예제 #1
    def move(self, destination, callback = None, destination_in_building = False, action='move', \
             _path_calculated = False, blocked_callback = None):
        """Moves unit to destination
		@param destination: Point or Rect
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit arrives.
		@param action: action as string to use for movement
		@param _path_calculated: only for internal use
		@param blocked_callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit gets blocked.
        if not _path_calculated:
            # calculate the path
            move_possible = self.path.calc_path(destination,

            self.log.debug("%s: move to %s; possible: %s; is_moving: %s", self, \
                           destination, move_possible, self.is_moving())

            if not move_possible:
                raise MoveNotPossible

        self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
        self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList(blocked_callback)
        self._conditional_callbacks = {}

        # start moving by regular ticking (only if next tick isn't scheduled)
        if not self.is_moving():
            self.__is_moving = True
            # start moving in 1 tick
            # this assures that a movement takes at least 1 tick, which is sometimes subtly
            # assumed e.g. in the collector code
            Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self)
	def move(self, destination, callback=None, destination_in_building=False, action='move',
	         blocked_callback=None, path=None):
		"""Moves unit to destination
		@param destination: Point or Rect
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit arrives.
		@param action: action as string to use for movement
		@param blocked_callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit gets blocked.
		@param path: a precalculated path (return value of FindPath()())
		if not path:
			# calculate the path
			move_possible = self.path.calc_path(destination, destination_in_building)

			self.log.debug("%s: move to %s; possible: %s; is_moving: %s", self,
			               destination, move_possible, self.is_moving())

			if not move_possible:
				raise MoveNotPossible
			self.path.move_on_path(path, destination_in_building=destination_in_building)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
		self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList(blocked_callback)
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		# start moving by regular ticking (only if next tick isn't scheduled)
		if not self.is_moving():
			self.__is_moving = True
			# start moving in 1 tick
			# this assures that a movement takes at least 1 tick, which is sometimes subtly
			# assumed e.g. in the collector code
			Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self)
예제 #3
    def stop(self, callback=None):
        """Stops a unit with currently no possibility to continue the movement.
		The unit actually stops moving when current move (to the next coord) is finished.
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. is executed immediately if unit isn't moving
        if not self.is_moving():
        self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
예제 #4
	def __init(self, x, y):
		self.position = Point(x, y)
		self.last_position = Point(x, y)
		self._next_target = Point(x, y)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		self.__is_moving = False

		self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)
예제 #5
	def __init(self, x, y):
		self.position = Point(x, y)
		self.last_position = Point(x, y)
		self._next_target = Point(x, y)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		self.__is_moving = False

		self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)
	def __init(self, x, y):
		self.position = Point(x, y)
		self.last_position = Point(x, y)
		self._next_target = Point(x, y)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		self.__is_moving = False

		self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)

		self._exact_model_coords = fife.ExactModelCoordinate() # save instance since construction is expensive (no other purpose)
		self._fife_location = None
	def stop(self, callback=None):
		"""Stops a unit with currently no possibility to continue the movement.
		The unit actually stops moving when current move (to the next coord) is finished.
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. is executed immediately if unit isn't moving
		if not self.is_moving():
		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
class MovingObject(ComponentHolder, ConcreteObject):
	"""This class provides moving functionality and is to be inherited by Unit.
	Its purpose is to provide a cleaner division of the code.

	It provides:
	- position, last_position: Point
	- path: Pather

	*moving methods:
	- move
	- stop
	- add_move_callback

	- check_move
	- get_move_target
	- is_moving
	movable = True

	log = logging.getLogger("world.units")

	pather_class = None # overwrite this with a descendant of AbstractPather

	def __init__(self, x, y, **kwargs):
		super(MovingObject, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
		self.__init(x, y)

	def __init(self, x, y):
		self.position = Point(x, y)
		self.last_position = Point(x, y)
		self._next_target = Point(x, y)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		self.__is_moving = False

		self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)

		self._exact_model_coords = fife.ExactModelCoordinate() # save instance since construction is expensive (no other purpose)
		self._fife_location = None

	def check_move(self, destination):
		"""Tries to find a path to destination
		@param destination: destination supported by pathfinding
		@return: object that can be used in boolean expressions (the path in case there is one)
		return self.path.calc_path(destination, check_only = True)

	def is_moving(self):
		"""Returns whether unit is currently moving"""
		return self.__is_moving

	def stop(self, callback=None):
		"""Stops a unit with currently no possibility to continue the movement.
		The unit actually stops moving when current move (to the next coord) is finished.
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. is executed immediately if unit isn't moving
		if not self.is_moving():
		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)

	def _setup_move(self, action='move'):
		"""Executes necessary steps to begin a movement. Currently only the action is set."""
		# try a number of actions and use first existent one
		for action_iter in (action, 'move', self._action):
			if self.has_action(action_iter):
				self._move_action = action_iter
		# this case shouldn't happen, but no other action might be available (e.g. ships)
		self._move_action = 'idle'

	def move(self, destination, callback=None, destination_in_building=False, action='move',
	         blocked_callback=None, path=None):
		"""Moves unit to destination
		@param destination: Point or Rect
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit arrives.
		@param action: action as string to use for movement
		@param blocked_callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit gets blocked.
		@param path: a precalculated path (return value of FindPath()())
		if not path:
			# calculate the path
			move_possible = self.path.calc_path(destination, destination_in_building)

			self.log.debug("%s: move to %s; possible: %s; is_moving: %s", self,
			               destination, move_possible, self.is_moving())

			if not move_possible:
				raise MoveNotPossible
			self.path.move_on_path(path, destination_in_building=destination_in_building)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
		self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList(blocked_callback)
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		# start moving by regular ticking (only if next tick isn't scheduled)
		if not self.is_moving():
			self.__is_moving = True
			# start moving in 1 tick
			# this assures that a movement takes at least 1 tick, which is sometimes subtly
			# assumed e.g. in the collector code
			Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self)

	def _movement_finished(self):
		self.log.debug("%s: movement finished. calling callbacks %s", self, self.move_callbacks)
		self._next_target = self.position
		self.__is_moving = False

	def _move_tick(self, resume=False):
		"""Called by the scheduler, moves the unit one step for this tick.
		assert self._next_target is not None

		if self._fife_location is None:
			# this data structure is needed multiple times, only create once
			self._fife_location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocationRef().getLayer())

		if resume:
			self.__is_moving = True
			#self.log.debug("%s move tick from %s to %s", self, self.last_position, self._next_target)
			self.last_position = self.position
			self.position = self._next_target
			self._exact_model_coords.set(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0)
			# it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)

		# try to get next step, handle a blocked path
		while self._next_target == self.position:
				self._next_target = self.path.get_next_step()
			except PathBlockedError:
				# if we are trying to resume and it isn't possible then we need to raise it again
				if resume:

				self.log.debug("path is blocked")
				self.log.debug("owner: %s", self.owner)
				self.__is_moving = False
				self._next_target = self.position
				if self.blocked_callbacks:
					self.log.debug('PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Calling blocked_callback', self)
					# TODO: This is supposed to delegate control over the behaviour of the unit to the owner.
					#       It is currently not used in a meaningful manner and possibly will be removed,
					#       as blocked_callback solves this problem more elegantly.
					#       Also, this sometimes triggers for collectors, who are supposed to use the
					#       generic solution. Only uncomment this code if this problem is fixed, else
					#       collectors will get stuck.
				elif self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, "notify_unit_path_blocked"):
					self.log.debug('PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Delegating to owner %s', self, self.owner)
					# generic solution: retry in 2 secs
					self.log.debug('PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Retry in 2 secs', self)
					# technically, the ship doesn't move, but it is in the process of moving,
					# as it will continue soon in general. Needed in border cases for add_move_callback
					self.__is_moving = True
					Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self,
					                           GAME_SPEED.TICKS_PER_SECOND * 2)
				self.log.debug("Unit %s: path is blocked, no way around", self)

		if self._next_target is None:
			self.__is_moving = True

		#setup movement

		move_time = self.get_unit_velocity()

		#location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocation().getLayer())
		self._exact_model_coords.set(self._next_target.x, self._next_target.y, 0)

		UnitClass.ensure_action_loaded(self._action_set_id, self._move_action) # lazy load move action

		# it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)
		self._instance.move(self._move_action+"_"+str(self._action_set_id), self._fife_location,
												float(self.session.timer.get_ticks(1)) / move_time[0])
		# coords per sec

		diagonal = self._next_target.x != self.position.x and self._next_target.y != self.position.y
		#self.log.debug("%s registering move tick in %s ticks", self, move_time[int(diagonal)])
		Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, move_time[int(diagonal)])

		# check if a conditional callback becomes true
		for cond in self._conditional_callbacks.keys(): # iterate of copy of keys to be able to delete
			if cond():
				# start callback when this function is done
				Scheduler().add_new_object(self._conditional_callbacks[cond], self)
				del self._conditional_callbacks[cond]

	def teleport(self, destination, callback=None, destination_in_building=False):
		"""Like move, but nearly instantaneous"""
		if hasattr(destination, "position"):
			destination_coord = destination.position.center().to_tuple()
			destination_coord = destination
		self.move(destination, callback=callback, destination_in_building=destination_in_building, path=[destination_coord])

	def add_move_callback(self, callback):
		"""Registers callback to be executed when movement of unit finishes.
		This has no effect if the unit isn't moving."""
		if self.is_moving():

	def add_blocked_callback(self, blocked_callback):
		"""Registers callback to be executed when movement of the unit gets blocked."""

	def add_conditional_callback(self, condition, callback):
		"""Adds a callback, that gets called, if, at any time of the movement, the condition becomes
		True. The condition is checked every move_tick. After calling the callback, it is removed."""
		assert callable(condition)
		assert callable(callback)
		self._conditional_callbacks[condition] = callback

	def get_unit_velocity(self):
		"""Returns the number of ticks that it takes to do a straight (i.e. vertical or horizontal)
		or diagonal movement as a tuple in this order.
		@return: (int, int)
		tile = self.session.world.get_tile(self.position)
		if self.id in tile.velocity:
			return tile.velocity[self.id]
			return (12, 17) # standard values

	def get_estimated_travel_time(self, destination):
		path = self.path.calc_path(destination, check_only = True)
		if not path and path != []:
			return None

		path_length = 0 # length in ticks to travel the distance
		speed = self.get_unit_velocity()
		for i in xrange(1, len(path)):
			dx = abs(path[i - 1][0] - path[i][0])
			dy = abs(path[i - 1][1] - path[i][1])
			if dx and dy:
				path_length += speed[1]
				path_length += speed[0]
		return path_length

	def get_move_target(self):
		return self.path.get_move_target()

	def save(self, db):
		super(MovingObject, self).save(db)
		# NOTE: _move_action is currently not yet saved and neither is blocked_callback.
		self.path.save(db, self.worldid)

	def load(self, db, worldid):
		super(MovingObject, self).load(db, worldid)
		x, y = db("SELECT x, y FROM unit WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0]
		self.__init(x, y)
		path_loaded = self.path.load(db, worldid)
		if path_loaded:
			self.__is_moving = True
			Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, run_in=0)
예제 #9
class MovingObject(ConcretObject):
    """This class provides moving functionality and is to be inherited by Unit.
	Its purpose is to provide a cleaner division of the code.

	It provides:
	- position, last_position: Point
	- path: Pather

	*moving methods:
	- move
	- stop
	- move_back
	- add_move_callback

	- check_move
	- get_move_target
	- is_moving
    movable = True

    log = logging.getLogger("world.units")

    pather_class = None  # overwrite this with a descendant of AbstractPather

    def __init__(self, x, y, **kwargs):
        super(MovingObject, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
        self.__init(x, y)

    def __init(self, x, y):
        self.position = Point(x, y)
        self.last_position = Point(x, y)
        self._next_target = Point(x, y)

        self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
        self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
        self._conditional_callbacks = {}

        self.__is_moving = False

        self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)

    def check_move(self, destination):
        """Tries to find a path to destination
		@param destination: destination supported by pathfinding
        return self.path.calc_path(destination, check_only=True)

    def is_moving(self):
        """Returns whether unit is currently moving"""
        return self.__is_moving

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        """Stops a unit with currently no possibility to continue the movement.
		The unit actually stops moving when current move (to the next coord) is finished.
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. is executed immediately if unit isn't moving
        if not self.is_moving():
        self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)

    def _setup_move(self, action='move'):
        """Executes necessary steps to begin a movement. Currently only the action is set."""
        # try a number of actions and use first existent one
        for action_iter in (action, 'move', self._action):
            if self.has_action(action_iter):
                self._move_action = action_iter
        # this case shouldn't happen, but no other action might be available (e.g. ships)
        self._move_action = 'idle'

    def move(self, destination, callback = None, destination_in_building = False, action='move', \
             _path_calculated = False, blocked_callback = None):
        """Moves unit to destination
		@param destination: Point or Rect
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit arrives.
		@param action: action as string to use for movement
		@param _path_calculated: only for internal use
		@param blocked_callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit gets blocked.
        if not _path_calculated:
            # calculate the path
            move_possible = self.path.calc_path(destination,

            self.log.debug("%s: move to %s; possible: %s; is_moving: %s", self, \
                           destination, move_possible, self.is_moving())

            if not move_possible:
                raise MoveNotPossible

        self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
        self.blocked_callbacks = WeakMethodList(blocked_callback)
        self._conditional_callbacks = {}

        # start moving by regular ticking (only if next tick isn't scheduled)
        if not self.is_moving():
            self.__is_moving = True
            # start moving in 1 tick
            # this assures that a movement takes at least 1 tick, which is sometimes subtly
            # assumed e.g. in the collector code
            Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self)

    def move_back(self,
        """Return to the place where last movement started. Same path is used, but in reverse order.
		@param callback: same as callback in move()
		@param destination_in_building: bool, whether target is in a building
		@param blocked_callback: same as blocked_callback in move()
        self.log.debug("%s: Moving back to %s", self, self.get_move_target())

    def _movement_finished(self):
        self.log.debug("%s: movement finished. calling callbacks %s", self,
        self._next_target = self.position
        self.__is_moving = False

    def _move_tick(self):
        """Called by the scheduler, moves the unit one step for this tick.
        assert self._next_target is not None
        #self.log.debug("%s move tick from %s to %s", self, self.last_position, self._next_target)
        self.last_position = self.position
        self.position = self._next_target
        location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocationRef().getLayer())
            fife.ExactModelCoordinate(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0))
        # it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)

        # try to get next step, handle a blocked path
        while self._next_target == self.position:
                self._next_target = self.path.get_next_step()
            except PathBlockedError:
                self.log.debug("path is blocked")
                self.log.debug("owner: %s", self.owner)
                self.__is_moving = False
                self._next_target = self.position
                if self.blocked_callbacks:
                        'PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Calling blocked_callback',
                elif self.owner is not None and hasattr(
                        self.owner, "notify_unit_path_blocked"):
                        'PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Delegating to owner %s',
                        self, self.owner)
                    # generic solution: retry in 2 secs
                        'PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Retry in 2 secs', self)
                    Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, \
                                               GAME_SPEED.TICKS_PER_SECOND * 2)
                self.log.debug("Unit %s: path is blocked, no way around", self)

        if self._next_target is None:
            self.__is_moving = True

        #setup movement

        move_time = self.get_unit_velocity()

        location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocation().getLayer())
            fife.ExactModelCoordinate(self._next_target.x, self._next_target.y,

        # it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)
        self._instance.move(self._move_action+"_"+str(self._action_set_id), location, \
                  float(self.session.timer.get_ticks(1)) / move_time[0])
        # coords per sec

        diagonal = self._next_target.x != self.position.x and self._next_target.y != self.position.y
        #self.log.debug("%s registering move tick in %s ticks", self, move_time[int(diagonal)])
        Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self,

        # check if a conditional callback becomes true
        for cond in self._conditional_callbacks.keys(
        ):  # iterate of copy of keys to be able to delete
            if cond():
                # start callback when this function is done
                del self._conditional_callbacks[cond]

    def add_move_callback(self, callback):
        """Registers callback to be executed when movement of unit finishes.
		This has no effect if the unit isn't moving."""
        if self.is_moving():

    def add_conditional_callback(self, condition, callback):
        """Adds a callback, that gets called, if, at any time of the movement, the condition becomes
		True. The condition is checked every move_tick. After calling the callback, it is removed."""
        assert callable(condition)
        assert callable(callback)
        self._conditional_callbacks[condition] = callback

    def get_unit_velocity(self):
        """Returns number of ticks that it takes to do a straight (i.e. vertical or horizontal) movement
		@return: int
        tile = self.session.world.get_tile(self.position)
        if self.id in tile.velocity:
            return tile.velocity[self.id]
            return (12, 17)  # standard values

    def get_move_target(self):
        return self.path.get_move_target()

    def save(self, db):
        super(MovingObject, self).save(db)
        # NOTE: _move_action is currently not yet saved and neither is blocked_callback.
        self.path.save(db, self.worldid)

    def load(self, db, worldid):
        super(MovingObject, self).load(db, worldid)
        x, y = db("SELECT x, y FROM unit WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0]
        self.__init(x, y)
        path_loaded = self.path.load(db, worldid)
        if path_loaded:
            self.__is_moving = True
            Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, 1)
예제 #10
class MovingObject(ConcretObject):
	"""This class provides moving functionality and is to be inherited by Unit.
	Its purpose is to provide a cleaner division of the code.

	It provides:
	- position, last_position: Point
	- path: Pather

	*moving methods:
	- move
	- stop
	- move_back
	- add_move_callback

	- check_move
	- get_move_target
	- is_moving
	movable = True

	log = logging.getLogger("world.units")

	pather_class = None # overwrite this with a descendant of AbstractPather

	def __init__(self, x, y, **kwargs):
		super(MovingObject, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
		self.__init(x, y)

	def __init(self, x, y):
		self.position = Point(x, y)
		self.last_position = Point(x, y)
		self._next_target = Point(x, y)

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList()
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		self.__is_moving = False

		self.path = self.pather_class(self, session=self.session)

	def check_move(self, destination):
		"""Tries to find a path to destination
		@param destination: destination supported by pathfinding
		return self.path.calc_path(destination, check_only = True)

	def is_moving(self):
		"""Returns whether unit is currently moving"""
		return self.__is_moving

	def stop(self, callback = None):
		"""Stops a unit with currently no possibility to continue the movement.
		The unit actually stops moving when current move (to the next coord) is finished.
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. is executed immediately if unit isn't moving
		if not self.is_moving():
		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)

	def _setup_move(self, action='move'):
		"""Executes necessary steps to begin a movement. Currently only the action is set."""
		# try a number of actions and use first existent one
		for action_iter in (action, 'move', self._action):
			if self.has_action(action_iter):
				self._move_action = action_iter
		# this case shouldn't happen, but no other action might be available (e.g. ships)
		self._move_action = 'idle'

	def move(self, destination, callback = None, destination_in_building = False, action='move', \
	         _path_calculated = False):
		"""Moves unit to destination
		@param destination: Point or Rect
		@param callback: a parameter supported by WeakMethodList. Gets called when unit arrives.
		@param action: action as string to use for movement
		@param _path_calculated: only for internal use
		if not _path_calculated:
			# calculate the path
			move_possible = self.path.calc_path(destination, destination_in_building)

			self.log.debug("%s: move to %s; possible: %s; is_moving: %s", self, \
			               destination, move_possible, self.is_moving())

			if not move_possible:
				raise MoveNotPossible

		self.move_callbacks = WeakMethodList(callback)
		self._conditional_callbacks = {}

		# start moving by regular ticking (only if next tick isn't scheduled)
		if not self.is_moving():
			self.__is_moving = True
			# start moving in 1 tick
			# this assures that a movement takes at least 1 tick, which is sometimes subtly
			# assumed e.g. in the collector code
			Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self)

	def move_back(self, callback = None, destination_in_building = False, action='move'):
		"""Return to the place where last movement started. Same path is used, but in reverse order.
		@param callback: same as callback in move()
		@param destination_in_building: bool, whether target is in a building
		self.log.debug("%s: Moving back to %s", self, self.get_move_target())
		self.move(None, callback, destination_in_building, action, _path_calculated = True)

	def _movement_finished(self):
		self.log.debug("%s: movement finished. calling callbacks %s", self, self.move_callbacks)
		self._next_target = self.position
		self.__is_moving = False

	def _move_tick(self):
		"""Called by the scheduler, moves the unit one step for this tick.
		assert self._next_target is not None
		#self.log.debug("%s move tick from %s to %s", self, self.last_position, self._next_target)
		self.last_position = self.position
		self.position = self._next_target
		location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocationRef().getLayer())
		location.setExactLayerCoordinates(fife.ExactModelCoordinate(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0))
		# it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)

		# try to get next step, handle a blocked path
		while self._next_target == self.position:
				self._next_target = self.path.get_next_step()
			except PathBlockedError:
				self.log.debug("path is blocked")
				self.log.debug("owner: %s", self.owner)
				self.__is_moving = False
				self._next_target = self.position
				if self.owner is not None and hasattr(self.owner, "notify_unit_path_blocked"):
					self.log.warning('PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. delegating to owner %s', self, self.owner)
					# generic solution: retry in 2 secs
					self.log.warning('PATH FOR UNIT %s is blocked. Retry in 2 secs', self)
					Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, \
					                           GAME_SPEED.TICKS_PER_SECOND * 2)
				self.log.debug("Unit %s: path is blocked, no way around", self)

		if self._next_target is None:
			self.__is_moving = True

		#setup movement

		move_time = self.get_unit_velocity()

		location = fife.Location(self._instance.getLocation().getLayer())
		location.setExactLayerCoordinates(fife.ExactModelCoordinate(self._next_target.x, self._next_target.y, 0))

		# it's safe to use location here (thisown is 0, set by swig, and setLocation uses reference)
		self._instance.move(self._move_action+"_"+str(self._action_set_id), location, \
												float(self.session.timer.get_ticks(1)) / move_time[0])
		# coords per sec

		diagonal = self._next_target.x != self.position.x and self._next_target.y != self.position.y
		#self.log.debug("%s registering move tick in %s ticks", self, move_time[int(diagonal)])
		Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, move_time[int(diagonal)])

		# check if a conditional callback becomes true
		for cond in self._conditional_callbacks.keys(): # iterate of copy of keys to be able to delete
			if cond():
				# start callback when this function is done
				Scheduler().add_new_object(self._conditional_callbacks[cond], self)
				del self._conditional_callbacks[cond]

	def add_move_callback(self, callback):
		"""Registers callback to be executed when movement of unit finishes.
		This has no effect if the unit isn't moving."""
		if self.is_moving():

	def add_conditional_callback(self, condition, callback):
		"""Adds a callback, that gets called, if, at any time of the movement, the condition becomes
		True. The condition is checked every move_tick. After calling the callback, it is removed."""
		assert callable(condition)
		assert callable(callback)
		self._conditional_callbacks[condition] = callback

	def get_unit_velocity(self):
		"""Returns number of ticks that it takes to do a straight (i.e. vertical or horizontal) movement
		@return: int
		tile = self.session.world.get_tile(self.position)
		if self.id in tile.velocity:
			return tile.velocity[self.id]
			return (12, 17) # standard values

	def get_move_target(self):
		return self.path.get_move_target()

	def save(self, db):
		super(MovingObject, self).save(db)
		# NOTE: _move_action is currently not yet saved.
		self.path.save(db, self.worldid)

	def load(self, db, worldid):
		super(MovingObject, self).load(db, worldid)
		x, y = db("SELECT x, y FROM unit WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0]
		self.__init(x, y)
		path_loaded = self.path.load(db, worldid)
		if path_loaded:
			self.__is_moving = True
			Scheduler().add_new_object(self._move_tick, self, 1)