def testFilterSortedSegmentsByCell(self): """ Test that segments are filtered by cell. """ connections = Connections(20, 0.2) segments = [connections.createSegment(i, 1) for i in range(19, -1, -1)] self.assertEqual(list(range(20)), segments, "Segments were not allocated continuously") sorted_segments = connections.sortSegmentsByCell(np.array(segments)) segments_should_be = [19, 10, 0] # Segment 19 belongs to cell 0, etc. filtered_segments = list( connections.filterSegmentsByCell(sorted_segments, [0, 9, 19], True)) self.assertEqual(segments_should_be, filtered_segments, "Segments were not filtered correctly")
def testSortSegmentsByCell(self): """ Test that segments are sorted by cell. """ connections = Connections(20, 0.2) segments = [connections.createSegment(i, 1) for i in range(19, -1, -1)] self.assertEqual(list(range(20)), segments, "Segments were not allocated continuously") segments_should_be = list(range( 19, -1, -1)) # Segment 19 belongs to cell 0, etc. shuffle(segments) sorted_segments = list( connections.sortSegmentsByCell(np.array(segments))) self.assertEqual(segments_should_be, sorted_segments, "Segments were not sorted by cell")