def _bag_checks_v2_gdal_compatibility(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._gdal_compatibility is False: self._bc_report += "GDAL Compatibility [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All GDAL-compatibility-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "GDAL Compatibility [SECTION]" self._bc_gdal_compatibility_errors = 0 self._bc_gdal_compatibility_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # CHK: Too many refinement grids self._bc_report += "Check for 'Too many refinement grids' GDAL error [CHECK]" bf_rows, bf_cols = bf.elevation_shape() if self._is_vr and ((bf_rows * bf_cols) > 10000000): self._bc_gdal_compatibility_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Too big super-grid: %d, %d" % (bf_rows, bf_cols) return else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_gdal_compatibility_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Unexpected issue: %s" % e
def _bag_checks_v2_elevation(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._elevation is False: self._bc_report += "Elevation [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All elevation-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "Elevation [SECTION]" self._bc_elevation_errors = 0 self._bc_elevation_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # CHK: presence of elevation self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Elevation dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_elevation(): self._bc_elevation_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Elevation dataset" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" self._cur_min_depth, self._cur_max_depth = bf.depth_min_max() logger.debug('min/max depth: %.2f/%.2f' % (self._cur_min_depth, self._cur_max_depth)) # CHK: all NaN self._bc_report += "Check that all the values are not NaN [CHECK]" if np.isnan(self._cur_min_depth): # all NaN case self._bc_elevation_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] All elevation values are NaN" else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._is_vr: # CHK: presence of VR Refinements self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Refinements dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_refinements(): self._bc_elevation_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Refinements dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" self._cur_vr_min_depth, self._cur_vr_max_depth = bf.vr_depth_min_max() logger.debug('VR min/max depth: %.2f/%.2f' % (self._cur_vr_min_depth, self._cur_vr_max_depth)) # CHK: VR depth all NaN self._bc_report += "Check that all the VR depth values are not NaN [CHECK]" if np.isnan(self._cur_vr_min_depth): # all NaN case self._bc_elevation_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] All VR elevation values are NaN" else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_elevation_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Unknown issue: %s" % e
def _bag_checks_v1_tracking_list(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._tracking_list is False: self._bc_report += "Tracking List [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All tracking-list-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "Tracking List [SECTION]" self._bc_tracking_list_errors = 0 self._bc_tracking_list_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # CHK: presence of tracking list self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Tracking List dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_tracking_list(): self._bc_tracking_list_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Tracking List dataset" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK validity of row columns self._bc_report += "Check the validity of 'row' columns [CHECK]" if not bf.has_valid_row_in_tracking_list(): self._bc_tracking_list_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] At least 1 invalid value in 'row' columns" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK validity of col columns self._bc_report += "Check the validity of 'col' columns [CHECK]" if not bf.has_valid_col_in_tracking_list(): self._bc_tracking_list_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] At least 1 invalid value in 'col' columns" else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._is_vr: # CHK: presence of VR Tracking List self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Tracking List dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_tracking_list(): self._bc_tracking_list_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Tracking List dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_tracking_list_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Unexpected issue: %s" % e
def _bag_checks_v1_uncertainty(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._uncertainty is False: self._bc_report += "Uncertainty [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All uncertainty-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "Uncertainty [SECTION]" self._bc_uncertainty_errors = 0 self._bc_uncertainty_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # CHK: presence of uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Uncertainty dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_uncertainty(): self._bc_uncertainty_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Uncertainty dataset" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._cur_max_depth is None: self._cur_min_depth, self._cur_max_depth = bf.depth_min_max() logger.debug('min/max depth: %.2f/%.2f' % (self._cur_min_depth, self._cur_max_depth)) if np.isnan(self._cur_max_depth) or (self._cur_max_depth < 0.0): high_unc_threshold = 2.0 else: high_unc_threshold = 2.0 + 0.05 * self._cur_max_depth logger.debug('max uncertainty threshold: %.2f' % (high_unc_threshold, )) # logger.debug('min/max elevation: %s/%s' % (min_elevation, max_elevation)) min_uncertainty, max_uncertainty = bf.uncertainty_min_max() logger.debug('min/max uncertainty: %.2f/%.2f' % (min_uncertainty, max_uncertainty)) if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: all NaN self._bc_report += "Check that all the values are not NaN [CHECK]" if np.isnan(min_uncertainty): # all NaN case self._bc_uncertainty_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] All uncertainty values are NaN" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: negative uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check that uncertainty values are only positive [CHECK]" if min_uncertainty <= 0.0: self._bc_uncertainty_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] At least one negative or zero value of uncertainty is present (%.3f)" \ % min_uncertainty else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: negative uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check that uncertainty values are not too high (<%.2fm) [CHECK]" \ % high_unc_threshold if max_uncertainty >= high_unc_threshold: self._bc_uncertainty_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Too high value for maximum uncertainty: %.2f" % max_uncertainty else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._is_vr: # CHK: presence of VR Refinements self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Refinements dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_refinements(): self._bc_uncertainty_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Refinements dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._cur_vr_max_depth is None: self._cur_vr_min_depth, self._cur_vr_max_depth = bf.vr_depth_min_max( ) logger.debug('min/max elevation: %.2f/%.2f' % (self._cur_vr_min_depth, self._cur_vr_max_depth)) if np.isnan(self._cur_vr_max_depth) or (self._cur_vr_max_depth < 0.0): vr_high_unc_threshold = 2.0 else: vr_high_unc_threshold = 2.0 + 0.05 * self._cur_vr_max_depth logger.debug('VR uncertainty threshold: %.2f' % (vr_high_unc_threshold, )) vr_min_uncertainty, vr_max_uncertainty = bf.vr_uncertainty_min_max( ) logger.debug('VR min/max uncertainty: %.2f/%.2f' % (vr_min_uncertainty, vr_max_uncertainty)) if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: all NaN self._bc_report += "Check that all the VR values are not NaN [CHECK]" if np.isnan(vr_min_uncertainty): # all NaN case self._bc_uncertainty_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] All uncertainty values are NaN" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: negative uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check that VR uncertainty values are only positive [CHECK]" if vr_min_uncertainty <= 0.0: self._bc_uncertainty_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] At least one negative or zero value of uncertainty is present (%.3f)" \ % min_uncertainty else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: negative uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check that VR uncertainty values are not too high (<%.2fm) [CHECK]" \ % vr_high_unc_threshold if vr_max_uncertainty >= vr_high_unc_threshold: self._bc_uncertainty_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Too high value for maximum uncertainty: %.2f" % vr_max_uncertainty else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_uncertainty_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Unuspected issue: %s" % e
def _bag_checks_v1_metadata(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._metadata is False: self._bc_report += "Metadata [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All metadata-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "Metadata [SECTION]" self._bc_metadata_errors = 0 self._bc_metadata_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # CHK: presence of metadata self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Metadata dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_metadata(): self._bc_metadata_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Metadata dataset" return else: self._bc_report += "OK" bf.populate_metadata() # bf.extract_metadata('test.xml') if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: use of projected spatial reference system self._bc_report += "Check that the spatial reference system is projected [CHECK]" if bf.meta.wkt_srs is None: if b"UTM" not in bf.meta.xml_srs: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] The spatial reference system might be NOT projected [%s...]" \ % bf.meta.xml_srs[:20] self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" else: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(bf.meta.wkt_srs) # check if projected coordinates if not srs.IsProjected: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] The spatial reference system does is NOT projected [%s...]" \ % bf.meta.wkt_srs[:20] self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" # TODO: additional checks on SRS if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: definition of vertical datum self._bc_report += "Check that the vertical datum is defined [CHECK]" if bf.meta.wkt_vertical_datum is None: if b"Unknown" in bf.meta.xml_vertical_datum: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] The vertical datum might be unknown [%s...]" \ % bf.meta.xml_vertical_datum[:20] self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" else: if "unknown" in bf.meta.wkt_vertical_datum.lower(): self._bc_report += "[WARNING] The vertical datum is unknown [%s...]" \ % bf.meta.wkt_vertical_datum[:20] self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: presence of creation date self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the creation date [CHECK]" if is None: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Unable to retrieve the creation date." self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of survey start date self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the survey start date [CHECK]" if bf.meta.survey_start_date is None: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Unable to retrieve the survey start date." self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of survey end date self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the survey end date [CHECK]" if bf.meta.survey_end_date is None: self._bc_report += "[WARNING] Unable to retrieve the survey end date." self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._noaa_nbs_profile: # CHK: use of product uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check the selection of Product Uncertainty [CHECK]" if not bf.has_product_uncertainty(): self._bc_metadata_warnings += 1 self._bc_report += "[WARNING] The Uncertainty layer does not contain Product Uncertainty: %s" \ % bf.meta.unc_type else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._is_vr: # CHK: presence of VR Metadata self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Metadata dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_metadata(): self._bc_metadata_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Metadata dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_metadata_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Unexpected issue: %s" % e
def _bag_checks_v1_structure(self, grid_file: str) -> None: if self._structure is False: self._bc_report += "Structure [SKIP_SEC]" self._bc_report += "All structure-related checks are deactivated. [SKIP_REP]" return self._bc_report += "Structure [SECTION]" self._bc_structure_errors = 0 self._bc_structure_warnings = 0 try: bf = bag.BAGFile(grid_file) # logger.debug('BAG version: %s' % bf.bag_version()) # CHK: presence of root self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the BAG Root group [CHECK]" if not bf.has_bag_root(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the BAG Root group" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of version self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the BAG Version attribute [CHECK]" if not bf.has_bag_version(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the BAG Version attribute" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of metadata self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Metadata dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_metadata(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Metadata dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of elevation self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Elevation dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_elevation(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Elevation dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of uncertainty self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Uncertainty dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_uncertainty(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Uncertainty dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of tracking list self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the Tracking List dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_tracking_list(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the Tracking List dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" if self._is_vr: # CHK: presence of VR Metadata self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Metadata dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_metadata(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Metadata dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of VR Refinements self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Refinements dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_refinements(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Refinements dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" # CHK: presence of VR Tracking List self._bc_report += "Check the presence of the VR Tracking List dataset [CHECK]" if not bf.has_varres_tracking_list(): self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] Missing the VR Tracking List dataset" else: self._bc_report += "OK" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._bc_report += "Other potential issues [CHECK]" self._bc_structure_errors += 1 self._bc_report += "[ERROR] %s" % e