def device_info(self, device_sn, attributes=None): ''' 返回指定的设备空间详细信息,主要是设备空间本身的属性信息 :param device_sn: 空间id :param attributes: 用户自定义获取信息字段,如果不传则默认返回设备通用信息 :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/devices/%s' % device_sn params = {} if attributes: params.update({'attributes': 'capture_config'}) params.update({'capture_config': attributes['capture_config']}) headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) if params: url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params)) else: url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.base_url, path) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', authorization) return ret, info
def count_search(self, device_sn, start_time, end_time, cycle=None): ''' 根据指定的时间和周期,查询客流量,查询粒度为设备, 统计维度包括设备、人脸库、性别、年龄、进店、出店,统计的不同维度的进出店客流量是人次,没有去重计算 :param device_sn: :param start_time: 开始时间,ISO-8601时间 :param end_time: 结束时间,ISO-8601时间 :param cycle: 统计周期,可选值为hour、day,不传值时只返回总数 :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/analysis_tools/%s/count' % device_sn params = {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time} headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, authorization) return ret, info
def operations_search(self, request_id, faceset_id): ''' 返回操作id对应的结果。结果内包含与faceset_id关联所有IPC的未成功的face_id状态信息。 未成功状态包括pending和fail。 已成功的face_id,不在查询结果中。 :param request_id: :param faceset_id: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/operations/%s' % request_id params = {'faceset_id': faceset_id} headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, auth=authorization) return ret, info
def space_info(self, space_id): ''' 返回指定的设备空间详细信息,主要是设备空间本身的属性信息 :param space_id: 空间id :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/device_spaces/%s' % space_id params = '' headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) # url = 'http://{0}{1}?authorization={2}'.format(, path, authorization) url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.base_url, path) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', authorization) return ret, info
def list(self, current=1, per_page=20, space_id=None, attributes=None): ''' 获取设备空间列表 参考: :param current:当前页,不填时默认为1,需要和per_page同时填/不填 :param per_page:每页数量,不填时默认值为20 :param space_id:设备空间id,不传时返回默认设备空间下的设备列表 :param attributes:用户自定义获取信息字段,如果不传则默认返回设备通用信息, attributes={name,capture_config} name 模块 capture_config 配置 :return: 一个dict变量,类似 {"hash": "<Hash string>", "key": "<Key string>"} 一个ResponseInfo对象 一个EOF信息。 ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/devices' #验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) #生成请求参数 params = { 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page, } params.update({'space_id': space_id}) if space_id else None if attributes: params.update({'attributes': 'capture_config'}) params.update({'capture_config': attributes['capture_config']}) headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params=params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def ipc_list( self, type, current=1, per_page=20, ): ''' OpenAPI获取设备列表指令,返回的设备类型支持客流识别机与识别机两种类型,客流识别机类型为2,识别机类型为3, 返回所有IPC信息(包含IPC SN等信息),本次操作的状态码与错误信息 :param current: :param per_page: :param type:设备类型,只能是客流识别机(2)或者识别机(3) :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/devices' if not type in [2, 3]: raise ValueError('type 客流识别机(2)或者识别机(3)') # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = { 'type': type, 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page, } headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params=params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def visitors_search(self, device_sn, start_time, end_time, current=1, per_page=20): ''' :param device_sn: :param start_time: :param end_time: :param current: :param per_page: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/analysis_tools/%s/visitors' % device_sn # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = { 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page } headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def list(self, faceset_id, current=1, per_page=20): ''' 用于获取指定人脸库中的用户列表,单个人脸库可注册的用户最大的数据量是100万,超过100万会报错 参考: :param current:当前页,不填时默认为1,需要和per_page同时填/不填 :param per_page:每页数量,不填时默认值为20 :param faceset_id:设备空间id,不传时返回默认设备空间下的设备列表 :return: 一个dict变量,类似 {"hash": "<Hash string>", "key": "<Key string>"} 一个ResponseInfo对象 一个EOF信息。 ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/facesets/%s/faces' % faceset_id # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = { 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page, } headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) query = au.get_canonical_querystring(params=params) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, query) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def user_info_get(self, faceset_id, per_page=1, current=20, **kwargs): ''' OpenAPI获取用户查询指令,内部对指定人脸库查询用户,返回本次操作的用户信息,状态码与错误信息 :param faceset_id: :param face_id: :param kwargs: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/facesets/{0}/faces'.format(faceset_id) # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = { 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page, } headers = {'host':} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in _user_face_list_feild: params.update({k, v}) authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params=params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def list(self, current=1, per_page=20): ''' 获取设备空间列表 参考: :param current:当前页,不填时默认为1,需要和per_page同时填/不填 :param per_page:每页数量,不填时默认值为20 :return: 一个dict变量,类似 {"hash": "<Hash string>", "key": "<Key string>"} 一个ResponseInfo对象 一个EOF信息。 ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/device_spaces' # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = {'current': current, 'per_page': per_page} headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def facest_list(self, current=1, per_page=20): ''' :param current: :param per_page: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/facesets' # 验证current 、per_page if (current and per_page): current = current per_page = per_page elif not (current == per_page): raise ValueError( 'current and per_page must fill in at the same time or neither' ) params = { 'current': current, 'per_page': per_page, } headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=params, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}?{2}'.format(self.base_url, path, au.get_canonical_querystring(params=params)) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, '', auth=authorization) # 枚举列表是否完整 eof = False if ret: if ret["pagination"]["current"] * ret["pagination"][ "per_page"] >= ret["pagination"]["total"]: eof = True return ret, info, eof
def pf_line_search(self, device_sn): ''' 用于查看客流的画的线的相关信息 :param device_sn: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/passengerflow/%s' % device_sn headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=None, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.base_url, path) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, auth=authorization) return ret, info
def search(self, faceset_id): ''' :param faceset_id: :return: ''' method = 'GET' path = self.api_version + '/facesets/%s' % faceset_id headers = {'host':} authorization = self.auth.get_sign(http_method=method, path=path, params=None, headers=headers) url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.base_url, path) print(url) ret, info = dohttp._get(url, auth=authorization) return ret, info