def _set_hidKeyboardInput(self, state): rawState = not state if self.isHid: # Make sure the device settings are up to date. keySettings: int = self._dev.getFeature( ALVA_KEY_SETTINGS_REPORT)[ALVA_KEY_SETTINGS_POS] # Try to update the state if rawState: newKeySettings = intToByte(keySettings | ALVA_KEY_RAW_INPUT_MASK) elif keySettings & ALVA_KEY_RAW_INPUT_MASK: newKeySettings = intToByte(keySettings ^ ALVA_KEY_RAW_INPUT_MASK) else: newKeySettings = intToByte(keySettings) self._dev.setFeature(ALVA_KEY_SETTINGS_REPORT + newKeySettings) # Check whether the state has been changed successfully. # If not, this device does not support this feature. keySettings: int = self._dev.getFeature( ALVA_KEY_SETTINGS_REPORT)[ALVA_KEY_SETTINGS_POS] # Save the new state self._rawKeyboardInput = bool(keySettings & ALVA_KEY_RAW_INPUT_MASK) else: self._ser6SendMessage(cmd=b"r", value=boolToByte(rawState)) self._ser6SendMessage(b"r", b"?") for i in range(3): self._dev.waitForRead(self.timeout) if rawState is self._rawKeyboardInput: break
def _sendRequest(self, command: bytes, arg: Union[bytes, bool, int] = b""): """ :type command: bytes :type arg: bytes | bool | int """ typeErrorString = "Expected param '{}' to be of type '{}', got '{}'" if not isinstance(arg, bytes): if isinstance(arg, bool): arg = boolToByte(arg) elif isinstance(arg, int): arg = intToByte(arg) else: raise TypeError( typeErrorString.format("arg", "bytes, bool, or int", type(arg).__name__)) if not isinstance(command, bytes): raise TypeError( typeErrorString.format("command", "bytes", type(command).__name__)) if self.isHid: self._dev.write(command + arg) else: arg = arg.replace(ESCAPE, ESCAPE * 2) data = b"".join([ESCAPE, command, arg]) self._dev.write(data)
def _set_atc(self, state): if self._atc is state: return if isinstance(self._model,AtcMixin): self.sendExtendedPacket(HT_EXTPKT_SET_ATC_MODE, boolToByte(state)) else: log.debugWarning("Changing ATC setting for unsupported device %s" # Regardless whether this setting is supported or not, we want to safe its state. self._atc = state
def terminate(self): try: super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).terminate() try: self._sendRequest(BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF, boolToByte(False)) except EnvironmentError: # Some displays don't support BAUM_PROTOCOL_ONOFF. pass finally: # Make sure the device gets closed. # If it doesn't, we may not be able to re-open it later. self._dev.close()
def _serSendMessage(self, msgId: bytes, payload: Union[bytes, int, bool] = b""): if not isinstance(payload, bytes): if isinstance(payload, int): payload: bytes = intToByte(payload) elif isinstance(payload, bool): payload: bytes = boolToByte(payload) else: raise TypeError( "Expected arg 'payload' to be of type 'bytes, int, or bool'" ) data = b''.join([HEADER, msgId, intToByte(len(payload)), payload]) self._dev.write(data)