예제 #1
def _export_hdfs_model(hdfs_model_path, model_dir_hdfs, overwrite):
    Exports a hdfs directory of model files to Hopsworks "Models" dataset

        :hdfs_model_path: the path to the model files in hdfs
        :model_dir_hdfs: path to the directory in HDFS to put the model files
        :overwrite: boolean flag whether to overwrite in case a model already exists in the exported directory

           the path to the exported model files in HDFS
    if hdfs.isdir(hdfs_model_path):
        for file_source_path in hdfs.ls(hdfs_model_path):
            model_name = file_source_path
            if constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER in file_source_path:
                last_index = model_name.rfind(constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER)
                model_name = model_name[last_index + 1:]
            dest_path = model_dir_hdfs + constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER + model_name
            hdfs.cp(file_source_path, dest_path, overwrite=overwrite)
    elif hdfs.isfile(hdfs_model_path):
        model_name = hdfs_model_path
        if constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER in hdfs_model_path:
            last_index = model_name.rfind(constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER)
            model_name = model_name[last_index + 1:]
        dest_path = model_dir_hdfs + constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER + model_name
        hdfs.cp(hdfs_model_path, dest_path, overwrite=overwrite)

    return model_dir_hdfs
예제 #2
def export(model_path, model_name, model_version=1, overwrite=False):
    Copies a trained model to the Models directory in the project and creates the directory structure of:

    >>> Models
    >>>      |
    >>>      - model_name
    >>>                 |
    >>>                 - version_x
    >>>                 |
    >>>                 - version_y

    For example if you run this:

    >>> serving.export("iris_knn.pkl", "irisFlowerClassifier", 1, overwrite=True)

    it will copy the local model file "iris_knn.pkl" to /Projects/projectname/Models/irisFlowerClassifier/1/iris.knn.pkl
    on HDFS, and overwrite in case there already exists a file with the same name in the directory.

    If you run:

    >>> serving.export("Resources/iris_knn.pkl", "irisFlowerClassifier", 1, overwrite=True)

    it will first check if the path Resources/iris_knn.pkl exists on your local filesystem in the current working
    directory. If the path was not found, it will check in your project's HDFS directory and if it finds the model there
    it will copy it to /Projects/projectname/Models/irisFlowerClassifier/1/iris.knn.pkl

    If "model" is a directory on the local path exported by tensorflow, and you run:
    >>> serving.export("/model/", "mnist", 1, overwrite=True)

    It will copy the model directory contents to /Projects/projectname/Models/mnist/1/ , e.g the "model.pb" file and
    the "variables" directory.

        :model_path: path to the trained model (HDFS or local)
        :model_name: name of the model/serving
        :model_version: version of the model/serving
        :overwrite: boolean flag whether to overwrite in case a serving already exists in the exported directory

        The path to where the model was exported

        :ValueError: if there was an error with the exportation of the model due to invalid user input

    if not hdfs.exists(model_path) and not os.path.exists(model_path):
        raise ValueError("the provided model_path: {} , does not exist in HDFS or on the local filesystem".format(

    # Create directory in HDFS to put the model files
    project_path = hdfs.project_path()
    model_dir_hdfs = project_path + constants.MODEL_SERVING.MODELS_DATASET + \
                     constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER + str(model_name) + \
                     constants.DELIMITERS.SLASH_DELIMITER + str(model_version) + \
    if not hdfs.exists(model_dir_hdfs):

    if (not overwrite) and hdfs.exists(model_dir_hdfs) and hdfs.isfile(model_dir_hdfs):
        raise ValueError("Could not create model directory: {}, the path already exists and is a file, "
                         "set flag overwrite=True "
                         "to remove the file and create the correct directory structure".format(model_dir_hdfs))

    if overwrite and hdfs.exists(model_dir_hdfs) and hdfs.isfile(model_dir_hdfs):

    # Export the model files
    if os.path.exists(model_path):
        return _export_local_model(model_path, model_dir_hdfs, overwrite)
        return _export_hdfs_model(model_path, model_dir_hdfs, overwrite)