def ConvertToPNGIfBMP(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: header = if header == b'BM': (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: with open(path, 'rb') as f_source: with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f_dest: HydrusPaths.CopyFileLikeToFileLike(f_source, f_dest) pil_image = GeneratePILImage(temp_path), 'PNG') finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path)
def boot(): if result.temp_dir is not None: HydrusTemp.SetEnvTempDir(result.temp_dir) controller = None with HydrusLogger.HydrusLogger(db_dir, 'client') as logger: try: HydrusData.Print('hydrus client started') if not HG.twisted_is_broke: import threading threading.Thread(, name='twisted', kwargs={ 'installSignalHandlers': 0 }).start() from hydrus.client import ClientController controller = ClientController.Controller(db_dir) controller.Run() except: HydrusData.Print('hydrus client failed') import traceback HydrusData.Print(traceback.format_exc()) finally: HG.started_shutdown = True HG.view_shutdown = True HG.model_shutdown = True if controller is not None: controller.pubimmediate('wake_daemons') if not HG.twisted_is_broke: reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) HydrusData.Print('hydrus client shut down') HG.shutdown_complete = True if HG.restart: HydrusData.RestartProcess()
def DumpToPNG(width, payload_bytes, title, payload_description, text, path): payload_bytes_length = len(payload_bytes) header_and_payload_bytes_length = payload_bytes_length + 4 payload_height = int(header_and_payload_bytes_length / width) if (header_and_payload_bytes_length / width) % 1.0 > 0: payload_height += 1 top_image = CreateTopImage(width, title, payload_description, text) payload_length_header = struct.pack('!I', payload_bytes_length) num_empty_bytes = payload_height * width - header_and_payload_bytes_length header_and_payload_bytes = payload_length_header + payload_bytes + b'\x00' * num_empty_bytes payload_image = numpy.fromstring(header_and_payload_bytes, dtype='uint8').reshape( (payload_height, width)) finished_image = numpy.concatenate((top_image, payload_image)) # this is to deal with unicode paths, which cv2 can't handle (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath(suffix='.png') try: cv2.imwrite(temp_path, finished_image, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9]) HydrusPaths.MirrorFile(temp_path, path) except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException(e) raise Exception('Could not save the png!') finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path)
def test_import_folders_daemon( self ): test_dir = HydrusTemp.GetTempDir() try: HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'hash_status', ClientImportFiles.FileImportStatus.STATICGetUnknownStatus() ) HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( test_dir ) hydrus_png_path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ) HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( hydrus_png_path, os.path.join( test_dir, '0' ) ) HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( hydrus_png_path, os.path.join( test_dir, '1' ) ) # previously imported HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( hydrus_png_path, os.path.join( test_dir, '2' ) ) with open( os.path.join( test_dir, '3' ), 'wb' ) as f: f.write( b'blarg' ) # broken with open( os.path.join( test_dir, '4' ), 'wb' ) as f: f.write( b'blarg' ) # previously failed # actions = {} actions[ CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_AND_NEW ] = CC.IMPORT_FOLDER_DELETE actions[ CC.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_BUT_REDUNDANT ] = CC.IMPORT_FOLDER_DELETE actions[ CC.STATUS_DELETED ] = CC.IMPORT_FOLDER_DELETE actions[ CC.STATUS_ERROR ] = CC.IMPORT_FOLDER_IGNORE import_folder = ClientImportLocal.ImportFolder( 'imp', path = test_dir, actions = actions ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'serialisable_names', [ 'imp' ] ) HG.test_controller.SetRead( 'serialisable_named', import_folder ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'import_file' ) HG.test_controller.ClearWrites( 'serialisable' ) ClientDaemons.DAEMONCheckImportFolders() import_file = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'import_file' ) self.assertEqual( len( import_file ), 3 ) # I need to expand tests here with the new file system [ ( ( updated_import_folder, ), empty_dict ) ] = HG.test_controller.GetWrite( 'serialisable' ) self.assertEqual( updated_import_folder, import_folder ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( os.path.join( test_dir, '0' ) ) ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( os.path.join( test_dir, '1' ) ) ) self.assertTrue( not os.path.exists( os.path.join( test_dir, '2' ) ) ) self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( os.path.join( test_dir, '3' ) ) ) self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( os.path.join( test_dir, '4' ) ) ) finally: shutil.rmtree( test_dir )
def LoadFromPNG( path ): # this is to deal with unicode paths, which cv2 can't handle ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( path, temp_path ) try: # unchanged because we want exact byte data, no conversions or other gubbins numpy_image = cv2.imread( temp_path, flags = IMREAD_UNCHANGED ) if numpy_image is None: raise Exception() except Exception as e: try: # dequantize = False because we don't want to convert to RGB pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( temp_path, dequantize = False ) numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image ) except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException( e ) raise Exception( '"{}" did not appear to be a valid image!'.format( path ) ) finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath( os_file_handle, temp_path ) return LoadFromNumPyImage( numpy_image )
def GenerateThumbnailBytes(path, target_resolution, mime, duration, num_frames, clip_rect=None, percentage_in=35): if target_resolution == (0, 0): target_resolution = (128, 128) if mime in (HC.IMAGE_JPEG, HC.IMAGE_PNG, HC.IMAGE_GIF, HC.IMAGE_WEBP, HC.IMAGE_TIFF, HC.IMAGE_ICON): # not apng atm thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_PSD: (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath(suffix='.png') try: HydrusVideoHandling.RenderImageToPNGPath(path, temp_path) thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( temp_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) except: thumb_path = os.path.join(HC.STATIC_DIR, 'psd.png') thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( thumb_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path) elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_CLIP: (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: HydrusClipHandling.ExtractDBPNGToPath(path, temp_path) thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( temp_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) except: thumb_path = os.path.join(HC.STATIC_DIR, 'clip.png') thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( thumb_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path) elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_FLASH: (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: HydrusFlashHandling.RenderPageToFile(path, temp_path, 1) thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( temp_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) except: thumb_path = os.path.join(HC.STATIC_DIR, 'flash.png') thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesFromStaticImagePath( thumb_path, target_resolution, mime, clip_rect=clip_rect) finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path) else: renderer = HydrusVideoHandling.VideoRendererFFMPEG(path, mime, duration, num_frames, target_resolution, clip_rect=clip_rect) renderer.read_frame( ) # this initialises the renderer and loads the first frame as a fallback desired_thumb_frame = int((percentage_in / 100.0) * num_frames) renderer.set_position(desired_thumb_frame) numpy_image = renderer.read_frame() if numpy_image is None: raise Exception('Could not create a thumbnail from that video!') numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.ResizeNumPyImage( numpy_image, target_resolution) # just in case ffmpeg doesn't deliver right thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesNumPy( numpy_image, mime) renderer.Stop() del renderer return thumbnail_bytes
def MaintainMemorySlow( self ): HydrusTemp.CleanUpOldTempPaths() self._MaintainCallToThreads()
def _InitTempDir( self ): self.temp_dir = HydrusTemp.GetTempDir()
def MainLoop(self): hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run = set() total_hashes_in_this_run = 0 total_successful_hashes_in_this_run = 0 while not (HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown() or self._shutting_down or HG.view_shutdown): with self._lock: if len(self._pending_hashes) > 0: if total_hashes_in_this_run == 0: job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey(cancellable=True) job_key.SetStatusTitle('downloading') job_key.SetVariable('popup_text_1', 'initialising downloader') job_key_pub_job = self._controller.CallLater( 2.0,, 'message', job_key) num_before = len(hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run) hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run.update( self._pending_hashes) num_after = len(hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run) total_hashes_in_this_run += num_after - num_before self._pending_hashes = set() if len(hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run) == 0: total_hashes_in_this_run = 0 total_successful_hashes_in_this_run = 0 self._new_files_event.wait(5) self._new_files_event.clear() continue if job_key.IsCancelled(): hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run = set() continue hash = random.sample(hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run, 1)[0] hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run.discard(hash) total_done = total_hashes_in_this_run - len( hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run) job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'downloading files from remote services: {}'.format( HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( total_done, total_hashes_in_this_run))) job_key.SetVariable('popup_gauge_1', (total_done, total_hashes_in_this_run)) try: errors_occured = [] file_successful = False media_result = self._controller.Read('media_result', hash) service_keys = list( media_result.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent()) random.shuffle(service_keys) if CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in service_keys: total_successful_hashes_in_this_run += 1 continue for service_key in service_keys: try: service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key) except: continue try: if service.GetServiceType() == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: file_repository = service if file_repository.IsFunctional(): (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: file_repository.Request( HC.GET, 'file', {'hash': hash}, temp_path=temp_path) exclude_deleted = False # this is the important part here do_not_check_known_urls_before_importing = False do_not_check_hashes_before_importing = False allow_decompression_bombs = True min_size = None max_size = None max_gif_size = None min_resolution = None max_resolution = None automatic_archive = False associate_primary_urls = True associate_source_urls = True file_import_options = FileImportOptions.FileImportOptions( ) file_import_options.SetPreImportOptions( exclude_deleted, do_not_check_known_urls_before_importing, do_not_check_hashes_before_importing, allow_decompression_bombs, min_size, max_size, max_gif_size, min_resolution, max_resolution) file_import_options.SetPostImportOptions( automatic_archive, associate_primary_urls, associate_source_urls) file_import_job = ClientImportFiles.FileImportJob( temp_path, file_import_options) file_import_job.DoWork() file_successful = True break finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath( os_file_handle, temp_path) elif service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS: multihashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'service_filenames', service_key, {hash}) if len(multihashes) > 0: multihash = multihashes[0] service.ImportFile(multihash, silent=True) file_successful = True break except Exception as e: errors_occured.append(e) if file_successful: total_successful_hashes_in_this_run += 1 if len(errors_occured) > 0: if not file_successful: raise errors_occured[0] except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException(e) hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run = 0 finally: if len(hashes_still_to_download_in_this_run) == 0: job_key.DeleteVariable('popup_text_1') job_key.DeleteVariable('popup_gauge_1') if total_successful_hashes_in_this_run > 0: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', HydrusData.ToHumanInt( total_successful_hashes_in_this_run) + ' files downloaded') job_key_pub_job.Cancel() job_key.Finish() job_key.Delete(1)
def LoadFromPNG(path): # this is to deal with unicode paths, which cv2 can't handle (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() try: HydrusPaths.MirrorFile(path, temp_path) try: # unchanged because we want exact byte data, no conversions or other gubbins numpy_image = cv2.imread(temp_path, flags=IMREAD_UNCHANGED) if numpy_image is None: raise Exception() except Exception as e: try: # dequantize = False because we don't want to convert to RGB pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( temp_path, dequantize=False) numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( pil_image) except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowException(e) raise Exception('That did not appear to be a valid image!') finally: HydrusTemp.CleanUpTempPath(os_file_handle, temp_path) try: height = numpy_image.shape[0] width = numpy_image.shape[1] if len(numpy_image.shape) > 2: depth = numpy_image.shape[2] if depth != 1: raise Exception('The file did not appear to be monochrome!') try: complete_data = numpy_image.tostring() top_height_header = complete_data[:2] (top_height, ) = struct.unpack('!H', top_height_header) payload_and_header_bytes = complete_data[width * top_height:] except: raise Exception('Header bytes were invalid!') try: payload_length_header = payload_and_header_bytes[:4] (payload_bytes_length, ) = struct.unpack('!I', payload_length_header) payload_bytes = payload_and_header_bytes[4:4 + payload_bytes_length] except: raise Exception('Payload bytes were invalid!') except Exception as e: HydrusData.PrintException(e) message = 'The image loaded, but it did not seem to be a hydrus serialised png! The error was: {}'.format( str(e)) message += os.linesep * 2 message += 'If you believe this is a legit non-resized, non-converted hydrus serialised png, please send it to hydrus_dev.' raise Exception(message) return payload_bytes
if HG.db_journal_mode == 'WAL': HG.db_synchronous = 1 else: HG.db_synchronous = 2 HG.no_db_temp_files = result.no_db_temp_files HG.boot_debug = result.boot_debug if result.temp_dir is not None: HydrusTemp.SetEnvTempDir(result.temp_dir) except Exception as e: import traceback error_trace = traceback.format_exc() print(error_trace) if 'db_dir' in locals() and os.path.exists(db_dir): emergency_dir = db_dir else:
def _callbackParsePOSTArgs(self, request: HydrusServerRequest.HydrusRequest): if not request.requestHeaders.hasHeader('Content-Type'): parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworkVariableHandling.ParsedRequestArguments( ) else: content_types = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( 'Content-Type') content_type = content_types[0] try: mime = HC.mime_enum_lookup[content_type] except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Did not recognise Content-Type header!') total_bytes_read = 0 if mime == HC.APPLICATION_JSON: json_string = total_bytes_read += len(json_string) parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworkVariableHandling.ParseNetworkBytesToParsedHydrusArgs( json_string) else: (os_file_handle, temp_path) = HydrusTemp.GetTempPath() request.temp_file_info = (os_file_handle, temp_path) with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f: for block in HydrusPaths.ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( request.content): f.write(block) total_bytes_read += len(block) decompression_bombs_ok = self._DecompressionBombsOK(request) parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworkVariableHandling.ParseFileArguments( temp_path, decompression_bombs_ok) self._reportDataUsed(request, total_bytes_read) request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args return request
def CheckHasSpaceForDBTransaction(db_dir, num_bytes): if HG.no_db_temp_files: space_needed = int(num_bytes * 1.1) approx_available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available * 4 / 5 if approx_available_memory < num_bytes: raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(space_needed) + ' available memory, since you are running in no_db_temp_files mode, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(approx_available_memory) + '.') db_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace(db_dir) if db_disk_free_space < space_needed: raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(space_needed) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(db_disk_free_space) + '.') else: temp_dir = HydrusTemp.GetCurrentTempDir() temp_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace(temp_dir) temp_and_db_on_same_device = HydrusPaths.GetDevice( temp_dir) == HydrusPaths.GetDevice(db_dir) if temp_and_db_on_same_device: space_needed = int(num_bytes * 2.2) if temp_disk_free_space < space_needed: raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(space_needed) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, which I think also holds your temporary path, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(temp_disk_free_space) + '.') else: space_needed = int(num_bytes * 1.1) if temp_disk_free_space < space_needed: raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(space_needed) + ' on your temporary path\'s disk partition, which I think is ' + temp_dir + ', but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(temp_disk_free_space) + '.') db_disk_free_space = HydrusPaths.GetFreeSpace(db_dir) if db_disk_free_space < space_needed: raise Exception( 'I believe you need about ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(space_needed) + ' on your db\'s disk partition, but you only seem to have ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes(db_disk_free_space) + '.')