예제 #1
	def getHouseList(self):
		data = xlrd.open_workbook('houseInfo_origin.xls')
		table = data.sheet_by_name(u'houseinfo')
		for index in range(1,table.nrows):
			houseId = table.cell(index,0).value
			address = table.cell(index,1).value
			area = table.cell(index,2).value
			price = table.cell(index,3).value
			house = House()
			house.houseId = houseId
			house.address = address
			house.price = price
			house.area = area

			if (index % PageNumber == 0):
				self.excelIndex += len(self.houses)
				self.houses = []
		if (len(self.houses) != 0):
			self.houses = []
예제 #2
    def reset(self, world=None):
        """(Re)initializes the environment and registers the listeners.

        Should be used to start a new episode. Returns the first,
        serialized initial state.

            Serialized initial state of the environment

        self.world = world or World()

        self.timesteps = 0
        self.temp_diff_ok_count = 0
        self.temp_diff_perfect_count = 0
        self.light_diff_ok_count = 0
        self.light_diff_perfect_count = 0

        self.house = House(self.world.time_step_in_minutes)
        self.outside_sensors = [OutsideSensor(self.house) for _ in range(1)]

        # register listeners:
        for outside_sensor in self.outside_sensors:

        # transfer initial information to listeners

        return self.serialize_state(self.get_current_state())
예제 #3
 def addHouse(self):
     Add a house Object to Villager
     self.house = House(self.x, self.y)
예제 #4
 def test_house_set_temp_to_350_using_mock():
     kitchen_mock = mock()
     house = House(kitchen_mock, None)  # subject under test
예제 #5
    def test_sortDeliveriesOneSwap(self):
        grid = Grid(7, 4)
        startingHouses = [House(2,3), House(0,1)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)


        expected = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]

        self.assertEqual(driver.deliveryList, expected)
예제 #6
def main():

    my_house = House()


예제 #7
    def test_sortDeliveriesXConflictSouth(self):
        grid = Grid(7, 4)
        startingHouses = [House(1,1), House(1,2)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)


        expected = [House(1,2), House(1,1)]

        self.assertEqual(driver.deliveryList, expected)
예제 #8
    def build(self, size=20, step=1):
        self.size = size

        from collections import defaultdict

        empty = House(0, self, VoidState)

        self.houses = defaultdict(lambda: empty, {
            k: House(1000, self, EmptyState)
            for k in range(1, size + 1, step)
예제 #9
    def test_driverCompleteDelivery(self):
        grid = Grid(7, 4)
        startingHouses = [House(1,1), House(1,2)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)


        expected = True

        self.assertEqual(driver.deliveryList[0].isDelivered, expected)
        self.assertEqual(driver.actionList[-1], "D")
예제 #10
 def get_simulated_result(self, player1, player2: str):
     coin_toss = True if random() > 0.5 else False
     house = House(first_player_first_move=coin_toss, debug=False)
     house.simulate(player1, player2, render_every=False, pause=0.5)
     if coin_toss:
         self.black_player, self.white_player = player1, player2
         self.black_player, self.white_player = player2, player1
     self.winner = house.winner
     self.board_config = house.board.config
     self.logs = house.board.log
    def setUp(self):
        self.house = House(1)

        self.house.devices_settings = OrderedDict({
            'energy_src': 'battery',
            'cooling_lvl': 1.0,
            'heating_lvl': 1.0,
            'light_lvl': 1.0,
            'curtains_lvl': 1.0

        self.house.battery['current'] = 0.001
    def setUp(self):
        self.house_long = House(100)
        self.house_short = House(1)
        self.house_shortest = House(1 / 60)  # one second timeframe

        self.house_long.devices_settings['heating_lvl'] = 0
        self.house_short.devices_settings['heating_lvl'] = 0
        self.house_shortest.devices_settings['heating_lvl'] = 0

        self.house_long.devices_settings['cooling_lvl'] = 1
        self.house_short.devices_settings['cooling_lvl'] = 1
        self.house_shortest.devices_settings['cooling_lvl'] = 1
예제 #13
 def parse(self, html):
     """parse content and yield house obj"""
     bs = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
     houses_html = bs.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'listContent'})
     if houses_html:
         for house_html in houses_html:
             obj = House()
             obj.city = self.city
             for key, value in HTML_TXT_MAPPING.iteritems():
                 self.parser.txtparser(obj, key, value, house_html)
             for key, value in HTML_HREF_MAPPING.iteritems():
                 self.parser.hrefparser(obj, key, value, house_html)
             yield obj
예제 #14
    def load(self):
        self.slytherin = House()
        # print self.slytherin
        self.gryffindor = House()
        self.ravenclaw = House()
        self.hufflepuff = House()

        # print self.Slytherin

        self.houses = [self.slytherin, self.gryffindor, self.hufflepuff, self.ravenclaw]
예제 #15
	def processHouse(self,houseStr):
		houseInfo = houseStr.find_all('a')
		houseId = houseInfo[0]['href'][len(self.prefixText):][:-5]
		addressUrl = self.prefixUrl + houseInfo[1]['href']
		address = self.processAddress(addressUrl)
		price = (houseStr.find('div',attrs={"class": "price-pre"})).text
		area = (houseStr.find('div',attrs={"class": "where"}).find_all('span'))[3].text
		if not houseId in self.success_houseIds:
			print houseId,address,price,area
			house = House()
			house.houseId = houseId
			house.address = address
			house.price = price
			house.area = area
			house.flage = 0
			self.success_houseIds[houseId] = house
			print "id:%s  exist" % houseId
			print houseId,address,price,area
			house = self.success_houseIds[houseId]
			if(houseId == house.houseId and address == house.address and price == house.price and area == house.area):
				house.flage = 1
				house.flage = 2
				print "The same houseId have different data"
예제 #16
    def processHouse(self, houseStr):
        houseInfo = houseStr.find("div", attrs={"class": "inventory_list_r_tit_list"}).find_all("a")
        houseId = houseInfo[0]["href"][len(PrefixURL) :][:-1]
        address = houseStr.find("div", attrs={"class": "inventory_list_r_name_ad"}).text
        detailInfo = houseStr.find("div", attrs={"class": "inventory_list_r_details_r"})
        details = detailInfo.find_all("span")
        price = details[2].text
        area = details[1].text
        # 如果houseId没被处理过
        if not houseId in self.success_houseIds:
            print houseId, address, price, area

            house = House()
            house.houseId = houseId
            house.address = address
            house.price = price
            house.area = area
            house.flage = 0
            self.success_houseIds[houseId] = house

            print "id:%s  exist" % houseId
            print houseId, address, price, area
            house = self.success_houseIds[houseId]
            if houseId == house.houseId and address == house.address and price == house.price and area == house.area:
                house.flage = 1
                house.flage = 2
                print "The same houseId have different data"
    def setUp(self):
        self.house = House(1)

        self.sensor_out_info = {
            'Daytime': 12 * 60,
            'Outside Temp': 15,
            'Outside Light': 0.4,
            'Illumination': 10000,
            'Clouds': 0.4,
            'Rain': 0,
            'Wind': 0.7

예제 #18
    def test_northBoundaryMoveEast(self):
        grid = Grid(5, 5)
        startingHouses = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)

        driver.p.x = 0
        driver.p.y = 5
        driver.goNorth = True


        expected = Point(1, 5)

        self.assertEqual(driver.p, expected)
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, parent=None, FRA=None):

        self.isCorrect = None  #사용자가 주어진 단어 입력 성공을 확인하는 변수이다
        self.noTyping = None  #사용자가 주어진 단어 입력 성공을 확인하는 변수이다
        self.isClear = None  #게임 종료 후 버튼이 눌렸는지 확인하기 위한 변수이다

        self.timer = QBasicTimer()  # QBasicTimer()=>timer events을 제공한다
            self)  # .start(int msec)=>주어진 msec주기로 타이머를 시작하거나 재시작한다

        self.back1 = Ground()  #배경 이미지를 가진 Ground객체를 생성한다
        self.back1.setPos(0, GROUND_HEIGHT)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.back1)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다

        self.back2 = Ground()  #배경 이미지를 가진 Ground객체를 생성한다
        self.back2.x = 1000  #생성한 객체의 x좌표를 지정한다
        self.back1.setPos(0, GROUND_HEIGHT)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.back2)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다

        self.user = User()  #게임 진행 중인 사용자 이미지를 가진 User객체를 생성한다
        self.user.setPos(180, 320)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.user)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다

        self.croco = Croco()  #악어 이미지를 가진 Croco객체를 생성한다
        self.croco.setPos(-130, 350)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.croco)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다

        self.house = House()  #게임 성공의 목적지인 집의 이미지를 가진 House객체를 생성한다
        self.house.setPos(700, 250)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.house)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다

        self.win = Win()  #게임 성공했을 때의 사용자 이미지를 가진 Win객체를 생성한다
        self.win.setPos(800, 390)  # .setPos(x, y)=>위치를 지정한다
        self.addItem(self.win)  # .addItem('')=>QGrahphicsScene에 항목을 추가한다
        self.win.setVisible(False)  #self.win으로 생성한 객체를 보이지 않도록 지정한다

        self.view = QGraphicsView(
            self)  #QGrahicsView()=>구상한 QGraphicsScene을 시각화한다
            Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)  #가로 방향 스크롤을 off로 설정한다
            Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)  #세로 방향 스크롤을  off로 설정한다
            SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)  # .setFixedSize()=>self.view의 크기 고정한다
            0, 100, SCREEN_WIDTH,
            SCREEN_HEIGHT)  # .setFixedSize()=>self.view의 시작 위치와 크기 고정한다
예제 #20
    def assign_house_slots(self):
        max_students_per_house = int(math.ceil(self.num_students / 4))
        min_students_per_house = int(self.num_students / 4)

        # purely laptop class
        self.slytherin = House('Slytherin', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house, 0, -1)

        # 10 slots without laptop, the rest with laptops
        self.ravenclaw = House('Ravenclaw', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house, 10, -1)

        # normal labs
        self.hufflepuff = House('Hufflepuff', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house)
        self.gryffindor = House('Gryffindor', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house)

        self.houses = [self.slytherin, self.ravenclaw, self.hufflepuff, self.gryffindor]
예제 #21
    def test_moveNorth(self):
        grid = Grid(7, 4)
        startingHouses = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)

        driver.p.x = 0
        driver.p.y = 1
        driver.goNorth = True


        expected = Point(0, 2)

        self.assertEqual(driver.p, expected)
        self.assertEqual(driver.actionList[-1], "N")
예제 #22
    def test_moveWest(self):
        grid = Grid(7, 4)
        startingHouses = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)

        driver.p.x = 3
        driver.p.y = 0
        driver.goNorth = False


        expected = Point(2, 0)

        self.assertEqual(driver.p, expected)
        self.assertEqual(driver.actionList[-1], "W")
예제 #23
    def  test_northAndEastBoundary(self):
        grid  = Grid(6, 4)

        startingHouses = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)

        driver.p.x = 6
        driver.p.y = 4
        driver.goNorth = True


        expected = Point(6, 4)

        self.assertEqual(driver.p, expected)
예제 #24
    def  test_southAndEastBoundary(self):
        grid  = Grid(5, 5)

        startingHouses = [House(0,1), House(2,3)]
        driver = Driver(grid, startingHouses)

        driver.p.x = 5
        driver.p.y = 0
        driver.goNorth = False


        expected = Point(5, 0)

        self.assertEqual(driver.p, expected)
예제 #25
    def load_houses(self, filename):
        Load houses from filename.
        Return a dictionary of 'id' : House objects.
        # First we parse all the data we need to create the houses with.
        # All parsed lines of data are saved to houses_data.
        houses = {}
        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            reader = csv.reader(infile)
            # Skip first row
            # Set count for houses
            id = 1
            # Iterate over every row in file
            for rows in reader:
                # Put id, x and y position, max output into house object
                x_position = int(rows[0])
                y_position = int(rows[1])
                max_output = float(rows[2])
                house = House(id, x_position, y_position, max_output)
                # Add house to dict with id as key
                houses[id] = house
                id += 1

        return houses
예제 #26
    def load_houses(self):

        # open file
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        cwd = os.path.dirname(cwd)
        path = os.path.join(*[cwd, "data", f"{INPUT_HOUSES}"])

        with open(path) as houses_csv:

            # read data from csv
            data_houses = csv.reader(houses_csv, delimiter=",")

            # skip headers
            next(data_houses, None)
            houses = {}

            # for every house, save coordinates and output in dictionary
            # name for instance in dict is Xcoord-Ycoord
            for row in data_houses:
                x = row[0]
                y = row[1]
                id = f"{x}-{y}"

                output = row[2]
                houses[id] = House(x, y, output)

        # returns dict, goes to init (self.houses)
        return houses
예제 #27
    def load_houses(self):
        Parses through csv file and saves houses as house.House
        objects. Returns instances in dict to __init__
        # find specific directory with the data
        subpath = f"Huizen&Batterijen\wijk{INPUT}_huizen.csv"
        path = str(Path.cwd()).replace("scripts", subpath)
        # open file
        with open(path, newline="") as houses_csv:

            # read data from csv
            data_houses = csv.reader(houses_csv, delimiter=",")

            # skip headers
            next(data_houses, None)
            houses = {}

            # for every house, save coordinates and output in dictionary
            # name for instance in dict is Xcoord-Ycoord
            for row in data_houses:
                x = row[0]
                y = row[1]
                id = f"{x}-{y}"

                output = row[2]
                houses[id] = House(x, y, output)

        # returns dict, goes to init (self.houses)
        return houses
예제 #28
 def load_houses(self, filename):
     Loads houses from filename, returns a list of housetype objects
     with open(filename, "r") as f:
         content = f.readlines()
         # Remove whitespace characters like `\n` at the end of each line.
         f = [x.strip() for x in content]
         houses = []
         itemnr = 0
         for item in f:
             # Add each type of house to a list
             if item == "~":
                 id = f[itemnr + 1]
                 name = f[itemnr + 2]
                 length = float(f[itemnr + 3])
                 width = float(f[itemnr + 4])
                 price = float(f[itemnr + 5])
                 min_space = float(f[itemnr + 6])
                 value_increase = float(f[itemnr + 7])
                 house = House(id, name, length, width, price, min_space,
                 itemnr += 1
                 itemnr += 1
     return houses
예제 #29
    def load_houses(self):
        """Load houses from csv to dict objects.

        Parses through csv file and saves houses as house.House
        objects. Returns instances in dict to __init__
        # open file
        INPUT_HOUSES = f"wijk{self.input}_huizen.csv"
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        path = os.path.join(*[cwd, "data", f"{INPUT_HOUSES}"])

        with open(path) as houses_csv:

            # read data from csv
            data_houses = csv.reader(houses_csv, delimiter=",")

            # skip headers
            next(data_houses, None)
            houses = {}

            # for every house, save coordinates and output in dictionary
            # name for instance in dict is Xcoord-Ycoord
            for row in data_houses:
                x = row[0]
                y = row[1]
                id = f"{x}-{y}"

                output = row[2]
                houses[id] = House(x, y, output)

        # returns dict, goes to init (self.houses)
        return houses
예제 #30
 def _update_houses(self, housearray):
     self.update_idx += 1
     for ha in housearray:
         # Get an iterator over all houses that have center x coordinate within 5 cm of the input value.
         # Then see if one of the houses is close enough to be considered the same. If there are, update it's
         # location
         point = ha[2:4]
         to_change = None
         for oldhouse_idx in self.xes.irange_key(point[0] - D, point[0] + D):  # in cm.
             oldhouse = self.houses[oldhouse_idx]
             if -D < oldhouse.center.coords()[1] - point[1] < D and oldhouse.color == ha[1]:
                 to_change = oldhouse_idx
         if to_change is not None:
             house = self.houses[to_change]
             to_change = self.next_new_house
             self.next_new_house += 1
             house = House(point, ha[1])
         self.xes[to_change] = house.center.coords()[0]
         self.houses[to_change] = house
         self.houseupdates[to_change] = self.update_idx
     # if not self.update_idx % 5:
     if self.gui.enabled:
         self.draw_path(self._create_path((45, 75), self.car.yxintcoords()))
  def __init__(self, path):
    En el constructor se leen todos los archivos con extensión html que están 
    en el directorio '/casas'.

    El contenido de cada archivo html se lee en una cadena que se usa para 
    crear un objeto de tipo House. 
    ## ==== Leer archivos html ==== ##
    #archivo = open("casas/10053.html", "r", encoding='utf-8') # encoding = 'utf-8' para windows
    list_file_html = [] # Declaracion de la Lista
    files = os.listdir('./'+path)
    for file in files:
      if '.html' in file:

    # print("Lista de archivos html:", list_file_html)
    # ['10053.html', '10264.html', '10564.html', '10567.html', '8696.html']

    self.list_houses = [] # Lista para accederla desde otra clase
    for file_html in list_file_html:
      archivo = open(path + file_html, "r", encoding = 'utf-8')
      self.list_houses.append(House(archivo.read(), file_html))
      #self.casa = House(archivo.read(), file_html)
예제 #32
파일: island.py 프로젝트: Pluttodk/pyweek30
    def new_level(self):
        self.items = []
        if variables.LEVEL == 5:
        variables.ISLAND_WIDTH = variables.LEVEL_ISLAND_SIZE[variables.LEVEL -
        n = variables.LEVEL_TREES[variables.LEVEL - 1]
        sizes = np.random.multinomial(
            variables.LEVEL_TREES_RESSOURCES[variables.LEVEL - 1],
            np.ones(n) / n,
        part1_trees = np.linspace(
            variables.ISLAND_CENTER[0] - variables.ISLAND_WIDTH // 3,
            variables.ISLAND_CENTER[0] - 50, n // 2)
        part2_trees = np.linspace(
            variables.ISLAND_CENTER[0] + 50,
            variables.ISLAND_CENTER[0] + variables.ISLAND_WIDTH // 3, n // 2)
        trees_pos = np.hstack((part1_trees, part2_trees))
        for s, x in zip(sizes, trees_pos):
            self.items.append(Tree(s, x))

        self.bkg = pg.image.load(self.background_image)
        self.isl = pg.image.load(self.island_image)
        variables.RAFT_MIN_SIZE = variables.LEVEL_RAFT[variables.LEVEL - 1]
예제 #33
    def load_houses(self):
        Parses through csv file and saves houses as house.House
        objects. Returns instances in dict to __init__

        # open file
        with open(house_file, newline="") as houses_csv:

            # read data from csv
            data_houses = csv.reader(houses_csv, delimiter=",")

            # skip headers
            next(data_houses, None)
            houses = {}

            # for every house, save coordinates and output in dictionary
            # name for instance in dict is Xcoord-Ycoord
            for row in data_houses:
                x = row[0]
                y = row[1]
                id = f"{x}-{y}"

                output = row[2]
                houses[id] = House(x, y, output)

        # returns dict, goes to init (self.houses)
        return houses
예제 #34
def enter():
    global map, player, house, background, avalanche, coin, snows, map_on_coins, game_over, santa, game_clear, distance, stones
    map = Map()
    player = Player()
    house = House()
    background = Background()
    avalanche = Avalanche()
    coin = Coin()
    game_over = Game_over()
    santa = Santa()
    game_clear = Game_clear()
    distance = Distance()
    map_on_coins = [Map_on_Coin() for i in range(200)]
    snows = [Snow() for i in range(20)]
    stones = [Stone() for i in range(10)]

    Player.x = 300.0
    Player.y = 300.0
    Player.unreal_x = 300.0
    Player.unreal_y = 0
    Player.jump_before_y = 0
    Map.map_move_y_minor = 0
    Avalanche.game_over = 0
    Game_clear.game_clear = 0
    Santa.game_clear = 0
예제 #35
    def load_houses(self, filename):
        Load houses from filename.
        Returns a dictionary of 'id' : House objects.
        # First parse data from file
        # Save parsed lines to houses_data
        houses_data = []
        with open(filename, "r") as file:
            for line in file:
                stripped_line = line.strip('\n')

        # Create house objects for each set of data just parsed.
        houses = {}
        id_nr = 0
        for house in houses_data:
            id = id_nr
            house.insert(0, id)
            x = int(house[1])
            y = int(house[2])
            max_output = float(house[3])
            id_nr += 1
            # initialize a house object and put it in a dict with id as key
            house = House(id, x, y, max_output)
            houses[id] = house

        return houses
	def __init__(self, filename=None, size_of_player=20, turns=10000000, players_number=20, mask_size=3, convergence=1000, mask=MaskMoveCore):
		self.convergence = convergence
		self.mask_size = mask_size
		self.mask = mask
		self.turns = turns
		self.house = House()
		if filename is not None:
			self.event = Event(filename=filename)
			self.event = Event(size=size_of_player)

		self.size_of_player = len(self.event)
		for index in range(players_number):
			player = Player(self.size_of_player)
예제 #37
파일: test.py 프로젝트: tonina/housePrice
from datetime import datetime
import BeautifulSoup

from house import House
from HouseList import HouseList
from requestParams import *
from getPrice import PriceData

dateDate = datetime.today()
date = dateDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
region = state_id[u'Винницкая']

h1 = House(1,10,2,100,3,date,region)
h2 = House(2,20,4,100,2,date,region)
h3 = House(3,29,2,39,1,date,region)
h4 = House(4,45,9,None,4,date,region)
h5 = House(5,3,None,45,1,date,region)
h6 = House(5,56,None,40,2,date,region)

p3 = h3.getMetGrnPrice()
p4 = h4.getMetGrnPrice()
p5 = h5.getMetGrnPrice()
p6 = h6.getMetGrnPrice()

houseList = HouseList([h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6])

prices = houseList.compMetPriceByRooms()

params['period'] = 'per_hour'
예제 #38
def test():
    house = House('house')
    print("SETUP COMPLETE")
예제 #39
def main():
    FPS = 30  # 30 frames per second
    fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # Code to create the initial window
    window_size = (800, 800)
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(window_size)

    # set the title of the window
    pygame.display.set_caption("A House")

    #Set of Colors
    WHITE = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
    GOLD = pygame.Color(255, 215, 0)
    RED = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)

    colors_for_house = {'house': GOLD, 'roof': RED}

    house = House(200, 200, 200, colors_for_house)

    move_left = False;
    move_right = False;
    move_down = False;
    move_up = False;

    while True:  # <--- main game loop
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:  # QUIT event to exit the game


            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    move_up = True
                if event.key == K_DOWN:
                    move_down = True
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    move_left = True
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    move_right = True
            if event.type == KEYUP:
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    move_up = False
                if event.key == K_DOWN:
                    move_down = False
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    move_left = False
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    move_right = False


        if move_up:
        if move_down:
        if move_left:
        if move_right:

        pygame.display.update()  # Update the display when all events have been processed
    def train_classifier(self, rssilist, gtlist):
        # this is the main function to be used from this class
        # it trains a classifier based on the raw rssi and ground trust data
        # Inputs:
        #   rssilist - 2D list of rssi data in the raw format as rows of strings
        #   gtlist   - 2D list of ground trust data in the raw format as rows of strings
        # Outputs:
        #   trainedclassifier - sci-kit learn classifier object trained on data set
        #   self.summarymap   - map of description:value pairs that summarize training results

        # read in training data
        rssiarray, groundmatcharray = self.read_training_pair(rssilist, gtlist)

        # create house object
        self.myhouse = House(self.beaconcoordict, self.roomlist)

        # create numeric mapping (roomname: beacon coordinates) for regression
        # groundmatchnumeric = np.zeros([len(groundmatcharray), 3])
        # for i in range(len(groundmatcharray)):
        #     groundmatchnumeric[i, :] = self.beaconcoordict[groundmatcharray[i]]

        ## filter
        # no filter
        # efilt = rssiarray

        # simple LPF
        # efilt = self.moving_average_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # Kalman with respect to time and no prior model
        # efilt = self.kalman_time_erssi_filter(rssiarray, np.eye(6))

        # state transition matrix for time prior built from LPF coefficients
        filter_coeff = np.array([0.0525, 0.1528, 0.2947, 0.2947, 0.1528, 0.0525])
        A = np.zeros([len(filter_coeff), len(filter_coeff)])
        A[:, 0] = filter_coeff
        A[1:, 1] = filter_coeff[:5]
        A[2:, 2] = filter_coeff[:4]
        A[3:, 3] = filter_coeff[:3]
        A[4:, 4] = filter_coeff[:2]
        A[5:, 5] = filter_coeff[:1]

        # Kalman with respect to time and LPF coefficients used as prior
        # efilt = self.kalman_time_erssi_filter(rssiarray, A)

        # A priori estimated gradient adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # A priori estimated momentum adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # A priori estimated Newton adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_newt_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS gradient adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.LMS_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS HB adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.LMS_HB_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS momentum adaptive filter
        efilt = self.LMS_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray, restarts=True)

        # LMS Newtwon adaptive filter (stochastic 2nd order)
        # efilt = self.LMS_newt_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # RLS sliding window filter
        # efilt = self.RLS_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS gradient adaptive filter with l1 error function
        # efilt = self.LMS_l1_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS momentum adaptive filter with l1 error function
        # efilt = self.LMS_l1_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # state transition matrix for Kalman - power law distribution (fat tailed)
        gamma = 0.1
        A = np.array([
            [gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma**3],
            [gamma**2, gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2],
            [gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2],
            [gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma, gamma**3, gamma**3],
            [gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma, gamma**2],
            [gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma]
        # normalize each row
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            rownorm = np.linalg.norm(A[i, :], ord=1)
            for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                A[i, j] /= rownorm

        # separate training and test sets
        SETBREAK1 = len(self.timearray)/3
        SETBREAK2 = 2*len(self.timearray)/3

        t0 = self.timearray[:SETBREAK1]
        e0 = efilt[:SETBREAK1, :]
        g0 = groundmatcharray[:SETBREAK1]
        #g0n= groundmatchnumeric[:SETBREAK1, :]

        t1 = self.timearray[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2]
        e1 = efilt[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2, :]
        g1 = groundmatcharray[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2]
        #g1n= groundmatchnumeric[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2, :]

        t2 = self.timearray[SETBREAK2:]
        e2 = efilt[SETBREAK2:, :]
        g2 = groundmatcharray[SETBREAK2:]
        #g2n= groundmatchnumeric[SETBREAK2:, :]

        tset = [t0, t1, t2]
        eset = [e0, e1, e2]
        gset = [g0, g1, g2]
        #gsetn= [g0n, g1n, g2n]

        # create error dictionary with mapping {errorname: [(error value 1, trained classifier 1), ...]}
        errordict = {'logistic regression': [], 'SVMl': [], 'SVMr': [], 'LDA': [], 'decision tree': [],
                     'random forest': [], 'extra trees': [], 'ada boosting': [], 'gradient boosting': [],
                     'filtered RSSI error': [], 'KNN': [], 'KNNb': []}

        # iterate over each fold of cross validation
        for idx in range(len(tset)):

            print "Starting iteration " + str(idx+1) + " of 3"

            ttrain = np.hstack((tset[idx], tset[(idx+1) % (len(tset))]))
            ttest  = tset[(idx+2) % (len(tset))]
            etrain = np.vstack((eset[idx], eset[(idx+1) % (len(eset))]))
            etest  = eset[(idx+2) % (len(eset))]
            gtrain = np.hstack((gset[idx], gset[(idx+1) % (len(gset))]))
            gtest  = gset[(idx+2) % (len(gset))]
            #gtrainn= np.vstack((gsetn[idx], gsetn[(idx+1) % (len(gsetn))]))
            #gtestn = gsetn[(idx+2) % (len(gsetn))]

            # find WPL functionals
            ecoortrain = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etrain)
            ecoortest = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etest)

            # create total data vector + functionals
            etotaltrain = np.hstack([etrain, ecoortrain])
            etotaltest = np.hstack([etest,  ecoortest])

            # # standardize features by removing mean and scaling to unit variance
            # etotaltrain = StandardScaler().fit_transform(etotaltrain)
            # etotaltest = StandardScaler().fit_transform(etotaltest)

            # grab highest rssi as indicator of current room for baseline comparison
            efcompare = self.get_highest_rssi(etest)

            # logistic regression
            logclf = linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            logepredict = logclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # SVM with hyperparameter optimization
            #C_range = np.logspace(-2, 10, 13)
            #gamma_range = np.logspace(-9, 3, 13)
            #param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range)
            #grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(kernel='rbf'), param_grid=param_grid)
            #svmrclf = grid.fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            svmrclf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=100, gamma=10**-6).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            svmrepredict = svmrclf.predict(etotaltest)

            #print grid.best_params_

            # SVM with linear kernel
            # svmlclf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            # svmlepredict = svmlclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # LDA
            ldaclf = LDA(solver='svd').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            ldaepredict = ldaclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # decision tree - seems to work very well; extensions below
            dtclf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            dtepredict = dtclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # random forest (ensemble of decision trees)
            rfclf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, criterion='entropy', bootstrap=False, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            rfepredict = rfclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # extra trees (ensemble of decision trees)
            etclf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=1000, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            etepredict = etclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # AdaBoost (ensemble of decision trees)
            abclf = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            abepredict = abclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # gradient boost (ensemble of decision trees)
            # n_estf=np.logspace(0,3,6)
            # n_esti=[int(a) for a in n_estf]
            # hyperparam = dict(n_estimators=n_esti, learning_rate=np.logspace(-3,0,6))
            # hypergrid = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(), hyperparam)
            # gbclf = hypergrid.fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            gbclf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            gbepredict = gbclf.predict(etotaltest)
            #print hypergrid.best_params_

            # LASSO - READ: tested LASSO and removed because no gain and requires second step in testing to pin to beacon
            # lsclf = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrainn)
            # lsenpredict = lsclf.predict(etotaltest)
            # # works with numeric values -- pin result to closest beacon
            # lsenclf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1).fit(self.beaconcoordict.values(), self.beaconcoordict.keys())
            # lsepredict = lsenclf.predict(lsenpredict)

            # k-nearest neighbors
            knnclf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            knnepredict = knnclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # k-nearest neighbors
            knnbclf = BaggingClassifier(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10), n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            knnbepredict = knnbclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # determine error of all classifiers
            logecount = 0
            srcount = 0
            slcount = 0
            ldacount = 0
            dtcount = 0
            rfcount = 0
            etcount = 0
            abcount = 0
            gbcount = 0
            efcount = 0
            knncount = 0
            knnbcount = 0
            for i in range(len(svmrepredict)):
                #print (gtest[i], ecompare[i], svm1epredict[i], svm2epredict[i], ldaepredict[i], dtepredict[i])
                #print (gtest[i], ecompare[i], svm1epredict[i])
                if efcompare[i] != gtest[i]:
                    efcount = efcount + 1
                if logepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    logecount = logecount + 1
                if svmrepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    srcount = srcount + 1
                #if svmlepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    #slcount = slcount + 1
                if ldaepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    ldacount = ldacount + 1
                if dtepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    dtcount = dtcount + 1
                if rfepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    rfcount = rfcount + 1
                if etepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    etcount = etcount + 1
                if abepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    abcount = abcount + 1
                if gbepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    gbcount = gbcount + 1
                if knnepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    knncount = knncount + 1
                if knnbepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    knnbcount = knnbcount + 1

            errordict['logistic regression'].append(float(logecount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['SVMr'].append(float(srcount) / len(gtest))
            #errordict['SVMl'].append(float(slcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['LDA'].append(float(ldacount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['decision tree'].append(float(dtcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['random forest'].append(float(rfcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['extra trees'].append(float(etcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['ada boosting'].append(float(abcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['gradient boosting'].append(float(gbcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['KNN'].append(float(knncount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['KNNb'].append(float(knnbcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['filtered RSSI error'].append(float(efcount) / len(gtest))

        # average over cross validation values
        ferrordict = {}
        for key in errordict.keys():
            ferrordict[key] = np.mean(errordict[key])

        # determine minimal error classifier and store summary data
        sorted_error = sorted(ferrordict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        # sorted_error is tuple sorted low to high by error rate so that the first element is the one with minimum error

        # create summary
        self.summarymap['size of training set'] = len(ttrain)
        self.summarymap['size of test set'] = len(ttest)
        self.summarymap['classifier used'] = sorted_error[0][0]
        self.summarymap['classifier error'] = sorted_error[0][1]
        self.summarymap['filtered RSSI error'] = ferrordict['filtered RSSI error']
        self.summarymap['error dictionary'] = ferrordict

        # retrain on all of the data (i.e., include test set)
        ttrain = self.timearray
        etrain = efilt
        gtrain = groundmatcharray

        # find WPL functionals
        self.myhouse = House(self.beaconcoordict, self.roomlist)
        ecoortrain = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etrain)

        # create total data vector + functionals
        etotaltrain = np.hstack([etrain, ecoortrain])

        print "Training final classifier"

        trainedclassifier = {
            'logistic regression': linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'SVMr': svm.SVC(kernel='rbf').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            #'SVMl': svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'LDA': LDA(solver='svd').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'decision tree': tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'random forest': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, criterion='entropy', bootstrap=False, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'extra trees': ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'ada boosting': AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'gradient boosting': GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'KNN': neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'KNNb': BaggingClassifier(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10), n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'filtered RSSI error': NaiveRSSIClassifier(roomlist=self.roomlist).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
        }[self.summarymap['classifier used']]

        self.summarymap['classifier size'] = getsizeof(trainedclassifier)

        # with open('groundmatcharray.txt', 'wb') as file:
        #     for room in groundmatcharray:
        #         file.write('%s\n' % room)
        # np.savetxt('rssiarray.txt', rssiarray, fmt='%.d', delimiter=',')

        # trainedclassifier = linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)

        print "classifier used", self.summarymap['classifier used']
        print "classifier error", self.summarymap['classifier error']

        return trainedclassifier, self.summarymap
e_filt_lpf = moving_average_erssi_filter(e, 5)

# Kalman (linear)
e_filt_kalman, kalman_error_cov = kalman(e)
#print e_filt_kalman

# final filter chosen
e_filt = e_filt_lpf

# for i in range(len(e_filt_lpf)):
#     print (e[i,1], e_filt_lpf[i,1], g[i])

# map RSSI values to approximate location in house
beaconcoors = {'bedroom 1': (18, 6, 10), 'bathroom': (20, 18, 10), 'living room': (6, 25, 10),
                 'kitchen': (5, 10, 8), 'bedroom 2': (22, 27, 3), 'bedroom 3': (6, 45, 10)}
myhouse = House(beaconcoors, roomdict)

# separate into training and test sets
# first 1000 elements define training set
TRAIN_LIMT = 2*len(t)/3

ttrainr = t[:TRAIN_LIMT]
etrainr = e_filt[:TRAIN_LIMT]
gtrainr = g[:TRAIN_LIMT]
# clean training set
(ttrain, etrain, gtrain) = CSVRoomReader.clean_teg(ttrainr, etrainr, gtrainr)
# find WPL functionals
ecoortrain = myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etrain)

ttestr = t[TRAIN_LIMT:] - t[TRAIN_LIMT]
class Game():
	fileName = None
	def __init__(self, filename=None, size_of_player=20, turns=10000000, players_number=20, mask_size=3, convergence=1000, mask=MaskMoveCore):
		self.convergence = convergence
		self.mask_size = mask_size
		self.mask = mask
		self.turns = turns
		self.house = House()
		if filename is not None:
			self.event = Event(filename=filename)
			self.event = Event(size=size_of_player)

		self.size_of_player = len(self.event)
		for index in range(players_number):
			player = Player(self.size_of_player)
	def generateMask(self):
		return self.mask(self.mask_size, self.size_of_player)
	def play(self):
		self.solution = self.event.getInitialSolution()
		convergence = 0
		#print "graph: "
		#print self.event
		print "iteration: -1; f(solution) = "+str(self.event.f(self.solution))
		for turn in range(self.turns):
			mask = self.generateMask()
			for player in self.players:
			#print "Weights of house: "+ str(self.house.weights)
			for player in self.players:
				#print "The player "+ player.name +" has "+ str(player.bankroll) +" and makes bets." + str(player.bets)
			result = mask.calculateBestMask(self.event, self.solution)
			#print "The result was "+ str(result["index"])
			for index in range(len(self.players)):
				player = self.players[index]
				if player.isWinner(result["index"]):
					player.receiveAward(self.house, result["index"])
					#print "The player "+ player.name +" receives award."
				if player.isBroken():
					#print "The player "+ player.name +" is out."
					self.players[index] = player.createNew()
					#print "The new player "+ self.players[index].name +" is in."
				#print "The player "+ player.name +" has "+ str(player.bankroll)
			#print "The house has "+ str(self.house.bankroll)
			if result["distance"] < self.event.f(self.solution):
				convergence = 0
				self.solution = result["solution"]
				#print "iteration: "+str(turn)+"; f(solution) = "+str(self.event.f(self.solution))
				convergence += 1
			if convergence >= self.convergence:
		return self.solution
예제 #43
class SortingHat:

    def start(self):

    def load_config(self):
        lines = []
        with open('config.cfg', 'r') as f:
            lines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

        config = dict()
        for x in lines:
            temp = x.split(':')
            key = temp[0]
            val  = temp[1]
            config[key] = val

        self.num_students = int(config['num_students'])

    def assign_house_slots(self):
        max_students_per_house = int(math.ceil(self.num_students / 4))
        min_students_per_house = int(self.num_students / 4)

        # purely laptop class
        self.slytherin = House('Slytherin', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house, 0, -1)

        # 10 slots without laptop, the rest with laptops
        self.ravenclaw = House('Ravenclaw', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house, 10, -1)

        # normal labs
        self.hufflepuff = House('Hufflepuff', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house)
        self.gryffindor = House('Gryffindor', min_students_per_house, max_students_per_house)

        self.houses = [self.slytherin, self.ravenclaw, self.hufflepuff, self.gryffindor]

        # for x in self.houses:
        #     print x

    def sort_students(self):
        while True:

            name = raw_input('Enter your name:\t\t')
            has_laptop = raw_input('Can you bring a laptop (y/n):\t').lower()
            has_laptop = has_laptop == 'y' or has_laptop == 'yes'
            # print has_laptop

            if has_laptop:

            if raw_input('Add another student? (y/n): ') == 'n':

    def save(self):
        for x in self.houses:

    def load(self):
        self.slytherin = House()
        # print self.slytherin
        self.gryffindor = House()
        self.ravenclaw = House()
        self.hufflepuff = House()

        # print self.Slytherin

        self.houses = [self.slytherin, self.gryffindor, self.hufflepuff, self.ravenclaw]

    def print_students_to_file(self):
        for x in self.houses:
            print ''
            # x.print_students()

    def print_students(self):
        for x in self.houses:

    def display_art(self, filename):
        lines = []
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            lines = [x.strip('\n') for x in f.readlines()]
        for x in lines:
            print x

    def assign_student_with_laptop(self, name):
        while True:
            choices = [self.slytherin, self.ravenclaw]
            house = random.choice(choices)
            # print house

            if house.slots_with_laptop != 0 and house.slots_taken < house.min_slots:
            elif house.min_slots <= house.slots_taken < house.max_slots:
                unfilled_houses = 0
                for x in choices:
                    if x.slots_taken < x.min_slots:
                        unfilled_houses += 1
                if unfilled_houses == 0:

    def assign_student_without_laptop(self, name):
        while True:
            choices = [self.ravenclaw, self.gryffindor, self.hufflepuff]
            house = random.choice(choices)
            # print house

            if house.slots_without_laptop != 0 and house.slots_taken < house.min_slots:
            elif house.min_slots <= house.slots_taken < house.max_slots:
                unfilled_houses = 0
                for x in choices:
                    if x.slots_taken < x.min_slots:
                        unfilled_houses += 1
                if unfilled_houses == 0:
class TrainingRoomEstimator(RoomEstimator):

    def __init__(self, beaconcoordict):
        # constructor
        super(TrainingRoomEstimator, self).__init__()
        # beaconcoordict = dictionary mapping room names to (x,y,z) tuples with location
        self.beaconcoordict = beaconcoordict
        # summarymap = map for description:value containing summary results from training
        self.summarymap = {}
        # myhouse = house object for WPL functionals
        self.myhouse = None

    def get_highest_rssi(self, erssiarray):
        # create an array where the room is estimated from the highest rssi value
        # erssiarray = estimote rssi array (d data points by n beacons)
        # output = n x 1 array of expected rooms from each data point
        eroom = []
        for erssi in erssiarray:
            maxerssi = -1000
            room = 0
            for i in range(0, len(erssi)):
                if erssi[i] > maxerssi:
                    maxerssi = erssi[i]
                    room = i
        return np.array(eroom)

    def read_ground_match_single_point_window(self, earray, gtlist):
        read the ground truth list where each entry is (roomname, starttime, endtime)
        create list of ground truth values at matching times for the estimote rssi array
        using self.timearray
        :param erray: estimote array at all initially collected values
        :param gtlist: ground truth as list of (roomname, starttime, endtime) values
        :return: ground truth at times matching estimote rssi array and estimote array of actual values used

        print "DEBUG: earray", earray
        print "DEBUG: gtlist", gtlist

        gformat = []
        for row in gtlist:
            # [room, start, end] -> [[start, room], [end, room]]
            gformat.append([row[1], row[0]])
            gformat.append([row[2], row[0]])

        rawarray = np.array(gformat)

        gtimer = []
        for timestamp in rawarray[:, 0]:
            graw = self._get_time(timestamp)
        gtime = np.array(gtimer)

        # get ground truth at matching times
        groomarray = []
        gcounter = 0  # marks progression in ground truth array
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.timearray):
            # define bounds within the ground truth is known
            gtimelower = gtime[gcounter]
            if self.timearray[i] > (int(rawarray[-1, 0]) - int(rawarray[0, 0])):
                earray[i-1:-1, :].fill(-1)
            elif gcounter < len(gtime):
                gtimeupper = gtime[gcounter+1]
                 gtimeupper = maxint
            # append NULL if before the first ground truth has been acquired
            if gcounter == 0 and self.timearray[i] < gtimelower:
            elif self.timearray[i] >= gtimeupper:
                # increase bounding box once self.timearray has progressed past it
                # cannot simply increment because estimote may miss a whole room
                # if the watch wearer just walks through
                for j in range(gcounter, len(gtime)):
                    if gtime[j] > self.timearray[i]:
                        gcounter = j-1
                # check if still within window of matching ground truth room names
                if self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]) != self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter+1, 1]):
                    gtimeupper = gtime[gcounter+1]
                    while self.timearray[i] < gtimeupper:
                        # set to -1 to identify value should be removed (cannot removed yet because of indexing)
                        self.timearray[i] = -1
                        earray[i, :].fill(-1)
                        i += 1
                    gcounter += 1

                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                i += 1
                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                i += 1

        # remove unused values from self.timearray
        timelist = self.timearray.tolist()
        timelistf = [time for time in timelist if time != -1]
        self.timearray = np.array(timelistf)

        # remove unused values from estimote array
        elist = earray.tolist()
        erowlist = [row for row in elist if row[0] != -1]
        errayfinal = np.array(erowlist)

        # remove unused values from ground trust array
        estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray = self._remove_NULL(errayfinal, groomarray)

        return estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray

    def read_ground_match_windowed(self, earray, gtlist):
        # read the ground truth 2D list and create array at time points
        # matching the estimote measurement points. assumes estimote values fall within a window of ground
        # truth values with the same room name
        # Input:
        #   earray = dxr numpy array of estimote rssi values where r is number of rooms
        #   gtlist = dx2 list of strings with timestamp in first column and room in second
        # Output:
        #   groundmatcharray = numpy array of ground truth rooms at times matching the estimote data collection times
        #            in the training set -- may contain 'NULL' values at the start if the first estimote value
        #            appears before the first ground trust value
        #   estimoteRSSIarray = numpy array of estimote rssi values

        rawarray = np.array(gtlist)

        rawarray = np.vstack([rawarray, [rawarray[-1, 0], maxint]])
        gtimer = []
        for timestamp in rawarray[:, 0]:
            graw = self._get_time(timestamp)
        gtime = np.array(gtimer)

        # get ground truth at matching times
        groomarray = []
        gcounter = 0  # marks progression in ground truth array
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.timearray):
            # define bounds within the ground truth is known
            gtimelower = gtime[gcounter]
            if gcounter < len(gtime):
                gtimeupper = gtime[gcounter+1]
                 gtimeupper = maxint
            # append NULL if before the first ground truth has been acquired
            if gcounter == 0 and self.timearray[i] < gtimelower:
            elif self.timearray[i] >= gtimeupper:
                # increase bounding box once self.timearray has progressed past it
                # cannot simply increment because estimote may miss a whole room
                # if the watch wearer just walks through
                for j in range(gcounter, len(gtime)):
                    if gtime[j] > self.timearray[i]:
                        gcounter = j-1
                # check if still within window of matching ground truth room names
                if self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]) != self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter+1, 1]):
                    gtimeupper = gtime[gcounter+1]
                    while self.timearray[i] < gtimeupper:
                        # set to -1 to identify value should be removed (cannot removed yet because of indexing)
                        self.timearray[i] = -1
                        earray[i, :].fill(-1)
                        i += 1
                    gcounter += 1

                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                i += 1
                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                i += 1

        # remove unused values from self.timearray
        timelist = self.timearray.tolist()
        timelistf = [time for time in timelist if time != -1]
        self.timearray = np.array(timelistf)

        # remove unused values from estimote array
        elist = earray.tolist()
        erowlist = [row for row in elist if row[0] != -1]
        errayfinal = np.array(erowlist)

        # remove unused values from ground trust array
        estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray = self._remove_NULL(errayfinal, groomarray)

        return estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray

    def read_ground_match_general(self, gtlist):
        # read the ground truth 2D list and create array at time points
        # matching the estimote measurement points
        # if ground truth is not yet known at an estimote measurement point,
        # the room value is set 'NULL' and removed by _remove_NULL()
        # Input:
        #   gtlist = dx2 list of strings with timestamp in first column and room in second
        # Output:
        #   groomarray = numpy array of ground truth rooms at times matching the estimote data collection times
        #                in the training set -- may contain 'NULL' values at the start if the first estimote value
        #                appears before the first ground trust value

        rawarray = np.array(gtlist)

        rawarray = np.vstack([rawarray, [rawarray[-1, 0], maxint]])
        gtimer = []
        for timestamp in rawarray[:, 0]:
            graw = self._get_time(timestamp)
        gtime = np.array(gtimer)

        # get ground truth at matching times
        groomarray = []
        gcounter = 0  # marks progression in ground truth array
        for i in range(len(self.timearray)):
            # define bounds within the ground truth is known
            gtimelower = gtime[gcounter]
            if gcounter < len(gtime):
                gtimeupper = gtime[gcounter+1]
                 gtimeupper = maxint
             # append NULL if before the first ground truth has been acquired
            if gcounter == 0 and self.timearray[i] < gtimelower:
            elif self.timearray[i] >= gtimeupper:
                # increase bounding box once self.timearray has progressed past it
                # cannot simply increment because estimote may miss a whole room
                # if the watch wearer just walks through
                for j in range(gcounter, len(gtime)):
                    if gtime[j] > self.timearray[i]:
                        gcounter = j-1
                #groomarray[i] = self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1])
                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                #groomarray[i] = self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1])
                groomarray.append(self._get_room(rawarray[gcounter, 1]))
                #print (groomarray[i], self.timearray[i])

        return groomarray

    def read_training_pair(self, rssilist, gtlist):
        # this method reads an rssi 2D list and the matching ground truth 2D list
        # it returns 3 numpy arrays
        #   self.timearray - array of time points when estimote measurements taken
        #   estimoteRSSIarray - matrix of estimote RSSI values (measurements x rooms)
        #   groundmatcharray - ground truth array of equal length with ground truth
        #                      value at each point in timearray

        estimoteRSSIarray = self.read_rssi_list(rssilist)
        estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray = self.read_ground_match_single_point_window(estimoteRSSIarray, gtlist)

        # if data is not contained within ground trust windows, use the following two lines
        # estimoteRSSIarray = self.read_ground_match_general(gtlist)
        # estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray = self._remove_NULL(estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray)

        # quick sanity checking
        if len(self.timearray) == 0:
            raise ValueError('{timearray} cannot be size zero'.format(
        elif len(self.timearray) != len(groundmatcharray) or len(self.timearray) != len(estimoteRSSIarray):
            raise ValueError('timearray: {tlen} or estimoteRSSIarray: {elen} '
                'or groundmatcharray: {glen} is not the right size'.format(
                tlen=repr(len(self.timearray)), elen=len(estimoteRSSIarray),
        return estimoteRSSIarray, groundmatcharray

    def _remove_NULL(self, erssiarray, gmatcharray):
        this method removes NULL values that may be at the start of the gmatcharray and
        shifts the erssiarray and self.timearray appropriately
        :param erssiarray: the numpy array of estimote rssi data
        :param gmatcharray: the ground truth list at matching time points that may contain NULL values
        :return: processed rssi, ground trust, and time arrays
        idx = 0
        for room in gmatcharray:
            if room != 'NULL':
                idx = gmatcharray.index(room)

        toffset = self.timearray[idx]

        rfinal = np.zeros([erssiarray.shape[0]-idx, erssiarray.shape[1]])
        gfinal = []
        tfinal = []
        for i in range(idx, len(gmatcharray)):
            rfinal[i-idx, :] = erssiarray[i, :]
            tfinal.append(self.timearray[i] - toffset)

        self.timearray = np.array(tfinal)
        return rfinal, gfinal

    def train_classifier(self, rssilist, gtlist):
        # this is the main function to be used from this class
        # it trains a classifier based on the raw rssi and ground trust data
        # Inputs:
        #   rssilist - 2D list of rssi data in the raw format as rows of strings
        #   gtlist   - 2D list of ground trust data in the raw format as rows of strings
        # Outputs:
        #   trainedclassifier - sci-kit learn classifier object trained on data set
        #   self.summarymap   - map of description:value pairs that summarize training results

        # read in training data
        rssiarray, groundmatcharray = self.read_training_pair(rssilist, gtlist)

        # create house object
        self.myhouse = House(self.beaconcoordict, self.roomlist)

        # create numeric mapping (roomname: beacon coordinates) for regression
        # groundmatchnumeric = np.zeros([len(groundmatcharray), 3])
        # for i in range(len(groundmatcharray)):
        #     groundmatchnumeric[i, :] = self.beaconcoordict[groundmatcharray[i]]

        ## filter
        # no filter
        # efilt = rssiarray

        # simple LPF
        # efilt = self.moving_average_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # Kalman with respect to time and no prior model
        # efilt = self.kalman_time_erssi_filter(rssiarray, np.eye(6))

        # state transition matrix for time prior built from LPF coefficients
        filter_coeff = np.array([0.0525, 0.1528, 0.2947, 0.2947, 0.1528, 0.0525])
        A = np.zeros([len(filter_coeff), len(filter_coeff)])
        A[:, 0] = filter_coeff
        A[1:, 1] = filter_coeff[:5]
        A[2:, 2] = filter_coeff[:4]
        A[3:, 3] = filter_coeff[:3]
        A[4:, 4] = filter_coeff[:2]
        A[5:, 5] = filter_coeff[:1]

        # Kalman with respect to time and LPF coefficients used as prior
        # efilt = self.kalman_time_erssi_filter(rssiarray, A)

        # A priori estimated gradient adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # A priori estimated momentum adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # A priori estimated Newton adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.adaptive_newt_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS gradient adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.LMS_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS HB adaptive filter
        # efilt = self.LMS_HB_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS momentum adaptive filter
        efilt = self.LMS_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray, restarts=True)

        # LMS Newtwon adaptive filter (stochastic 2nd order)
        # efilt = self.LMS_newt_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # RLS sliding window filter
        # efilt = self.RLS_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS gradient adaptive filter with l1 error function
        # efilt = self.LMS_l1_grad_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # LMS momentum adaptive filter with l1 error function
        # efilt = self.LMS_l1_momen_erssi_filter(rssiarray)

        # state transition matrix for Kalman - power law distribution (fat tailed)
        gamma = 0.1
        A = np.array([
            [gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma**3],
            [gamma**2, gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2],
            [gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2],
            [gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma, gamma**3, gamma**3],
            [gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma, gamma**2],
            [gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma**2, gamma**3, gamma**2, gamma]
        # normalize each row
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            rownorm = np.linalg.norm(A[i, :], ord=1)
            for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                A[i, j] /= rownorm

        # separate training and test sets
        SETBREAK1 = len(self.timearray)/3
        SETBREAK2 = 2*len(self.timearray)/3

        t0 = self.timearray[:SETBREAK1]
        e0 = efilt[:SETBREAK1, :]
        g0 = groundmatcharray[:SETBREAK1]
        #g0n= groundmatchnumeric[:SETBREAK1, :]

        t1 = self.timearray[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2]
        e1 = efilt[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2, :]
        g1 = groundmatcharray[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2]
        #g1n= groundmatchnumeric[SETBREAK1:SETBREAK2, :]

        t2 = self.timearray[SETBREAK2:]
        e2 = efilt[SETBREAK2:, :]
        g2 = groundmatcharray[SETBREAK2:]
        #g2n= groundmatchnumeric[SETBREAK2:, :]

        tset = [t0, t1, t2]
        eset = [e0, e1, e2]
        gset = [g0, g1, g2]
        #gsetn= [g0n, g1n, g2n]

        # create error dictionary with mapping {errorname: [(error value 1, trained classifier 1), ...]}
        errordict = {'logistic regression': [], 'SVMl': [], 'SVMr': [], 'LDA': [], 'decision tree': [],
                     'random forest': [], 'extra trees': [], 'ada boosting': [], 'gradient boosting': [],
                     'filtered RSSI error': [], 'KNN': [], 'KNNb': []}

        # iterate over each fold of cross validation
        for idx in range(len(tset)):

            print "Starting iteration " + str(idx+1) + " of 3"

            ttrain = np.hstack((tset[idx], tset[(idx+1) % (len(tset))]))
            ttest  = tset[(idx+2) % (len(tset))]
            etrain = np.vstack((eset[idx], eset[(idx+1) % (len(eset))]))
            etest  = eset[(idx+2) % (len(eset))]
            gtrain = np.hstack((gset[idx], gset[(idx+1) % (len(gset))]))
            gtest  = gset[(idx+2) % (len(gset))]
            #gtrainn= np.vstack((gsetn[idx], gsetn[(idx+1) % (len(gsetn))]))
            #gtestn = gsetn[(idx+2) % (len(gsetn))]

            # find WPL functionals
            ecoortrain = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etrain)
            ecoortest = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etest)

            # create total data vector + functionals
            etotaltrain = np.hstack([etrain, ecoortrain])
            etotaltest = np.hstack([etest,  ecoortest])

            # # standardize features by removing mean and scaling to unit variance
            # etotaltrain = StandardScaler().fit_transform(etotaltrain)
            # etotaltest = StandardScaler().fit_transform(etotaltest)

            # grab highest rssi as indicator of current room for baseline comparison
            efcompare = self.get_highest_rssi(etest)

            # logistic regression
            logclf = linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            logepredict = logclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # SVM with hyperparameter optimization
            #C_range = np.logspace(-2, 10, 13)
            #gamma_range = np.logspace(-9, 3, 13)
            #param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range)
            #grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(kernel='rbf'), param_grid=param_grid)
            #svmrclf = grid.fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            svmrclf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=100, gamma=10**-6).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            svmrepredict = svmrclf.predict(etotaltest)

            #print grid.best_params_

            # SVM with linear kernel
            # svmlclf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            # svmlepredict = svmlclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # LDA
            ldaclf = LDA(solver='svd').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            ldaepredict = ldaclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # decision tree - seems to work very well; extensions below
            dtclf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            dtepredict = dtclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # random forest (ensemble of decision trees)
            rfclf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, criterion='entropy', bootstrap=False, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            rfepredict = rfclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # extra trees (ensemble of decision trees)
            etclf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=1000, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            etepredict = etclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # AdaBoost (ensemble of decision trees)
            abclf = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            abepredict = abclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # gradient boost (ensemble of decision trees)
            # n_estf=np.logspace(0,3,6)
            # n_esti=[int(a) for a in n_estf]
            # hyperparam = dict(n_estimators=n_esti, learning_rate=np.logspace(-3,0,6))
            # hypergrid = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(), hyperparam)
            # gbclf = hypergrid.fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            gbclf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            gbepredict = gbclf.predict(etotaltest)
            #print hypergrid.best_params_

            # LASSO - READ: tested LASSO and removed because no gain and requires second step in testing to pin to beacon
            # lsclf = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrainn)
            # lsenpredict = lsclf.predict(etotaltest)
            # # works with numeric values -- pin result to closest beacon
            # lsenclf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1).fit(self.beaconcoordict.values(), self.beaconcoordict.keys())
            # lsepredict = lsenclf.predict(lsenpredict)

            # k-nearest neighbors
            knnclf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            knnepredict = knnclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # k-nearest neighbors
            knnbclf = BaggingClassifier(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10), n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
            knnbepredict = knnbclf.predict(etotaltest)

            # determine error of all classifiers
            logecount = 0
            srcount = 0
            slcount = 0
            ldacount = 0
            dtcount = 0
            rfcount = 0
            etcount = 0
            abcount = 0
            gbcount = 0
            efcount = 0
            knncount = 0
            knnbcount = 0
            for i in range(len(svmrepredict)):
                #print (gtest[i], ecompare[i], svm1epredict[i], svm2epredict[i], ldaepredict[i], dtepredict[i])
                #print (gtest[i], ecompare[i], svm1epredict[i])
                if efcompare[i] != gtest[i]:
                    efcount = efcount + 1
                if logepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    logecount = logecount + 1
                if svmrepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    srcount = srcount + 1
                #if svmlepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    #slcount = slcount + 1
                if ldaepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    ldacount = ldacount + 1
                if dtepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    dtcount = dtcount + 1
                if rfepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    rfcount = rfcount + 1
                if etepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    etcount = etcount + 1
                if abepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    abcount = abcount + 1
                if gbepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    gbcount = gbcount + 1
                if knnepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    knncount = knncount + 1
                if knnbepredict[i] != gtest[i]:
                    knnbcount = knnbcount + 1

            errordict['logistic regression'].append(float(logecount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['SVMr'].append(float(srcount) / len(gtest))
            #errordict['SVMl'].append(float(slcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['LDA'].append(float(ldacount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['decision tree'].append(float(dtcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['random forest'].append(float(rfcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['extra trees'].append(float(etcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['ada boosting'].append(float(abcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['gradient boosting'].append(float(gbcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['KNN'].append(float(knncount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['KNNb'].append(float(knnbcount) / len(gtest))
            errordict['filtered RSSI error'].append(float(efcount) / len(gtest))

        # average over cross validation values
        ferrordict = {}
        for key in errordict.keys():
            ferrordict[key] = np.mean(errordict[key])

        # determine minimal error classifier and store summary data
        sorted_error = sorted(ferrordict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        # sorted_error is tuple sorted low to high by error rate so that the first element is the one with minimum error

        # create summary
        self.summarymap['size of training set'] = len(ttrain)
        self.summarymap['size of test set'] = len(ttest)
        self.summarymap['classifier used'] = sorted_error[0][0]
        self.summarymap['classifier error'] = sorted_error[0][1]
        self.summarymap['filtered RSSI error'] = ferrordict['filtered RSSI error']
        self.summarymap['error dictionary'] = ferrordict

        # retrain on all of the data (i.e., include test set)
        ttrain = self.timearray
        etrain = efilt
        gtrain = groundmatcharray

        # find WPL functionals
        self.myhouse = House(self.beaconcoordict, self.roomlist)
        ecoortrain = self.myhouse.get_coor_from_rssi(etrain)

        # create total data vector + functionals
        etotaltrain = np.hstack([etrain, ecoortrain])

        print "Training final classifier"

        trainedclassifier = {
            'logistic regression': linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'SVMr': svm.SVC(kernel='rbf').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            #'SVMl': svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'LDA': LDA(solver='svd').fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'decision tree': tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'random forest': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, criterion='entropy', bootstrap=False, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'extra trees': ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'ada boosting': AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'gradient boosting': GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.075).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'KNN': neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'KNNb': BaggingClassifier(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10), n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain),
            'filtered RSSI error': NaiveRSSIClassifier(roomlist=self.roomlist).fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)
        }[self.summarymap['classifier used']]

        self.summarymap['classifier size'] = getsizeof(trainedclassifier)

        # with open('groundmatcharray.txt', 'wb') as file:
        #     for room in groundmatcharray:
        #         file.write('%s\n' % room)
        # np.savetxt('rssiarray.txt', rssiarray, fmt='%.d', delimiter=',')

        # trainedclassifier = linear_model.LogisticRegression().fit(etotaltrain, gtrain)

        print "classifier used", self.summarymap['classifier used']
        print "classifier error", self.summarymap['classifier error']

        return trainedclassifier, self.summarymap