예제 #1
파일: wrapper.py 프로젝트: triptych/Sigil
 def readotherfile(self, book_href):
     id = _unicodestr(book_href)
     id = urldecodepart(id)
     if id is None:
         raise WrapperException('None is not a valid book href')
     if id not in self.other and id in self.id_to_href:
         raise WrapperException('Incorrect interface routine - use readfile')
     # handle special case of trying to read the opf after it has been modified
     if id == self.opfbookpath:
         if id in self.modified:
             return self.build_opf()
     filepath = self.book_href_to_filepath.get(id, None)
     if filepath is None:
         raise WrapperException('Book href does not exist')
     basedir = self.ebook_root
     if id in self.added or id in self.modified:
         basedir = self.outdir
     filepath = os.path.join(basedir, filepath)
     if not os.path.exists(filepath):
         raise WrapperException('File Does Not Exist')
     basename = os.path.basename(filepath)
     ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1]
     ext = ext.lower()
     mime = ext_mime_map.get(ext, "")
     data = b''
     with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp:
         data = fp.read()
     if mime in TEXT_MIMETYPES:
         data = _unicodestr(data)
     return data
예제 #2
파일: wrapper.py 프로젝트: triptych/Sigil
 def getmime(self, href):
     href = _unicodestr(href)
     href = urldecodepart(href)
     filename = os.path.basename(href)
     ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
     ext = ext.lower()
     return ext_mime_map.get(ext, "")
예제 #3
 def getmime(self, href):
     href = unicode_str(href)
     href = unquoteurl(href)
     filename = os.path.basename(href)
     ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
     ext = ext.lower()
     return ext_mime_map.get(ext, "")
예제 #4
 def addfile(self,
     uniqueid = unicode_str(uniqueid)
     if uniqueid in self.id_to_href:
         raise WrapperException('Manifest Id is not unique')
     basename = unicode_str(basename)
     mime = unicode_str(mime)
     if mime is None:
         ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1]
         ext = ext.lower()
         mime = ext_mime_map.get(ext, None)
     if mime is None:
         raise WrapperException("Mime Type Missing")
     if mime == "application/x-dtbncx+xml" and self.epub_version.startswith(
         raise WrapperException('Can not add or remove an ncx under epub2')
     group = mime_group_map.get(mime, "Misc")
     default_path = self.group_paths[group][0]
     bookpath = basename
     if default_path != "":
         bookpath = default_path + "/" + basename
     href = buildRelativePath(self.opfbookpath, bookpath)
     if href in self.href_to_id:
         raise WrapperException('Basename already exists')
     # now actually write out the new file
     filepath = bookpath.replace("/", os.sep)
     self.id_to_filepath[uniqueid] = filepath
     filepath = os.path.join(self.outdir, filepath)
     base = os.path.dirname(filepath)
     if not unipath.exists(base):
     if mime in TEXT_MIMETYPES or isinstance(data, text_type):
         data = utf8_str(data)
     with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
     self.id_to_href[uniqueid] = href
     self.id_to_mime[uniqueid] = mime
     self.id_to_props[uniqueid] = properties
     self.id_to_fall[uniqueid] = fallback
     self.id_to_over[uniqueid] = overlay
     self.id_to_bookpath[uniqueid] = bookpath
     self.href_to_id[href] = uniqueid
     self.bookpath_to_id[bookpath] = uniqueid
     self.modified[self.opfbookpath] = 'file'
     return uniqueid
예제 #5
파일: wrapper.py 프로젝트: BeckyDTP/Sigil
 def addbookpath(self, uniqueid, bookpath, data, mime=None):
     uniqueid = _unicodestr(uniqueid)
     if uniqueid in self.id_to_href:
         raise WrapperException('Manifest Id is not unique')
     bookpath = _unicodestr(bookpath)
     basename = bookpath.split("/")[-1]
     mime = _unicodestr(mime)
     if mime is None:
         ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1]
         ext = ext.lower()
         mime = ext_mime_map.get(ext, None)
     if mime is None:
         raise WrapperException("Mime Type Missing")
     if mime == "application/x-dtbncx+xml" and self.epub_version.startswith(
         raise WrapperException('Can not add or remove an ncx under epub2')
     href = buildRelativePath(self.opfbookpath, bookpath)
     if href in self.href_to_id:
         raise WrapperException('bookpath already exists')
     # now actually write out the new file
     filepath = bookpath.replace("/", os.sep)
     self.id_to_filepath[uniqueid] = filepath
     filepath = os.path.join(self.outdir, filepath)
     base = os.path.dirname(filepath)
     if not os.path.exists(base):
     if mime in TEXT_MIMETYPES or isinstance(data, str):
         data = _utf8str(data)
     with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
     self.id_to_href[uniqueid] = href
     self.id_to_mime[uniqueid] = mime
     self.id_to_props[uniqueid] = None
     self.id_to_fall[uniqueid] = None
     self.id_to_over[uniqueid] = None
     self.id_to_bookpath[uniqueid] = bookpath
     self.href_to_id[href] = uniqueid
     self.bookpath_to_id[bookpath] = uniqueid
     self.modified[self.opfbookpath] = 'file'
     return uniqueid