def oncreategame(self, player, packet): if packet.maxplayers < self.capabilities['minplayers']: raise network.SoftNetworkException("You can't run a game with less than %d players" % (self.capabilities['minplayers'])) if packet.maxplayers > self.capabilities['maxplayers']: raise network.SoftNetworkException("You can't run a game with more than %d players" % (self.capabilities['maxplayers'])) game = Game(packet, player) logging.debug("[CREATE] [%s] %s created %s" % (game.uuid, player, game)) self.send(player.peer, packets.server.data_gamestate(game))
def on_creategame(self, player: Player, packet: packets.client.cmd_creategame): """ A client wants to create a new game. """ if packet.maxplayers < self.capabilities['minplayers']: raise network.SoftNetworkException( "You can't run a game with less than {} players". format(self.capabilities['minplayers'])) if packet.maxplayers > self.capabilities['maxplayers']: raise network.SoftNetworkException( "You can't run a game with more than {} players". format(self.capabilities['maxplayers'])) game = Game(packet, player) logging.debug("[CREATE] [{}] {} created {}".format(game.uuid, player, game)) self.send(player.peer, packets.server.data_gamestate(game))