def furball(self, mission, seed=0): globalvars.disable_menu = True #Disable the standard menu for now. rd.seed(seed) #Fix the seed for the random number generator. wipeOldScenario(); resetDust() globalvars.BGIMAGE = image_list['bggalaxies'].convert() #Make a few enemies near the player mindist = 200 maxdist = 800 #Make enemy units: points_to_win = 3 #Same as the number of enemies for _ in xrange(points_to_win): x,y = getCoordsNearLoc(, mindist, maxdist, maxdist) enemy_ship = hudHelpers.getNewEnemy(x,y,'destroyer',2,2,2,2,2) hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(enemy_ship) #Make the score keeper: time_limit = 30 #time limit in seconds text = ['FURBALL COMPLETED'] #Display timer and score count with the following: globalvars.score_keeper = displayUtilities.TimeLimitDisplay(text, \ points_to_win=points_to_win, time_limit=time_limit, mission=mission) globalvars.intangibles_top.add(globalvars.score_keeper) #Draw the new background and flip the whole screen. globalvars.screen.blit(globalvars.BGIMAGE, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() #Display the intro to the mission['You have '+str(time_limit)+' seconds to defeat 3 enemies to win.'])
def escort(self, mission, seed=0): globalvars.disable_menu = True #Disable the standard menu for now. rd.seed(seed) #Fix the seed for the random number generator. '''Escort (infinite space) - player must escort a friendly NPC ship to the destination''' wipeOldScenario(); resetDust() #Reset the player's location to 0,0 and his speed to zero globalvars.player.loc = (0.0, 0.0) globalvars.player.speed = 0.0 globalvars.player.targetSpeed = 0.0 finish_line = (6000, 0) #Protect this little dude on his way to the finish line. npc_friend = hudHelpers.getNewEnemy(25.0,25.0,'ship',2,2,0,0,0) npc_friend.setDestination(finish_line) npc_friend.state = ship.GOTO_STATE hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(npc_friend, add_to_team=globalvars.team_manager.player_team) #Display arrow to finish line globalvars.intangibles_top.add(displayUtilities.ArrowToDestination(npc_friend)) #Display finish bullseye globalvars.intangibles_top.add(objInstances.FinishBullsEye(npc_friend, finish_line)) #determine what sorts of obstacles to put on the race course. numbers = dict() numbers['enemy'] = 3 numbers['crystal'] = 5 numbers['large_asteroid'] = 20 numbers['medium_asteroid'] = 30 numbers['small_asteroid'] = 40 numbers['gold_metal'] = 5 numbers['silver_metal'] = 6 numbers['health'] = 7 numbers['capital_ship'] = 0 #Populate space in a semi narrow corridor between the player and the finish line course_length = 6000 #pixels course_height = 1000 #pixels #Midway between player and destination midway = (course_length/2, 0) hudHelpers.populateSpace(objects=numbers, width=course_length, \ height=course_height, center=midway, seed=rd.random()) time_limit = 60 #time limit in seconds text = ['ESCORT MISSION COMPLETED'] #Display timer and score count with the following: globalvars.score_keeper = displayUtilities.TimeLimitDisplay(text, \ points_to_win=1000000, time_limit=time_limit, mission=mission) globalvars.intangibles_top.add(globalvars.score_keeper) #Draw the new background and flip the whole screen. globalvars.screen.fill(globalvars.BGCOLOR) pygame.display.flip() #Display the intro to the mission['You have '+str(time_limit)+' seconds to escort the friendly NPC to the finish.', 'If you lose your NPC ally, look for the yellow arrow.'])
def epicBattle(self, mission, seed=0): globalvars.disable_menu = True #Disable the standard menu for now. rd.seed(seed) #Fix the seed for the random number generator. wipeOldScenario(); resetDust() globalvars.BGIMAGE = image_list['bggalaxies'].convert() spacing = 50 n = 3 #Make n+1 enemy units starting to the left of the player: start = (globalvars.player.rect.centerx-500, globalvars.player.rect.centery) for i in range(n+1): enemy_ship = hudHelpers.getNewEnemy(start[0],start[1]+spacing*i,\ 'destroyer',2,2,2,2,2) hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(enemy_ship) #Add an enemy capital ship enemy_ship = hudHelpers.getNewCapitalShip(start[0],start[1]+spacing*n) hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(enemy_ship) #Make n friendly units: start = (globalvars.player.rect.centerx+500, globalvars.player.rect.centery) add_to_blue = True for i in range(n): friendly_ship = hudHelpers.getNewEnemy(start[0],start[1]+spacing*i,\ 'ship',2,2,2,2,2) friendly_ship.theta = 179.0 #Face the ship to the left hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(friendly_ship,\ add_to_team=globalvars.team_manager.player_team) #Add a friendly capital ship friendly_ship = hudHelpers.getNewCapitalShip(start[0],start[1]+spacing*n) hudHelpers.addNewEnemyToWorld(friendly_ship,\ add_to_team=globalvars.team_manager.player_team) #Make the score keeper: time_limit = 120 #time limit in seconds text = ['BATTLE COMPLETED'] #Display timer and score count with the following: globalvars.score_keeper = displayUtilities.TimeLimitDisplay(text, \ points_to_win=103, time_limit=time_limit, mission=mission) globalvars.intangibles_top.add(globalvars.score_keeper) #Draw the new background and flip the whole screen. globalvars.screen.blit(globalvars.BGIMAGE, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() #Display the intro to the mission['You have '+str(time_limit)+' seconds to defeat the enemy team and prevent your team from being defeated.','Your team is to the right. The enemy team is to the left.'])