예제 #1
class Input(VoidElement):
    """An HTML <input> element.

        >>> input_ = Input("text", "description")
        >>> input_.size = 20
        >>> input_.placeholder = "Enter description..."

    For most input types, a specific sub-class is provided.

    def __init__(self, type_="text", name=""):
        """Create an HTML input element.

        The type_ argument sets the HTML type attribute. Possible values are
        'text', 'email', 'password', 'submit', etc. For most of these types,
        a more specific sub-class is provided.

        The optional name argument sets this input element's name, used when
        submitting a form.

        self.type = type_
        self.name = name

    name = html_attribute("name", default="")
    value = html_attribute("value", default="")
    readonly = boolean_html_attribute("readonly")
    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")
    type = html_attribute("type")
    autocomplete = html_attribute("autocomplete")
    placeholder = html_attribute("placeholder")
    size = int_html_attribute("size")
    focus = boolean_html_attribute("autofocus")
예제 #2
class _CheckableInput(Input):
    def __init__(self, type_, name, value):
        super(_CheckableInput, self).__init__(type_, name)
        if value:
            self.value = value

    checked = boolean_html_attribute("checked")
예제 #3
class TextArea(Element):
    """An HTML <textarea> element.

        >>> area = TextArea("element-name")
        >>> area.placeholder = "Placeholder text ..."
        >>> area.append("Initial text area content.")

    def __init__(self, name=""):
        super(TextArea, self).__init__("textarea")
        self.name = name

    name = html_attribute("name", default="")
    readonly = boolean_html_attribute("readonly")
    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")
    columns = int_html_attribute("cols")
    rows = int_html_attribute("rows")
    placeholder = html_attribute("placeholder")
예제 #4
class Option(Element):
    """An HTML selection list option (<option>) element.

    >>> option = Option("Label")
    >>> str(option)
    >>> option = Option("Label", "test-value")
    >>> str(option)
    '<option value="test-value">Label</option>'

    def __init__(self, label, value=None):
        super(Option, self).__init__("option")
        self.value = value

    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")
    selected = boolean_html_attribute("selected")

    def value(self):
        """Return the value of this option.

        >>> option = Option("Label", "value")
        >>> option.value

        If no explicit value is given, return the children as string.

        >>> option = Option("Label")
        >>> option.value

        return self.get_attribute("value", str(self.children))

    def value(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self.set_attribute("value", value)
예제 #5
class Button(Element):
    """An HTML <button> element.

        >>> button = Button("My Label")

    def __init__(self, *content):
        super(Button, self).__init__("button")

    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")
예제 #6
class OptionGroup(Element):
    """An HTML selection list option group (<optgroup>) element."""
    def __init__(self, label):
        super(OptionGroup, self).__init__("optgroup")
        self.label = label

    label = html_attribute("label")
    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")

    def create_option(self, label, value=None):
        """Create and append an option."""
        option = Option(label, value)
        return option
예제 #7
class Select(Element):
    """An HTML selection list (<select>) element.

    >>> select = Select("element-name")
    >>> option1 = select.create_option("Option 1", "v1")
    >>> option2 = select.create_option("Option 2", "v2", selected=True)
    >>> option2 is select.selected_option
    >>> option2.value == select.selected_value
    >>> select.selected_value = "v1"
    >>> option1 is select.selected_option

    It is also possible to use option groups:

    >>> select = Select()
    >>> group = select.create_group("Group 1")
    >>> option1 = group.create_option("Option 1")
    >>> option2 = group.create_option("Option 2")

    At the moment, multiple selection lists are not supported.

    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.name = name

    name = html_attribute("name", default="")
    disabled = boolean_html_attribute("disabled")
    autocomplete = html_attribute("autocomplete")

    def create_group(self, label):
        """Create and append an option group."""
        group = OptionGroup(label)
        return group

    def create_option(self, label, value=None, selected=False):
        """Create and append an option."""
        option = Option(label, value)
        if selected:
            self.selected_option = option
        return option

    def _options_iter(self):
        for child in self.children.children:
            if is_element(child, "option"):
                yield child
            elif is_element(child, "optgroup"):
                for sub_child in child.children.children:
                    if is_element(sub_child, "option"):
                        yield sub_child

    def selected_option(self):
        """Return the first selected option object.

        If no option is selected, return None.


        for child in self._options_iter:
            if child.selected:
                return child
        return None

    def selected_option(self, option):
        """Set the selected option object.

        All other selected options will be deselected.

        for child in self._options_iter:
            child.selected = False
        option.selected = True

    def selected_value(self):
        """Return the value of the first selected option.

        If no option is selected, return None.

        option = self.selected_option
        return option.value if option else None

    def selected_value(self, selected_value):
        """Set the selected option by its value.

        If no option has the supplied value, raise a ValueError.

        for option in self._options_iter:
            if option.value == selected_value:
                self.selected_option = option
            raise ValueError(
                "no option with value '{}' found".format(selected_value))
예제 #8
 class MyElement(Element):
     attr = boolean_html_attribute("data-attr")