예제 #1
 def test_touch(self):
     """Test :func:`humanfriendly.testing.touch()`."""
     with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
         # Create a file in the temporary directory.
         filename = os.path.join(directory, random_string())
         assert not os.path.isfile(filename)
         assert os.path.isfile(filename)
         # Create a file in a subdirectory.
         filename = os.path.join(directory, random_string(), random_string())
         assert not os.path.isfile(filename)
         assert os.path.isfile(filename)
예제 #2
 def test_syslog_shortcut_enhanced(self):
     """Make sure that ``coloredlogs.install(syslog='warning')`` works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     the_expected_message = random_string(50)
     not_an_expected_message = random_string(50)
     with cleanup_handlers():
         # See test_system_logging() for the importance of these log levels.
         logging.warning("%s", not_an_expected_message)
         logging.error("%s", the_expected_message)
     # See the comments in test_system_logging() on why this is retried.
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, the_expected_message, True))
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, not_an_expected_message, False))
예제 #3
 def test_syslog_shortcut_enhanced(self):
     """Make sure that ``coloredlogs.install(syslog='warning')`` works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     the_expected_message = random_string(50)
     not_an_expected_message = random_string(50)
     with cleanup_handlers():
         # See test_system_logging() for the importance of these log levels.
         logging.warning("%s", not_an_expected_message)
         logging.error("%s", the_expected_message)
     # See the comments in test_system_logging() on why this is retried.
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, the_expected_message, True))
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, not_an_expected_message, False))
예제 #4
 def get_logger_tree(self):
     """Create and return a tree of loggers."""
     # Get the root logger.
     root = logging.getLogger()
     # Create a top level logger for ourselves.
     parent_name = random_string()
     parent = logging.getLogger(parent_name)
     # Create a child logger.
     child_name = '%s.%s' % (parent_name, random_string())
     child = logging.getLogger(child_name)
     # Create a grand child logger.
     grand_child_name = '%s.%s' % (child_name, random_string())
     grand_child = logging.getLogger(grand_child_name)
     return root, parent, child, grand_child
예제 #5
 def get_logger_tree(self):
     """Create and return a tree of loggers."""
     # Get the root logger.
     root = logging.getLogger()
     # Create a top level logger for ourselves.
     parent_name = random_string()
     parent = logging.getLogger(parent_name)
     # Create a child logger.
     child_name = '%s.%s' % (parent_name, random_string())
     child = logging.getLogger(child_name)
     # Create a grand child logger.
     grand_child_name = '%s.%s' % (child_name, random_string())
     grand_child = logging.getLogger(grand_child_name)
     return root, parent, child, grand_child
예제 #6
 def test_plain_text_output_format(self):
     """Inspect the plain text output of colouredlogs."""
     logger = VerboseLogger(random_string(25))
     stream = StringIO()
     install(level=logging.NOTSET, logger=logger, stream=stream)
     # Test that filtering on severity works.
     logger.debug("No one should see this message.")
     assert len(stream.getvalue().strip()) == 0
     # Test that the default output format looks okay in plain text.
     for method, severity in ((logger.debug, 'DEBUG'), (logger.info,
                              (logger.verbose, 'VERBOSE'), (logger.warning,
                              (logger.error, 'ERROR'), (logger.critical,
         # Prepare the text.
         text = "This is a message with severity %r." % severity.lower()
         # Log the message with the given severity.
         # Get the line of output generated by the handler.
         output = stream.getvalue()
         lines = output.splitlines()
         last_line = lines[-1]
         assert text in last_line
         assert severity in last_line
         assert PLAIN_TEXT_PATTERN.match(last_line)
예제 #7
 def test_plain_text_output_format(self):
     """Inspect the plain text output of coloredlogs."""
     logger = VerboseLogger(random_string(25))
     stream = StringIO()
     install(level=logging.NOTSET, logger=logger, stream=stream)
     # Test that filtering on severity works.
     logger.debug("No one should see this message.")
     assert len(stream.getvalue().strip()) == 0
     # Test that the default output format looks okay in plain text.
     for method, severity in ((logger.debug, 'DEBUG'),
                              (logger.info, 'INFO'),
                              (logger.verbose, 'VERBOSE'),
                              (logger.warning, 'WARNING'),
                              (logger.error, 'ERROR'),
                              (logger.critical, 'CRITICAL')):
         # Prepare the text.
         text = "This is a message with severity %r." % severity.lower()
         # Log the message with the given severity.
         # Get the line of output generated by the handler.
         output = stream.getvalue()
         lines = output.splitlines()
         last_line = lines[-1]
         assert text in last_line
         assert severity in last_line
         assert PLAIN_TEXT_PATTERN.match(last_line)
예제 #8
 def test_mocked_program(self):
     """Test :class:`humanfriendly.testing.MockedProgram`."""
     name = random_string()
     with MockedProgram(name=name, returncode=42) as directory:
         assert os.path.isdir(directory)
         assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, name))
         assert subprocess.call(name) == 42
예제 #9
 def test_syslog_shortcut_simple(self):
     """Make sure that ``coloredlogs.install(syslog=True)`` works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     expected_message = random_string(50)
     with cleanup_handlers():
         # See test_system_logging() for the importance of this log level.
         logging.error("%s", expected_message)
     # See the comments in test_system_logging() on why this is retried.
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, expected_message, True))
예제 #10
 def test_syslog_shortcut_simple(self):
     """Make sure that ``coloredlogs.install(syslog=True)`` works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     expected_message = random_string(50)
     with cleanup_handlers():
         # See test_system_logging() for the importance of this log level.
         logging.error("%s", expected_message)
     # See the comments in test_system_logging() on why this is retried.
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, expected_message, True))
예제 #11
    def __enter__(self):
        Create the mock program.

        :returns: The pathname of the directory that has
                  been added to ``$PATH`` (a string).
        directory = super(MockedProgram, self).__enter__()
        self.program_signal_file = os.path.join(directory, 'program-was-run-%s' % random_string(10))
        pathname = os.path.join(directory, self.program_name)
        with open(pathname, 'w') as handle:
            handle.write('echo > %s\n' % pipes.quote(self.program_signal_file))
            handle.write('exit %i\n' % self.program_returncode)
        os.chmod(pathname, 0o755)
        return directory
예제 #12
 def test_auto_install(self):
     """Test :func:`coloredlogs.auto_install()`."""
     needle = random_string()
     command_line = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import logging; logging.info(%r)' % needle]
     # Sanity check that log messages aren't enabled by default.
     with CaptureOutput() as capturer:
         os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL'] = 'false'
         output = capturer.get_text()
     assert needle not in output
     # Test that the $COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL environment variable can be
     # used to automatically call coloredlogs.install() during initialization.
     with CaptureOutput() as capturer:
         os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL'] = 'true'
         output = capturer.get_text()
     assert needle in output
예제 #13
 def test_system_logging(self):
     """Make sure the :class:`coloredlogs.syslog.SystemLogging` context manager works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     expected_message = random_string(50)
     with SystemLogging(programname='coloredlogs-test-suite') as syslog:
         if not syslog:
             return self.skipTest("couldn't connect to syslog daemon")
         # When I tried out the system logging support on macOS 10.13.1 on
         # 2018-01-05 I found that while WARNING and ERROR messages show up
         # in the system log DEBUG and INFO messages don't. This explains
         # the importance of the level of the log message below.
         logging.error("%s", expected_message)
     # Retry the following assertion (for up to 60 seconds) to give the
     # logging daemon time to write our log message to disk. This
     # appears to be needed on MacOS workers on Travis CI, see:
     # https://travis-ci.org/xolox/python-coloredlogs/jobs/325245853
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, expected_message, True))
예제 #14
 def test_auto_install(self):
     """Test :func:`coloredlogs.auto_install()`."""
     needle = random_string()
     command_line = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import logging; logging.info(%r)' % needle]
     # Sanity check that log messages aren't enabled by default.
     with CaptureOutput() as capturer:
         os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL'] = 'false'
         output = capturer.get_text()
     assert needle not in output
     # Test that the $COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL environment variable can be
     # used to automatically call coloredlogs.install() during initialization.
     with CaptureOutput() as capturer:
         os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_AUTO_INSTALL'] = 'true'
         output = capturer.get_text()
     assert needle in output
예제 #15
 def test_system_logging(self):
     """Make sure the :class:`coloredlogs.syslog.SystemLogging` context manager works."""
     system_log_file = self.find_system_log()
     expected_message = random_string(50)
     with SystemLogging(programname='coloredlogs-test-suite') as syslog:
         if not syslog:
             return self.skipTest("couldn't connect to syslog daemon")
         # When I tried out the system logging support on macOS 10.13.1 on
         # 2018-01-05 I found that while WARNING and ERROR messages show up
         # in the system log DEBUG and INFO messages don't. This explains
         # the importance of the level of the log message below.
         logging.error("%s", expected_message)
     # Retry the following assertion (for up to 60 seconds) to give the
     # logging daemon time to write our log message to disk. This
     # appears to be needed on MacOS workers on Travis CI, see:
     # https://travis-ci.org/xolox/python-coloredlogs/jobs/325245853
     retry(lambda: check_contents(system_log_file, expected_message, True))
예제 #16
 def test_show_pager(self):
     """Test :func:`humanfriendly.terminal.show_pager()`."""
     original_pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', None)
         # We specifically avoid `less' because it would become awkward to
         # run the test suite in an interactive terminal :-).
         os.environ['PAGER'] = 'cat'
         # Generate a significant amount of random text spread over multiple
         # lines that we expect to be reported literally on the terminal.
         random_text = "\n".join(random_string(25) for i in range(50))
         # Run the pager command and validate the output.
         with CaptureOutput() as capturer:
             assert random_text in capturer.get_text()
         if original_pager is not None:
             # Restore the original $PAGER value.
             os.environ['PAGER'] = original_pager
             # Clear the custom $PAGER value.
예제 #17
 def test_plain_text_output_format(self):
     """Inspect the plain text output of coloredlogs."""
     logger = VerboseLogger(random_string(25))
     stream = StringIO()
     install(level=logging.NOTSET, logger=logger, stream=stream)
     # Test that filtering on severity works.
     logger.debug("No one should see this message.")
     assert len(stream.getvalue().strip()) == 0
     # Test that the default output format looks okay in plain text.
     for method, severity in ((logger.debug, 'DEBUG'),
                              (logger.info, 'INFO'),
                              (logger.verbose, 'VERBOSE'),
                              (logger.warning, 'WARNING'),
                              (logger.error, 'ERROR'),
                              (logger.critical, 'CRITICAL')):
         # XXX Workaround for a regression in Python 3.7 caused by the
         # Logger.isEnabledFor() method using stale cache entries. If we
         # don't clear the cache then logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
         # returns False and no DEBUG message is emitted.
         except AttributeError:
         # Prepare the text.
         text = "This is a message with severity %r." % severity.lower()
         # Log the message with the given severity.
         # Get the line of output generated by the handler.
         output = stream.getvalue()
         lines = output.splitlines()
         last_line = lines[-1]
         assert text in last_line
         assert severity in last_line
         assert PLAIN_TEXT_PATTERN.match(last_line)
예제 #18
 def test_run_cli_intercepts_output(self):
     """Test that run_cli() intercepts output."""
     expected_output = random_string() + "\n"
     returncode, output = run_cli(lambda: sys.stdout.write(expected_output))
     self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
     self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)