def display_unread(sess): print(hues.huestr(' Unread Messages ').white.bg_blue.bold.colorized) mess = sess.get_unread(sess.get_messages()) if not mess: print( hues.huestr( ' Nothing new, bro ').white.bg_black.bold.colorized) for msg in mess: display_message(msg) # print('\n') return "displayed"
def display_message(sess, message, pr_name=True): usr = sess.get_username(message.from_id) if pr_name: print(hues.huestr(u' From {}:'.format(usr)).white.bold.colorized) with indent(3): puts(colored.white(message.body)) with indent(5): for p in puts(colored.white(p))
def consoleMessage(logtype, message): if logtype is VirBotLogType.ERROR: hues.log(hues.huestr("[ERROR] " + message).magenta.bold.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.GENERIC: hues.log(hues.huestr(message).black.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.GENERICBOLD: hues.log(hues.huestr(message).black.bold.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.CHANNEL: hues.log(hues.huestr(message).blue.bold.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.NOTICE: hues.log(hues.huestr("[NOTICE] " + message).blue.bold.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.RECEIVED: hues.log(hues.huestr("[RECEIVED] " + message).green.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.SENT: hues.log(hues.huestr("[SENT] " + message).magenta.bold.colorized) elif logtype is VirBotLogType.SERVER: hues.log(hues.huestr("[SERVER] " + message).cyan.bold.colorized)
async def handle(self): global blockcount, lastblcokzmq msg = await self.zmqSubSocket.recv_multipart() topic = str(msg[0].decode("utf-8")) body = str(binascii.hexlify(msg[1]).decode("utf-8")) sequence = "Unknown" ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(now())) if len(msg[-1]) == 4: msgSequence = struct.unpack('<I', msg[-1])[-1] sequence = str(msgSequence) if topic == 'rawtxlock': x = decoderawtx(body) txid = format_hash(double_sha256(binascii.unhexlify(body))) if txid not in q: q.append(txid) n = 0 for y in x: v = float(Decimal(x[y]['value'])) inputno = x[y].get('inputno') outputno = x[y].get('outputno') fromnumberuniq = len(list(set(x[y].get('fromall')))) toaddruniq = len(x) if n == 0: fromaddr = x[y].get('fromall')[n] print( '{} {:34} {:3d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f} is {}'.format( ts, fromaddr, inputno, outputno, y, v, txid)) else: print('{:58d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f} is'.format( inputno, outputno, y, v)) n = n + 1 if topic == 'rawtx': txid = format_hash(double_sha256(binascii.unhexlify(body))) x = decoderawtx(body) # print(json.dumps(x, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) if txid not in qq: qq.append(txid) n = 0 for y in x: v = float(Decimal(x[y]['value'])) inputno = x[y].get('inputno') outputno = x[y].get('outputno') fromnumberuniq = len(list(set(x[y].get('fromall')))) toaddruniq = len(x) if n == 0: fromaddr = x[y].get('fromall')[n] print('{} {:34} {:3d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f} {}'.format( ts, fromaddr, inputno, outputno, y, v, txid)) else: if inputno == outputno and inputno > 3: fromaddr = x[y].get('fromall')[n] if inputno != fromnumberuniq or outputno != toaddruniq: print( '{:>54} {:3d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f} --> **** {:3d} {:4d}' .format(fromaddr, inputno, outputno, y, v, fromnumberuniq, toaddruniq)) else: print( '{:>54} {:3d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f}'.format( fromaddr, inputno, outputno, y, v)) else: print('{:58d} {:4d} {:34} {:16.8f}'.format( inputno, outputno, y, v)) n = n + 1 if topic == 'rawblock': x = decoderawblock(body) txno = len(x['txs']) binfo = rpcgetblock(x['hash']) binfo_time = binfo.get('time') curtime = now() block_no_colorized = hues.huestr(str(blockcount + 1)).green.bold.colorized block_time_colorized = hues.huestr(str(curtime - lastblcokzmq)).red.colorized print('{} {} {} {:3d} {:3d} {:5}'.format(ts, block_no_colorized, x['hash'], txno, curtime - binfo_time, block_time_colorized)) blockcount = blockcount + 1 lastblcokzmq = curtime asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle())
import hues _default = hues.huestr('{}').white.colorized _accent = hues.huestr('{}').green.colorized _accent2 = hues.huestr('{}').yellow.colorized _not_ok = hues.huestr('{}').red.colorized _muted = hues.huestr('{}').black.colorized def base(content): return '{}'.format( _default.format(content) ) def base_accent(content): return '{}'.format( _accent.format(content) ) def base_accent2(content): return '{}'.format( _accent2.format(content) ) def base_not_ok(content): return '{}'.format( _not_ok.format(content) )
def white(*msg, sep=' ', end='\n'): print(hues.huestr(" ".join([str(i) for i in msg])).white.colorized, sep=sep, end=end)
def cyan(*msg, sep=' ', end='\n'): print(hues.huestr(" ".join([str(i) for i in msg])).cyan.colorized, sep=sep, end=end)
def magenta(*msg, sep=' ', end='\n'): print(hues.huestr(" ".join([str(i) for i in msg])).magenta.colorized, sep=sep, end=end)
def yellow(*msg, sep=' ', end='\n'): print(hues.huestr(" ".join([str(i) for i in msg])).yellow.colorized, sep=sep, end=end)
def black(*msg, sep=' ', end='\n'): print(hues.huestr(" ".join([str(i) for i in msg])).black.colorized, sep=sep, end=end)
def display_all(sess): print(hues.huestr(' All Messages ').white.bg_blue.bold.colorized) mess = sess.get_messages() for i in range(len(mess)): display_message(mess[i], not (mess[i].from_id == mess[i - 1].from_id)) return "displayed"
def col(a: Any, c: Callable[[huestr], huestr]) -> str: return c(huestr(str(a))).colorized
def test_usage(): assert huestr( 'unicorn').red.bg_black.colorized == '\033[31;40municorn\033[0m'