statStr = keyLst[iS] temp = list() for k in range(len(statDictLst)): data = statDictLst[k][statStr] data = data[~np.isnan(data)] temp.append(data) dataBox.append(temp) fig = plot.plotBoxFig(dataBox, keyLst, ['LSTM', 'DA-1', 'DA-7'], sharey=False) # plot time series t = utils.time.tRange2Array([20050101, 20150101]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(12, 8)) # iLst = [54, 219, 298, 325, 408] for k in range(5): iGrid = np.random.randint(0, 671) # iGrid = iLst[k] yPlot = list() for y in yLst: yPlot.append(y[iGrid, :]) if k == 0: plot.plotTS( t, yPlot, ax=axes[k], cLst='kbrg', markerLst='----', legLst=['USGS', 'LSTM', 'DA-1', 'DA-7']) else: plot.plotTS(t, yPlot, ax=axes[k], cLst='kbrg', markerLst='----')
siteNoLst = dictData['siteNoLst'] varC = dictData['varC'] bb = True while bb is True: iS = randint(0, len(siteNoLst)) iC = randint(0, 20) iS = 0 iC = 1 t = dfT[dfT['siteNo'] == siteNoLst[iS]]['date'] a = dfT[dfT['siteNo'] == siteNoLst[iS]][varC[iC]] b = dfP[dfP['siteNo'] == siteNoLst[iS]][varC[iC]] if not a.isna().all(): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig, ax = plot.plotTS(t=t, y=[a, b], legLst=[varC[iC] + ' obs', varC[iC] + ' pred']) bb = False pass # time series map siteNoLst = dictData['siteNoLst'] varC = dictData['varC'] nP = len(siteNoLst) nC = len(varC) matRho1 = np.ndarray([nP, nC]) matRho2 = np.ndarray([nP, nC]) matRmse1 = np.ndarray([nP, nC]) matRmse2 = np.ndarray([nP, nC]) matN1 = np.ndarray([nP, nC])
ylabel = "Flow rate ($\mathregular{m^3}$/s)" for k in range(len(gageindex)): iGrid = gageindex[k] yPlot = [obs[iGrid, :]] for y in predLst[0:npred]: yPlot.append(y[iGrid, :]) # get the NSE value of LSTM and DI(1) model NSE_LSTM = str(round(statDictLst[0]["NSE"][iGrid], 2)) NSE_DI1 = str(round(statDictLst[1]["NSE"][iGrid], 2)) # plot time series plot.plotTS( t, yPlot, ax=axes[k], cLst="kbrmg", markerLst="---", legLst=["USGS", "LSTM: " + NSE_LSTM, "DI(1): " + NSE_DI1], title=subtitle[k], linespec=["-", ":", ":"], ylabel=ylabel, ) # plot gage location plot.plotlocmap( plat, plon, ax=axes[-1], baclat=gagelat, baclon=gagelon, title=subtitle[-1], txtlabel=txt, )
# plot # training loss fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.plot(np.arange(nEpoch), lossEpLst) ax.set_xlabel('epoch') ax.set_ylabel('loss') # forcing fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(varFcLst) + 1, 1) titleLst = ['discharge', 'precipitation', 'temperature'] cLst = 'gbr' for i, title in enumerate(titleLst): plot.plotTS(t, x[:, i], ax=axes[i], cLst=cLst[i], lsLst=['-'], tBar=t[-1] - np.timedelta64(nTest, 'D'), title=title) if i + 1 < len(varWqLst): axes[i].set_xticks([]) # water quality dfCode = usgs.readUsgsText(os.path.join(workDir, 'usgs_parameter_code')) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(varWqLst), 1) for i, code in enumerate(varWqLst): title = code + ' ' + \ dfCode['parameter_nm'].loc[dfCode['parameter_cd'] ==code].values[0] plot.plotTS(t, [y[:, i], yOut[:, i]], ax=axes[i], cLst='kr', lsLst=['-', '-'],
# pct = [10, 25, 50, 75, 90] # indLst = list() # diff = (statP['RMSE'] - statF['RMSE']) / statP['RMSE'] # for p in pct: # indLst.append(abs(diff - np.percentile(diff, p)).argmin()) nts = len(indLst) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nts, 1, figsize=[8, 6]) t = df.getT() for k in range(nts): ind = indLst[k] ax = axes[k] legLst = ['SMAP', 'project', 'forecast'] if k == 2 else None plot.plotTS( t, [obs[ind, :], yp[ind, :], yf[ind, :]], ax=ax, cLst='krb', linewidth=1) if k != nts - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.subplots_adjust(vspace=0) fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, 'ts_pixel.eps')) fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, 'ts_pixel')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[8, 6]) plot.plotTS( t, [obs[ind, :], yp[ind, :], yf[ind, :]], ax=ax,
t = df.getT() prcp = df.getDataTs('APCP_FORA').squeeze() tBarLst = [20160401, [20160401, 20170401], 20170401] for k in range(nts): ind = indLst[k] indY = indYLst[k] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[k * 3, 0]) tBar = utils.time.t2dt(tBarLst[indY]) if k == 0: legLst1 = ['project', 'forecast', 'SMAP'] legLst2 = ['prcp'] else: legLst1 = None legLst2 = None plot.plotTS(t, [ypLst[indY][ind, :], yfLst[indY][ind, :], obs[ind, :]], ax=ax, tBar=tBar, legLst=legLst1, linewidth=1) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[k * 3 + 1, 0]) plot.plotTS(t, [prcp[ind, :]], ax=ax, cLst='c', legLst=legLst2, tBar=tBar, linewidth=1) fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, 'ts_extreme.eps')) fig.savefig(os.path.join(saveDir, 'ts_extreme'))
# plot time series indLst = [1023] strLst = ['east Texas'] tBar = [utils.time.t2dt(20160401)] t = df.getT() [lat, lon] = df.getGeo() prcp = df.getDataTs('APCP_FORA') tsNameLst = ['obs', 'prj', 'fore'] for k in range(len(indLst)): fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=[16, 6]) ind = indLst[k] titleStr = 'typical {} pixel, lat {:.3}, lon {:.3}'.format( strLst[k], lat[ind], lon[ind]) tsLst = [obs[ind, :], yp[ind, :], yf[ind, :]] tsLst2 = [prcp[ind, :]] plot.plotTS(t, tsLst, ax=axes[1], legLst=tsNameLst, cLst='krb', tBar=tBar) plot.plotTS(t, tsLst2, ax=axes[0], legLst=['prcp'], title=titleStr, cLst='c', tBar=tBar) axes[0].set_xticks([]) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) # maps for argriculture trLst = [[20160801, 20161101], [20170801, 20171101]] trLab = '1001-1201'
saveFile = os.path.join(workDir, 'data', 'dailyTS', siteNo) usgs.downloadDaily(siteNo, nwisCode, saveFile) saveFile = os.path.join(workDir, 'data', 'sample', siteNo) usgs.downloadSample(siteNo, saveFile) # read data dfDaily = usgs.readUsgsText(os.path.join(workDir, 'data', 'dailyTS', siteNo), dataType='dailyTS') dfSample = usgs.readUsgsText(os.path.join(workDir, 'data', 'sample', siteNo), dataType='sample') # forcing data # see # plot time series dfCode = usgs.readUsgsText(os.path.join(workDir, 'usgs_parameter_code')) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(nwisCode)-1, 1) for i, code in enumerate(nwisCode[1:]): t1 = dfDaily['datetime'].values y1 = dfDaily[code].values t2 = dfSample['datetime'].values y2 = dfSample[code].values title = code + ' ' + \ dfCode['parameter_nm'].loc[dfCode['parameter_cd'] ==code].values[0] plot.plotTS([t1, t2], [y1, y2], ax=axes[i], cLst='rb', mLst=[None, '*'], lsLst=['-', ':'], title=title) if i + 1 < len(nwisCode): axes[i].set_xticks([])
lon=crd[:, 1], t=t, colorMap=colorMap, mapNameLst=mapNameLst, tsNameLst=tsNameLst) # plot time series t = utils.time.tRange2Array([20100101, 20150101]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(12, 8)) iLst = [10, 52, 178, 404, 620] for k in range(5): iGrid = np.random.randint(0, 671) iGrid = iLst[k] yPlot = [yt2[iGrid, :], yp2[iGrid, :]] gageId = camels.gageDict['id'][iGrid] if k == 0: plot.plotTS(t, yPlot, ax=axes[k], cLst='br', markerLst='--', legLst=['USGS', 'LSTM']) else: plot.plotTS(t, yPlot, ax=axes[k], cLst='br', markerLst='--') axes[k].set_ylabel('streamflow(cfs)') if k == 4: axes[k].set_xlabel('time') plt.tight_layout()