예제 #1
async def hq(ctx, *text: str):
    """commands for getting notified about hq games
       !hq register - register yourself for pings
       !hq unregister - take yourself off the list
       !hq check - check if you are registered
       !hq list - list everyone registered
       !hq ping - ping everyone registered
       !hq <number of people left> - get the payout for this number of people, assuming $5000 prize
       !hq <prize> <number of people> - get the payout for the number of people and the corresponding prize"""
    helpstring = "use '!help hq' to get help about this command"
    if len(text) == 0:
        await ctx.send(helpstring)
        if len(text) == 2 and text[0].isdigit() and text[1].isdigit():
            money = round(int(text[0]) / int(text[1]), 2)
            await ctx.send("$" + str(money))
        elif len(text) == 1 and text[0].isdigit():
            money = round(5000 / int(text[0]), 2)
            await ctx.send("$" + str(money))
        t = ''.join(text)
        if t == "register":
            await ctx.send(hqmod.register_user(ctx.message.author))
        elif t == "unregister":
            await ctx.send(hqmod.unregister_user(ctx.message.author))
        elif t == "check":
            if hqmod.is_user_registered(ctx.message.author):
                await ctx.send(ctx.message.author.display_name +
                               " is registered for hq pings.")
                await ctx.send(ctx.message.author.display_name +
                               " is **NOT** registered for hq pings.")
        elif t == "ping":
            await ctx.send(hqmod.list_users(mention=True))
        elif t == "list":
            await ctx.send(hqmod.list_users())
            await ctx.send(helpstring)
async def update_mlbtr():
    await bot.wait_until_ready()
    channel = bot.get_channel(id=main_chid)
    triviach = discord.utils.find(lambda m: m.name == 'trivia',
    while not bot.is_closed:
        if hqmod.check_hq():
            await bot.send_message(
                ":rotating_light: HQ is starting soon :rotating_light: --- head to %s"
                % (triviach.mention))
            await bot.send_message(
                ":rotating_light: HQ is starting soon :rotating_light:")
            await bot.send_message(triviach, hqmod.list_users(mention=True))

        out = mlbtr.mlbtr()
        if out != None:
            await bot.send_message(channel, out)
        await asyncio.sleep(60 * 3)