예제 #1
def compare_tip_mechanism_trajectories(mech_mat, hand_mat):
#    hand_proj, nrm_hand = project_points_plane(hand_mat)
#    mech_proj, nrm_mech = project_points_plane(mech_mat)
    hand_proj = hand_mat
    mech_proj = mech_mat

    kin_dict = ke.fit(hand_proj, tup)
    print 'kin_dict from hook tip:', kin_dict
    print 'measured radius:', cd['radius']
    center_hand = np.matrix((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],

    kin_dict = ke.fit(mech_proj, tup)
    print 'kin_dict from mechanism:', kin_dict
    center_mech = np.matrix((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],

    # working with the projected coordinates.
    directions_hand = hand_proj - center_hand
    directions_hand = directions_hand / ut.norm(directions_hand)
    directions_mech = mech_proj - center_mech
    directions_mech = directions_mech / ut.norm(directions_mech)

    start_normal = directions_mech[:,0]
    print 'directions_mech[:,0]', directions_mech[:,0].A1
    print 'directions_hand[:,0]', directions_hand[:,0].A1
    ct = (start_normal.T * directions_hand).A1
    st = ut.norm(np.matrix(np.cross(start_normal.A1, directions_hand.T.A)).T).A1
    mech_angle = np.arctan2(st, ct).tolist()
    #mech_angle = np.arccos(start_normal.T * directions_hand).A1.tolist()


    # plot trajectory in 3D.
    d3m.plot_points(hand_proj, color = (1.,0.,0.), mode='sphere',
                    scale_factor = 0.005)
    d3m.plot_points(mech_proj[:,0:1], color = (0.,0.,0.), mode='sphere',
                    scale_factor = 0.01)
    d3m.plot_points(mech_proj, color = (0.,0.,1.), mode='sphere',
                    scale_factor = 0.005)
    d3m.plot(np.column_stack((mech_proj[:,-1],center_mech, mech_proj[:,0])),
             color = (0.,0.,1.))
    d3m.plot(np.column_stack((hand_proj[:,-1],center_hand, hand_proj[:,0])),
             color = (1.,0.,0.))
예제 #2
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: gt-ros-pkg/hrl
def linear_distances(mechanism_positions):
    pos_mat = np.column_stack(mechanism_positions)
    ld = ut.norm(pos_mat - pos_mat[:,0]).A1.tolist()
    ld_arr = np.array(ld)
    if np.any(np.isnan(ld_arr)):
    return ld
예제 #3
def find_closest_pt(pts2d, pt, pt_closer=False):
    ''' returns closest point to edge (2x1 matrix)
        can return None also
    dist_pt = np.linalg.norm(pt[0:2, 0])
    pts2d_r = ut.norm(pts2d)
    pts2d_a = np.arctan2(pts2d[1, :], pts2d[0, :])
    if pt_closer == False:
        k_idxs = np.where(pts2d_r <= dist_pt)
        k_idxs = np.where(pts2d_r > dist_pt)

    pts2d_r = pts2d_r[k_idxs]
    pts2d_a = pts2d_a[k_idxs]
    pts2d = ut.cart_of_pol(np.matrix(np.row_stack((pts2d_r, pts2d_a))))

    if pt_closer == False:
        edge_to_pt = pt[0:2, 0] - pts2d
        edge_to_pt = pts2d - pt[0:2, 0]

    edge_to_pt_a = np.arctan2(edge_to_pt[1, :], edge_to_pt[0, :])
    keep_idxs = np.where(np.abs(edge_to_pt_a) < math.radians(70))[1].A1

    if keep_idxs.shape[0] == 0:
        return None

    pts2d = pts2d[:, keep_idxs]

    #    pt_to_edge_dists = ut.norm(pts2d-pt[0:2,0])
    #    closest_pt_index = np.argmin(pt_to_edge_dists)
    closest_pt_index = find_closest_pt_index(pts2d, pt[0:2, 0])
    closest_pt = pts2d[:, closest_pt_index]
    return closest_pt
예제 #4
def connected_components(p, dist_threshold):
    ''' p - 2xN numpy matrix of euclidean points points (indices give neighbours).
        dist_threshold - max distance between two points in the same connected component.
                         typical value is .02 meters
        returns a list of (p1,p2, p1_index, p2_index): (start euclidean point, end euclidean point, start index, end index) 
        p1 and p2 are 2X1 matrices
    nPoints = p.shape[1]
    q = p[:, 0:nPoints - 1]
    r = p[:, 1:nPoints]
    diff = r - q
    dists = ut.norm(diff).T
    idx = np.where(
        dists > dist_threshold)  # boundaries of the connected components

    end_list = idx[0].A1.tolist()
    end_list.append(nPoints - 1)

    cc_list = []
    start = 0
    for i in end_list:
        cc_list.append((p[:, start], p[:, i], start, i))
        start = i + 1

    return cc_list
예제 #5
def filter_trajectory_force(ct, ft):
    vel_list = copy.copy(ct.v_list)
    pts_list = copy.copy(ct.p_list)
    time_list = copy.copy(ct.time_list)
    ft_list = copy.copy(ft.f_list)
    f_mag_list = ut.norm(np.matrix(ft.f_list).T).A1.tolist()

    if len(pts_list) != len(f_mag_list):
        print 'arm_trajectories.filter_trajectory_force: force and end effector lists are not of the same length.'
        print 'Exiting ...'

    n_pts = len(pts_list)
    i = n_pts - 1
    hook_slip_off_threshold = 1.5 # from compliant_trajectories.py
    while i > 0:
        if f_mag_list[i] < hook_slip_off_threshold:
            if vel_list != []:
        i -= 1

    ct2 = CartesianTajectory()
    ct2.time_list = time_list
    ct2.p_list = pts_list
    ct2.v_list = vel_list

    ft2 = ForceTrajectory()
    ft2.time_list = copy.copy(time_list)
    ft2.f_list = ft_list
    return ct2, ft2
예제 #6
def pts_within_dist(p, pts, min_dist, max_dist):
    v = p - pts
    d_arr = ut.norm(v).A1
    idxs = np.where(
        np.all(np.row_stack((d_arr < max_dist, d_arr > min_dist)), axis=0))
    pts_within = pts[:, idxs[0]]
    return pts_within
예제 #7
def find_closest_pt_index(pts2d,pt):
    ''' returns index (of pts2d) of closest point to pt.
        pts2d - 2xN matrix, pt - 2x1 matrix
    pt_to_edge_dists = ut.norm(pts2d-pt)
    closest_pt_index = np.argmin(pt_to_edge_dists)
    return closest_pt_index
예제 #8
def find_closest_pt(pts2d,pt,pt_closer=False):
    ''' returns closest point to edge (2x1 matrix)
        can return None also
    dist_pt = np.linalg.norm(pt[0:2,0])
    pts2d_r = ut.norm(pts2d)
    pts2d_a = np.arctan2(pts2d[1,:],pts2d[0,:])
    if pt_closer == False:
        k_idxs = np.where(pts2d_r<=dist_pt)
        k_idxs = np.where(pts2d_r>dist_pt)

    pts2d_r = pts2d_r[k_idxs]
    pts2d_a = pts2d_a[k_idxs]
    pts2d = ut.cart_of_pol(np.matrix(np.row_stack((pts2d_r,pts2d_a))))

    if pt_closer == False:
        edge_to_pt = pt[0:2,0]-pts2d
        edge_to_pt = pts2d-pt[0:2,0]

    edge_to_pt_a = np.arctan2(edge_to_pt[1,:],edge_to_pt[0,:])
    keep_idxs = np.where(np.abs(edge_to_pt_a)<math.radians(70))[1].A1

    if keep_idxs.shape[0] == 0:
        return None

    pts2d = pts2d[:,keep_idxs]

#    pt_to_edge_dists = ut.norm(pts2d-pt[0:2,0])
#    closest_pt_index = np.argmin(pt_to_edge_dists)
    closest_pt_index = find_closest_pt_index(pts2d,pt[0:2,0])
    closest_pt = pts2d[:,closest_pt_index]
    return closest_pt
예제 #9
def pushback_edge(pts2d,pt):
    ''' push pt away from the edge defined by pts2d.
        pt - 2x1, pts2d - 2xN
        returns the pushed point.
    closest_idx = find_closest_pt_index(pts2d,pt)
    n_push_points = min(min(5,pts2d.shape[1]-closest_idx-1),closest_idx)
    if closest_idx<n_push_points or (pts2d.shape[1]-closest_idx-1)<n_push_points:
        print 'processing_3d.pushback_edge: pt is too close to the ends of the pts2d array.'
        return None

    edge_to_pt = pt-pts2d[:,closest_idx-n_push_points:closest_idx+n_push_points]
    edge_to_pt_r = ut.norm(edge_to_pt)
    edge_to_pt_a = np.arctan2(edge_to_pt[1,:],edge_to_pt[0,:])

    non_zero_idxs = np.where(edge_to_pt_r>0.005)
    edge_to_pt_r = edge_to_pt_r[non_zero_idxs]
    edge_to_pt_r[0,:] = 1
    edge_to_pt_a = edge_to_pt_a[non_zero_idxs]
    edge_to_pt_unit = ut.cart_of_pol(np.row_stack((edge_to_pt_r,edge_to_pt_a)))
    push_vector = edge_to_pt_unit.mean(1)
    push_vector = push_vector/np.linalg.norm(push_vector)
    print 'push_vector:', push_vector.T
    pt_pushed = pt + push_vector*0.05

    return pt_pushed
예제 #10
def filter_trajectory_force(ct, ft):
    vel_list = copy.copy(ct.v_list)
    pts_list = copy.copy(ct.p_list)
    time_list = copy.copy(ct.time_list)
    ft_list = copy.copy(ft.f_list)
    f_mag_list = ut.norm(np.matrix(ft.f_list).T).A1.tolist()

    if len(pts_list) != len(f_mag_list):
        print 'arm_trajectories.filter_trajectory_force: force and end effector lists are not of the same length.'
        print 'Exiting ...'

    n_pts = len(pts_list)
    i = n_pts - 1
    hook_slip_off_threshold = 1.5  # from compliant_trajectories.py
    while i > 0:
        if f_mag_list[i] < hook_slip_off_threshold:
            if vel_list != []:
        i -= 1

    ct2 = CartesianTajectory()
    ct2.time_list = time_list
    ct2.p_list = pts_list
    ct2.v_list = vel_list

    ft2 = ForceTrajectory()
    ft2.time_list = copy.copy(time_list)
    ft2.f_list = ft_list
    return ct2, ft2
예제 #11
def pushback_edge(pts2d, pt):
    ''' push pt away from the edge defined by pts2d.
        pt - 2x1, pts2d - 2xN
        returns the pushed point.
    closest_idx = find_closest_pt_index(pts2d, pt)
    n_push_points = min(min(5, pts2d.shape[1] - closest_idx - 1), closest_idx)
    if closest_idx < n_push_points or (pts2d.shape[1] - closest_idx -
                                       1) < n_push_points:
        print 'processing_3d.pushback_edge: pt is too close to the ends of the pts2d array.'
        return None

    edge_to_pt = pt - pts2d[:, closest_idx - n_push_points:closest_idx +
    edge_to_pt_r = ut.norm(edge_to_pt)
    edge_to_pt_a = np.arctan2(edge_to_pt[1, :], edge_to_pt[0, :])

    non_zero_idxs = np.where(edge_to_pt_r > 0.005)
    edge_to_pt_r = edge_to_pt_r[non_zero_idxs]
    edge_to_pt_r[0, :] = 1
    edge_to_pt_a = edge_to_pt_a[non_zero_idxs]
    edge_to_pt_unit = ut.cart_of_pol(np.row_stack(
        (edge_to_pt_r, edge_to_pt_a)))
    push_vector = edge_to_pt_unit.mean(1)
    push_vector = push_vector / np.linalg.norm(push_vector)
    print 'push_vector:', push_vector.T
    pt_pushed = pt + push_vector * 0.05

    return pt_pushed
예제 #12
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: gt-ros-pkg/hrl
def compute_segway_motion_mag(d):
    st = d['segway']
    x_list, y_list = st.x_list, st.y_list
    n1 = ut.norm(np.matrix([x_list, y_list]))
    n1 = n1 - np.min(n1)
    n1 = n1*10
    return n1.A1.tolist()
예제 #13
파일: log_ft_data.py 프로젝트: wklharry/hrl
def plot_ft(d):
    ft_list = d['ft_list']
    time_list = d['time_list']
    ft_mat = np.matrix(ft_list).T  # 6xN np matrix
    force_mat = ft_mat[0:3, :]

    tarray = np.array(time_list)
    print 'average rate', 1. / np.mean(tarray[1:] - tarray[:-1])
    time_list = (tarray - tarray[0]).tolist()
    print len(time_list)

    force_mag_l = ut.norm(force_mat).A1.tolist()
    #for i,f in enumerate(force_mag_l):
    #    if f > 15:
    #        break
    #force_mag_l = force_mag_l[i:]
    #time_list = time_list[i:]

                label='Force Magnitude',
                ylabel='Force Magnitude (N)',
예제 #14
def find_closest_object_point(scan,
                              pt_interest=np.matrix([0., 0.]).T,
    ''' returns 2x1 matrix - centroid of connected component in hokuyo frame closest to pt_interest
        pt_interest - 2x1 matrix in hokuyo coord frame.
        None if no object found.
    obj_list = find_objects(scan,

    if obj_list == []:
        return None

    min_dist_list = []
    for pts in obj_list:
        min_dist_list.append(np.min(ut.norm(pts - pt_interest)))

    min_idx = np.argmin(np.matrix(min_dist_list))
    return obj_list[min_idx].mean(1)
예제 #15
def find_closest_pt_index(pts2d, pt):
    ''' returns index (of pts2d) of closest point to pt.
        pts2d - 2xN matrix, pt - 2x1 matrix
    pt_to_edge_dists = ut.norm(pts2d - pt)
    closest_pt_index = np.argmin(pt_to_edge_dists)
    return closest_pt_index
예제 #16
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: wklharry/hrl
def linear_distances(mechanism_positions):
    pos_mat = np.column_stack(mechanism_positions)
    ld = ut.norm(pos_mat - pos_mat[:, 0]).A1.tolist()
    ld_arr = np.array(ld)
    if np.any(np.isnan(ld_arr)):
    return ld
예제 #17
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: wklharry/hrl
def compute_segway_motion_mag(d):
    st = d['segway']
    x_list, y_list = st.x_list, st.y_list
    n1 = ut.norm(np.matrix([x_list, y_list]))
    n1 = n1 - np.min(n1)
    n1 = n1 * 10
    return n1.A1.tolist()
예제 #18
def find_good_config(pt,dict):
    ''' finds a good configuration for the 3x1 pt.
    m = dict['cart_pts_mat']
    min_idx = np.argmin(ut.norm(m-pt))
    c = dict['good_configs_list'][min_idx]
#    print 'good configuration:', [math.degrees(qi) for qi in c]
    return c
예제 #19
 def error_function(params):
     center = np.matrix((params[0],params[1])).T
     #print 'pts.shape', pts.shape
     #print 'center.shape', center.shape
     #print 'ut.norm(pts-center).shape',ut.norm(pts-center).shape
     err = ut.norm(pts-center).A1 - rad
     res = np.dot(err,err)
     return res
예제 #20
def find_good_config(pt,dic):
    ''' finds a good configuration for the 3x1 pt.
    m = dic['cart_pts_mat']
    min_idx = np.argmin(ut.norm(m-pt))
    c = dic['good_configs_list'][min_idx]
#    print 'good configuration:', [math.degrees(qi) for qi in c]
    return c
예제 #21
 def error_function(params):
     center = np.matrix((params[0], params[1])).T
     rad = params[2]
     err_pts = ut.norm(pts - center).A1 - rad
     lik = np.dot(err_pts, err_pts) / (sigma_pts * sigma_pts)
     pri = ((rad - rad_guess)**2) / (sigma_r * sigma_r)
     #pri += ((x_prior - center[0,0])**2) / (sigma_xy * sigma_xy)
     #pri += ((y_prior - center[1,0])**2) / (sigma_xy * sigma_xy)
     return (lik + pri)
예제 #22
 def error_function(params):
     center = np.matrix((params[0],params[1])).T
     rad = params[2]
     #print 'pts.shape', pts.shape
     #print 'center.shape', center.shape
     #print 'ut.norm(pts-center).shape',ut.norm(pts-center).shape
     err = ut.norm(pts-center).A1 - rad
     res = np.dot(err,err)
     return res
예제 #23
def compute_mech_angle_2(cd, tup, project_plane=False):
    pos_mat = np.column_stack(cd['mech_pos_list'])
    if project_plane:
        pts_proj, min_evec = project_points_plane(pos_arr)
        pos_arr = pts_proj

    kin_dict = ke.fit(pos_mat, tup)
    center = np.matrix((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],
    directions_x = pos_mat - center
    directions_x = directions_x / ut.norm(directions_x)
    start_normal = directions_x[:,0]
    #mech_angle = np.arccos(start_normal.T * directions_x).A1.tolist()

    ct = (start_normal.T * directions_x).A1
    st = ut.norm(np.matrix(np.cross(start_normal.A1, directions_x.T.A)).T).A1
    mech_angle = np.arctan2(st, ct).tolist()
    return mech_angle
예제 #24
 def error_function(params):
     center = np.matrix((params[0],params[1])).T
     rad = params[2]
     err_pts = ut.norm(pts-center).A1 - rad
     lik = np.dot(err_pts, err_pts) / (sigma_pts * sigma_pts)
     pri = ((rad - rad_guess)**2) / (sigma_r * sigma_r)
     #pri += ((x_prior - center[0,0])**2) / (sigma_xy * sigma_xy)
     #pri += ((y_prior - center[1,0])**2) / (sigma_xy * sigma_xy)
     return (lik + pri)
예제 #25
def compute_mech_angle_1(cd, axis_direc=None):
    mech_rot = cd['mech_rot_list']
    directions_x = (np.row_stack(mech_rot)[:,0]).T.reshape(len(mech_rot), 3).T
    if axis_direc != None:
        directions_x = directions_x - np.multiply(axis_direc.T * directions_x,
        directions_x = directions_x/ut.norm(directions_x)
    start_normal = directions_x[:,0]
    mech_angle = np.arccos(start_normal.T * directions_x).A1.tolist()
    return mech_angle
def taxel_array_to_np_arrays(ta, desired_unroll_index=0):
    force_vectors = np.row_stack([ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z])
    fmags = ut.norm(force_vectors)
    force_arr_raw = fmags.reshape((16,24)) #Verified by Tapo

    force_arr = np.column_stack((force_arr_raw[:,desired_unroll_index:],force_arr_raw[:,:desired_unroll_index]))

    center_arr = np.row_stack([ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y, ta.centers_z]).reshape((3,16,24))
    nrml_arr = np.row_stack([ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y, ta.normals_z]).reshape((3,16,24))
    return force_arr, center_arr, nrml_arr
예제 #27
    def get_selection( self, obj, images, humanread, blit_loc ):
        [srf, fps, clk] = obj
        loopFlag = True
        ind = 0
        pos = (0,0)
        while loopFlag:
            # Clear the screen
            diffs = np.array(blit_loc) - np.array(pos)
            ind = np.argmin( ut.norm( diffs.T ))
            self.put_bottom_text( srf, humanread[ind] )

            self.draw_rect(srf, blit_loc[ind])

            for i, image in enumerate(images):
                srf.blit(image, self.calc_blit_loc(image,blit_loc[i]))

            #print 'going'

            events = pygame.event.get()
            for e in events:
                if e.type==pygame.locals.QUIT:
                if e.type==pygame.locals.KEYDOWN:
                    if e.key == 27: # Esc
                if e.type == pygame.locals.MOUSEMOTION:
                    pos = e.pos
                if e.type==pygame.locals.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    if e.button == 1:
                        # left button
                        pos = e.pos
                        diffs = np.array(blit_loc) - np.array(pos)
                        ind = np.argmin( ut.norm( diffs.T ))
                        loopFlag = False

        return ind
def taxel_array_cb(ta, callback_args):
    sc_pu, tf_lstnr = callback_args
    sc = SkinContact()
    sc.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link' # has to be this and no other coord frame.
    sc.header.stamp = ta.header.stamp

    pts = np.column_stack((ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y, ta.centers_z))
    nrmls = np.column_stack((ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y, ta.normals_z))
    fs = np.column_stack((ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z))

    t1, q1 = tf_lstnr.lookupTransform(sc.header.frame_id,

    t1 = np.matrix(t1).reshape(3,1)
    r1 = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(q1)

    if ta.link_names == []:
        real_skin_patch = True
        real_skin_patch = False

    # transform to the torso_lift_link frame.
    pts = r1 * np.matrix(pts).T + t1
    nrmls = r1 * np.matrix(nrmls).T
    fs = r1 * np.matrix(fs).T
    fmags = ut.norm(fs).A1

    # for fabric sensor and meka sensor, Advait moved the thresholding
    # etc within the calibration node. (June 13, 2012)
    if not real_skin_patch:
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.5)[0]
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.001)[0]

    for i in idxs:
        p = pts[:,i]
        n1 = nrmls[:,i]
        n2 = fs[:,i]

        if real_skin_patch:
            link_name = ta.header.frame_id
            link_name = ta.link_names[i]
        sc.locations.append(Point(p[0,0], p[1,0], p[2,0]))
        sc.forces.append(Vector3(n2[0,0], n2[1,0], n2[2,0]))
        sc.normals.append(Vector3(n1[0,0], n1[1,0], n1[2,0]))

예제 #29
def taxel_array_cb(ta, callback_args):
    sc_pu, tf_lstnr = callback_args
    sc = SkinContact()
    sc.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'  # has to be this and no other coord frame.
    sc.header.stamp = ta.header.stamp

    pts = np.column_stack((ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y, ta.centers_z))
    nrmls = np.column_stack((ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y, ta.normals_z))
    fs = np.column_stack((ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z))

    t1, q1 = tf_lstnr.lookupTransform(sc.header.frame_id, ta.header.frame_id,

    t1 = np.matrix(t1).reshape(3, 1)
    r1 = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(q1)

    if ta.link_names == []:
        real_skin_patch = True
        real_skin_patch = False

    # transform to the torso_lift_link frame.
    pts = r1 * np.matrix(pts).T + t1
    nrmls = r1 * np.matrix(nrmls).T
    fs = r1 * np.matrix(fs).T
    fmags = ut.norm(fs).A1

    # for fabric sensor and meka sensor, Advait moved the thresholding
    # etc within the calibration node. (June 13, 2012)
    if not real_skin_patch:
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.5)[0]
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.001)[0]

    for i in idxs:
        p = pts[:, i]
        n1 = nrmls[:, i]
        n2 = fs[:, i]

        if real_skin_patch:
            link_name = ta.header.frame_id
            link_name = ta.link_names[i]

        sc.locations.append(Point(p[0, 0], p[1, 0], p[2, 0]))
        sc.forces.append(Vector3(n2[0, 0], n2[1, 0], n2[2, 0]))
        sc.normals.append(Vector3(n1[0, 0], n1[1, 0], n1[2, 0]))
        sc.pts_x.append(FloatArrayBare(p[0, :].A1))
        sc.pts_y.append(FloatArrayBare(p[1, :].A1))
        sc.pts_z.append(FloatArrayBare(p[2, :].A1))

예제 #30
    def error_function(params):
        center = np.matrix((params[0],params[1])).T
        if rad_fix:
            rad = rad_guess
            rad = params[2]

        err = ut.norm(pts-center).A1 - rad
        res = np.dot(err,err)
        #if not rad_fix and rad < 0.3:
        #    res = res*(0.3-rad)*100
        return res
예제 #31
    def error_function(params):
        center = np.matrix((params[0], params[1])).T
        if rad_fix:
            rad = rad_guess
            rad = params[2]

        err = ut.norm(pts - center).A1 - rad
        res = np.dot(err, err)
        #if not rad_fix and rad < 0.3:
        #    res = res*(0.3-rad)*100
        return res
예제 #32
def plot(combined_dict, savefig):

#    tup = ke.init_ros_node()
#    mech_rot_list = compute_mech_rot_list(combined_dict, tup)
#    combined_dict['mech_rot_list'] = mech_rot_list
#    plot_trajectories(combined_dict)

    cd = combined_dict
    ft_mat = np.matrix(cd['ft_list']).T
    force_mat = ft_mat[0:3, :]
    mpu.plot_yx(ut.norm(force_mat).A1, cd['time_list'])
def taxel_array_to_np_arrays(ta, desired_unroll_index=0):
    force_vectors = np.row_stack([ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z])
    fmags = ut.norm(force_vectors)
    force_arr_raw = fmags.reshape((16, 24))  #Verified by Tapo

    force_arr = np.column_stack((force_arr_raw[:, desired_unroll_index:],
                                 force_arr_raw[:, :desired_unroll_index]))

    center_arr = np.row_stack([ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y,
                               ta.centers_z]).reshape((3, 16, 24))
    nrml_arr = np.row_stack([ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y,
                             ta.normals_z]).reshape((3, 16, 24))
    return force_arr, center_arr, nrml_arr
예제 #34
def angle_between_hooktip_mechanism_radial_vectors(mech_mat, hand_mat):
    kin_dict = ke.fit(hand_mat, tup)
    print 'kin_dict from hook tip:', kin_dict
    print 'measured radius:', cd['radius']
    center_hand = np.matrix((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],

    kin_dict = ke.fit(mech_mat, tup)
    print 'kin_dict from mechanism:', kin_dict
    center_mech = np.matrix((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],

    # working with the projected coordinates.
    directions_hand = hand_mat - center_hand
    directions_hand = directions_hand / ut.norm(directions_hand)
    directions_mech = mech_mat - center_mech
    directions_mech = directions_mech / ut.norm(directions_mech)

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    ang = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.sum(np.multiply(directions_mech, directions_hand), 0))).A1
    mpu.plot_yx(ang, label = 'angle between hooktip-radial and mechanism radial')
예제 #35
def find_closest_object_point(scan, pt_interest=np.matrix([0.,0.]).T, min_angle=math.radians(-60),
    ''' returns 2x1 matrix - centroid of connected component in hokuyo frame closest to pt_interest
        pt_interest - 2x1 matrix in hokuyo coord frame.
        None if no object found.
    obj_list = find_objects(scan,max_dist,max_size,min_size,min_angle,max_angle,
                            connect_dist_thresh=0.02, all_pts=True)

    if obj_list == []:
        return None

    min_dist_list = []
    for pts in obj_list:

    min_idx = np.argmin(np.matrix(min_dist_list))
    return obj_list[min_idx].mean(1)
예제 #36
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: gt-ros-pkg/hrl
def calculate_derived_quantities(ler_result, smooth_window):
    exp_records = ler_result['records']
    mech_info = ler_result['mech_info']
    kin_info_list = ler_result['kin_info_list']
    #Calculate velocities
    for kin_info in kin_info_list:
        kin_info['velocity'] = velocity(kin_info, smooth_window)
    #Interpolate kinematics into force time steps
    for segment_name in exp_records.keys():
        for exp_number, record in enumerate(exp_records[segment_name]):
            record['mech_coord_arr'] = interpolate_1d(kin_info_list[exp_number]['mech_time_arr'], 
            record['mech_pose_vel_arr'] = interpolate_1d(kin_info_list[exp_number]['mech_time_arr'],
            record['force_norms'] = ut.norm(np.matrix(record['forces']).T[0:3,:]).A1
예제 #37
def dist_from_boundary(curr_pos,bndry,pts):
    mv = vec_from_boundary(curr_pos,bndry)
#    spoly = sg.Polygon((bndry.T).tolist())
#    spt = sg.Point(curr_pos[0,0],curr_pos[1,0])
    d = np.linalg.norm(mv)

    p = curr_pos[0:2,:]
    v = p-pts
    min_dist = np.min(ut.norm(v))
#    print 'min_dist,d:',min_dist,d
#    print 'min_dist >= d',min_dist >= d-0.001
    if min_dist >= d-0.001:
#        print 'I predict outside workspace'
        d = -d

#    if spoly.contains(spt) == False:
#        print 'Shapely predicts outside workspace'
#        d = -d
    return d
예제 #38
def dist_from_boundary(curr_pos, bndry, pts):
    mv = vec_from_boundary(curr_pos, bndry)
    #    spoly = sg.Polygon((bndry.T).tolist())
    #    spt = sg.Point(curr_pos[0,0],curr_pos[1,0])
    d = np.linalg.norm(mv)

    p = curr_pos[0:2, :]
    v = p - pts
    min_dist = np.min(ut.norm(v))
    #    print 'min_dist,d:',min_dist,d
    #    print 'min_dist >= d',min_dist >= d-0.001
    if min_dist >= d - 0.001:
        #        print 'I predict outside workspace'
        d = -d

#    if spoly.contains(spt) == False:
#        print 'Shapely predicts outside workspace'
#        d = -d
    return d
예제 #39
def plot_ft(d):
    ft_list = d['ft_list']
    time_list = d['time_list']
    ft_mat = np.matrix(ft_list).T # 6xN np matrix
    force_mat = ft_mat[0:3, :]

    tarray = np.array(time_list)
    print 'average rate', 1. / np.mean(tarray[1:] - tarray[:-1])
    time_list = (tarray - tarray[0]).tolist()
    print len(time_list)
    force_mag_l = ut.norm(force_mat).A1.tolist()
    #for i,f in enumerate(force_mag_l):
    #    if f > 15:
    #        break
    #force_mag_l = force_mag_l[i:]
    #time_list = time_list[i:]

    mpu.plot_yx(force_mag_l, time_list, axis=None, label='Force Magnitude',
                xlabel='Time(seconds)', ylabel='Force Magnitude (N)',
                color = mpu.random_color())
예제 #40
파일: mf_common.py 프로젝트: wklharry/hrl
def calculate_derived_quantities(ler_result, smooth_window):
    exp_records = ler_result['records']
    mech_info = ler_result['mech_info']
    kin_info_list = ler_result['kin_info_list']

    #Calculate velocities
    for kin_info in kin_info_list:
        kin_info['velocity'] = velocity(kin_info, smooth_window)

    #Interpolate kinematics into force time steps
    for segment_name in exp_records.keys():
        for exp_number, record in enumerate(exp_records[segment_name]):
            record['mech_coord_arr'] = interpolate_1d(
            record['mech_pose_vel_arr'] = interpolate_1d(
                kin_info_list[exp_number]['velocity'], record['ftimes'])
            record['force_norms'] = ut.norm(
                np.matrix(record['forces']).T[0:3, :]).A1
예제 #41
def find_closest_object(obj_pts_list,pt,return_idx=False):
    ''' obj_pts_list - list of 3xNi matrices of points.
        pt - point of interest. (3x1) matrix.
        return_idx - whether to return the index (in obj_pts_list) of
                     the closest object.
        returns 3xNj matrix of points which is the closest object to pt.
                None if obj_pts_list is empty.
    min_dist_list = []
    for obj_pts in obj_pts_list:

    if obj_pts_list == []:
        return None
    min_idx = np.argmin(np.matrix(min_dist_list))
    cl_obj = obj_pts_list[min_idx]
    print 'processing_3d.find_closest_object: closest_object\'s centroid',cl_obj.mean(1).T

    if return_idx:
        return cl_obj,min_idx
    return cl_obj
예제 #42
def segway_motion_repulse(curr_pos_tl, eq_pt_tl, bndry, all_pts):
    bndry_dist_eq = dist_from_boundary(eq_pt_tl, bndry, all_pts)  # signed
    bndry_dist_ee = dist_from_boundary(curr_pos_tl, bndry, all_pts)  # signed
    if bndry_dist_ee < bndry_dist_eq:
        p = curr_pos_tl[0:2, :]
        bndry_dist = bndry_dist_ee
        p = eq_pt_tl[0:2, :]
        bndry_dist = bndry_dist_eq

#    p = eq_pt_tl[0:2,:]
    pts_close = pts_within_dist(p, bndry, 0.002, 0.07)
    v = p - pts_close
    d_arr = ut.norm(v).A1
    v = v / d_arr
    v = v / d_arr  # inverse distance weight
    resultant = v.sum(1)
    res_norm = np.linalg.norm(resultant)
    resultant = resultant / res_norm
    tvec = -resultant

    if bndry_dist < 0.:
        tvec = -tvec  # eq pt was outside workspace polygon.

    if abs(bndry_dist) < 0.01 or res_norm < 0.01:
        # internal external test fails so falling back on
        # going to mean.
        m = all_pts.mean(1)
        tvec = m - p
        tvec = -tvec / np.linalg.norm(tvec)

    dist_move = 0.
    if bndry_dist > 0.05:
        dist_move = 0.
        dist_move = 1.

    tvec = tvec * dist_move  # tvec is either a unit vec or zero vec.
    return tvec
예제 #43
def compute_mech_rot_list(cd, tup, project_plane=False):
    pos_arr = np.column_stack(cd['mech_pos_list'])
    rot_list = cd['mech_rot_list']
    directions_y = (np.row_stack(rot_list)[:,1]).T.reshape(len(rot_list), 3).T
    start_y = directions_y[:,0]

    pts_proj, y_mech = project_points_plane(pos_arr)
    if np.dot(y_mech.T, start_y.A1) < 0:
        print 'Negative hai boss'
        y_mech = -1 * y_mech

    if project_plane:
        pos_arr = pts_proj

    kin_dict = ke.fit(np.matrix(pos_arr), tup)
    center = np.array((kin_dict['cx'], kin_dict['cy'],

    print 'pos_arr[:,0]', pos_arr[:,0]
    print 'center:', center

    directions_x = (np.row_stack(rot_list)[:,0]).T.reshape(len(rot_list), 3).T
    start_x = directions_x[:,0]
    directions_x = np.matrix(pos_arr) - np.matrix(center).T.A
    directions_x = directions_x / ut.norm(directions_x)
    if np.dot(directions_x[:,0].A1, start_x.A1) < 0:
        print 'Negative hai boss'
        directions_x = -1 * directions_x

    mech_rot_list = []
    for i in range(len(rot_list)):
        x = -directions_x[:, i]
        y = np.matrix(y_mech)
        z = np.matrix(np.cross(x.A1, y.A1)).T
        rot_mat = np.column_stack((x, y, z))

#    return mech_rot_list
    return rot_list
예제 #44
def segway_motion_repulse(curr_pos_tl, eq_pt_tl,bndry, all_pts):
    bndry_dist_eq = dist_from_boundary(eq_pt_tl,bndry,all_pts) # signed
    bndry_dist_ee = dist_from_boundary(curr_pos_tl,bndry,all_pts) # signed
    if bndry_dist_ee < bndry_dist_eq:
        p = curr_pos_tl[0:2,:]
        bndry_dist = bndry_dist_ee
        p = eq_pt_tl[0:2,:]
        bndry_dist = bndry_dist_eq

#    p = eq_pt_tl[0:2,:]
    pts_close = pts_within_dist(p,bndry,0.002,0.07)
    v = p-pts_close
    d_arr = ut.norm(v).A1
    v = v/d_arr
    v = v/d_arr # inverse distance weight
    resultant = v.sum(1)
    res_norm = np.linalg.norm(resultant)
    resultant = resultant/res_norm
    tvec = -resultant

    if bndry_dist < 0.:
        tvec = -tvec # eq pt was outside workspace polygon.

    if abs(bndry_dist)<0.01 or res_norm<0.01:
        # internal external test fails so falling back on
        # going to mean.
        m = all_pts.mean(1)
        tvec = m-p
        tvec = -tvec/np.linalg.norm(tvec)

    dist_move = 0.
    if bndry_dist > 0.05:
        dist_move = 0.
        dist_move = 1.

    tvec = tvec*dist_move # tvec is either a unit vec or zero vec.
    return tvec
예제 #45
def find_closest_object(obj_pts_list, pt, return_idx=False):
    ''' obj_pts_list - list of 3xNi matrices of points.
        pt - point of interest. (3x1) matrix.
        return_idx - whether to return the index (in obj_pts_list) of
                     the closest object.
        returns 3xNj matrix of points which is the closest object to pt.
                None if obj_pts_list is empty.
    min_dist_list = []
    for obj_pts in obj_pts_list:
        min_dist_list.append(np.min(ut.norm(obj_pts - pt)))

    if obj_pts_list == []:
        return None
    min_idx = np.argmin(np.matrix(min_dist_list))
    cl_obj = obj_pts_list[min_idx]
    print 'processing_3d.find_closest_object: closest_object\'s centroid', cl_obj.mean(

    if return_idx:
        return cl_obj, min_idx
    return cl_obj
예제 #46
def connected_components(p, dist_threshold):
    ''' p - 2xN numpy matrix of euclidean points points (indices give neighbours).
        dist_threshold - max distance between two points in the same connected component.
                         typical value is .02 meters
        returns a list of (p1,p2, p1_index, p2_index): (start euclidean point, end euclidean point, start index, end index) 
        p1 and p2 are 2X1 matrices
    nPoints = p.shape[1]
    q = p[:,0:nPoints-1]
    r = p[:,1:nPoints]
    diff = r-q
    dists = ut.norm(diff).T
    idx = np.where(dists>dist_threshold) # boundaries of the connected components

    end_list = idx[0].A1.tolist()

    cc_list = []
    start = 0
    for i in end_list:
        cc_list.append((p[:,start], p[:,i], start, i))
        start = i+1

    return cc_list
def visualize_taxel_array(ta, marker_pub):
    markers = MarkerArray()
    stamp = ta.header.stamp
    frame = ta.header.frame_id

    pts = np.column_stack((ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y, ta.centers_z))
    colors = np.zeros((4, pts.shape[0]))
    colors[0,:] = 243/255.0
    colors[1,:] = 132/255.0
    colors[2,:] = 0.
    colors[3,:] = 1.0
    scale = (0.005, 0.005, 0.005)

    duration = 0.
    m = hv.list_marker(pts.T, colors, scale, 'points',
                      frame, duration=duration, m_id=0)
    m.header.stamp = stamp

    # now draw non-zero forces as arrows.
    nrmls = np.column_stack((ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y, ta.normals_z))
    fs = np.column_stack((ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z))

    fmags = ut.norm(fs.T).flatten()

    if hasattr(ta, 'link_name'):
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.0)[0]  #was .01
        # HACK. need to calibrate the skin patch so that something
        # reasonable gets outputted.
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.)[0] #was 0.2

    #force_marker_scale = 0.04
    force_marker_scale = 1.0
    duration = 0.4
    for i in idxs:
        p = np.matrix(pts[i]).T
        n1 = np.matrix(nrmls[i]).T
        n2 = np.matrix(fs[i]).T

        if False:
            q1 = hv.arrow_direction_to_quat(n1)
            l1 = (n2.T * n1)[0,0] * force_marker_scale

            if 'electric' not in roslib.__path__[0]:
                scale = (l1, 0.2, 0.2)
                scale = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)  #something weird here, was (0.2, 0.2, l1)

            scale = (0.4, 0.4, l1)

            m = hv.single_marker(p, q1, 'arrow', frame, duration=duration,
                                 scale=scale, m_id=3*i+1)
            m.header.stamp = stamp

        if True:
            if np.linalg.norm(n2) < 0.30:
                q2 = hv.arrow_direction_to_quat(n2)
                l2 = np.linalg.norm(n2) * force_marker_scale

                m = Marker()
                m.points.append(Point(p[0,0], p[1,0], p[2,0]))
                m.points.append(Point(p[0,0]+n2[0,0], p[1,0]+n2[1,0], p[2,0]+n2[2,0]))
                m.scale = Point(0.02, 0.04, 0.0)
                m.header.frame_id = frame
                m.id = 3*i+2
                m.type = Marker.ARROW
                m.action = Marker.ADD
                m.color.r = 0.
                m.color.g = 0.8
                m.color.b = 0.
                m.color.a = 1.
                m.lifetime = rospy.Duration(duration)
                m.header.stamp = stamp

                m = hv.single_marker(p + n2/np.linalg.norm(n2) * l2 * 1.2, q2, 'text_view_facing', frame,
                                     (0.07, 0.07, 0.07), m_id = 3*i+3,
                                     duration = duration, color=(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.))
                m.text = '%.2fm'%(np.linalg.norm(n2))
                m.header.stamp = stamp

예제 #48
def pca_eigenface_trick(data):
    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(data.T * data)
    orig_u = data * u
    orig_u = orig_u / ut.norm(orig_u)
    return orig_u, s, None
예제 #49
def grasp_location_on_object(obj,display_list=None):
    ''' obj - 3xN numpy matrix of points of the object.

    pts_2d = obj[0:2,:]
    centroid_2d = pts_2d.mean(1)
    pts_2d_zeromean = pts_2d-centroid_2d
    e_vals,e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(pts_2d_zeromean*pts_2d_zeromean.T)

    # get the min size
    min_index = np.argmin(e_vals)
    min_evec = e_vecs[:,min_index]

    print 'min eigenvector:', min_evec.T
    pts_1d = min_evec.T * pts_2d
    min_size = pts_1d.max() - pts_1d.min()
    print 'spread along min eigenvector:', min_size

    max_height = obj[2,:].max()

    tlb = obj.max(1)
    brf = obj.min(1)
    print 'tlb:', tlb.T
    print 'brf:', brf.T

    resolution = np.matrix([0.005,0.005,0.005]).T
    gr = og3d.occupancy_grid_3d(brf,tlb,resolution)
    obj = gr.grid_to_points()

    grid_2d = gr.grid.max(2)
    grid_2d_filled = ni.binary_fill_holes(grid_2d)
    gr.grid[:,:,0] = gr.grid[:,:,0]+grid_2d_filled-grid_2d

    p = np.matrix(np.row_stack(np.where(grid_2d_filled==1))).astype('float')
    p[0,:] = p[0,:]*gr.resolution[0,0]
    p[1,:] = p[1,:]*gr.resolution[1,0]
    p += gr.brf[0:2,0]
    print 'new mean:', p.mean(1).T
    print 'centroid_2d:', centroid_2d.T
    centroid_2d = p.mean(1)

    if min_size<0.12:
        # grasp at centroid.
        grasp_point = np.row_stack((centroid_2d,np.matrix([max_height+gr.resolution[2,0]*2])))
#        grasp_point[2,0] = max_height
        gripper_angle = -math.atan2(-min_evec[0,0],min_evec[1,0])
        grasp_vec = min_evec

        if display_list != None:
            max_index = np.argmax(e_vals)
            max_evec = e_vecs[:,max_index]
            pts_1d = max_evec.T * pts_2d
            max_size = pts_1d.max() - pts_1d.min()

            v = np.row_stack((max_evec,np.matrix([0.])))
            max_end_pt1 = grasp_point + v*max_size/2.
            max_end_pt2 = grasp_point - v*max_size/2.
        #----- more complicated grasping location finder.

        for i in range(gr.grid_shape[2,0]):
            gr.grid[:,:,i] = gr.grid[:,:,i]*(i+1)

        height_map = gr.grid.max(2) * gr.resolution[2,0]
    #    print height_map
        print 'height std deviation:',math.sqrt(height_map[np.where(height_map>0.)].var())

#        connect_structure = np.empty((3,3),dtype='int')
#        connect_structure[:,:] = 1
#        for i in range(gr.grid_shape[2,0]):
#            slice = gr.grid[:,:,i]
#            slice_filled = ni.binary_fill_holes(slice)
#            slice_edge = slice_filled - ni.binary_erosion(slice_filled,connect_structure)
#            gr.grid[:,:,i] = slice_edge*(i+1)
#        height_map = gr.grid.max(2) * gr.resolution[2,0]
#    #    print height_map
#        print 'contoured height std deviation:',math.sqrt(height_map[np.where(height_map>0.)].var())

        high_pts_2d = obj[0:2,np.where(obj[2,:]>max_height-0.005)[1].A1]
        #high_pts_1d = min_evec.T * high_pts_2d
        high_pts_1d = ut.norm(high_pts_2d)
        idx1 = np.argmin(high_pts_1d)
        pt1 = high_pts_2d[:,idx1]

        idx2 = np.argmax(high_pts_1d)
        pt2 = high_pts_2d[:,idx2]

        if np.linalg.norm(pt1)<np.linalg.norm(pt2):
            grasp_point = np.row_stack((pt1,np.matrix([max_height])))
            grasp_point = np.row_stack((pt2,np.matrix([max_height])))

        vec = centroid_2d-grasp_point[0:2,0]
        gripper_angle = -math.atan2(-vec[0,0],vec[1,0])
        grasp_vec = vec/np.linalg.norm(vec)

        if display_list != None:
            pt1 = np.row_stack((pt1,np.matrix([max_height])))
            pt2 = np.row_stack((pt2,np.matrix([max_height])))
#            display_list.insert(0,pu.CubeCloud(pt1,(0,0,200),size=(0.005,0.005,0.005)))
#            display_list.insert(0,pu.CubeCloud(pt2,(200,0,200),size=(0.005,0.005,0.005)))

    if display_list != None:
        pts = gr.grid_to_points()
        size = resolution
#        size = resolution*2
#        size[2,0] = size[2,0]*2

        v = np.row_stack((grasp_vec,np.matrix([0.])))
        min_end_pt1 = grasp_point + v*min_size/2.
        min_end_pt2 = grasp_point - v*min_size/2.

        max_evec = np.matrix((min_evec[1,0],-min_evec[0,0])).T
        pts_1d = max_evec.T * pts_2d
        max_size = pts_1d.max() - pts_1d.min()


    return grasp_point,gripper_angle
예제 #50
def find_approach_direction(grid,pt,display_list=None):
    z_plane,max_count = grid.argmax_z(search_up=True)
    z_plane_meters = z_plane*grid.resolution[2,0]+grid.brf[2,0]

    l = grid.find_plane_indices(assume_plane=True)
    print '------------ min(l)',min(l)

    z_plane_argmax,max_count = grid.argmax_z(search_up=False)
    z_plane_below = max(0,z_plane_argmax-5)
    print 'z_plane_argmax',z_plane_argmax
    print 'z_plane_below',z_plane_below
    print 'l:',l
#    l = range(z_plane_below,z_plane)+l
    copy_grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
    plane_slices = grid.grid[:,:,l]
    copy_grid.grid[:,:,:] = 0
    copy_grid.grid[:,:,l] = copy.copy(plane_slices)
    #plane_pts = copy_grid.grid_to_points()

    grid_2d = np.max(grid.grid[:,:,l],2)
    grid_2d = ni.binary_dilation(grid_2d,iterations=4) # I want 4-connectivity while filling holes.
    grid_2d = ni.binary_fill_holes(grid_2d) # I want 4-connectivity while filling holes.

    labeled_arr,n_labels = ni.label(grid_2d)
    labels_list = range(1,n_labels+1)
    count_objects = ni.sum(grid_2d,labeled_arr,labels_list)
    if n_labels == 1:
        count_objects = [count_objects]
    max_label = np.argmax(np.matrix(count_objects))
    grid_2d[np.where(labeled_arr!=max_label+1)] = 0

#    connect_structure = np.empty((3,3),dtype='int')
#    connect_structure[:,:] = 1
#    eroded_2d = ni.binary_erosion(grid_2d,connect_structure,iterations=4)
#    eroded_2d = ni.binary_erosion(grid_2d)

#    grid_2d = grid_2d-eroded_2d

    labeled_arr_3d = copy_grid.grid.swapaxes(2,0)
    labeled_arr_3d = labeled_arr_3d.swapaxes(1,2)
    labeled_arr_3d = labeled_arr_3d*grid_2d
    labeled_arr_3d = labeled_arr_3d.swapaxes(2,0)
    labeled_arr_3d = labeled_arr_3d.swapaxes(1,0)
    copy_grid.grid = labeled_arr_3d
    pts3d = copy_grid.grid_to_points()
    pts2d = pts3d[0:2,:]

    dist_pt = np.linalg.norm(pt[0:2,0])
    pts2d_r = ut.norm(pts2d)
    pts2d_a = np.arctan2(pts2d[1,:],pts2d[0,:])

    max_angle = np.max(pts2d_a)
    min_angle = np.min(pts2d_a)

    max_angle = min(max_angle,math.radians(50))
    min_angle = max(min_angle,math.radians(-50))

    ang_res = math.radians(1.)
    n_bins = int((max_angle-min_angle)/ang_res)
    print 'n_bins:', n_bins
    n_bins = min(50,n_bins)
#    n_bins=50
    ang_res = (max_angle-min_angle)/n_bins
    print 'n_bins:', n_bins

    angle_list = []
    range_list = []
    for i in range(n_bins):
        angle = min_angle+ang_res*i
        idxs = np.where(np.multiply(pts2d_a<(angle+ang_res/2.),pts2d_a>(angle-ang_res/2.)))
        r_mat = pts2d_r[idxs]
        a_mat = pts2d_a[idxs]
        if r_mat.shape[1] == 0:
        min_idx = np.argmin(r_mat.A1)

    if range_list == []:
        print 'processing_3d.find_approach_direction: No edge points found'
        return None,None

    pts2d = ut.cart_of_pol(np.matrix(np.row_stack((range_list,angle_list))))

    closest_pt_1 = find_closest_pt(pts2d,pt,pt_closer=False)
    if closest_pt_1 == None:
        dist1 = np.Inf
        approach_vector_1 = pt[0:2,0] - closest_pt_1
        dist1 = np.linalg.norm(approach_vector_1)
        approach_vector_1 = approach_vector_1/dist1

    closest_pt_2 = find_closest_pt(pts2d,pt,pt_closer=True)
    if closest_pt_2 == None:
        dist2 = np.Inf
        approach_vector_2 = closest_pt_2 - pt[0:2,0]
        dist2 = np.linalg.norm(approach_vector_2)
        approach_vector_2 = approach_vector_2/dist2

    if dist1 == np.Inf and dist2 == np.Inf:
        approach_vector_1 = np.matrix([1.,0.,0.]).T
        approach_vector_2 = np.matrix([1.,0.,0.]).T
        print 'VERY STRANGE: processing_3d.find_approach_direction: both distances are Inf'

    if dist1<0.05 or dist2<0.05:
        print 'dist1,dist2:',dist1,dist2
        t_pt = copy.copy(pt)
        if dist1<dist2 and dist1<0.02:
            t_pt[0,0] += 0.05
        elif dist2<0.02:
            t_pt[0,0] -= 0.05
        #pt_new = pushback_edge(pts2d,pt[0:2,0])
        pt_new = pushback_edge(pts2d,t_pt[0:2,0])
        if display_list != None:
            pt_new_3d = np.row_stack((pt_new,np.matrix([z_plane_meters])))

        closest_pt_1 = find_closest_pt(pts2d,pt_new,pt_closer=False)
        if closest_pt_1 == None:
            dist1 = np.Inf
            approach_vector_1 = pt_new - closest_pt_1
            dist1 = np.linalg.norm(approach_vector_1)
            approach_vector_1 = approach_vector_1/dist1

        closest_pt_2 = find_closest_pt(pts2d,pt_new,pt_closer=True)
        if closest_pt_2 == None:
            dist2 = np.Inf
            approach_vector_2 = closest_pt_2 - pt_new
            dist2 = np.linalg.norm(approach_vector_2)
            approach_vector_2 = approach_vector_2/dist2

    print '----------- dist1,dist2:',dist1,dist2
    if dist2<dist1:
        closest_pt = closest_pt_2
        approach_vector = approach_vector_2
        closest_pt = closest_pt_1
        approach_vector = approach_vector_1

    print '----------- approach_vector:',approach_vector.T
    closest_pt = np.row_stack((closest_pt,np.matrix([z_plane_meters])))

    if display_list != None:
        z = np.matrix(np.empty((1,pts2d.shape[1])))
        z[:,:] = z_plane_meters
        pts3d_front = np.row_stack((pts2d,z))


    return closest_pt,approach_vector
예제 #51
def find_door(start_pts_list, end_pts_list, pt_interest=None):
    ''' returns [p1x,p1y], [p2x,p2y] ([],[] if no door found)
        returns line closest to the pt_interest.
        pt_interest - 2x1 matrix
    if start_pts_list == []:
        return [], []

#    print 'start_pts_list,end_pts_list',start_pts_list,end_pts_list
    start_pts = np.matrix(start_pts_list).T
    end_pts = np.matrix(end_pts_list).T
    line_vecs = end_pts - start_pts
    line_vecs_ang = np.arctan2(line_vecs[1, :], line_vecs[0, :])

    idxs = np.where(
            np.multiply(line_vecs_ang > math.radians(45),
                        line_vecs_ang < math.radians(135)),
            np.multiply(line_vecs_ang < math.radians(-45), line_vecs_ang >
                        math.radians(-135))) > 0)[1].A1.tolist()

    if idxs == []:
        return [], []
    start_pts = start_pts[:, idxs]
    end_pts = end_pts[:, idxs]
    #    print 'start_pts,end_pts',start_pts.A1.tolist(),end_pts.A1.tolist()
    if pt_interest == None:
        print 'hokuyo_processing.find_door: pt_interest in None so returning the longest line.'
        length = ut.norm(end_pts - start_pts)
        longest_line_idx = np.argmax(length)
        vec_door = (end_pts - start_pts)[:, longest_line_idx]
        return start_pts[:, longest_line_idx].A1.tolist(
        ), end_pts[:, longest_line_idx].A1.tolist()
        v = end_pts - start_pts
        q_dot_v = pt_interest.T * v
        p1_dot_v = np.sum(np.multiply(start_pts, v), 0)
        v_dot_v = ut.norm(v)
        lam = np.divide((q_dot_v - p1_dot_v), v_dot_v)
        r = start_pts + np.multiply(lam, v)
        dist = ut.norm(pt_interest - r)
        edge_idxs = np.where(np.multiply(lam > 1., lam < 0.))[1].A1.tolist()
        min_end_dist = np.minimum(ut.norm(start_pts - pt_interest),
                                  ut.norm(end_pts - pt_interest))
        dist[:, edge_idxs] = min_end_dist[:, edge_idxs]

        # dist - distance of closest point within the line segment
        #        or distance of the closest end point.
        # keep line segments that are within some distance threshold.

        keep_idxs = np.where(dist < 0.5)[1].A1.tolist()
        if len(keep_idxs) == 0:
            return [], []

        start_pts = start_pts[:, keep_idxs]
        end_pts = end_pts[:, keep_idxs]

        # find distance from the robot and select furthest line.
        p_robot = np.matrix([0., 0.]).T
        v = end_pts - start_pts
        q_dot_v = p_robot.T * v
        p1_dot_v = np.sum(np.multiply(start_pts, v), 0)
        v_dot_v = ut.norm(v)
        lam = np.divide((q_dot_v - p1_dot_v), v_dot_v)
        r = start_pts + np.multiply(lam, v)
        dist = ut.norm(p_robot - r)

        door_idx = np.argmax(dist)
        return start_pts[:,
                         door_idx].A1.tolist(), end_pts[:,
예제 #52
def hough_lines(xy_map, save_lines=False):
    ''' xy_map - 2xN matrix of points.
        returns start_list, end_list. [[p1x,p1y],[p2x,p2y]...],[[q1x,q1y]...]
                [],[] if no lines were found.
    #    save_lines=True
    m_per_pixel = 0.005
    img_cv, n_x, n_y, br = xy_map_to_cv_image(xy_map,

    time_str = str(time.time())

    #    for i in range(3):
    #        cvSmooth(img_cv,img_cv,CV_GAUSSIAN,3,3)
    #    cvSaveImage('aloha'+str(time.time())+'.png',img_cv)

    storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0)
    rho = max(int(round(0.01 / m_per_pixel)), 1)
    rho = 1
    theta = math.radians(1)
    min_line_length = int(0.3 / m_per_pixel)
    max_gap = int(0.1 / m_per_pixel)
    n_points_thresh = int(0.2 / m_per_pixel)

    #    cvCanny(img_cv,img_cv,50,200)
    #    cvSaveImage('aloha.png',img_cv)
    lines = cvHoughLines2(img_cv, storage, method, rho, theta, n_points_thresh,
                          min_line_length, max_gap)

    if lines.total == 0:
        return [], []
    pts_start = np.zeros((2, lines.total))
    pts_end = np.zeros((2, lines.total))

    if save_lines:
        color_dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_cv), 8, 3)
        cvCvtColor(img_cv, color_dst, CV_GRAY2BGR)

    n_lines = lines.total
    for idx, line in enumerate(lines.asarrayptr(POINTER(CvPoint))):
        pts_start[0, idx] = line[0].y
        pts_start[1, idx] = line[0].x
        pts_end[0, idx] = line[1].y
        pts_end[1, idx] = line[1].x

    if save_lines:
        pts_start_pixel = pts_start
        pts_end_pixel = pts_end

    pts_start = (np.matrix([n_x, n_y]).T - pts_start) * m_per_pixel + br
    pts_end = (np.matrix([n_x, n_y]).T - pts_end) * m_per_pixel + br

    along_vec = pts_end - pts_start
    along_vec = along_vec / ut.norm(along_vec)
    ang_vec = np.arctan2(-along_vec[0, :], along_vec[1, :])

    res_list = []
    keep_indices = []

    for i in range(n_lines):
        ang = ang_vec[0, i]
        if ang > math.radians(90):
            ang = ang - math.radians(180)
        if ang < math.radians(-90):
            ang = ang + math.radians(180)

        rot_mat = tr.Rz(ang)[0:2, 0:2]
        st = rot_mat * pts_start[:, i]
        en = rot_mat * pts_end[:, i]
        pts = rot_mat * xy_map
        x_all = pts[0, :]
        y_all = pts[1, :]
        min_x = min(st[0, 0], en[0, 0]) - 0.1
        max_x = max(st[0, 0], en[0, 0]) + 0.1
        min_y = min(st[1, 0], en[1, 0]) + 0.01
        max_y = max(st[1, 0], en[1, 0]) - 0.01

        keep = np.multiply(np.multiply(x_all > min_x, x_all < max_x),
                           np.multiply(y_all > min_y, y_all < max_y))

        xy_sub = xy_map[:, np.where(keep)[1].A1.tolist()]
        if xy_sub.shape[1] == 0:

        a, b, res = uto.fitLine_highslope(xy_sub[0, :].T, xy_sub[1, :].T)
        if res < 0.0002:

    if keep_indices == []:
        return [], []

    pts_start = pts_start[:, keep_indices]
    pts_end = pts_end[:, keep_indices]

    print 'number of lines:', len(keep_indices)

    if save_lines:
        ut.save_pickle(res_list, 'residual_list_' + time_str + '.pkl')
        for i, idx in enumerate(keep_indices):
            s = pts_start_pixel[:, idx]
            e = pts_end_pixel[:, idx]
            cvLine(color_dst, cvPoint(int(s[1]), int(s[0])),
                   cvPoint(int(e[1]), int(e[0])), CV_RGB(*(color_list[i])), 3,
        cvSaveImage('lines_' + time_str + '.png', color_dst)

#    cvReleaseMemStorage(storage)
    return pts_start.T.tolist(), pts_end.T.tolist()
예제 #53
def visualize_taxel_array(ta, marker_pub):
    markers = MarkerArray()
    stamp = ta.header.stamp
    frame = ta.header.frame_id

    pts = np.column_stack((ta.centers_x, ta.centers_y, ta.centers_z))
    colors = np.zeros((4, pts.shape[0]))
    colors[0,:] = 243/255.0
    colors[1,:] = 132/255.0
    colors[2,:] = 0.
    colors[3,:] = 1.0
    scale = (0.005, 0.005, 0.005)

    duration = 0.
    m = hv.list_marker(pts.T, colors, scale, 'points',
                      frame, duration=duration, m_id=0)
    m.header.stamp = stamp

    # now draw non-zero forces as arrows.
    nrmls = np.column_stack((ta.normals_x, ta.normals_y, ta.normals_z))
    fs = np.column_stack((ta.values_x, ta.values_y, ta.values_z))

    fmags = ut.norm(fs.T).flatten()

    if hasattr(ta, 'link_name'):
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.01)[0]
        # HACK. need to calibrate the skin patch so that something
        # reasonable gets outputted.
        idxs = np.where(fmags > 0.2)[0]

    force_marker_scale = 0.04
    duration = 0.02
    for i in idxs:
        p = np.matrix(pts[i]).T
        n1 = np.matrix(nrmls[i]).T
        n2 = np.matrix(fs[i]).T

        q1 = hv.arrow_direction_to_quat(n1)
        l1 = (n2.T * n1)[0,0] * force_marker_scale

        #if 'electric' not in roslib.__path__[0]:
        #    scale = (l1, 0.2, 0.2)
        scale = (0.2, 0.2, l1)

        m = hv.single_marker(p, q1, 'arrow', frame, duration=duration,
                             scale=scale, m_id=3*i+1)
        m.header.stamp = stamp

        q2 = hv.arrow_direction_to_quat(n2)
        l2 = np.linalg.norm(n2) * force_marker_scale

        #if 'electric' not in roslib.__path__[0]:
        #    scale = (l2, 0.2, 0.2)
        scale = (0.2, 0.2, l2)

        m = hv.single_marker(p, q2, 'arrow', frame, duration=duration,
                             scale=scale, color=(0.,0.5,0.,1.0),
        m.header.stamp = stamp

        m = hv.single_marker(p + n2/np.linalg.norm(n2) * l2 * 1.6, q2, 'text_view_facing', frame,
                             (0.07, 0.07, 0.07), m_id = 3*i+3,
                             duration = duration, color=(0.,0.5,0.,1.))
        m.text = '%.1fN'%(np.linalg.norm(n2))
        m.header.stamp = stamp

예제 #54
파일: dimreduce.py 프로젝트: gt-ros-pkg/hrl
def pca_eigenface_trick(data):
    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(data.T * data)
    orig_u = data * u
    orig_u = orig_u / ut.norm(orig_u)
    return orig_u, s, None