def write_bluenotes(cls, feature_list, path, list_of_list=True): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): raise RuntimeError("the passed path does not exist: %s" % path) path = Helper.truncate_too_long(path) if not isinstance(feature_list, list): raise RuntimeError( "the passed parameter as feature_list is not a list: %s" % type(feature_list)) if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == '.shp': path = path[:-4] GdalAux() # create the data source try: ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source( ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats['ESRI Shapefile'], output_path=path) lyr = cls._create_ogr_point_lyr_and_fields(ds) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s" % e) return if list_of_list: if len(feature_list[0]) != len(feature_list[1]): raise RuntimeError("invalid input for list of list") tmp_list = feature_list feature_list = list() for i, x in enumerate(tmp_list[0]): if len(tmp_list) >= 4: feature_list.append( [x, tmp_list[1][i], tmp_list[2][i], tmp_list[3][i]]) else: feature_list.append([x, tmp_list[1][i], tmp_list[2][i]]) for feature in feature_list: ft = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) ft.SetField('note', feature[2]) if len(feature) >= 4: ft.SetField('info', feature[3]) pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint25D) pt.SetPoint(0, feature[0], feature[1]) try: ft.SetGeometry(pt) except Exception as e: RuntimeError("%s > pt: %s, %s" % (e, feature[0], feature[1])) if lyr.CreateFeature(ft) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create feature") ft.Destroy() return True
def test_create_ogr_data_source(self): for ogr_format in GdalAux.ogr_formats.keys(): output_file = "ex_gdal_aux%s" % GdalAux.ogr_exts[ogr_format]) if output_file.exists(): output_file.unlink() output_ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source( ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats[ogr_format], output_path=str(output_file)) lyr = output_ds.CreateLayer("test", None, ogr.wkbPoint) self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) output_ds = None
def write_soundings(cls, feature_list, path): """Feature list as list of long, lat, depth""" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): raise RuntimeError("the passed path does not exist: %s" % path) path = Helper.truncate_too_long(path) if not isinstance(feature_list, list): raise RuntimeError( "the passed parameter as feature_list is not a list: %s" % type(feature_list)) if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == '.shp': path = path[:-4] GdalAux() # create the data source try: ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source( ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats['ESRI Shapefile'], output_path=path) lyr = cls._create_ogr_point_lyr_and_fields(ds) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s" % e) return for feature in feature_list: ft = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) ft.SetField('info', "%.1f" % feature[2]) pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint25D) pt.SetPoint(0, feature[0], feature[1], feature[2]) try: ft.SetGeometry(pt) except Exception as e: RuntimeError("%s > pt: %s, %s, %s" % (e, feature[0], feature[1], feature[2])) if lyr.CreateFeature(ft) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create feature") ft.Destroy() return True
def generate_output(self, output_folder, output_name): logger.debug("do EXIF: %s" % self.do_exif) # create ascii file self.output_ascii = os.path.join(output_folder, "%s.ascii" % output_name) ascii_fod = open(self.output_ascii, 'w') ascii_fod.write('Latitude;Longitude;Observed time;Colour;Nature of surface - qualifying terms;' 'Nature of surface;Remarks;Source date;Source indication;Images;' 'CMECS Substrate Name;CMECS Substrate Code;' 'CMECS Co-occurring Element 1 Name;CMECS Co-occurring Element 1 Code;' 'CMECS Co-occurring Element 2 Name;CMECS Co-occurring Element 2 Code\n') # create output folder self.cmecs_output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, output_name) if not os.path.exists(self.cmecs_output_folder): os.mkdir(self.cmecs_output_folder) # create 'Images' output folder self.images_output_folder = os.path.join(self.cmecs_output_folder, "Images") if not os.path.exists(self.images_output_folder): os.mkdir(self.images_output_folder) # create shapefile self.output_shp = os.path.join(self.cmecs_output_folder, output_name) GdalAux() try: ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source(ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats['ESRI Shapefile'], output_path=self.output_shp) lyr = self._create_ogr_point_lyr_and_fields(ds) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s" % e) return False # populate for idx, feature in enumerate(self.sbdare_features): # create OGR feature ft = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) # retrieve position for ASCII format lat = Geodesy.dd2dms(feature.centroid.y) lon = Geodesy.dd2dms(feature.centroid.x) lat_str = "%02.0f-%02.0f-%05.2f%s" % (abs(lat[0]), lat[1], lat[2], ("N" if (lat[0] > 0) else "S")) lon_str = "%03.0f-%02.0f-%05.2f%s" % (abs(lon[0]), lon[1], lon[2], ("E" if (lon[0] > 0) else "W")) # print(lat_str, lon_str) # retrieve position for shapefile format pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint(0, feature.centroid.x, feature.centroid.y) try: ft.SetGeometry(pt) except Exception as e: RuntimeError("%s > #%d pt: %s, %s" % (e, idx, feature.centroid.x, feature.centroid.y)) info = self._retrieve_info(feature=feature, feature_idx=idx) info = self._calc_cmecs(info=info, feature_idx=idx) # for each SBDARE, write a row in the ASCII file ascii_fod.write("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n" % (lat_str, lon_str, info.observed_time, info.colour, info.natqua, info.natsur, info.remrks, info.sordat, info.sorind, info.images, info.c_subn, info.c_subc, info.c_cen1, info.c_cec1, info.c_cen2, info.c_cec2)) # actually write the feature in the shapefile self._write_shape_attributes(ft, info) if lyr.CreateFeature(ft) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create feature") ft.Destroy() # finalize ASCII file ascii_fod.close() return self._finalize_generate_output(root_folder=output_folder, base_folder=output_name, remove_folder=False)
import logging from pathlib import Path from osgeo import ogr from import TestingPaths from import GdalAux from import set_logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) set_logging(ns_list=[""]) tp = TestingPaths(root_folder=Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve()) gdal_version = GdalAux.current_gdal_version() logger.debug("GDAL version: %s" % gdal_version) for ogr_format in GdalAux.ogr_formats.keys(): output_file = tp.output_data_folder().joinpath( "ex_gdal_aux%s" % GdalAux.ogr_exts[ogr_format]) if output_file.exists(): output_file.unlink() logger.debug("file: %s" % output_file) output_ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source( ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats[ogr_format], output_path=str(output_file)) lyr = output_ds.CreateLayer("test", None, ogr.wkbPoint) output_ds = None
def write_tin(cls, feature_list_a, feature_list_b, path, list_of_list=True): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): raise RuntimeError("the passed path does not exist: %s" % path) path = Helper.truncate_too_long(path) if not isinstance(feature_list_a, list): raise RuntimeError("the passed parameter as feature_list_a is not a list: %s" % type(feature_list_a)) if not isinstance(feature_list_b, list): raise RuntimeError("the passed parameter as feature_list_b is not a list: %s" % type(feature_list_b)) if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == '.kml': path = path[:-4] GdalAux() # create the data source try: ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source(ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats['KML'], output_path=path) lyr = cls._create_ogr_line_lyr_and_fields(ds) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s" % e) return if list_of_list: if len(feature_list_a[0]) != len(feature_list_a[1]): raise RuntimeError("invalid input for list of list") if len(feature_list_b[0]) != len(feature_list_b[1]): raise RuntimeError("invalid input for list of list") if len(feature_list_a) != len(feature_list_b): raise RuntimeError("invalid input for list of list") tmp_list_a = feature_list_a feature_list_a = list() for i, x in enumerate(tmp_list_a[0]): feature_list_a.append([x, tmp_list_a[1][i]]) tmp_list_b = feature_list_b feature_list_b = list() for i, x in enumerate(tmp_list_b[0]): feature_list_b.append([x, tmp_list_b[1][i]]) for i, point in enumerate(feature_list_a): ft = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) ft.SetField('note', "tin edge") ln = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) ln.AddPoint(point[0], point[1]) ln.AddPoint(feature_list_b[i][0], feature_list_b[i][1]) try: ft.SetGeometry(ln) except Exception as e: RuntimeError("%s > ln: %s, %s / %s, %s" % (e, point[0], point[1], feature_list_b[i][0], feature_list_b[i][1])) if lyr.CreateFeature(ft) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create feature") ft.Destroy() return True
def export_profiles_metadata(self, project_name, output_folder, ogr_format=GdalAux.ogr_formats['ESRI Shapefile'], filter_fields=None): self.filter_fields = filter_fields if self.filter_fields is None: self.filter_fields = ExportDbFields() GdalAux() output = os.path.join(self.export_folder(output_folder=output_folder), project_name) # create the data source try: ds = GdalAux.create_ogr_data_source(ogr_format=ogr_format, output_path=output) lyr = self._create_ogr_lyr_and_fields(ds) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("%s" % e) return rows = self.db.list_profiles() if rows is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve profiles. Empty database?") if len(rows) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve profiles. Empty database?") for row in rows: ft = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) if self.filter_fields.fields['pk']: ft.SetField('pk', int(row[0])) if self.filter_fields.fields['datetime']: ft.SetField('datetime', row[1].isoformat()) if self.filter_fields.fields['sensor']: ft.SetField('sensor', Dicts.first_match(Dicts.sensor_types, row[3])) if self.filter_fields.fields['probe']: ft.SetField('probe', Dicts.first_match(Dicts.probe_types, row[4])) if self.filter_fields.fields['path']: ft.SetField('path', row[5]) if self.filter_fields.fields['agency']: if row[6]: ft.SetField('agency', row[6]) if self.filter_fields.fields['survey']: if row[7]: ft.SetField('survey', row[7]) if self.filter_fields.fields['vessel']: if row[8]: ft.SetField('vessel', row[8]) if self.filter_fields.fields['sn']: if row[9]: ft.SetField('sn', row[9]) if self.filter_fields.fields['proc_time']: ft.SetField('proc_time', row[10].isoformat()) if self.filter_fields.fields['proc_info']: ft.SetField('proc_info', row[11]) if self.filter_fields.fields['surveyline']: if row[12]: ft.SetField('surveyline', row[12]) if self.filter_fields.fields['comments']: if row[13]: ft.SetField('comments', row[13]) if self.filter_fields.fields['press_uom']: if row[14]: ft.SetField('press_uom', row[14]) if self.filter_fields.fields['depth_uom']: if row[15]: ft.SetField('depth_uom', row[15]) if self.filter_fields.fields['ss_uom']: if row[16]: ft.SetField('ss_uom', row[16]) if self.filter_fields.fields['temp_uom']: if row[17]: ft.SetField('temp_uom', row[17]) if self.filter_fields.fields['cond_uom']: if row[18]: ft.SetField('cond_uom', row[18]) if self.filter_fields.fields['sal_uom']: if row[19]: ft.SetField('sal_uom', row[19]) if self.filter_fields.fields['ss_at_mind']: if row[20]: ft.SetField('ss_at_mind', row[20]) if self.filter_fields.fields['min_depth']: if row[21]: ft.SetField('min_depth', row[21]) if self.filter_fields.fields['max_depth']: if row[22]: ft.SetField('max_depth', row[22]) if self.filter_fields.fields['max_raw_d']: if row[23]: ft.SetField('max_raw_d', row[23]) pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) lat = row[2].y lon = row[2].x if lon > 180.0: # Go back to negative longitude lon -= 360.0 pt.SetPoint_2D(0, lon, lat) if self.filter_fields.fields['POINT_X']: ft.SetField('POINT_X', lon) if self.filter_fields.fields['POINT_Y']: ft.SetField('POINT_Y', lat) try: ft.SetGeometry(pt) except Exception as e: RuntimeError("%s > pt: %s, %s" % (e, lon, lat)) if lyr.CreateFeature(ft) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create feature") ft.Destroy() ds = None return True