def compareVersions(): from htmd.version import version from natsort import natsorted import os import time #t = time.time() from os.path import expanduser __home = expanduser("~") __htmdconf = os.path.join(__home, '.htmd') if not os.path.exists(__htmdconf): try: os.makedirs(__htmdconf) except: print('Unable to create {} folder. Will not check for new HTMD versions.'.format(__htmdconf)) return __file = os.path.join(__htmdconf, '.latestversion') # Check if one day has passed since last version check. If yes, get new version and write to file if not os.path.isfile(__file) or time.time() > os.path.getmtime(__file) + 86400: _writeLatestVersionFile(__file) try: f = open(__file, 'r') except: print('Unable to open {} file for reading. Will not check for new HTMD versions.'.format(__file)) return latestversions = f.readlines() f.close() currver = version() if currver != 'unpackaged' and len(latestversions) == 2: # Supporting users which still haven't passed the one day limit. Can remove in next if _is_stable(currver): latest = latestversions[0].strip() verstring = 'stable' else: latest = latestversions[1].strip() verstring = 'devel' elif len(latestversions) == 1: # Supporting users which still haven't passed the one day limit. Can remove in next version latest = latestversions[0].strip() verstring = '' elif currver == 'unpackaged': pass else: return if currver != 'unpackaged' and natsorted((latest, currver))[1] != currver: print('New {} HTMD version ({}) is available. You are currently on ({}). Use \'conda update -c acellera htmd\' to ' 'update to the new version.'.format(verstring, latest, currver)) else: if currver != 'unpackaged': print('You are on the latest HTMD version ({}).'.format(currver)) else: from htmd import home print('You are on the latest HTMD version ({} : {}).'.format(currver, home())) print("")
def xtc_lib(): lib = {} libdir = htmd.home(libDir=True) import platform if platform.system() == "Windows": lib['libc'] = ct.cdll.msvcrt ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "libgcc_s_seh-1.dll")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, "psprolib.dll")): ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "psprolib.dll")) else: # lib['libc'] = cdll.LoadLibrary("") lib['libc'] = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.{}".format("so.6" if platform.uname()[0] != "Darwin" else "dylib")) lib['libxtc'] = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "")) return lib
def xtc_lib(): lib = {} libdir = htmd.home(libDir=True) import platform if platform.system() == "Windows": lib['libc'] = ct.cdll.msvcrt ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "libgcc_s_seh-1.dll")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, "psprolib.dll")): ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "psprolib.dll")) else: # lib['libc'] = cdll.LoadLibrary("") lib['libc'] = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.{}".format( "so.6" if platform.uname()[0] != "Darwin" else "dylib")) lib['libxtc'] = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "")) return lib
outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.coordinates) inmol.write(outfile) def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1): """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints. Parameters ---------- atomselect : str Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain factor : float The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms Example ------- >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3) """ self.constraints[atomselect] = factor if __name__ == "__main__": import htmd eq = Equilibration() eq.numsteps = 1000000 eq.temperature = 300 eq.reference = 'protein and name CA' eq.selection = 'segname L and noh' = [-20, 20, -20, 20, 43, 45] eq.k = 5 eq.write(htmd.home() + '/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/equil1')
if self.fb_k > 0: #use TCL only for flatbottom mol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)) self.acemd.tclforces = 'on' tcl = list(self.acemd.TCL) tcl[0] = tcl[0].format( NUMSTEPS=numsteps, KCONST=self.fb_k, REFINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_reference))), SELINDEX=' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.fb_selection))), BOX=' '.join(map(str, self.fb_box))) self.acemd.TCL = tcl[0] + tcl[1] else: self.acemd.TCL = 'set numsteps {}\n'.format(numsteps) self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True) if __name__ == "__main__": md = Production() md.temperature = 300 md.fb_reference = 'protein and name CA' md.fb_selection = 'segname L and noh' md.acemd.extendedsystem = None # use different data md.acemd.binindex = None # use different data md.fb_box = [-20, 20, -20, 20, 43, 45] md.fb_k = 5 md.write(htmd.home() + '/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/prod') md.fb_k = 0 md.write(htmd.home() + '/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/prod0')
centers """ centers = centers.astype(np.float64) channelsigmas = channelsigmas.astype(np.float64) nchannels = channelsigmas.shape[1] occus = np.zeros((centers.shape[0], nchannels)) coords = np.squeeze(mol.coords[:, :, 0]) occupancylib.descriptor_ext(centers.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), coords.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)), channelsigmas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), occus.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), ctypes.c_int(occus.shape[0]), # n of centers ctypes.c_int(coords.shape[0]), # n of atoms ctypes.c_int(nchannels)) # n of channels return occus if __name__ == '__main__': from htmd.molecule.molecule import Molecule from htmd.home import home import os import numpy as np testf = os.path.join(home(), 'data', 'test-voxeldescriptors') resOcc, resCent, N = getVoxelDescriptors(Molecule(os.path.join(testf, '3ptb.pdbqt')), buffer=8, voxelsize=1) resOcc = resOcc.reshape(N[0], N[1], N[2], resOcc.shape[1]) refOcc = np.load(os.path.join(testf, '3PTB_occ.npy')) refCent = np.load(os.path.join(testf, '3PTB_center.npy')) assert np.allclose(resOcc, refOcc) assert np.allclose(resCent, refCent)
def _spawn(self, ranking, N, truncated=False): if truncated: idx = np.argsort(ranking) idx = idx[::-1] # decreasing sort errs = ranking[idx] H = (N * errs / np.cumsum(errs)) < 1 ranking[idx[H]] = 0 prob = ranking / np.sum(ranking) spawnmicro = np.random.multinomial(N, prob) return spawnmicro, prob if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd import AcemdLocal import htmd from os import chdir from tempfile import mkdtemp chdir(mkdtemp()) md = AdaptiveRun() md.dryrun = True md.nmin = 2 md.nmax = 3 md.nepochs = 2 md.ticadim = 0 md.metricsel1 = 'name CA' md.generatorspath = htmd.home() + '/data/dhfr' = AcemdLocal() # # Disabled because I can't assume acemd is installed in travis machines
def _writeBashRun(self, fname): with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/bash\nacemd >log.txt 2>&1') os.chmod(fname, 0o700) def __repr__(self): return def writeConf(self, fname='input'): """ Write an acemd configuration file Parameters ---------- fname : output file name """ text = fo = open(fname, 'w') fo.write(text) fo.close() if __name__ == "__main__": #l=Acemd.protocols(quiet=True) acemd = Acemd() acemd.structure = '5dhfr_cube.psf' acemd.parameters = 'par_all22_prot.inp' homedir = htmd.home() acemd.coordinates = '5dhfr_cube.pdb' acemd.setup(homedir + '/data/dhfr', '/tmp/testdir', overwrite=True) print(acemd)
import sys import numpy as np import htmd from htmd.projections.metricplumed2 import MetricPlumed2 try: _getPlumedRoot() except: print("Tests in %s skipped because plumed executable not found." % __file__) sys.exit() import doctest doctest.testmod() # One simulation mol = Molecule(os.path.join(htmd.home(), 'data', '1kdx', '1kdx_0.pdb')), 'data', '1kdx', '1kdx.dcd')) metric = MetricPlumed2(['d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,200', 'd2: DISTANCE ATOMS=5,6']) # metric = MetricPlumed2(['']) # to test exceptions data = metric.project(mol) ref = np.array([0.536674, 21.722393, 22.689391, 18.402114, 23.431387, 23.13392, 19.16376, 20.393544, 23.665517, 22.298349, 22.659769, 22.667669, 22.484084, 20.893447, 18.791701, 21.833056, 19.901318]) assert np.all(np.abs(ref - data[:, 0]) < 0.01), 'Plumed demo calculation is broken' # Simlist # datadirs=glob(os.path.join(home(), 'data', 'adaptive', 'data', '*' ) # fsims=simlist(glob(os.path.join(home(), 'data', 'adaptive', 'data', '*', '/')), # os.path.join(home(), 'data', 'adaptive', 'generators', '1','structure.pdb'))
def compareVersions(): from htmd.version import version from natsort import natsorted import os import time #t = time.time() from os.path import expanduser __home = expanduser("~") __htmdconf = os.path.join(__home, '.htmd') if not os.path.exists(__htmdconf): try: os.makedirs(__htmdconf) except: print( 'Unable to create {} folder. Will not check for new HTMD versions.' .format(__htmdconf)) return __file = os.path.join(__htmdconf, '.latestversion') # Check if one day has passed since last version check. If yes, get new version and write to file if not os.path.isfile( __file) or time.time() > os.path.getmtime(__file) + 86400: _writeLatestVersionFile(__file) try: f = open(__file, 'r') except: print( 'Unable to open {} file for reading. Will not check for new HTMD versions.' .format(__file)) return latestversions = f.readlines() f.close() currver = version() if currver != 'unpackaged' and len( latestversions ) == 2: # Supporting users which still haven't passed the one day limit. Can remove in next if _is_stable(currver): latest = latestversions[0].strip() verstring = 'stable' else: latest = latestversions[1].strip() verstring = 'devel' elif len( latestversions ) == 1: # Supporting users which still haven't passed the one day limit. Can remove in next version latest = latestversions[0].strip() verstring = '' elif currver == 'unpackaged': pass else: return if currver != 'unpackaged' and natsorted((latest, currver))[1] != currver: print( 'New {} HTMD version ({}) is available. You are currently on ({}). Use \'conda update htmd\' to ' 'update to the new version.'.format(verstring, latest, currver)) else: if currver != 'unpackaged': print('You are on the latest HTMD version ({}).'.format(currver)) else: from htmd import home print('You are on the latest HTMD version ({} : {}).'.format( currver, home()))
lib = xtc_lib() bbox = (c_float * 3)() natoms = c_int(coords.shape[0]) cstep = c_int() # print(coords.shape) for f in range(coords.shape[2]): cstep = c_int(step[f]) ctime = c_float(time[f]) # TODO FIXME # print ( step ) # print ( time ) bbox[0] = box[0, f] * 0.1 bbox[1] = box[1, f] * 0.1 bbox[2] = box[2, f] * 0.1 data = coords[:, :, f].astype( numpy.float32) * 0.1 # Convert from A to nm pos = data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)) lib['libxtc'].xtc_write(c_char_p(filename.encode("ascii")), natoms, cstep, ctime, pos, bbox) pass if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd.molecule.molecule import Molecule from htmd.home import home from os import path m = Molecule(path.join(home(), 'data', 'dhfr', 'dhfr.pdb')), 'data', 'dhfr', 'dhfr.xtc')) m.write('/tmp/test.xtc')
import numpy as np import htmd from htmd.projections.metricplumed2 import * try: _getPlumedRoot() except: print("Tests in %s skipped because plumed executable not found." % __file__) sys.exit() import doctest doctest.testmod() # Simlist dd = htmd.home(dataDir="adaptive") fsims = htmd.simlist([dd + '/data/e1s1_1/', dd + '/data/e1s2_1/'], dd + '/generators/1/structure.pdb') metr = Metric(fsims) metr.projection( MetricPlumed2(['d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,3', 'd2: DISTANCE ATOMS=5,6'])) data2 = metr.project() # One simulation testpath = os.path.join(htmd.home(), 'data', '1kdx') mol = Molecule(os.path.join(testpath, '1kdx_0.pdb')), 'data', '1kdx', '1kdx.dcd')) metric = MetricPlumed2( ['d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,200', 'd2: DISTANCE ATOMS=5,6']) data = metric.project(mol)
# (c) 2015-2016 Acellera Ltd # All Rights Reserved # Distributed under HTMD Software License Agreement # No redistribution in whole or part # import htmd import os import inspect def home(): return os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(htmd)) #Don't know how to do this # def modulehome(modname): # return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(modname))) if __name__ == "__main__": h = htmd.home() print(h)
import numpy as np import htmd from htmd.projections.metricplumed2 import MetricPlumed2 try: _getPlumedRoot() except: print("Tests in %s skipped because plumed executable not found." % __file__) sys.exit() import doctest doctest.testmod() # One simulation mol = Molecule(os.path.join(htmd.home(), 'data', '1kdx', '1kdx_0.pdb')), 'data', '1kdx', '1kdx.dcd')) metric = MetricPlumed2( ['d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,200', 'd2: DISTANCE ATOMS=5,6']) # metric = MetricPlumed2(['']) # to test exceptions data = metric.project(mol) ref = np.array([ 0.536674, 21.722393, 22.689391, 18.402114, 23.431387, 23.13392, 19.16376, 20.393544, 23.665517, 22.298349, 22.659769, 22.667669, 22.484084, 20.893447, 18.791701, 21.833056, 19.901318 ]) assert np.all( np.abs(ref - data[:, 0]) < 0.01), 'Plumed demo calculation is broken' # Simlist
H = (N * errs / np.cumsum(errs)) < 1 ranking[idx[H]] = 0 prob = ranking / np.sum(ranking) spawnmicro = np.random.multinomial(N, prob) return spawnmicro, prob if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd import AcemdLocal import htmd import os import shutil from htmd.util import tempname tmpdir = tempname() shutil.copytree(htmd.home()+'/data/adaptive/', tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) md = AdaptiveMD() # md.dryrun = True md.nmin = 1 md.nmax = 2 md.nepochs = 3 md.ticalag = 2 md.ticadim = 3 md.updateperiod = 5 md.projection = MetricDistance('protein and name CA', 'resname BEN and noh') # md.generatorspath = htmd.home()+'/data/dhfr' # md.datapath = 'input' # = AcemdLocal(inputfile='input.acemd') # = AcemdLocal(datadir='data')
else: return text def __str__(self): return def writeConf(self, fname='input'): """ Write an acemd configuration file Parameters ---------- fname : output file name """ text = fo = open(fname, 'w') fo.write(text) fo.close() if __name__ == "__main__": #l=Acemd.protocols(quiet=True) acemd = Acemd() acemd.structure = '5dhfr_cube.psf' acemd.consref = None acemd.constraintscaling = None acemd.parameters = 'par_all22_prot.inp' homedir = htmd.home() acemd.coordinates = '5dhfr_cube.pdb' acemd.setup(homedir + '/data/dhfr', '/tmp/testdir', overwrite=True) print(acemd)
H = (N * errs / np.cumsum(errs)) < 1 ranking[idx[H]] = 0 prob = ranking / np.sum(ranking) spawnmicro = np.random.multinomial(N, prob) return spawnmicro, prob if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd import AcemdLocal import htmd import os import shutil from htmd.util import tempname tmpdir = tempname() shutil.copytree(htmd.home() + '/data/adaptive/', tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) md = AdaptiveMD() # md.dryrun = True md.nmin = 1 md.nmax = 2 md.nepochs = 3 md.ticalag = 2 md.ticadim = 3 md.updateperiod = 5 md.projection = MetricDistance('protein and name CA', 'resname BEN and noh') # md.generatorspath = htmd.home()+'/data/dhfr' # md.datapath = 'input' # = AcemdLocal(inputfile='input.acemd')
from htmd.molecule.util import boundingBox import numpy as np import ctypes import htmd import os _order = ('hydrophobic', 'aromatic', 'hbond_acceptor', 'hbond_donor', 'positive_ionizable', 'negative_ionizable', 'metal', 'occupancies') libdir = htmd.home(libDir=True) occupancylib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libdir, "")) def getVoxelDescriptors(mol, buffer, voxelsize=1): """ Calculate descriptors of atom properties for voxels in a grid bounding the Molecule object. Constructs a bounding box around Molecule with some buffer space. Then it Parameters ---------- mol : A Molecule object. buffer : float The buffer space to add to the bounding box. This adds zeros to the grid around the protein so that properties which are at the edge of the box can be found in the center of one. Should be usually set to boxsize/2. voxelsize : float The voxel size in A Returns ------- features : np.ndarray A list of boxes containing voxels and their properties centers : np.ndarray
inmol.set('beta', self.constraints[sel], sel) outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, self.acemd.coordinates) inmol.write(outfile) def addConstraint(self, atomselect, factor=1): """ Convenience function for adding a new constraint to existing constraints. Parameters ---------- atomselect : str Atom selection of atoms we want to constrain factor : float The scaling factor of the constraints applied to the atoms Example ------- >>> eq.addConstraint('chain X', 0.3) """ self.constraints[atomselect] = factor if __name__ == "__main__": import htmd eq = Equilibration() eq.numsteps = 1000000 eq.temperature = 300 eq.reference = 'protein and name CA' eq.selection = 'segname L and noh' = [-20, 20, -20, 20, 43, 45] eq.k = 5 eq.write(htmd.home() + '/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/equil1')
pass if dataDir: return os.path.join(homeDir, "data", dataDir) elif libDir: libdir = os.path.join(homeDir, "lib", platform.system() ) if not os.path.exists( libdir ): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find libs.') return libdir # if os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, "basic")): # return os.path.join(libdir, "basic", platform.system()) # elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, "pro")): # return os.path.join(libdir, "pro", platform.system()) # else: # raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find libs.') else: return homeDir #Don't know how to do this # def modulehome(modname): # return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(modname))) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() h = htmd.home() print(h)
md.updateperiod = 5 md.projection = MetricDistance("protein and name CA", "resname BEN and noh", periodic="selections") # md.goalprojection = MetricRmsd(Molecule(htmd.home() + '/data/adaptive/generators/1/structure.pdb'), # 'protein and name CA') md.goalfunction = rmsdgoal # = LocalGPUQueue() # # Some real testing now from moleculekit.projections.metricsecondarystructure import ( MetricSecondaryStructure, ) from moleculekit.projections.metricdistance import MetricSelfDistance os.chdir(path.join(home(), "data", "test-adaptive")) goalProjectionDict = { "ss": MetricSecondaryStructure(), "contacts": MetricSelfDistance("protein and name CA", metric="contacts", threshold=10), "ss_contacts": [ MetricSecondaryStructure(), MetricSelfDistance("protein and name CA", metric="contacts", threshold=10), ], }
------- data : np.ndarray An array containing the null data. """ trajlen = mol.numFrames data = np.zeros((trajlen, self._ndim), dtype=np.float32) return data if __name__ == "__main__": import htmd import htmd.projections.metricnull dd = htmd.home(dataDir="adaptive") fsims = htmd.simlist([dd + '/data/e1s1_1/', dd + '/data/e1s2_1/'], dd + '/generators/1/structure.pdb') metr2 = htmd.Metric(fsims) metr2.projection(htmd.projections.metricnull.MetricNull(2)) data2 = metr2.project() assert data2.dat[0].shape == (6, 2) metr1 = htmd.Metric(fsims) metr1.projection(htmd.projections.metricnull.MetricNull(1)) data1 = metr1.project() assert data1.dat[0].shape == (6, 1) pass
md.ticalag = 2 md.ticadim = 3 md.updateperiod = 5 md.projection = MetricDistance('protein and name CA', 'resname BEN and noh') # md.goalprojection = MetricRmsd(Molecule(htmd.home() + '/data/adaptive/generators/1/structure.pdb'), # 'protein and name CA') md.goalfunction = rmsdgoal # = AcemdLocal() # # Some real testing now from htmd.projections.metricsecondarystructure import MetricSecondaryStructure from htmd.projections.metricdistance import MetricSelfDistance import numpy as np os.chdir(path.join(home(), 'data', 'test-adaptive')) goalProjectionDict = {'ss': MetricSecondaryStructure(), 'contacts': MetricSelfDistance('protein and name CA', metric='contacts', threshold=10), 'ss_contacts': [MetricSecondaryStructure(), MetricSelfDistance('protein and name CA', metric='contacts', threshold=10)]} def getLongContacts(crystal, long=8): crystalMap = MetricSelfDistance('protein and name CA', metric='contacts', threshold=10, pbc=False).getMapping( crystal) indexes = np.vstack(crystalMap.atomIndexes.values) return crystal.resid[indexes[:, 1]] - crystal.resid[indexes[:, 0]] > long def getCrystalSS(crystal): return MetricSecondaryStructure().project(crystal)[0]
md.ticadim = 3 md.updateperiod = 5 md.projection = MetricDistance('protein and name CA', 'resname BEN and noh') # md.goalprojection = MetricRmsd(Molecule(htmd.home() + '/data/adaptive/generators/1/structure.pdb'), # 'protein and name CA') md.goalfunction = rmsdgoal # = AcemdLocal() # # Some real testing now from htmd.projections.metricsecondarystructure import MetricSecondaryStructure from htmd.projections.metricdistance import MetricSelfDistance import numpy as np os.chdir(path.join(home(), 'data', 'test-adaptive')) goalProjectionDict = { 'ss': MetricSecondaryStructure(), 'contacts': MetricSelfDistance('protein and name CA', metric='contacts', threshold=10), 'ss_contacts': [ MetricSecondaryStructure(), MetricSelfDistance('protein and name CA', metric='contacts', threshold=10) ] }
# print(coords.shape) for f in range(coords.shape[2]): cstep = c_int(step[f]) ctime = c_float(time[f]) # TODO FIXME # print ( step ) # print ( time ) bbox[0] = box[0, f] * 0.1 bbox[1] = box[1, f] * 0.1 bbox[2] = box[2, f] * 0.1 data = coords[:, :, f].astype(numpy.float32) * 0.1 # Convert from A to nm pos = data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)) lib['libxtc'].xtc_write( c_char_p(filename.encode("ascii")), natoms, cstep, ctime, pos, bbox) pass if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd.molecule.molecule import Molecule from htmd.home import home from os import path m = Molecule(path.join(home(), 'data', 'dhfr', 'dhfr.pdb')), 'data', 'dhfr', 'dhfr.xtc')) m.write('/tmp/test.xtc')
def _spawn(self, ranking, N, truncated=False): if truncated: idx = np.argsort(ranking) idx = idx[::-1] # decreasing sort errs = ranking[idx] H = (N * errs / np.cumsum(errs)) < 1 ranking[idx[H]] = 0 prob = ranking / np.sum(ranking) spawnmicro = np.random.multinomial(N, prob) return spawnmicro, prob if __name__ == "__main__": from htmd import AcemdLocal import htmd from os import chdir from tempfile import mkdtemp chdir(mkdtemp()) md = AdaptiveRun() md.dryrun = True md.nmin = 2 md.nmax = 3 md.nepochs = 2 md.ticadim = 0 md.metricsel1 = 'name CA' md.generatorspath = htmd.home()+'/data/dhfr' = AcemdLocal() # # Disabled because I can't assume acemd is installed in travis machines
inputdir : str Path to a directory containing the files produced by a equilibration process. outputdir : str Directory where to write the production setup files. """ self.acemd.temperature = self.temperature self.acemd.langevintemp = self.temperature if self.k > 0: #use TCL only for flatbottom mol = Molecule(os.path.join(inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)) self.acemd.tclforces = 'on' TCL = self._TCL TCL = TCL.replace('KCONST', str(self.k)) TCL = TCL.replace('REFINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.reference)))) TCL = TCL.replace('SELINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.selection)))) TCL = TCL.replace('BOX', ' '.join(map(str, self.acemd.TCL = TCL self.acemd.setup(inputdir, outputdir, overwrite=True) if __name__ == "__main__": md = Production() md.temperature = 300 md.reference = 'protein and name CA' md.selection = 'segname L and noh' md.acemd.extendedsystem = None # use different data md.acemd.binindex = None # use different data = [-20, 20, -20, 20, 43, 45] md.k = 5 md.write(htmd.home() +'/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/prod') md.k = 0 md.write(htmd.home() +'/data/equilibrate', '/tmp/prod0')
mol = Molecule(os.path.join(self.inputdir, self.acemd.coordinates)) self.acemd.tclforces = 'on' TCL = self._TCL TCL = TCL.replace('KCONST', str(self.k)) TCL = TCL.replace( 'REFINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.reference)))) TCL = TCL.replace( 'SELINDEX', ' '.join(map(str, mol.get('index', self.selection)))) TCL = TCL.replace('BOX', ' '.join(map(str, self.acemd.TCL = TCL self.acemd.setup(self.inputdir, self.outputdir, overwrite=True) if __name__ == "__main__": eq = Production() eq.temperature = 300 eq.reference = 'protein and name CA' eq.selection = 'segname L and noh' eq.acemd.extendedsystem = None # use different data eq.acemd.binindex = None # use different data = [-20, 20, -20, 20, 43, 45] eq.k = 5 eq.inputdir = htmd.home() + '/data/equilibrate' eq.outputdir = '/tmp/prod' eq.write() eq.k = 0 eq.outputdir = '/tmp/prod0' eq.write()