예제 #1
	def save(self, db):
		super(Pirate, self).save(db)
		db("UPDATE player SET is_pirate = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)
		db("INSERT INTO pirate_home_point(x, y) VALUES(?, ?)", self.home_point.x, self.home_point.y)

		current_callback = Callback(self.tick)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (len(calls), current_callback, calls)
		remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		current_callback_long = Callback(self.tick_long)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback_long)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (len(calls), current_callback_long, calls)
		remaining_ticks_long = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		db("INSERT INTO ai_pirate(rowid, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", self.worldid,
			remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long)

		for ship in self.ships:
			ship_state = self.ships[ship]
			db("INSERT INTO pirate_ships(rowid, state) VALUES(?, ?)",
				ship.worldid, ship_state.index)

		# save unit manager

		# save combat manager

		# save strategy manager

		# save behavior manager
예제 #2
	def save(self, db):
		super(Pirate, self).save(db)
		db("UPDATE player SET is_pirate = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)
		db("INSERT INTO pirate_home_point(x, y) VALUES(?, ?)", self.home_point.x, self.home_point.y)

		current_callback = Callback(self.tick)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (len(calls), current_callback, calls)
		remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		current_callback_long = Callback(self.tick_long)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback_long)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (len(calls), current_callback_long, calls)
		remaining_ticks_long = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		db("INSERT INTO ai_pirate(rowid, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", self.worldid,
			remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long)

		for ship in self.ships:
			ship_state = self.ships[ship]
			db("INSERT INTO pirate_ships(rowid, state) VALUES(?, ?)",
				ship.worldid, ship_state.index)

		# save unit manager

		# save combat manager

		# save strategy manager

		# save behavior manager
예제 #3
    def save(self, db):

        # save the player
        db("UPDATE player SET client_id = 'AIPlayer' WHERE rowid = ?",

        current_callback = Callback(self.tick)
        calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
        assert len(
            calls) == 1, "got {0!s} calls for saving {1!s}: {2!s}".format(
                len(calls), current_callback, calls)
        remaining_ticks = max(list(calls.values())[0], 1)

        current_callback_long = Callback(self.tick_long)
        calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback_long)
        assert len(
            calls) == 1, "got {0!s} calls for saving {1!s}: {2!s}".format(
                len(calls), current_callback_long, calls)
        remaining_ticks_long = max(list(calls.values())[0], 1)

            "INSERT INTO ai_player(rowid, need_more_ships, need_more_combat_ships, need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            self.worldid, self.need_more_ships, self.need_more_combat_ships,
            self.need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long)

        # save the ships
        for ship, state in self.ships.items():
            db("INSERT INTO ai_ship(rowid, owner, state) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
               ship.worldid, self.worldid, state.index)

        # save the land managers
        for land_manager in self.islands.values():

        # save the settlement managers
        for settlement_manager in self.settlement_managers:

        # save the missions
        for mission in self.missions:

        # save the personality manager

        # save the unit manager

        # save the combat manager

        # save the strategy manager

        # save the behavior manager
예제 #4
	def save(self, db):
		super(AIPlayer, self).save(db)

		# save the player
		db("UPDATE player SET client_id = 'AIPlayer' WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)

		current_callback = Callback(self.tick)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got {0!s} calls for saving {1!s}: {2!s}".format(len(calls), current_callback, calls)
		remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		current_callback_long = Callback(self.tick_long)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback_long)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got {0!s} calls for saving {1!s}: {2!s}".format(len(calls), current_callback_long, calls)
		remaining_ticks_long = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

		db("INSERT INTO ai_player(rowid, need_more_ships, need_more_combat_ships, need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
			self.worldid, self.need_more_ships, self.need_more_combat_ships, self.need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks, remaining_ticks_long)

		# save the ships
		for ship, state in self.ships.iteritems():
			db("INSERT INTO ai_ship(rowid, owner, state) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", ship.worldid, self.worldid, state.index)

		# save the land managers
		for land_manager in self.islands.itervalues():

		# save the settlement managers
		for settlement_manager in self.settlement_managers:

		# save the missions
		for mission in self.missions:

		# save the personality manager

		# save the unit manager

		# save the combat manager

		# save the strategy manager

		# save the behavior manager
예제 #5
    def save(self, db):
        super(Collector, self).save(db)

        # save state and remaining ticks for next callback
        # retrieve remaining ticks according current callback according to state
        current_callback = None
        remaining_ticks = None
        if self.state == self.states.idle:
            current_callback = self.search_job
        elif self.state == self.states.working:
            current_callback = self.finish_working
        if current_callback is not None:
            calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
            assert len(
            ) == 1, 'Collector should have callback {} scheduled, but has {}'.format(
                [str(i) for i in Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self).keys()])
            remaining_ticks = max(list(calls.values())[0],
                                  1)  # save a number > 0

            "INSERT INTO collector(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, start_hidden) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
            self.worldid, self.state.index, remaining_ticks, self.start_hidden)

        # save the job
        if self.job is not None:
            obj_id = -1 if self.job.object is None else self.job.object.worldid
            # this is not in 3rd normal form since the object is saved multiple times but
            # it preserves compatibility with old savegames this way.
            for entry in self.job.reslist:
                    "INSERT INTO collector_job(collector, object, resource, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
                    self.worldid, obj_id, entry.res, entry.amount)
예제 #6
    def save(self, db):
        super(Trader, self).save(db)

        # mark self as a trader
        db("UPDATE player SET is_trader = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)

        for ship in self.ships:
            # prepare values
            ship_state = self.ships[ship]

            remaining_ticks = None
            # get current callback in scheduler, according to ship state, to retrieve
            # the number of ticks, when the call will actually be done
            current_callback = None
            if ship_state == self.shipStates.reached_warehouse:
                current_callback = Callback(self.ship_idle, ship)
            if current_callback is not None:
                # current state has a callback
                calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
                assert len(
                    calls) == 1, "got {} calls for saving {}: {}".format(
                        len(calls), current_callback, calls)
                remaining_ticks = max(list(calls.values())[0], 1)

            targeted_warehouse = None if ship.worldid not in self.warehouse else self.warehouse[

            # put them in the database
                "INSERT INTO trader_ships(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, targeted_warehouse) \
			   VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", ship.worldid, ship_state.index, remaining_ticks,
예제 #7
	def save(self, db):
		super(AIPlayer, self).save(db)

		# save the player
		db("UPDATE player SET client_id = 'AIPlayer' WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)
		current_callback = Callback(self.tick)
		calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
		assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (len(calls), current_callback, calls)
		remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)
		db("INSERT INTO ai_player(rowid, need_more_ships, need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", \
			self.worldid, self.need_more_ships, self.need_feeder_island, remaining_ticks)

		# save the ships
		for ship, state in self.ships.iteritems():
			db("INSERT INTO ai_ship(rowid, owner, state) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", ship.worldid, self.worldid, state.index)

		# save the land managers
		for land_manager in self.islands.itervalues():

		# save the settlement managers
		for settlement_manager in self.settlement_managers:

		# save the missions
		for mission in self.missions:

		# save the personality manager
예제 #8
	def save(self, db):
		super(Collector, self).save(db)

		# save state and remaining ticks for next callback
		# retrieve remaining ticks according current callback according to state
		current_callback = None
		remaining_ticks = None
		if self.state == self.states.idle:
			current_callback = self.search_job
		elif self.state == self.states.working:
			current_callback = self.finish_working
		if current_callback is not None:
			calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
			assert len(calls) == 1, 'Collector should have callback %s scheduled, but has %s' % \
			        (current_callback, [ str(i) for i in Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self).keys() ])
			remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1) # save a number > 0

		db("INSERT INTO collector(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, start_hidden) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
		   self.worldid, self.state.index, remaining_ticks, self.start_hidden)

		# save the job
		if self.job is not None:
			obj_id = -1 if self.job.object is None else self.job.object.worldid
			# this is not in 3rd normal form since the object is saved multiple times but
			# it preserves compatiblity with old savegames this way.
			for entry in self.job.reslist:
				db("INSERT INTO collector_job(collector, object, resource, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
				   self.worldid, obj_id, entry.res, entry.amount)
예제 #9
	def save(self, db):
		super(Trader, self).save(db)

		# mark self as a trader
		db("UPDATE player SET is_trader = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)

		for ship in self.ships:
			# prepare values
			ship_state = self.ships[ship]

			remaining_ticks = None
			# get current callback in scheduler, according to ship state, to retrieve
			# the number of ticks, when the call will actually be done
			current_callback = None
			if ship_state == self.shipStates.reached_warehouse:
				current_callback = Callback(self.ship_idle, ship)
			if current_callback is not None:
				# current state has a callback
				calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
				assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" %(len(calls), current_callback, calls)
				remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

			targeted_warehouse = None if ship.worldid not in self.office else self.office[ship.worldid].worldid

			# put them in the database
			db("INSERT INTO trader_ships(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, targeted_warehouse) \
			   VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", ship.worldid, ship_state.index, remaining_ticks, targeted_warehouse)
예제 #10
    def save(self, db):
        super(Collector, self).save(db)

        # save state and remaining ticks for next callback
        # retrieve remaining ticks according current callback according to state
        current_callback = None
        remaining_ticks = None
        if self.state == self.states.idle:
            current_callback = self.search_job
        elif self.state == self.states.working:
            current_callback = self.finish_working
        if current_callback is not None:
            calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
            assert len(calls) == 1, 'Collector should have callback %s scheduled, but has %s' % \
                    (current_callback, [ str(i) for i in Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self).keys() ])
            remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)  # save a number > 0

        db("INSERT INTO collector(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, start_hidden) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", \
           self.worldid, self.state.index, remaining_ticks, self.start_hidden)

        # save the job
        if self.job is not None:
            obj_id = -1 if self.job.object is None else self.job.object.worldid
            db("INSERT INTO collector_job(rowid, object, resource, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", \
               self.worldid, obj_id, self.job.res, self.job.amount)
예제 #11
	def save(self, db):
		super(Pirate, self).save(db)
		db("UPDATE player SET is_pirate = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)
		db("INSERT INTO pirate_home_point(x, y) VALUES(?, ?)", self.home_point.x, self.home_point.y)

		for ship in self.ships:
			# prepare values
			ship_state = self.ships[ship]
			current_callback = Callback(self.lookout, ship)
			calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
			assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" %(len(calls), current_callback, calls)
			remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

			db("INSERT INTO pirate_ships(rowid, state, remaining_ticks) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
				ship.worldid, ship_state.index, remaining_ticks)
예제 #12
	def save(self, db):
		super(WildAnimal, self).save(db)
		# save members
		db("INSERT INTO wildanimal(rowid, health, can_reproduce) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", \
			 self.worldid, self.health, int(self.can_reproduce))
		# set island as owner
		db("UPDATE unit SET owner = ? WHERE rowid = ?", self.home_island.worldid, self.worldid)

		# save remaining ticks when in waiting state
		if self.state == self.states.no_job_waiting:
			calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, self.handle_no_possible_job)
			assert(len(calls) == 1), 'calls: %s' % calls
			remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1) # we have to save a number > 0
			db("UPDATE collector SET remaining_ticks = ? WHERE rowid = ?", \
				 remaining_ticks, self.worldid)
예제 #13
	def save(self, db):
		super(WildAnimal, self).save(db)
		# save members
		db("INSERT INTO wildanimal(rowid, health, can_reproduce) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			 self.worldid, self.health, int(self.can_reproduce))
		# set island as owner
		db("UPDATE unit SET owner = ? WHERE rowid = ?", self.home_island.worldid, self.worldid)

		# save remaining ticks when in waiting state
		if self.state == self.states.no_job_waiting:
			calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, self.handle_no_possible_job)
			assert len(calls) == 1, 'calls: %s' % calls
			remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1) # we have to save a number > 0
			db("UPDATE collector SET remaining_ticks = ? WHERE rowid = ?",
				 remaining_ticks, self.worldid)
예제 #14
    def save(self, db):
        super(Pirate, self).save(db)
        db("UPDATE player SET is_pirate = 1 WHERE rowid = ?", self.worldid)
        db("INSERT INTO pirate_home_point(x, y) VALUES(?, ?)",
           self.home_point.x, self.home_point.y)

        for ship in self.ships:
            # prepare values
            ship_state = self.ships[ship]
            current_callback = Callback(self.lookout, ship)
            calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
            assert len(calls) == 1, "got %s calls for saving %s: %s" % (
                len(calls), current_callback, calls)
            remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)

                "INSERT INTO pirate_ships(rowid, state, remaining_ticks) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
                ship.worldid, ship_state.index, remaining_ticks)
예제 #15
    def save(self, db):
        super(Collector, self).save(db)

        # save state and remaining ticks for next callback
        # retrieve remaining ticks according current callback according to state
        current_callback = None
        remaining_ticks = None
        if self.state == self.states.idle:
            current_callback = self.search_job
        elif self.state == self.states.working:
            current_callback = self.finish_working
        if current_callback is not None:
            calls = Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self, current_callback)
            assert len(calls) == 1, "Collector should have callback %s scheduled, but has %s" % (
                [str(i) for i in Scheduler().get_classinst_calls(self).keys()],
            remaining_ticks = max(calls.values()[0], 1)  # save a number > 0

            "INSERT INTO collector(rowid, state, remaining_ticks, start_hidden) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",

        # save the job
        if self.job is not None:
            obj_id = -1 if self.job.object is None else self.job.object.worldid
                "INSERT INTO collector_job(rowid, object, resource, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",