def split_solve(self): ''' Mehtod to solve the splitting problem function takes the weight_available_matrix of the split instance and find the optimum number of weights types in the candidated holes_available that minimize the error. Args: split model instance Returns: S: numpy array of the same shape as weight_available_matrix of a model ''' # define mixed integer matrix in cvxpy _S = cp.Variable(self.weight_available_matrix.shape, integer=True) # define objective function _Real = cp.sum( cp.multiply(np.real(self.weight_available_matrix), _S)) - np.real(self.weight) _Imag = cp.sum( cp.multiply(np.imag(self.weight_available_matrix), _S)) - np.imag(self.weight) _Residuals = cp.norm(cp.hstack([_Real, _Imag])) _obj_split = cp.Minimize(_Residuals) # constraints _const_splitting = [_S >= 0] if self.max_number_weights_per_hole: if isinstance(self.max_number_weights_per_hole, int): _const_splitting += [ cp.sum(_S, axis=0) <= self.max_number_weights_per_hole ] else: raise tools.CustomError( '`max_number_weights_per_hole` should be integer number' ) if self.max_weight_per_plane: if isinstance(self.max_weight_per_plane, (float, int)): _const_splitting += [ cp.sum(_S.T @ self.weights_available, axis=0) <= self.max_weight_per_plane ] else: raise tools.CustomError( '`max_weight_per_plane` should be float number') # solve _prob_S = cp.Problem(_obj_split, _const_splitting) _prob_S.solve(solver=cp.XPRESS ) # TODO make solver options PYTHON_MIP(), ECOS_BB _S = np.array(np.round(_S.value)) self._S = _S self._prob_S = _prob_S.value _W_equ_split = np.sum(self.weight_available_matrix * self._S) self._W_equ_split = _W_equ_split return _S
def solve(self, solver='OLE'): ''' Method to solve the model Args: solver:'OLE' Ordinary Least Squares method 'Huber': Uses Huber smoother to down estimate the outliers. ''' W = cp.Variable((self.N, 1), complex=True) if solver.upper() == 'OLE': # Ordinary least squares _objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(self.ALPHA @ W + self.A)) elif solver.upper( ) == 'HUBER': # TODO test Huber solver for robust optimization _real = cp.real(self.ALPHA @ W + self.A) _imag = cp.imag(self.ALPHA @ W + self.A) _objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum_squares(cp.huber(cp.hstack([_real, _imag]), M=0))) elif solver.upper() == 'WLS': # TODO test weighted least squares _objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum_squares(cp.diag(self.C) @ (self.ALPHA @ W + self.A))) else: raise tools.CustomError('Unrecognized Solver name') prob = cp.Problem(_objective) prob.solve() self.W = W.value return W.value
def error(self, options='error'): ''' Method to determine different ways of error in the splitting. Args: Instance of split model options: kwarg to define the type of error. 'error': default value returns the relative value of error. 'problem_error': returns the accuracy of the solution. 'equ': returns the equivilant weight of splitting solution in math form. ''' # Error equivilant weight after splitting _error = abs(self._W_equ_split - self.weight) # Estimate the error generated by using minmax instead of norm2 in the objective function _problem_error = (self._prob_S - _error) / abs(self.weight) if options == 'error': return _error elif options == 'problem_error': return _problem_error elif options == 'equ': return tools.convert_cart_math(self._W_equ_split) else: raise tools.CustomError( 'Invalid options. Choose options="error" for solution error' 'caused by splitting, options="problem_error" for solution' ' accuracy and options="equ" for equivilant weight.')
def solve(self, solver=None): ''' Method to solve the Minmax model ''' W = cp.Variable((self.N, 1), complex=True) _objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm((self.ALPHA @ W + self.A), "inf")) # Define weight constraints _constrains = [] if self.weight_const != {}: try: for key, value in self.weight_const.items(): _constrains += [cp.norm(W[key]) <= value] except NameError: raise tools.CustomError('Invalid weight constraint format') else: pass prob = cp.Problem(_objective, _constrains) prob.solve() self.W = W.value return W.value
def solve(self, solver=None): ''' solving the LMI model returns solution matrix W ''' # Weight constraints N = self.N M = self.M _wc = np.zeros(N) if self.weight_const != {}: try: for key, value in self.weight_const.items(): _wc[key] = value except NameError: raise tools.CustomError('Invalid weight constraint format') else: pass # Identify critical planes if self.V_max: _Vm = self.V_max else: raise tools.CustomError('V_max is not specified') if self.critical_planes and len(self.critical_planes) > 0: _list_cr = self.critical_planes else: raise tools.CustomError('Critical Planes are not set.') _ALPHA = self.ALPHA.copy() A = self.A.copy() _ALPHAcr = _ALPHA[_list_cr] Acr = A[_list_cr] _ALPHAncr = np.delete(_ALPHA, _list_cr, axis=0) _Ancr = np.delete(A, _list_cr, axis=0) # assign cvxpy variables _WR = cp.Variable((N, 1)) _WI = cp.Variable((N, 1)) _Vc = cp.Variable() _RRfcr = cp.diag( np.real(Acr) + np.real(_ALPHAcr) @ _WR - np.imag(_ALPHAcr) @ _WI) _IRfcr = cp.diag( np.imag(Acr) + np.imag(_ALPHAcr) @ _WR + np.real(_ALPHAcr) @ _WI) _RRfNcr = cp.diag( np.real(_Ancr) + np.real(_ALPHAncr) @ _WR - np.imag(_ALPHAncr) @ _WI) _IRfNcr = cp.diag( np.imag(_Ancr) + np.imag(_ALPHAncr) @ _WR + np.real(_ALPHAncr) @ _WI) _zcr = np.zeros((_RRfcr.shape[0], _RRfcr.shape[1])) _Icr = np.eye(_RRfcr.shape[0]) _zncr = np.zeros((_RRfNcr.shape[0], _RRfNcr.shape[1])) _Incr = np.eye(_RRfNcr.shape[0]) _objective = cp.Minimize(_Vc) _LMI_real = cp.bmat([[_Vc * _Icr, _RRfcr, _zcr, -_IRfcr], [_RRfcr, _Icr, _IRfcr, _zcr], [_zcr, _IRfcr, _Vc * _Icr, _RRfcr], [-_IRfcr, _zcr, _RRfcr, _Icr]]) _LMI_imag = cp.bmat([[_Vm**2 * _Incr, _RRfNcr, _zncr, -_IRfNcr], [_RRfNcr, _Incr, _IRfNcr, _zncr], [_zncr, _IRfNcr, _Vm**2 * _Incr, _RRfNcr], [-_IRfNcr, _zncr, _RRfNcr, _Incr]]) # Model weight constraints _const_LMI_w = [] for i in range(N): _LMI_weight = cp.bmat([[_wc[i]**2, _WR[i], 0, -_WI[i]], [_WR[i], 1, _WI[i], 0], [0, _WI[i], _wc[i]**2, _WR[i]], [-_WI[i], 0, _WR[i], 1]]) _const_LMI_w.append(_LMI_weight >> 0) _const_LMI_w.append(_LMI_real >> 0) _const_LMI_w.append(_LMI_imag >> 0) # Stating the problem prob = cp.Problem(_objective, _const_LMI_w) prob.solve(cp.CVXOPT, kktsolver=cp.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER) W = _WR + _WI * 1j self.W = W.value return self.W
def __init__(self, A: 'initial_vibration' = None, alpha: 'instance of Alpha class' = None, conditions: 'list of condition instances' = None, name: 'string' = ''): """ Instantiate the model Args: A: Initial vibration vector -> np.ndarray ALPHA: Influence coefficient matrix -> class Alpha conditions: List of conditions instance that express the model various setpoints for balancing -> list of `class Condition` name: optional name of the model -> string """ = name self.alpha = alpha self.W = None self.split_instance = [ ] # List of all related splits that has modified the solution self.conditions = conditions if self.conditions is None: if A is None or alpha is None: raise TypeError( 'Either (A and Alpha) or `conditions` should be assigned.') try: if A.shape[1] == 1: self.A = A except AttributeError: raise tools.CustomError('Either direct_matrix or (A,B,U) ' 'should be passed "numpy arrays"') except IndexError: raise tools.CustomError( '`A` should be a column vector (Mx1) dimension') # Test if Alpha is an instance of Alpha class if not isinstance(alpha, Alpha): raise tools.CustomError( 'Please create an `Alpha instance` first --> ex. alpha = Alpha()' ) else: self.alpha = alpha self.ALPHA = alpha.value elif isinstance(self.conditions, list) == False: raise TypeError('Conditions should be a list') else: if all( isinstance(condition, Condition) for condition in self.conditions): self.ALPHA = np.vstack( [condition.alpha.value for condition in self.conditions]) self.A = np.vstack( [condition.A for condition in self.conditions]) else: raise TypeError( '''`conditions` should be a list of `Condition class` try condition = Condition()''') try: _ = self.ALPHA.shape # Test that alpha.value returns np.array self.N = self.ALPHA.shape[1] # Get N number of balancing_planes self.M = self.ALPHA.shape[0] # Get M number of measuring points except AttributeError: raise tools.CustomError('Missing valid ALPHA value')
def split_setup(self, balancing_plane_index, holes_available, weights_available, max_number_weights_per_hole=None, max_weight_per_plane=None): """ Split method to determine the optimized splitted weight over available holes and with some availabe weight types the optimization is mixed integer quadratic type that minimize the residule of the caluclated model weight from a combination of availabe weights on the availble holes Args: balancing_plane_index: the index of weight to be split from the model. (model.W[index]) -> complex class holes_available: list of holes available, this can be entered as numpy array (ex. np.arange(0, 100, 10) represents the holes from 0 deg to 100 deg spaced 10 degress each)-> list weights_available: list of type of weights available ex. [185, 90] represents that factory weights available are 185 and 90 grams for instance. -> list max_number_weights_per_hole: maximum number of weights premissible to be added in each hole. (ex. 1 -> only one weight is allowable per hole) -> int max_weight_per_plane: max weight allowable per plane. (ex 2000 -> maximum weight allowable per plane is 2 kg) -> float Returns: weight_available_matrix which represents all possible weights at all possible holes. """ self.balancing_plane_index = balancing_plane_index self.holes_available = holes_available self.weights_available = weights_available self.max_number_weights_per_hole = max_number_weights_per_hole self.max_weight_per_plane = max_weight_per_plane self.weight = self.model.W[balancing_plane_index] # Vectorizing cmath `rect` function to be applied on holes vrect = np.vectorize(cmath.rect) # list to np.array if isinstance(holes_available, list): if holes_available: holes_available = np.array(holes_available) else: raise tools.CustomError( 'holes_available should contian at least one element') else: raise tools.CustomError('holes_available should be a list') if isinstance(weights_available, list): if weights_available: weights_available = np.array(weights_available) else: raise tools.CustomError( 'weights_available should contain at least one element' ) else: raise tools.CustomError('weights_available should be a list') # Transfer weights from row to column weights_available = weights_available[:, np.newaxis] # Make weight matrix in complex form weight_available_matrix = weights_available * vrect( 1, holes_available * cmath.pi / 180) # from deg to rad self.weight_available_matrix = weight_available_matrix pass
def add( self, direct_matrix: 'np.array' = None, A: 'initial_vibration numpy.array' = None, B: 'trial matrix numpy.array' = None, U: 'trial weight row vector numpy.array' = None, keep_trial: 'optional keep the previous trial weight in every succeeding trial' = False, name: 'string' = ''): ''' Method to add new values for Alpha instance either the direct_matrix is needed or ALL of (A, B, U) Args: direct_matrix: numpy array M rows -> measuring points, N columns -> balancing planes A: Initial vibration column array -> numpy array B: Trial matrix MxN array -> numpy array ''' self.A = A self.B = B self.U = U self.keep_trial = keep_trial try: # test if direct input _ = direct_matrix.shape if direct_matrix.ndim < 2: raise IndexError( 'Influence coefficient matrix should be of more than 1 dimensions.' ) if direct_matrix.shape[0] >= direct_matrix.shape[1]: self.value = direct_matrix else: raise tools.CustomError( 'Number of rows(measuring points) should be ' 'equal or more than the number of columns ' '(balancing planes)!') if self.A is not None or self.B is not None or self.U is not None: raise ValueError( 'Either (direct Matrix) or (A, B, U) should be input, but not both.' ) except AttributeError: # if direct matrix is not input calculate it from A, B, U # test the exstiance of A, A0, B, U to calculate ALPHA try: all([A.shape, B.shape, U.shape]) # Test dimensions if A.shape[1] > 1: raise tools.CustomError('`A` should be column vector') elif U.ndim > 1: raise tools.CustomError('`U` should be row vector') elif B.shape[0] != A.shape[0] or B.shape[1] != U.shape[0]: raise tools.CustomError( '`B` dimensions should match `A`and `U`') else: self.A = A self.B = B self.U = U if not keep_trial: self.value = (self.B - self.A) / self.U else: _A_keep_trial = np.delete( (np.insert(self.B, [0], self.A, axis=1)), -1, axis=1) self.value = (self.B - _A_keep_trial) / self.U except AttributeError: raise tools.CustomError('Either direct_matrix or (A,B,U) ' 'should be passed "numpy arrays"') if self.value is not None: self.M = self.value.shape[0] self.N = self.value.shape[1]