예제 #1
    def execute(self, stdin: str) -> str:
        if self.is_finished():
            from hstest.stage_test import StageTest
                    f"The program {self} has unexpectedly terminated.\n" +
                    "It finished execution too early, should continue running."
            raise TestedProgramFinishedEarly()

        if stdin is None:
            return ""

        if not self.is_waiting_input():
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f"Program {self} is not waiting for the input " +
                f"(state == \"{self._machine.state}\")")

        if self.__no_more_input:
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f"Can't pass input to the program {self} - input was prohibited."

        self._input = stdin
        if self.__in_background:
            return ""

        # suspends thread while the program is executing,
        # waits for non-RUNNING state to be reached
        return self.__get_execution_output()
예제 #2
    def test(self) -> CheckResult:
        # startThreads(testCase.getProcesses())

        if Settings.do_reset_output:

        result = None
            result = self._test_runner.test(self)
        except BaseException as ex:

        # stopThreads(testCase.getProcesses(), pool)

        if result is None:

        if isinstance(self._error_in_test, TestPassed):
            result = correct()

        if result is None:
            raise UnexpectedError("Result is None after testing")

        return result
예제 #3
    def _init_tests(self) -> List[TestRun]:
        if self.runner is None:
            self.runner = self._init_runner()

        test_runs: List[TestRun] = []
        test_cases: List[TestCase] = list(self.generate())
        test_cases += search_dynamic_tests(self)

        if len(test_cases) == 0:
            raise UnexpectedError("No tests found")

        curr_test: int = 0
        test_count = len(test_cases)
        for test_case in test_cases:
            test_case.source_name = self.source_name
            if test_case.check_func is None:
                test_case.check_func = self.check
            if test_case.attach is None:
                test_case.attach = self.attach
            curr_test += 1
            test_runs += [
                TestRun(curr_test, test_count, test_case, self.runner)

        return test_runs
    def get_url(self, source: str = None):
        create_url = lambda port: f'http://localhost:{port}/'

        if len(self.attach.sources) == 1:
            return create_url(self.attach.sources[0][1])
        elif len(self.attach.sources) == 0:
            raise UnexpectedError(f'Cannot find sources')

        sources_fits = [i for i in self.attach.sources if i[0] == source]
        if len(sources_fits) == 0:
            raise UnexpectedError(f'Bad source: {source}')
        elif len(sources_fits) > 1:
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f'Multiple sources ({len(sources_fits)}) found: {source}')

        return create_url(sources_fits[0][1])
예제 #5
 def set_state(self, new_state: Any):
     with self.cv:
         if new_state not in self._transitions[self.state]:
             raise UnexpectedError("Cannot transit from " + self.state +
                                   " to " + new_state)
         self._state = new_state
예제 #6
 def from_stepik(stepik_tests: List[StepikTest]) -> List['TestCase']:
     hs_tests = []
     for test in stepik_tests:
         if type(test) in (list, tuple):
             hs_test = TestCase(stdin=test[0], attach=test[1])
         elif type(test) is str:
             hs_test = TestCase(stdin=test)
             raise UnexpectedError("Bad test: " + str(test))
         hs_tests += [hs_test]
     return hs_tests
예제 #7
    def check_errors(self):
        if self.repeat < 0:
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f'Dynamic test "{self.method_name}" '
                f'should not be repeated < 0 times, found {self.repeat}')

        if self.files is not None:
            if type(self.files) != dict:
                raise UnexpectedError(
                    f"'Files' parameter in dynamic test should be of type "
                    f"\"dict\", found {type(self.files)}.")

            for k, v in self.files.items():
                if type(k) != str:
                    raise UnexpectedError(
                        f"All keys in 'files' parameter in dynamic test should be "
                        f"of type \"str\", found {type(k)}.")
                if type(v) != str:
                    raise UnexpectedError(
                        f"All values in 'files' parameter in dynamic test should be "
                        f"of type \"str\", found {type(v)}.")
예제 #8
    def launch_django_application(self, test_case: TestCase):
        if not isinstance(test_case.attach, DjangoSettings):
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f'Django tests should have DjangoSettings class as an attach, '
                f'found {type(test_case.attach)}')

        source = test_case.source_name

        if source is None or not len(source):
            source = 'manage'

        full_source = source.replace('.', os.sep) + '.py'
        full_path = os.path.abspath(full_source)

        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            filename = os.path.basename(full_source)
            folder, file = PythonRunnableFile.runnable_searcher(
                file_filter=lambda _, f: f == filename)
            full_path = os.path.abspath(folder + os.sep + file)

        self.full_path = full_path
        self.port = self.__find_free_port(test_case.attach.tryout_ports)

        if test_case.attach.use_database:

        self.process = ProcessWrapper(sys.executable, self.full_path,
                                      'runserver', self.port, '--noreload')

        i: int = 100
        search_phrase = 'Starting development server at'
        while i:
            if search_phrase in self.process.stdout:
                test_case.attach.port = self.port
            i -= 1

            if self.process.is_error_happened():
                i = 0
            stdout = self.process.stdout.strip()
            stderr = self.process.stderr.strip()

            error_info = f'Cannot start Django server because cannot find "{search_phrase}" in process\' output'
            if len(stdout):
                error_info += '\n\nstdout:\n' + stdout
            if len(stderr):
                error_info += '\n\nstderr:\n' + stderr

            raise ErrorWithFeedback(error_info)
예제 #9
    def extract_parametrized_data(self):
        if self.data is None:
            self.data = [[]]

        if type(self.data) not in [list, tuple]:
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f"{self.name} should be of type "
                f"\"list\" or \"tuple\", found {type(self.data)}.")

        if len(self.data) == 0:
            raise UnexpectedError(f"{self.name} should not be empty.")

        found_lists_inside = True
        for obj in self.data:
            if type(obj) not in [list, tuple]:
                found_lists_inside = False

        if found_lists_inside:
            self.args_list = self.data
            self.args_list = [[obj] for obj in self.data]
예제 #10
    def start(self, *args: str):
        if not self._machine.in_state(ProgramState.NOT_STARTED):
            raise UnexpectedError(f"Cannot start the program {self} twice")


        if self.__in_background:
            return ""


        return self.__get_execution_output()
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, source: str = None):
        from hstest import StageTest
        runner = StageTest.curr_test_run.test_runner

        from hstest.testing.runner.async_main_file_runner import AsyncMainFileRunner
        if not isinstance(runner, AsyncMainFileRunner):
            raise UnexpectedError(
                'TestedProgram is supported only while using AsyncMainFileRunner runner, '
                'not ' + str(type(runner)))

        if source is None:
            from hstest.stage_test import StageTest
            source = StageTest.curr_test_run.test_case.source_name

        self._program_executor: ProgramExecutor = runner.executor(source)
        self._run_args: Optional[List[str]] = None
예제 #12
        def eject_next_input(self, curr_output: str) -> Optional[str]:
            if len(self.input_funcs) == 0:
                return None

            input_function = self.input_funcs[0]
            trigger_count = input_function.trigger_count
            if trigger_count > 0:

            next_func = input_function.input_function

            new_input: Optional[str]
                obj = next_func(curr_output)
                if isinstance(obj, str) or obj is None:
                    new_input = obj
                elif isinstance(obj, CheckResult):
                    if obj.is_correct:
                        raise TestPassed()
                        raise WrongAnswer(obj.feedback)
                    raise UnexpectedError(
                        'Dynamic input should return ' +
                        f'str or CheckResult objects only. Found: {type(obj)}')
            except BaseException as ex:
                from hstest.stage_test import StageTest
                return None

            if input_function.trigger_count == 0:

            if new_input is not None:
                new_input = clean_text(new_input)

            return new_input
예제 #13
 def check(self, reply: str, attach: Any) -> CheckResult:
     raise UnexpectedError('Can\'t check result: override "check" method')
예제 #14
    def __init__(self,
                 stdin: DynamicInput = '',
                 args: List[str] = None,
                 attach: Any = None,
                 feedback: str = '',
                 files: Dict[str, str] = None,
                 time_limit: int = DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT,
                 check_function: CheckFunction = None,
                 feedback_on_exception: Dict[Type[Exception], str] = None,
                 copy_to_attach: bool = False,
                 dynamic_testing: DynamicTesting = None):

        self.source_name = None

        self.input: Optional[str] = None
        self.args: List[str] = [] if args is None else args
        self.attach: Any = attach
        self.feedback = feedback
        self.files: Dict[str, str] = {} if files is None else files
        self.time_limit: int = time_limit
        self.check_func: CheckFunction = check_function
        self.feedback_on_exception: Dict[Type[Exception], str] = (
            {} if feedback_on_exception is None else feedback_on_exception)
        self.input_funcs = []

        self._dynamic_testing: DynamicTesting = dynamic_testing

        if dynamic_testing is not None:

        if copy_to_attach:
            if attach is not None:
                raise UnexpectedError('Attach is not None '
                                      'but copying from stdin is specified')
            if type(stdin) != str:
                raise UnexpectedError(
                    'To copy stdin to attach stdin should be of type str '
                    f'but found type {type(stdin)}')
            self.attach = stdin

        if type(stdin) == str:
            self.input = stdin
            self.input_funcs = [DynamicInputFunction(1, lambda x: stdin)]
            if type(stdin) != list:
                raise UnexpectedError(
                    'Stdin should be either of type str or list '
                    f'but found type {type(stdin)}')
            for elem in stdin:  # type: RuntimeEvaluatedInput
                if type(elem) == DynamicInputFunction:
                    self.input_funcs += [elem]

                elif type(elem) == str:
                    self.input_funcs += [
                        DynamicInputFunction(1, lambda x, inp=elem: inp)

                elif str(type(elem)) in [
                        "<class 'function'>", "<class 'method'>"
                    self.input_funcs += [DynamicInputFunction(1, elem)]

                elif type(elem) in (tuple, list):
                    if len(elem) == 2:
                        trigger_count: int = elem[0]
                        input_function: InputFunction = elem[1]

                        if type(trigger_count) != int:
                            raise UnexpectedError(
                                f'Stdin element\'s 1st element should be of type int, '
                                f'found {type(trigger_count)}')

                        if str(type(input_function)) not in [
                                "<class 'function'>", "<class 'method'>"
                            raise UnexpectedError(
                                f'Stdin element\'s 2nd element should be of type function, '
                                f'found {type(input_function)}')

                        self.input_funcs += [
                            DynamicInputFunction(trigger_count, input_function)
                        raise UnexpectedError(
                            f'Stdin element should have size 2, found {len(elem)}'

                    raise UnexpectedError(
                        f'Stdin element should have type DynamicInputFunction or '
                        f'tuple of size 1 or 2, found element of type {type(elem)}'
    def launch_flask_applications(self, test_case: TestCase):
        if not isinstance(test_case.attach, FlaskSettings):
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f'Flask tests should have FlaskSettings class as an attach, '
                f'found {type(test_case.attach)}')

        sources = test_case.attach.sources

        if len(sources) == 0:
            raise UnexpectedError(
                f'Cannot find Flask applications to run, no sources were defined in tests'

        new_sources = []

        for source in sources:
            filename, port = source

            full_source = filename.replace('.', os.sep) + '.py'
            full_path = os.path.abspath(full_source)

            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                raise ErrorWithFeedback(
                    f'Cannot find file named "{os.path.basename(full_path)}" '
                    f'in folder "{os.path.dirname(full_path)}". '
                    f'Check if you deleted it.')

            if port is None:
                port = self.__find_free_port(test_case.attach.tryout_ports)

            process = PopenWrapper(sys.executable, full_path,
            self.processes += [(full_source, process)]

            i: int = 100
            search_phrase = '(Press CTRL+C to quit)'
            while i:
                if search_phrase in process.stderr:
                i -= 1

                if process.is_error_happened():
                    i = 0
                stdout = process.stdout.strip()
                stderr = process.stderr.strip()

                error_info = (
                    f'Cannot start Flask server {full_source} '
                    f'because cannot find "{search_phrase}" in process\' output'

                if len(stdout):
                    error_info += '\n\nstdout:\n' + stdout
                if len(stderr):
                    error_info += '\n\nstderr:\n' + stderr

                raise ErrorWithFeedback(error_info)

            new_sources += [(filename, port)]

        test_case.attach.sources = new_sources
예제 #16
 def check_errors(self):
     if self.repeat < 0:
         raise UnexpectedError(
             f'Dynamic test "{self.method_name}" '
             f'should not be repeated < 0 times, found {self.repeat}')