(): r[format](filename) def r_dev_off(): r.dev_off() else: interactive = True def r_format(): try: r.X11() except RException: r.quartz() def r_dev_off(): msg(1,"Interactive R display. Kill with hop.analysis.kill_R()") pass if self.normalization_method is 'zscore' and hm_args['scale'] is not 'row': hm_args['scale'] = 'row' msg(3,"Forcing scale='row' for z-score normalized heat map.\n") # (This only has the effect to put the label 'Row Z-score' in the graph) try: r.library('colorRamps') r_color = r.matlab_like(N_colors) # getting somewhat close to matplotlib 'jet' except RException: msg(1,"For matplotlib-like colors install the R-package 'colorRamps':\n" ">>> import rpy\n" ">>> rpy.r.install_packages('colorRamps',type='source')") r_color = r.topo_colors(N_colors) try: r.library('gplots') r_heatmap = r.heatmap_2 hm_args.update(dict(key=r.TRUE, symkey=r.FALSE, density_info='histogram', trace='none')) except RException: msg(1,"For heatmap with a legend install the R-package 'gplots' via \n" ">>> import rpy\n" ">>> rpy.r.install_packages('gplots',type='source')") r_heatmap = r.heatmap r_format() r_heatmap(self.heatmap, labRow=labels['observables'], labCol=labels['columns'], col=r_color, **hm_args) r_dev_off()
def plot(self,fn=None,idens=0,functions='all',properties=None,fignumber=1): """Plot density statistics against rho_cut for reference (black) and density 0 (red). plot(filename,properties=<dict of dicts>) Plot various functions of the density cut-off rho_cut. Current functions are 'sites', 'volume', 'occupancy', or 'all'. Plots can be customized by using the properties dict. To change the ylim and add an title to the sites graph, use properties = {'sites': {ylim':(0,220),'title':'number of sites'}} :Arguments: fn file name for the file; default is scan.pdf. Suffix determines file type. idens number of density plot; the first one is 0 in self.scanarrays[]. functions list of function names or 'all' properties dict1 of dicts; keys1: sites, volume, occupancy; keys2: any matplotlib settable property, values2: appropriate values fignumber pylab figure number """ import pylab available_functions = ['sites', 'volume', 'occupancy'] plot_functions = [] if functions is 'all': plot_functions = available_functions else: for f in functions: if f in available_functions: plot_functions.append(f) else: raise ValueError('No function '+str(f)+' is available, only '+ str(available_functions)) props = self.__plot_properties_default.copy() if type(properties) is dict: for k,userparams in properties.items(): try: props[k].update(userparams) except KeyError: props[k] = userparams r = self.scanarrays['reference'] d = self.scanarrays[idens] pylab.figure(fignumber) pylab.clf() pylab.axes(axisbg='w',frameon=False) par = props['sites'] pylab.subplot(221) pylab.plot(r.rho_cut,r.N_equivalence_sites,'ko',label="N_equiv") pylab.plot(r.rho_cut,r.N_sites,'kx',label="N_sites") pylab.plot(r.rho_cut,d.N_sites,'rx') pylab.ylim(par['ylim']) #pylab.legend() # refine err bar plots alpha = 1 # acts on the line not on the errorbar markers capsize=0 par = props['volume'] pylab.subplot(222) pylab.errorbar(r.rho_cut,r.site_volume_avg,yerr=r.site_volume_std, color='k',capsize=capsize,alpha=alpha,label="volume") pylab.errorbar(r.rho_cut,d.site_volume_avg,yerr=d.site_volume_std, color='r',capsize=capsize,alpha=alpha,label="volume") pylab.ylim(par['ylim']) pylab.ylabel(par['ylabel']) # [pylab.set(pylab.gca(), k, v) for k,v in par.items()] par = props['occupancy'] pylab.subplot(223) pylab.errorbar(r.rho_cut,r.site_occupancy_rho_avg,yerr=r.site_occupancy_rho_std, color='k',capsize=capsize,alpha=alpha) pylab.errorbar(r.rho_cut,d.site_occupancy_rho_avg,yerr=d.site_occupancy_rho_std, color='r',capsize=capsize,alpha=alpha) #pylab.legend() pylab.ylim(par['ylim']) pylab.xlabel(par['xlabel']) pylab.ylabel(par['ylabel']) pylab.savefig(fn) msg(1, "Graph saved to %s\n" % fn) pylab.close(fignumber)