예제 #1
class ScrewGun (object):
  rootJointType = 'freeflyer'
  packageName = 'airbus_environment'
  meshPackageName = 'airbus_environment'
  urdfName = 'screw_gun'
  urdfSuffix = ""
  srdfSuffix = ""

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule_mesh'
Robot.srdfSuffix = '_manipulation'

# Load HRP2 and a screwgun {{{3
robot = Robot ('hrp2-screw', 'hrp2')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
ps.selectPathPlanner ("M-RRT")
vf = ViewerFactory (ps)
vf.loadObjectModel (ScrewGun, 'screw_gun')
for d in ["hrp2", "screw_gun"]:
  robot.setJointBounds (d+"/base_joint_xyz", [-4,4,-4,4,-4,4])

ps.selectPathProjector ("Progressive", 0.2)
ps.setErrorThreshold (1e-3)
ps.setMaxIterations (40)
# 3}}}

# Define configurations {{{3
half_sitting = q = robot.getInitialConfig ()
q_init = half_sitting [::]
# Set initial position of screw-driver
# q_init [-7:] = [2, 1, 0.65, 0.7071067811865476, 0, -0.7071067811865475, 0]
class ScrewGun (object):
  rootJointType = 'freeflyer'
  packageName = 'airbus_environment'
  meshPackageName = 'airbus_environment'
  urdfName = 'screw_gun'
  urdfSuffix = "_massless"
  srdfSuffix = ""

Robot.urdfSuffix = '_capsule_mesh'
Robot.srdfSuffix = '_manipulation'

# Load HRP2 and a screwgun {{{3
robot = Robot ('hrp2-screw', 'hrp2')
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
ps.selectPathPlanner ("M-RRT")
r = Viewer (ps)
r.loadObjectModel (ScrewGun, 'screw_gun')
r.buildCompositeRobot (['hrp2', 'screw_gun'])
for d in ["hrp2", "screw_gun"]:
  robot.setJointBounds (d+"/base_joint_xyz", [-4,4,-4,4,-4,4])

ps.selectPathOptimizer ('None')
ps.setErrorThreshold (1e-3)
ps.setMaxIterations (40)
# 3}}}

# Define configurations {{{3
half_sitting = q = robot.getInitialConfig ()
q_init = half_sitting [::]
# Set initial position of screw-driver