def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag_callback is not None: if self.tag_callback(self, tag, attrs, start) is True: return # first thing inside the anchor tag is another tag that produces some output if ( start and not self.maybe_automatic_link is None and tag not in ["p", "div", "style", "dl", "dt"] and (tag != "img" or self.ignore_images) ): self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = self.tag_stack.pop() if self.tag_stack else (None, {}, {}) if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + " ") else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ["p", "div"]: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", "script"]: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: += 1 else: -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head> if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o("> ", 0, 1) self.start = 1 self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() if tag in ["em", "i", "u"] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.emphasis_mark) if tag in ["strong", "b"] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.strong_mark) if tag in ["del", "strike", "s"]: if start: self.o("~~") else: self.o("~~") if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o("`") # TODO: `` `this` `` self.code = not self.code if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = "" if "title" in attrs: self.abbr_title = attrs["title"] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = "" if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if ( ("href" in attrs) and (attrs["href"] is not None) and not (self.skip_internal_links and attrs["href"].startswith("#")) ): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs["href"] self.empty_link = True if self.protect_links: attrs["href"] = "<" + attrs["href"] + ">" else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link and not self.empty_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.empty_link: self.o("[") self.empty_link = False self.maybe_automatic_link = None if self.inline_links: try: title = escape_md(a["title"]) except KeyError: self.o("](" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, a["href"])) + ")") else: self.o( "](" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, a["href"])) + ' "' + title + '" )' ) else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a["count"] = self.acount a["outcount"] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a["count"]) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if "src" in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs["href"] = attrs["src"] alt = attrs.get("alt") or "" # If we have images_with_size, write raw html including width, # height, and alt attributes if self.images_with_size and ("width" in attrs or "height" in attrs): self.o("<img src='" + attrs["src"] + "' ") if "width" in attrs: self.o("width='" + attrs["width"] + "' ") if "height" in attrs: self.o("height='" + attrs["height"] + "' ") if alt: self.o("alt='" + alt + "' ") self.o("/>") return # If we have a link to create, output the start if not self.maybe_automatic_link is None: href = self.maybe_automatic_link if self.images_to_alt and escape_md(alt) == href and self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href): self.o("<" + escape_md(alt) + ">") self.empty_link = False return else: self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get("href") or "" self.o("(" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, href)) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs["count"] = self.acount attrs["outcount"] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs["count"]) + "]") if tag == "dl" and start: self.p() if tag == "dt" and not start: self.pbr() if tag == "dd" and start: self.o(" ") if tag == "dd" and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if (not self.list) and (not self.lastWasList): self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({"name": list_style, "num": numbering_start}) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() if (not self.google_doc) and (not self.list): self.o("\n") self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == "li": self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {"name": "ul", "num": 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li["name"] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li["name"] == "ol": li["num"] += 1 self.o(str(li["num"]) + ". ") self.start = 1 if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o("<{0}>\n\n".format(tag)) else: self.o("\n</{0}>".format(tag)) else: if start: self.o("<{0}>".format(tag)) else: self.o("</{0}>".format(tag)) else: if tag == "table" and start: self.table_start = True if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = 1 self.pre = 1 else: self.pre = 0 if self.mark_code: self.out("\n[/code]") self.p()
def link_url(self, link, title=""): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link) title = ' "{0}"'.format(title) if title.strip() else '' self.o(']({url}{title})'.format(url=escape_md(url), title=title))
def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag_callback is not None: if self.tag_callback(self, tag, attrs, start) is True: return # first thing inside the anchor tag is another tag that produces some output if (start and not self.maybe_automatic_link is None and tag not in ['p', 'div', 'style', 'dl', 'dt'] and (tag != "img" or self.ignore_images)): self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = self.tag_stack.pop() if self.tag_stack else (None, {}, {}) if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + ' ') else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ['p', 'div']: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", 'script']: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: += 1 else: -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head> if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o('> ', 0, 1) self.start = 1 self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() if tag in ['em', 'i', 'u'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.emphasis_mark) if tag in ['strong', 'b'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.strong_mark) if tag in ['del', 'strike', 's']: if start: self.o('~~') else: self.o('~~') if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o('`') # TODO: `` `this` `` self.code = not self.code if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if ('title' in attrs): self.abbr_title = attrs['title'] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if ('href' in attrs) and \ (attrs['href'] is not None) and \ not (self.skip_internal_links and attrs['href'].startswith('#')): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs['href'] self.empty_link = True if self.protect_links: attrs['href'] = '<'+attrs['href']+'>' else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link and not self.empty_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.empty_link: self.o("[") self.empty_link = False self.maybe_automatic_link = None if self.inline_links: try: title = escape_md(a['title']) except KeyError: self.o("](" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, a['href'])) + ")") else: self.o("](" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, a['href'])) + ' "' + title + '" )') else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a['count'] = self.acount a['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a['count']) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if 'src' in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs['href'] = attrs['src'] alt = attrs.get('alt') or '' # If we have images_with_size, write raw html including width, # height, and alt attributes if self.images_with_size and \ ("width" in attrs or "height" in attrs): self.o("<img src='" + attrs["src"] + "' ") if "width" in attrs: self.o("width='" + attrs["width"] + "' ") if "height" in attrs: self.o("height='" + attrs["height"] + "' ") if alt: self.o("alt='" + alt + "' ") self.o("/>") return # If we have a link to create, output the start if not self.maybe_automatic_link is None: href = self.maybe_automatic_link if self.images_to_alt and escape_md(alt) == href and \ self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href): self.o("<" + escape_md(alt) + ">") self.empty_link = False return else: self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get('href') or '' self.o("(" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, href)) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs['count'] = self.acount attrs['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs['count']) + "]") if tag == 'dl' and start: self.p() if tag == 'dt' and not start: self.pbr() if tag == 'dd' and start: self.o(' ') if tag == 'dd' and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if (not self.list) and (not self.lastWasList): self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({ 'name': list_style, 'num': numbering_start }) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() if (not self.google_doc) and (not self.list): self.o('\n') self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == 'li': self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {'name': 'ul', 'num': 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li['name'] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li['name'] == "ol": li['num'] += 1 self.o(str(li['num']) + ". ") self.start = 1 if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o('<{0}>\n\n'.format(tag)) else: self.o('\n</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if start: self.o('<{0}>'.format(tag)) else: self.o('</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if tag == "table" and start: self.table_start = True if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = 1 self.pre = 1 else: self.pre = 0 if self.mark_code: self.out("\n[/code]") self.p() if tag == "iframe": if 'src' in attrs: src = attrs['src'] bits = src.split("", 1) if len(bits) == 2: vid = bits[1] width = attrs.get("width") height = attrs.get("height") if width is not None and height is not None: self.o("[![Youtube video]({}/0.jpg)]({} ={}x{})".format(vid, vid, width, height)) else: self.o("[![Youtube video]({}/0.jpg)]({})".format(vid, vid))
def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): self.current_tag = tag # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag_callback is not None: if self.tag_callback(self, tag, attrs, start) is True: return # first thing inside the anchor tag is another tag # that produces some output if (start and self.maybe_automatic_link is not None and tag not in ['p', 'div', 'style', 'dl', 'dt'] and (tag != "img" or self.ignore_images)): self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = self.tag_stack.pop() \ if self.tag_stack else (None, {}, {}) if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + ' ') else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ['p', 'div']: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() elif self.astack and tag == 'div': pass else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: if self.blockquote > 0: self.o(" \n> ") else: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", 'script']: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: += 1 else: -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head> if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o('> ', 0, 1) self.start = 1 self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() def no_preceding_space(self): return (self.preceding_data and re.match(r'[^\s]', self.preceding_data[-1])) if tag in ['em', 'i', 'u'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): emphasis = ' ' + self.emphasis_mark else: emphasis = self.emphasis_mark self.o(emphasis) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ['strong', 'b'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strong = ' ' + self.strong_mark else: strong = self.strong_mark self.o(strong) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ['del', 'strike', 's']: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strike = ' ~~' else: strike = '~~' self.o(strike) if start: self.stressed = True if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o('`') # TODO: `` `this` `` self.code = not self.code if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if ('title' in attrs): self.abbr_title = attrs['title'] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' def link_url(self, link, title=""): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link) title = ' "{0}"'.format(title) if title.strip() else '' self.o(']({url}{title})'.format(url=escape_md(url), title=title)) if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if 'href' in attrs and \ attrs['href'] is not None and not \ (self.skip_internal_links and attrs['href'].startswith('#')): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs['href'] self.empty_link = True if self.protect_links: attrs['href'] = '<' + attrs['href'] + '>' else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link and not self.empty_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.empty_link: self.o("[") self.empty_link = False self.maybe_automatic_link = None if self.inline_links: try: title = a['title'] if a['title'] else '' title = escape_md(title) except KeyError: link_url(self, a['href'], '') else: link_url(self, a['href'], title) else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a['count'] = self.acount a['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a['count']) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if 'src' in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs['href'] = attrs['src'] alt = attrs.get('alt') or self.default_image_alt # If we have images_with_size, write raw html including width, # height, and alt attributes if self.images_with_size and \ ("width" in attrs or "height" in attrs): self.o("<img src='" + attrs["src"] + "' ") if "width" in attrs: self.o("width='" + attrs["width"] + "' ") if "height" in attrs: self.o("height='" + attrs["height"] + "' ") if alt: self.o("alt='" + alt + "' ") self.o("/>") return # If we have a link to create, output the start if self.maybe_automatic_link is not None: href = self.maybe_automatic_link if self.images_to_alt and escape_md(alt) == href and \ self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href): self.o("<" + escape_md(alt) + ">") self.empty_link = False return else: self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get('href') or '' self.o( "(" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, href)) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs['count'] = self.acount attrs['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs['count']) + "]") if tag == 'dl' and start: self.p() if tag == 'dt' and not start: self.pbr() if tag == 'dd' and start: self.o(' ') if tag == 'dd' and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if (not self.list) and (not self.lastWasList): self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({'name': list_style, 'num': numbering_start}) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() if (not self.google_doc) and (not self.list): self.o('\n') self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == 'li': self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {'name': 'ul', 'num': 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li['name'] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li['name'] == "ol": li['num'] += 1 self.o(str(li['num']) + ". ") self.start = 1 if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.ignore_tables: if tag == 'tr': if start: pass else: self.soft_br() else: pass elif self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o('<{0}>\n\n'.format(tag)) else: self.o('\n</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if start: self.o('<{0}>'.format(tag)) else: self.o('</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if tag == "table": if start: self.table_start = True if self.pad_tables: self.o("<" + config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD + ">") self.o(" \n") else: if self.pad_tables: self.o("</" + config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD + ">") self.o(" \n") if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = 1 self.pre = 1 else: self.pre = 0 if self.mark_code: self.out("\n[/code]") self.p()
def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): self.current_tag = tag # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag_callback is not None: if self.tag_callback(self, tag, attrs, start) is True: return # first thing inside the anchor tag is another tag # that produces some output if (start and self.maybe_automatic_link is not None and tag not in ["p", "div", "style", "dl", "dt"] and (tag != "img" or self.ignore_images)): self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = (self.tag_stack.pop() if self.tag_stack else (None, {}, {})) if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + " ") else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ["p", "div"]: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() elif self.astack and tag == "div": pass else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: if self.blockquote > 0: self.o(" \n> ") else: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", "script"]: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: += 1 else: -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head> if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o("> ", force=True) self.start = True self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() def no_preceding_space(self): return self.preceding_data and re.match(r"[^\s]", self.preceding_data[-1]) if tag in ["em", "i", "u"] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): emphasis = " " + self.emphasis_mark else: emphasis = self.emphasis_mark self.o(emphasis) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ["strong", "b"] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strong = " " + self.strong_mark else: strong = self.strong_mark self.o(strong) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ["del", "strike", "s"]: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strike = " ~~" else: strike = "~~" self.o(strike) if start: self.stressed = True if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["kbd", "code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o("`") # TODO: `` `this` `` self.code = not self.code if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = "" if "title" in attrs: self.abbr_title = attrs["title"] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = None if tag == "q": if not self.quote: self.o(self.open_quote) else: self.o(self.close_quote) self.quote = not self.quote def link_url(self, link, title=""): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link) title = ' "{}"'.format(title) if title.strip() else "" self.o("]({url}{title})".format(url=escape_md(url), title=title)) if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if ("href" in attrs and attrs["href"] is not None and not (self.skip_internal_links and attrs["href"].startswith("#"))): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs["href"] self.empty_link = True if self.protect_links: attrs["href"] = "<" + attrs["href"] + ">" else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link and not self.empty_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.empty_link: self.o("[") self.empty_link = False self.maybe_automatic_link = None if self.inline_links: try: title = a["title"] if a["title"] else "" title = escape_md(title) except KeyError: link_url(self, a["href"], "") else: link_url(self, a["href"], title) else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a["count"] = self.acount a["outcount"] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a["count"]) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if "src" in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs["href"] = attrs["src"] alt = attrs.get("alt") or self.default_image_alt # If we have images_with_size, write raw html including width, # height, and alt attributes if self.images_as_html or (self.images_with_size and ("width" in attrs or "height" in attrs)): self.o("<img src='" + attrs["src"] + "' ") if "width" in attrs: self.o("width='" + attrs["width"] + "' ") if "height" in attrs: self.o("height='" + attrs["height"] + "' ") if alt: self.o("alt='" + alt + "' ") self.o("/>") return # If we have a link to create, output the start if self.maybe_automatic_link is not None: href = self.maybe_automatic_link if (self.images_to_alt and escape_md(alt) == href and self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href)): self.o("<" + escape_md(alt) + ">") self.empty_link = False return else: self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get("href") or "" self.o( "(" + escape_md(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, href)) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs["count"] = self.acount attrs["outcount"] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs["count"]) + "]") if tag == "dl" and start: self.p() if tag == "dt" and not start: self.pbr() if tag == "dd" and start: self.o(" ") if tag == "dd" and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if not self.list and not self.lastWasList: self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({"name": list_style, "num": numbering_start}) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() if not self.google_doc and not self.list: self.o("\n") self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == "li": self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {"name": "ul", "num": 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li["name"] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li["name"] == "ol": li["num"] += 1 self.o(str(li["num"]) + ". ") self.start = True if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.ignore_tables: if tag == "tr": if start: pass else: self.soft_br() else: pass elif self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o("<{}>\n\n".format(tag)) else: self.o("\n</{}>".format(tag)) else: if start: self.o("<{}>".format(tag)) else: self.o("</{}>".format(tag)) else: if tag == "table": if start: self.table_start = True if self.pad_tables: self.o("<" + config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD + ">") self.o(" \n") else: if self.pad_tables: self.o("</" + config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD + ">") self.o(" \n") if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = True self.pre = True else: self.pre = False if self.mark_code: self.out("\n[/code]") self.p()
def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = self.tag_stack.pop() if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + ' ') else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ['p', 'div']: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", 'script']: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: += 1 else: -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like never close <head> if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o('> ', 0, 1) self.start = 1 self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() if tag in ['em', 'i', 'u'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.emphasis_mark) if tag in ['strong', 'b'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: self.o(self.strong_mark) if tag in ['del', 'strike', 's']: if start: self.o("<" + tag + ">") else: self.o("</" + tag + ">") if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o('`') # TODO: `` `this` `` if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if ('title' in attrs): self.abbr_title = attrs['title'] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if ('href' in attrs) and \ (attrs['href'] is not None) and \ not (self.skip_internal_links and attrs['href'].startswith('#')): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs['href'] if self.protect_links: attrs['href'] = '<'+attrs['href']+'>' else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.inline_links: self.o("](" + escape_md(a['href']) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a['count'] = self.acount a['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a['count']) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if 'src' in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs['href'] = attrs['src'] alt = attrs.get('alt') or '' # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get('href') or '' self.o("(" + escape_md(href) + ")") else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs['count'] = self.acount attrs['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs['count']) + "]") if tag == 'dl' and start: self.p() if tag == 'dt' and not start: self.pbr() if tag == 'dd' and start: self.o(' ') if tag == 'dd' and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if (not self.list) and (not self.lastWasList): self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({ 'name': list_style, 'num': numbering_start }) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == 'li': self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {'name': 'ul', 'num': 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up <ol><li>s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li['name'] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li['name'] == "ol": li['num'] += 1 self.o(str(li['num']) + ". ") self.start = 1 if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o('<{0}>\n\n'.format(tag)) else: self.o('\n</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if start: self.o('<{0}>'.format(tag)) else: self.o('</{0}>'.format(tag)) else: if tag == "table" and start: self.table_start = True if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = 1 self.pre = 1 else: self.pre = 0 self.p()
def link_url(self, link): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link) self.o(']({url})'.format(url=escape_md(url)))