예제 #1
    def check_coming_soon_page(self) -> CheckResult:

            page = self.read_page(self.coming_soon_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Cannot connect to the "Coming soon" page ({self.coming_soon_page_link}).'

        opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
            response = opener.open(self.coming_soon_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Cannot connect to the "Coming soon" page ({self.coming_soon_page_link}).'

        coming_soon_text = 'Coming soon'

        # response.url for the backward compatibility
        if (coming_soon_text not in page
                and response.url != self.main_page_link):
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'"Coming soon" page ({self.coming_soon_page_link}) should contain "Coming soon" text'

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #2
    def test_bad_parameters(self):
        program = TestedProgram()

        output = program.execute("start")

        if "bad parameters" not in output.lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "After entering start command with wrong parameters you should print "
                "'Bad parameters!' and ask to enter a command again!")

        output = program.execute("start easy")

        if "bad parameters" not in output.lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "After entering start command with wrong parameters you should print "
                "'Bad parameters!' and ask to enter a command again!")


        if not program.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "After entering 'exit' command you should stop the program!")

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #3
    def check_medium_ai(self):

        program = TestedProgram()
        program.execute("start user medium")

        output = program.execute("2 2")

        game_grid = Grid.from_output(output, 2)

        cells = game_grid.get_grid()

        if cells[0][0] == CellState.EMPTY and cells[2][2] == CellState.EMPTY:
            output = program.execute("1 1")
            game_grid = Grid.from_output(output, 2)
            if game_grid.get_grid()[2][2] == CellState.EMPTY:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    "Looks like your Medium level AI doesn't make a correct move!"
            output = program.execute("1 3")
            game_grid = Grid.from_output(output, 2)
            if game_grid.get_grid()[2][0] == CellState.EMPTY:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    "Looks like your Medium level AI doesn't make a correct move!"


        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #4
    def stage4_monochromatic_test_invalid_data(self):
        url = self.get_url('color-harmony/')
        colors = [[-50, 0, 100], [150, 50, 999], [150, 100, -10]]

        for i in range(len(colors)):
            data = {
                "representation": "hsv",
                "color": colors[i],
                "harmony": "monochromatic"

            response = requests.post(url, json=data)

            if response.status_code != 400:
                if response.status_code == 500:
                    return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_500 +
                                             ". (monochromatic)" +
                                             ". path_info: /color-harmony/")
                if response.status_code == 200:
                    return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_400_expected +
                                             ". (monochromatic)" +
                                             ". path_info: /color-harmony/")
                msg = f"""received HTTP status code: {response.status_code},
                     in response to invalid data: {data}.(monochromatic). path_info: /color-harmony/"""
                return CheckResult.wrong(msg)
            if response.status_code == 400:
                if response.json() != {"error": "Invalid data."}:
                    return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_400_expected +
                                             ". (monochromatic)" +
                                             ". path_info: /color-harmony/")

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #5
    def check_signup(self) -> CheckResult:
        opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
            response = opener.open(f'{self.get_url()}signup')
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the signup page.')

        csrf_options = re.findall(b'<input[^>]+value="(?P<csrf>\\w+)"[^>]*>',
        if not csrf_options:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Missing csrf_token in the form')

            response = opener.open(f'{self.get_url()}signup',
            if f'login' in response.url:
                return CheckResult.correct()
            return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot signup: problems with form')
        except urllib.error.URLError as err:
            return CheckResult.wrong(f'Cannot signup: {err.reason}')
예제 #6
    def check_create_resume_from_profile(self) -> CheckResult:
        opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
            response = opener.open(self.get_url() + 'home')
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the home page.')

        csrf_options = re.findall(b'<input[^>]+value="(?P<csrf>\\w+)"[^>]*>',
        if not csrf_options:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Missing csrf_token in the form')

            response = opener.open(f'{self.get_url()}resume/new',
        except urllib.error.URLError as err:
            return CheckResult.wrong(f'Cannot create resume: {err.reason}')

            page = self.read_page(f'{self.get_url()}resumes')
            description = f'{self.USERNAME}: {self.OCCUPATION}'
            if description not in page:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    f'Resumes page does not contain newly created resume')
            return CheckResult.correct()
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the resumes page.')
예제 #7
    def conversion_processor(self, colors, original, conversion,
        url = self.get_url('convert-color/')

        for i in range(len(colors)):
            data = {
                "representation": original,
                "color": colors[i],
                "conversion": conversion

            response = requests.post(url, json=data)
            if response.status_code == 500:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    self.msg_500 +
                    f""", while converting {original} to {conversion}. path_info: /convert-color/"""
            if response.status_code != 200:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    f"""HTTP code: {response.status_code}... Couldn't connect to /convert-color/"""
            if response.json() != conversion_dict[i]:
                return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_200_invalid +
                                         ". path_info: /convert-color/")

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #8
    def check_create_resumes(self) -> CheckResult:
        connection = sqlite3.connect(self.attach.test_database)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                'INSERT INTO auth_user '
                '(`id`, `username`, `email`, `is_staff`, `password`, `is_superuser`, '
                '`first_name`, `last_name`, `is_active`, `date_joined`) '
                'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, "", 0, "", "", 1, datetime())',
                'INSERT INTO resume_resume (`author_id`, `description`) VALUES (?, ?)',

                'SELECT `author_id`, `description` FROM resume_resume')
            result = cursor.fetchall()

            for item in INITIAL_RESUMES:
                if item not in result:
                    return CheckResult.wrong('Check your Resume model')
            return CheckResult.correct()

        except sqlite3.DatabaseError as err:
            return CheckResult.wrong(str(err))
예제 #9
    def check_main_page_create_link(self):
        create_link = '/news/create/'

            page = self.read_page(self.main_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Cannot connect to the main page ({self.main_page_link}).')

        links_from_page = re.findall(self.COMMON_LINK_PATTERN, page, re.S)
        links_from_page = self.__stripped_list(links_from_page)

        if create_link not in links_from_page:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Main page ({self.main_page_link}) should contain <a> element with href {create_link}'

        if len(links_from_page) - 1 != len(self.news_data):
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Main page ({self.main_page_link}) should contain {len(self.news_data) + 1} <a> elements. '
                f'{len(self.news_data)} elements with href to news pages from the json file data '
                f'and one element with href {create_link}. '
                f'Now main page contains {len(links_from_page)} <a> elements.')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #10
    def test2(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()
        formatters = ['plain', 'bold', 'italic', 'header', 'ordered-list', 'unordered-list',
                      'link', 'inline-code', 'line-break']
        commands = ['!help', '!done']

        output = list(map(lambda item: item.lower(), pr.execute('!help').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 3:
            return CheckResult.wrong('!help command should return the list of available formatting types, and the list of special commands, on separate rows, and the prompt a user for an input')

        for formatter in formatters:
            if formatter not in output[0].split():
                return CheckResult.wrong('One or more formatting types are not present in the output of !help command')

        for command in commands:
            if command not in output[1].split():
                return CheckResult.wrong('One or more special commands are not present in the output of !help command')

        if 'formatter' not in output[2].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #11
 def check_result_in_file(self, attach):
         with open('output.md', 'r') as outfile:
             output = outfile.read()
             if output != self.answers[attach]:
                 return CheckResult.wrong('The result written to the output file is wrong.')
     except IOError:
         return CheckResult.wrong('The output file is not found.')
     return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #12
 def check_greeting(self) -> CheckResult:
         main_page = self.read_page(self.get_url())
         if 'Welcome to HyperJob!' in main_page:
             return CheckResult.correct()
         return CheckResult.wrong(
             'Main page should contain "Welcome to HyperJob!" line')
     except urllib.error.URLError:
         return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the menu page.')
예제 #13
    def test2(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('plain').strip().lower()
        if 'text' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Plain formatter should prompt a user for text, i.e "- Text: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
                pr.execute('plain text').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 2:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "Plain formatter should only return the given text as is, and prompt a user for a new formatter"

        if output[0] != 'plain text':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Plain formatter returns the given text as is, without any extra symbols or tags'

        if 'formatter' not in output[1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        output = pr.execute('bold').strip().lower()
        if 'text' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Bold formatter should prompt a user for text, i.e "- Text: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
                pr.execute('bold text').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 2:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "Bold formatter should only return the given text enclosed with '**' symbols, and prompt a user for a new formatter"

        if output[0] != 'plain text**bold text**':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Plain formatter returns the given text as is, and does not switch to a new line'

        if 'formatter' not in output[1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input'

        return self.check_result_in_file(attach=1)
예제 #14
    def check_main_page_search(self):
        q = '2'
        news_data = copy.deepcopy(self.news_data)

        for news in news_data:
            created_date = datetime.strptime(news['created'],
                                             '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') \
            news['created_date_str'] = created_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

        all_headers = set((x['created_date_str'] for x in news_data))
        visible_headers = set(
            (x['created_date_str'] for x in news_data if q in x['title']))
        invisible_headers = all_headers - visible_headers
        visible_titles = [x['title'] for x in news_data if q in x['title']]
        invisible_titles = [
            x['title'] for x in news_data if q not in x['title']

            search_page_link = self.main_page_link + f'?q={q}'
            page = self.read_page(search_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(f'Cannot connect to the search page.')

        h4_headers = re.findall(self.H4_PATTERN, page, re.S)
        h4_headers = self.__stripped_list(h4_headers)

        for header in visible_headers:
            if header not in h4_headers:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    'Search page should contain headers with found news')

        for header in invisible_headers:
            if header in h4_headers:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    'Search page should not contain headers with unfound news')

        titles = re.findall(self.TEXT_LINK_PATTERN, page, re.S)
        titles = self.__stripped_list(titles)

        for title in visible_titles:
            if title not in titles:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    'Search page should contain found news')

        for title in invisible_titles:
            if title in titles:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    'Search page should not contain unfound news')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #15
    def test4(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('link').strip().lower()
        if 'label' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Link formatter should prompt a user for both label and URL, i.e "- Label: > "'

        output = pr.execute('google').strip().lower()
        if 'url' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Link formatter should prompt a user for both label and URL, i.e "- URL: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
        if len(output) != 2:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Link code formatter should only return the given label associated with a URL in the form [Label](URL), and prompt a user for a new formatter'

        if output[0] != '[google](https://www.google.com)':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Please recall that for the given label and URL the correct link formatter return will be [Label](URL)'

        if 'formatter' not in output[1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
        if len(output) != 3 or output[1] != '':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'New-line formatter only moves the input pointer to the next line, and prompts a user for a new formatter'

        if output[0] != '[google](https://www.google.com)':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Please make sure that the markdown state is saved')

        if 'formatter' not in output[2].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input'

        return self.check_result_in_file(attach=3)
예제 #16
 def check_vacancies(self) -> CheckResult:
         page = self.read_page(f'{self.get_url()}vacancies')
         for person, vacancy in zip(INITIAL_USERS, INITIAL_VACANCIES):
             description = f'{person[1]}: {vacancy[1]}'
             if description not in page:
                 return CheckResult.wrong(
                     f'Vacancies page should contain vacancies in form <username>: <description>'
         return CheckResult.correct()
     except urllib.error.URLError:
         return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the vacancies page.')
예제 #17
 def check_resumes(self) -> CheckResult:
         page = self.read_page(f'{self.get_url()}resumes')
         for person, resume in zip(INITIAL_USERS[len(INITIAL_VACANCIES):],
             description = f'{person[1]}: {resume[1]}'
             if description not in page:
                 return CheckResult.wrong(
                     f'Resumes page should contain resumes in form <username>: <description>'
         return CheckResult.correct()
     except urllib.error.URLError:
         return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the resumes page.')
예제 #18
    def test1(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('random').strip().lower()
        if 'unknown format' not in output.strip().lower() or 'command' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('In case of an unknown formatting type the program should return the corresponding message: "Unknown formatting type or command"')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #19
    def check_hard_ai(self):

        program = TestedProgram()

        output = program.execute("start user hard")

        grid = Grid.from_output(output)

        next_move = Minimax.get_move(grid, CellState.X)

        output = program.execute(f"{next_move.x + 1} {next_move.y + 1}")

        while "win" not in output.lower() and "draw" not in output.lower():
            grid_after_user_move = Grid.from_output(output)
            grid_after_ai_move = Grid.from_output(output, 2)

            ai_move = Grid.get_move(grid_after_user_move, grid_after_ai_move)

            correct_minimax_positions = Minimax.get_available_positions(
                grid_after_user_move, CellState.O)

            if ai_move not in correct_minimax_positions:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    "Your minimax algorithm is wrong! It chooses wrong positions to make a move!"

            next_move = Minimax.get_move(grid_after_ai_move, CellState.X)

            output = program.execute(f"{next_move.x + 1}  {next_move.y + 1}")

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #20
    def test1(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('header').strip().lower()
        if 'level' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Header formatter should prompt a user for both level and text, i.e "- Level: > "')

        output = pr.execute('4').strip().lower()
        if 'text' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Header formatter should prompt a user for both level and text, i.e "- Text: > "')

        output = list(map(lambda item: item.lower(), pr.execute('Hello World!').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 3:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Please remember that header formatter switches to a new line automatically')

        if output[0].strip().split() != ['####', 'hello', 'world!']:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Level 4 for header denotes as #### in markdown')

        if output[1]:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Please check whether some redundant data is printed after a header')

        if 'formatter' not in output[2].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return self.check_result_in_file(attach=0)
예제 #21
    def test3(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('header').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('ordered-list').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('unordered-list').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('link').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('inline-code').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('new-line').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 and 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #22
    def check_coming_soon_page_redirect(self) -> CheckResult:

        opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
            response = opener.open(self.coming_soon_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Cannot connect to the "Coming soon" page ({self.coming_soon_page_link}).'

        if response.url != self.main_page_link:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'"Coming soon" ({self.coming_soon_page_link}) page should redirects to the {self.main_page_link}'

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #23
 def check_links(self) -> CheckResult:
         page = self.read_page(self.get_url())
         links = re.findall(self.ELEMENT_PATTERN, page)
         for link in (
             if link not in links:
                 return CheckResult.wrong(
                     f'Menu page should contain <a> element with href {link}'
         return CheckResult.correct()
     except urllib.error.URLError:
         return CheckResult.wrong('Cannot connect to the menu page.')
예제 #24
    def test(self, inp, correct_lines_number):
        program = TestedProgram()
        output = program.execute(inp)

        if f"Input line number {correct_lines_number}" not in output or \
                f"Input line number {correct_lines_number + 1}" in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #25
    def test3(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('italic').strip().lower()
        if 'text' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Italic formatter should prompt a user for text, i.e "- Text: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
                pr.execute('italic text').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 2 or output[0] != '*italic text*':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "Bold formatter should only return the given text enclosed with '*' symbols, and prompt a user for a new formatter"

        if 'formatter' not in output[1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        output = pr.execute('inline-code').strip().lower()
        if 'text' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Inline code formatter should prompt a user for text, i.e "- Text: > "'

        output = list(
            map(lambda item: item.lower(),
        if len(output) != 2:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                "Inline code formatter should only return the given text enclosed with '`' (backtick) symbols, and prompt a user for a new formatter"

        if output[0] != '*italic text*`code.work()`':
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Inline code formatter does not switch to a new line')

        if 'formatter' not in output[1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "'

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input'

        return self.check_result_in_file(attach=2)
예제 #26
    def check_create_page_main_link(self):
        main_link = '/news/'

            page = self.read_page(self.create_page_link)
        except urllib.error.URLError:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Cannot connect to the create page ({self.create_page_link}).'

        links_from_page = re.findall(self.COMMON_LINK_PATTERN, page, re.S)
        links_from_page = self.__stripped_list(links_from_page)

        if main_link not in links_from_page:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                f'Create page {self.create_page_link} should contain '
                '<a> element with href {main_link}')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #27
    def test4(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('plain').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('bold').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        output = pr.execute('italic').strip().lower()
        if len(output.split('\n')) != 1 or 'formatter' not in output.strip().lower():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #28
    def test6(self):
        pr = TestedProgram()

        output = pr.execute('unordered-list').strip().lower()
        if 'number' not in output:
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                'Unordered list formatter should prompt a user for the number of rows, i.e "- Number of rows: > "')

        output = list(map(lambda item: item.lower(), pr.execute('-7').split('\n')))
        if len(output) < 2 or 'number' not in output[-1].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong(
                '(Un)ordered list formatter should inform a user that the number of rows should be greater than zero if the input was invalid, and prompt the user for this input again, i.e "- Number of rows: > "')

        output = list(map(lambda item: item.lower(), pr.execute('fourth').split('\n')))
        if len(output) != 6:
            return CheckResult.wrong('Unordered list formatter should switch to a new line automatically')

        if output[0] != '* first' or output[1] != '* second' or output[2] != '* third' or output[3] != '* fourth':
            return CheckResult.wrong('Unordered list formatter should begin each of the rows with a star "*" symbol')

        if 'formatter' not in output[5].strip():
            return CheckResult.wrong('A user should be prompted for input again, i.e  "- Choose a formatter: > "')

        if not pr.is_finished():
            return CheckResult.wrong('Your program should finish its execution whenever !done is an input')

        return self.check_result_in_file(attach=5)
예제 #29
    def test(self):
        program = TestedProgram()

        output = program.execute('test')
        if output != 'test\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        output = program.execute('test\n')
        if output != 'test\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        output = program.execute('test\n\n')
        if output != 'test\nempty\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        output = program.execute('test\n\n\n')
        if output != 'test\nempty\nempty\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        output = program.execute('\ntest\n\n\n')
        if output != 'empty\ntest\nempty\nempty\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        output = program.execute('test\n\ntest\n\ntest\n\n\n')
        if output != 'test\nempty\ntest\nempty\ntest\nempty\nempty\n':
            return CheckResult.wrong('')

        return CheckResult.correct()
예제 #30
    def stage4_monochromatic_test(self):
        url = self.get_url('color-harmony/')
        colors = [[150, 0, 100], [150, 50, 50], [150, 100, 0]]
        harmonies = [{
            'representation': 'hsv',
            'color_1': [150.0, 0.0, 60.0],
            'color_2': [150.0, 0.0, 80.0],
            'color_3': [150.0, 0.0, 100.0]
        }, {
            'representation': 'hsv',
            'color_1': [150.0, 50.0, 30.0],
            'color_2': [150.0, 50.0, 50.0],
            'color_3': [150.0, 50.0, 70.0]
        }, {
            'representation': 'hsv',
            'color_1': [150.0, 100.0, 0.0],
            'color_2': [150.0, 100.0, 20.0],
            'color_3': [150.0, 100.0, 40.0]

        for i in range(len(colors)):
            data = {
                "representation": "hsv",
                "color": colors[i],
                "harmony": "monochromatic"

            response = requests.post(url, json=data)
            if response.status_code == 500:
                return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_500 + ". (monochromatic)" +
                                         ". path_info: /color-harmony/")
            if response.status_code != 200:
                return CheckResult.wrong(
                    f"""HTTP code: {response.status_code}... (monochromatic). Couldn't connect to /color-harmony/"""
            if response.json() != harmonies[i]:
                return CheckResult.wrong(self.msg_200_invalid +
                                         ". (monochromatic)" +
                                         ". path_info: /convert-color/")
        return CheckResult.correct()