예제 #1
    def __init__(self, baseurl, ssl_ctx, retries=1, connection_debug=False):
        baseurl - корневой URL для всех запросов pilot
        ssl_ctx - инициализированный SSL.Context со всеми сертификатами и т.п.
        retries - количество попыток повторения запроса, в случае сбоя
        self.baseurl = baseurl
        self.retries = retries
        self._cli_version = None

        self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx
        # FIXME: timeout must be configurable
        self.http = http.HTTP(baseurl, ssl_context=ssl_ctx, retries=retries, timeout=30,
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: lchaparr/ThesisCode
    def testRun(self):
        tstConfig = config.test()

        # override baseUrl to use private VM
        tstConfig.baseUrl = doUpload.frontendUrlTemplate % doUpload.frontendHost

        (username, account, password) = netrc.netrc().authenticators('newOffDb')
        frontendHttp = http.HTTP()

        folders = os.listdir( 'testFiles' )

        logging.info('Testing %s bunches...', len(folders))

        i = 0
        for folder in folders:
            i += 1

            loggingPrefix = '  [%s/%s] %s:' % (i, len(folders), folder)
            logging.info('%s Testing bunch...', loggingPrefix)

            logging.info( '%s Signing in the frontend...', loggingPrefix)
            frontendHttp.query('signIn', {
                'username': username,
                'password': password,

            # First ask also to hold the files until we have uploaded all
            # the folder to prevent the backend from taking them in-between.
            logging.info( '%s Asking the frontend to hold files...', loggingPrefix)

            # Wait until the dropBox has nothing to do
            logging.info( '%s Waiting for backend to be idle...', loggingPrefix)
            while dataAccess.getLatestRunLogStatusCode() != Constants.NOTHING_TO_DO:

            # When we reach this point, the server will always report an empty
            # list of files, so even if it starts a new run right now, we can
            # safely manipulate the list of files. Therefore, ask the frontend
            # to do a clean up to delete previous files and database entries
            logging.info( '%s Asking the frontend to clean up files and database...', loggingPrefix)

            # Upload all the test files in the folder
            logging.info('%s Uploading files...', loggingPrefix)
            self.upload(folder, loggingPrefix = loggingPrefix)

            # And finally release the files so that the backend can take them
            logging.info( '%s Asking the frontend to release files...', loggingPrefix)

            logging.info( '%s Signing out the frontend...', loggingPrefix)

            # The backend will process the files eventually, so wait for
            # a finished status code
            logging.info('%s Waiting for backend to process files...', loggingPrefix)
            while True:
                statusCode = dataAccess.getLatestRunLogStatusCode()

                if statusCode in frozenset([Constants.DONE_WITH_ERRORS, Constants.DONE_ALL_OK]):


            # First compare the runLog's statusCode
            logging.info('%s Comparing runLog results...', loggingPrefix)
            with open(os.path.join('testFiles', folder, 'statusCode'), 'rb') as f:
                self.assertEqual(statusCode, getattr(Constants, f.read().strip()))

            # Then compare the runLog's logs
            (creationTimestamp, downloadLog, globalLog) = dataAccess.getLatestRunLogInfo()

            downloadLog = logPack.unpack(downloadLog)
            globalLog = logPack.unpack(globalLog)

            logging.debug('downloadLog = %s', downloadLog)
            logging.debug('globalLog = %s', globalLog)

            with open(os.path.join('testFiles', folder, 'downloadLog'), 'rb') as f:
                templateMatch.match(f.read(), downloadLog)
            with open(os.path.join('testFiles', folder, 'globalLog'), 'rb') as f:
                templateMatch.match(f.read(), globalLog)

            tests = [x.partition('.txt')[0] for x in glob.glob(os.path.join('testFiles', folder, '*.txt'))]

            logging.info('%s Comparing %s fileLogs results...', loggingPrefix, len(tests))

            # Then for each file in the test, compare the fileLog's foreign key, statusCode and log
            j = 0
            for test in tests:
                j += 1

                logging.info('%s   [%s/%s] %s: Comparing file...', loggingPrefix, j, len(tests), os.path.basename(test))

                # Get the expected file hash
                with open('%s.fileHash' % test, 'rb') as f:
                    fileHash = f.read().strip()

                (fileStatusCode, fileLog, runLogCreationTimestamp) = dataAccess.getFileLogInfo(fileHash)

                # Compare the foreign key
                self.assertEqual(creationTimestamp, runLogCreationTimestamp)

                # Compare the statusCode
                with open('%s.statusCode' % test, 'rb') as f:
                    self.assertEqual(fileStatusCode, getattr(Constants, f.read().strip()))

                fileLog = logPack.unpack(fileLog)

                # Compare the fileLog
                with open('%s.fileLog' % test, 'rb') as f:
                    templateMatch.match(f.read(), fileLog)
예제 #3
def get_http_storage(location):
    import http
    return http.HTTP(location)
예제 #4
def main():
    dropBoxRuns = calculateOldDropBoxRuns()

    with open('/afs/cern.ch/cms/DB/conddb/test/dropbox/replay/runInfo.json', 'rb') as f:
        runInfo = json.load(f)

    # Ask the frontend to clean up the files and database
    (username, account, password) = netrc.netrc().authenticators('newOffDb')
    frontendHttp = http.HTTP()
    frontendHttp.setBaseUrl(doUpload.frontendUrlTemplate % doUpload.frontendHost)

    logging.info('Signing in the frontend...')
    frontendHttp.query('signIn', {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,

    logging.info('Asking the frontend to clean up files and database...')

    logging.info('Signing out the frontend...')

    logging.info('Removing files in the backend...')
    execute('rm -rf ../NewOfflineDropBoxBaseDir/TestDropBox/*/*')

    conf = config.replay()

    logging.info('Cleaning up backend database...')
    execute('cmscond_schema_manager -c %s -P %s --dropAll' % (conf.destinationDB, conf.authpath))

    logging.info('Setting up backend database...')
    execute('cmscond_export_database -s sqlite_file:%s -d %s -P %s' % (replayMasterDB, conf.destinationDB, conf.authpath), 'Y\n')

    dropBoxBE = Dropbox.Dropbox( conf )

    # Replay all the runs
    _fwLoad = conditionDatabase.condDB.FWIncantation()

    i = 0
    for runTimestamp in sorted(dropBoxRuns):
        i += 1
        (hltRun, fcsRun) = runInfo[runTimestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3]]
        logging.info('[%s/%s] %s: Replaying run with hltRun %s and fcsRun %s...', i, len(dropBoxRuns), runTimestamp, hltRun, fcsRun)

        j = 0
        for fileName in dropBoxRuns[runTimestamp]:
            j += 1
            logging.info('  [%s/%s] %s: Converting...', j, len(dropBoxRuns[runTimestamp]), fileName)

            tarFile = tarfile.open(os.path.join(dropBoxReplayFilesFolder, fileName))

            names = tarFile.getnames()
            if len(names) != 2:
                raise Exception('%s: Invalid number of files in tar file.', fileName)

            baseFileName = names[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            dbFileName = '%s.db' % baseFileName
            txtFileName = '%s.txt' % baseFileName
            if set([dbFileName, txtFileName]) != set(names):
                raise Exception('%s: Invalid file names in tar file.', fileName)

            with open('/tmp/replayRequest.txt', 'wb') as f:
                f.write(metadata.port(tarFile.extractfile(txtFileName).read(), fileName))

            with open('/tmp/replayRequest.db', 'wb') as f:


            logging.info('  [%s/%s] %s: Uploading...', j, len(dropBoxRuns[runTimestamp]), fileName)

                doUpload.upload('/tmp/replayRequest', 'private')
            except doUpload.UploadError as e:
                # If it is a error from the server (i.e. UploadError),
                # we can continue with the next files.
                # If it is another kind, we do not catch it since in that case
                # it is a real problem with the upload.py script.
                logging.info('  [%s/%s] %s: Upload error: %s', j, len(dropBoxRuns[runTimestamp]), fileName, str(e))

        dropBoxBE.reprocess(runTimestamp, hltRun, fcsRun)

        if runTimestamp in truncates:
            for runNumber in truncates[runTimestamp]:
                for tag in truncates[runTimestamp][runNumber]:
                    logging.info('[%s/%s] %s: Truncating up to %s tag %s...', i, len(dropBoxRuns), runTimestamp, runNumber, tag)

                    while True:
                        # FIXME: Why can't we instantiate the RDBMS once?
                        db = conditionDatabase.condDB.RDBMS(conf.authpath).getReadOnlyDB(conf.destinationDB)
                        iov = conditionDatabase.IOVChecker(db)

                        lastSince = iov.lastSince()
                        if iov.timetype() == 'lumiid':
                            lastSince >>= 32


                        logging.info('[%s/%s] %s: lastSince now is %s...', i, len(dropBoxRuns), runTimestamp, lastSince)

                        if lastSince < runNumber:

                        execute('cmscond_truncate_iov -c %s -P %s -t %s' % (conf.destinationDB, conf.authpath, tag))
예제 #5
def getCheckMKStatus():
    '''Returns the status of CheckMK as a dictionary. The keys are
    the check (service) names, i.e. those used in the global tree; and
    the values are tuples (status, message, state age, check age). e.g.

        output = {
            'OfflineDB_CMSR1_cpuLoad': (
                'OK - ioWait: 0.19 (OK), idle: 91.4 (OK), user: 7.53 (OK), system: 0.49 (OK),',
                '2013-03-01 15:05:48',
                '17 sec'

            'OfflineDB_CMSR2_cpuLoad': ...


      * Status is in ['OK', 'CRIT', 'WARN', 'UNKNOWN']. UNKNOWN is used
        for any case that is not OK, CRIT or WARN (this would include
        the PENDING and UNAVAILABLE Check_MK states).
      * The state age shows how long the service's state did not change.
      * The check age shows the last time the service was checked.

    Could be cached for some seconds if the load proves too high for Check_MK.

    h = http.HTTP()
    h.setUsernamePassword(service.secrets['username'], service.secrets['password'])
    data = h.query(dataUrl)

    # Bug in Check_MK: does not return valid JSON strings in the first
    # list/line (the header): single quotes must be converted to double ones
    lines = data.splitlines()
    lines[1] = lines[1].replace("'", '"')
    data = json.loads('\n'.join(lines))

    headers = data[0]
    nameIndex = headers.index('service_description')
    statusIndex = headers.index('service_state')
    statusMessageIndex = headers.index('svc_plugin_output')
    stateAgeIndex = headers.index('svc_state_age')
    checkAgeIndex = headers.index('svc_check_age')

    output = {}

    for row in data[1:]:
        status = row[statusIndex]
        if status not in ['OK', 'CRIT', 'WARN']:
            status = 'UNKNOWN'
        output[row[nameIndex]] = (

    return output
예제 #6
    def getImage(self, name):
        if name not in zip(*images)[0]:
            raise cherrypy.NotFound()

        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "image/png"
        return http.HTTP().query('http://popcon2vm:8081/snapshot/%s' % name)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.curl = http.HTTP()
     if config.proxy:
     self.config = config