예제 #1
    def __init__(self, bundle_paths=(), http_get_params=None, exclude_default_bundles=False):
        @bundle_paths - a list containing the paths of the bundles to include
        @http_get_params - the request.GET query dictionary
        http_get_params = http_get_params if http_get_params else {}
        self.is_debug = self._check_is_debug_mode(http_get_params)
        self.use_local_daemon = self._check_use_local_daemon(http_get_params)
        self.skip_scaffold_cache = False

        self.included_bundle_paths = []

        # Used for the cases when you don't want to include the default bundles (style_guide)
        if not exclude_default_bundles:
            self.included_bundle_paths.extend(get_setting_default('DEFAULT_ASSET_BENDER_BUNDLES', get_setting_default('DEFAULT_BUNDLES_V3', [])))


        # strip first slashes for consistency
        self.included_bundle_paths = [path.lstrip('/') for path in self.included_bundle_paths]

        self.host_project_name = get_setting_default('PROJ_NAME', None)

        forced_build_version_by_project = self._extract_forced_versions_from_params(http_get_params)
        self.s3_fetcher = S3BundleFetcher(self.host_project_name, self.is_debug, forced_build_version_by_project)
        is_local_debug = self.is_debug

        if get_bender_or_static3_setting('BENDER_LOCAL_PROJECT_MODE', False):
            is_local_debug = True

        self.local_daemon_fetcher = LocalDaemonBundleFetcher(self.host_project_name, is_local_debug, forced_build_version_by_project)
예제 #2
    def should_ignore_caching(self, dict_of_args):
        ignore_locally = dict_of_args.pop('ignore_locally', None)
        ignore_if_setting_is_true = dict_of_args.pop('ignore_if_setting_is_true', None)

        # Skip caching if ignore_locally was set and we're in the local ENV
        if ignore_locally and get_setting_default('ENV', 'local') == 'local':
            return True

        # Skip caching if ignore_if_setting_is_true is set to some setting that is set to some Truthy value
        if ignore_if_setting_is_true and get_setting_default(ignore_if_setting_is_true, False):
            return True
def test_not_ignore_locally_2():

    # Temporarily fake the ENV
    old_env = get_setting_default("ENV", None)
    _set_setting("ENV", "local")

    @gen_cache.wrap("some_gen", ignore_locally=False)
    def func_no_args():
        return time() + random.randint(0, 10000000)

    first_result = func_no_args()

    second_result = func_no_args()

    ok_(first_result == second_result)

    # Reset ENV just in case
    _set_setting("ENV", old_env)
예제 #4
def load_cache():
    If the RAW_CACHE_NAME is defined in settings, load the cache of that name.

    Otherwise, load the cache that has the exact same settings as the default cache,
    except with no 'KEY_PREFIX' set
    # If no django installed, we use the local memory cache
    if not get_cache:
        return simple_memory_cache
    cache_name = get_setting_default('RAW_CACHE_NAME', None)
    if cache_name:
        return get_cache(cache_name)
    conf = get_setting('CACHES').get('default')
    backend = conf['BACKEND']
    raw_conf_dict = {}
    for key in ('LOCATION', 'TIMEOUT'):
        val = conf.get(key)
        if val != None:
            raw_conf_dict[key] = val
    raw_conf_dict['KEY_FUNCTION'] = lambda key, key_prefix, version: key
    the_cache = get_cache(backend, **raw_conf_dict)
    return the_cache
예제 #5
def get_bender_or_static3_setting(setting_name, default_value):
    static3_setting_name = setting_name.replace('BENDER_', 'STATIC3_')
    return get_setting_default(setting_name, get_setting_default(static3_setting_name, default_value))
예제 #6
def in_gen_cache_debug_mode():
    return get_setting_default('DEBUG_GENERATIONAL_CACHE', False)