예제 #1
def from_typing_type(thing):
    # We start with special-case support for Union and Tuple - the latter
    # isn't actually a generic type.  Support for Callable may be added to
    # this section later.
    # We then explicitly error on non-Generic types, which don't carry enough
    # information to sensibly resolve to strategies at runtime.
    # Finally, we run a variation of the subclass lookup in st.from_type
    # among generic types in the lookup.
    import typing
    # Under 3.6 Union is handled directly in st.from_type, as the argument is
    # not an instance of `type`. However, under Python 3.5 Union *is* a type
    # and we have to handle it here, including failing if it has no parameters.
    if hasattr(thing, '__union_params__'):  # pragma: no cover
        args = sorted(thing.__union_params__ or (), key=type_sorting_key)
        if not args:
            raise ResolutionFailed('Cannot resolve Union of no types.')
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in args])
    if isinstance(thing, typing.TupleMeta):
        elem_types = getattr(thing, '__tuple_params__', None) or ()
        elem_types += getattr(thing, '__args__', None) or ()
        if getattr(thing, '__tuple_use_ellipsis__', False) or \
                len(elem_types) == 2 and elem_types[-1] is Ellipsis:
            return st.lists(st.from_type(elem_types[0])).map(tuple)
        return st.tuples(*map(st.from_type, elem_types))
    # Now, confirm that we're dealing with a generic type as we expected
    if not isinstance(thing, typing.GenericMeta):  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed('Cannot resolve %s to a strategy' % (thing, ))
    # Parametrised generic types have their __origin__ attribute set to the
    # un-parametrised version, which we need to use in the subclass checks.
    # e.g.:     typing.List[int].__origin__ == typing.List
    mapping = {
        k: v
        for k, v in _global_type_lookup.items()
        if isinstance(k, typing.GenericMeta)
        and try_issubclass(k,
                           getattr(thing, '__origin__', None) or thing)
    if typing.Dict in mapping:
        # The subtype relationships between generic and concrete View types
        # are sometimes inconsistent under Python 3.5, so we pop them out to
        # preserve our invariant that all examples of from_type(T) are
        # instances of type T - and simplify the strategy for abstract types
        # such as Container
        for t in (typing.KeysView, typing.ValuesView, typing.ItemsView):
            mapping.pop(t, None)
    strategies = [
        v if isinstance(v, st.SearchStrategy) else v(thing)
        for k, v in mapping.items() if sum(
            try_issubclass(k, T) for T in mapping) == 1
    empty = ', '.join(repr(s) for s in strategies if s.is_empty)
    if empty or not strategies:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed(
            'Could not resolve %s to a strategy; consider using '
            'register_type_strategy' % (empty or thing, ))
    return st.one_of(strategies)
예제 #2
파일: _fields.py 프로젝트: jjpal/hypothesis
def from_field(field: F) -> st.SearchStrategy[Union[F, None]]:
    """Return a strategy for values that fit the given field.

    This function is used by :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_form` and
    :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_model` for any fields that require
    a value, or for which you passed ``...`` (:obj:`python:Ellipsis`) to infer
    a strategy from an annotation.

    It's pretty similar to the core :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`
    function, with a subtle but important difference: ``from_field`` takes a
    Field *instance*, rather than a Field *subtype*, so that it has access to
    instance attributes such as string length and validators.
    check_type((dm.Field, df.Field), field, "field")
    if getattr(field, "choices", False):
        choices: list = []
        for value, name_or_optgroup in field.choices:
            if isinstance(name_or_optgroup, (list, tuple)):
                choices.extend(key for key, _ in name_or_optgroup)
        # form fields automatically include an empty choice, strip it out
        if "" in choices:
        min_size = 1
        if isinstance(field, (dm.CharField, dm.TextField)) and field.blank:
            choices.insert(0, "")
        elif isinstance(field, (df.Field)) and not field.required:
            choices.insert(0, "")
            min_size = 0
        strategy = st.sampled_from(choices)
        if isinstance(field,
                      (df.MultipleChoiceField, df.TypedMultipleChoiceField)):
            strategy = st.lists(st.sampled_from(choices), min_size=min_size)
        if type(field) not in _global_field_lookup:
            if getattr(field, "null", False):
                return st.none()
            raise ResolutionFailed(f"Could not infer a strategy for {field!r}")
        strategy = _global_field_lookup[type(field)]  # type: ignore
        if not isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy):
            strategy = strategy(field)
    assert isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy)
    if field.validators:

        def validate(value):
                return True
            except django.core.exceptions.ValidationError:
                return False

        strategy = strategy.filter(validate)

    if getattr(field, "null", False):
        return st.none() | strategy
    return strategy
예제 #3
def from_attrs_attribute(attrib, target):
    """Infer a strategy from the metadata on an attr.Attribute object."""
    # Try inferring from the default argument.  Note that this will only help if
    # the user passed `infer` to builds() for this attribute, but in that case
    # we use it as the minimal example.
    default = st.nothing()
    if isinstance(attrib.default, attr.Factory):
        if not attrib.default.takes_self:
            default = st.builds(attrib.default.factory)
    elif attrib.default is not attr.NOTHING:
        default = st.just(attrib.default)

    # Try inferring None, exact values, or type from attrs provided validators.
    null = st.nothing()  # updated to none() on seeing an OptionalValidator
    in_collections = []  # list of in_ validator collections to sample from
    validator_types = set()  # type constraints to pass to types_to_strategy()
    if attrib.validator is not None:
        validator = attrib.validator
        if isinstance(validator, attr.validators._OptionalValidator):
            null = st.none()
            validator = validator.validator
        if isinstance(validator, attr.validators._AndValidator):
            vs = validator._validators
            vs = [validator]
        for v in vs:
            if isinstance(v, attr.validators._InValidator):
                if isinstance(v.options, string_types):
            elif isinstance(v, attr.validators._InstanceOfValidator):

    # This is the important line.  We compose the final strategy from various
    # parts.  The default value, if any, is the minimal shrink, followed by
    # None (again, if allowed).  We then prefer to sample from values passed
    # to an in_ validator if available, but infer from a type otherwise.
    # Pick one because (sampled_from((1, 2)) | from_type(int)) would usually
    # fail validation by generating e.g. zero!
    if in_collections:
        sample = st.sampled_from(list(ordered_intersection(in_collections)))
        strat = default | null | sample
        strat = default | null | types_to_strategy(attrib, validator_types)

    # Better to give a meaningful error here than an opaque "could not draw"
    # when we try to get a value but have lost track of where this was created.
    if strat.is_empty:
        raise ResolutionFailed(
            "Cannot infer a strategy from the default, validator, type, or "
            "converter for attribute=%r of class=%r" % (attrib, target)
    return strat
예제 #4
def _for_form_ip(field):
    # the IP address form fields have no direct indication of which type
    #  of address they want, so direct comparison with the validator
    #  function has to be used instead. Sorry for the potato logic here
    if validate_ipv46_address in field.default_validators:
        return st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str) | _ipv6_strings
    if validate_ipv4_address in field.default_validators:
        return st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str)
    if validate_ipv6_address in field.default_validators:
        return _ipv6_strings
    raise ResolutionFailed(f"No IP version validator on field={field!r}")
예제 #5
def resolve_Type(thing):
    if getattr(thing, "__args__", None) is None:
        # This branch is for Python < 3.8, when __args__ was not always tracked
        return st.just(type)  # pragma: no cover
    args = (thing.__args__[0], )
    if getattr(args[0], "__origin__", None) is typing.Union:
        args = args[0].__args__
    # Duplicate check from from_type here - only paying when needed.
    for a in args:  # pragma: no cover  # only on Python 3.6
        if type(a) == ForwardRef:
            raise ResolutionFailed(
                "thing=%s cannot be resolved.  Upgrading to "
                "python>=3.6 may fix this problem via improvements "
                "to the typing module." % (thing, ))
    return st.sampled_from(sorted(args, key=type_sorting_key))
예제 #6
 def resolve_Type(thing):
     if thing.__args__ is None:
         return st.just(type)
     args = (thing.__args__[0], )
     if getattr(args[0], "__origin__", None) is typing.Union:
         args = args[0].__args__
     elif hasattr(args[0], "__union_params__"):  # pragma: no cover
         args = args[0].__union_params__
     if isinstance(ForwardRef, type):  # pragma: no cover
         # Duplicate check from from_type here - only paying when needed.
         for a in args:
             if type(a) == ForwardRef:
                 raise ResolutionFailed(
                     "thing=%s cannot be resolved.  Upgrading to "
                     "python>=3.6 may fix this problem via improvements "
                     "to the typing module." % (thing, ))
     return st.sampled_from(sorted(args, key=type_sorting_key))
예제 #7
파일: types.py 프로젝트: jjpal/hypothesis
def resolve_Type(thing):
    if getattr(thing, "__args__", None) is None:
        # This branch is for Python < 3.8, when __args__ was not always tracked
        return st.just(type)  # pragma: no cover
    args = (thing.__args__[0], )
    if is_a_union(args[0]):
        args = args[0].__args__
    # Duplicate check from from_type here - only paying when needed.
    args = list(args)
    for i, a in enumerate(args):
        if type(a) == typing.ForwardRef:
                args[i] = getattr(builtins, a.__forward_arg__)
            except AttributeError:
                raise ResolutionFailed(
                    f"Cannot find the type referenced by {thing} - try using "
                    f"st.register_type_strategy({thing}, st.from_type(...))"
                ) from None
    return st.sampled_from(sorted(args, key=type_sorting_key))
예제 #8
def _try_import_forward_ref(thing, bound):  # pragma: no cover
    Tries to import a real bound type from ``TypeVar`` bound to a ``ForwardRef``.

    This function is very "magical" to say the least, please don't use it.
    This function fully covered, but is excluded from coverage
    because we can only cover each path in a separate python version.
        return typing._eval_type(bound, vars(sys.modules[thing.__module__]),
    except (KeyError, AttributeError, NameError):
        if (isinstance(thing, typing.TypeVar)
                and getattr(thing, "__module__", None) == "typing"):
            raise ResolutionFailed(
                "It looks like you're using a TypeVar bound to a ForwardRef on Python "
                "3.6, which is not supported - try ugrading to Python 3.7 or later."
            ) from None
        # We fallback to `ForwardRef` instance, you can register it as a type as well:
        # >>> from typing import ForwardRef
        # >>> from hypothesis import strategies as st
        # >>> st.register_type_strategy(ForwardRef('YourType'), your_strategy)
        return bound
예제 #9
def from_typing_type(thing):
    # We start with special-case support for Union and Tuple - the latter
    # isn't actually a generic type. Then we handle Literal since it doesn't
    # support `isinstance`.
    # We then explicitly error on non-Generic types, which don't carry enough
    # information to sensibly resolve to strategies at runtime.
    # Finally, we run a variation of the subclass lookup in `st.from_type`
    # among generic types in the lookup.
    if getattr(thing, "__origin__", None) == tuple or isinstance(
            thing, getattr(typing, "TupleMeta", ())):
        elem_types = getattr(thing, "__tuple_params__", None) or ()
        elem_types += getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or ()
        if (getattr(thing, "__tuple_use_ellipsis__", False)
                or len(elem_types) == 2 and elem_types[-1] is Ellipsis):
            return st.lists(st.from_type(elem_types[0])).map(tuple)
        elif len(elem_types) == 1 and elem_types[0] == ():
            return st.tuples()  # Empty tuple; see issue #1583
        return st.tuples(*map(st.from_type, elem_types))
    if hasattr(typing, "Final") and getattr(thing, "__origin__",
                                            None) == typing.Final:
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in thing.__args__])
    if is_typing_literal(thing):
        args_dfs_stack = list(thing.__args__)
        literals = []
        while args_dfs_stack:
            arg = args_dfs_stack.pop()
            if is_typing_literal(arg):
        return st.sampled_from(literals)
    # Now, confirm that we're dealing with a generic type as we expected
    if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 9) and not isinstance(
            thing, typing_root_type):  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed(f"Cannot resolve {thing} to a strategy")

    # Some "generic" classes are not generic *in* anything - for example both
    # Hashable and Sized have `__args__ == ()` on Python 3.7 or later.
    # (In 3.6 they're just aliases for the collections.abc classes)
    origin = getattr(thing, "__origin__", thing)
    if (typing.Hashable is not collections.abc.Hashable
            and origin in vars(collections.abc).values()
            and len(getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or []) == 0):
        return st.from_type(origin)

    # Parametrised generic types have their __origin__ attribute set to the
    # un-parametrised version, which we need to use in the subclass checks.
    # e.g.:     typing.List[int].__origin__ == typing.List
    mapping = {
        k: v
        for k, v in _global_type_lookup.items()
        if is_generic_type(k) and try_issubclass(k, thing)
    if typing.Dict in mapping or typing.Set in mapping:
        # ItemsView can cause test_lookup.py::test_specialised_collection_types
        # to fail, due to weird isinstance behaviour around the elements.
        mapping.pop(typing.ItemsView, None)
        if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 6):  # pragma: no cover
            # `isinstance(dict().values(), Container) is False` on py36 only -_-
            mapping.pop(typing.ValuesView, None)
    if typing.Deque in mapping and len(mapping) > 1:
        # Resolving generic sequences to include a deque is more trouble for e.g.
        # the ghostwriter than it's worth, via undefined names in the repr.
    if len(mapping) > 1:
        # issubclass treats bytestring as a kind of sequence, which it is,
        # but treating it as such breaks everything else when it is presumed
        # to be a generic sequence or container that could hold any item.
        # Except for sequences of integers, or unions which include integer!
        # See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2257
        # This block drops ByteString from the types that can be generated
        # if there is more than one allowed type, and the element type is
        # not either `int` or a Union with `int` as one of its elements.
        elem_type = (getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or ["not int"])[0]
        if getattr(elem_type, "__origin__", None) is typing.Union:
            union_elems = elem_type.__args__
            union_elems = ()
        if not any(
                isinstance(T, type) and issubclass(int, T)
                for T in list(union_elems) + [elem_type]):
            mapping.pop(typing.ByteString, None)
    strategies = [
        v if isinstance(v, st.SearchStrategy) else v(thing)
        for k, v in mapping.items() if sum(
            try_issubclass(k, T) for T in mapping) == 1
    empty = ", ".join(repr(s) for s in strategies if s.is_empty)
    if empty or not strategies:
        raise ResolutionFailed(
            "Could not resolve %s to a strategy; consider using "
            "register_type_strategy" % (empty or thing, ))
    return st.one_of(strategies)
예제 #10
def from_typing_type(thing):
    # We start with special-case support for Union and Tuple - the latter
    # isn't actually a generic type. Then we handle Literal since it doesn't
    # support `isinstance`.
    # We then explicitly error on non-Generic types, which don't carry enough
    # information to sensibly resolve to strategies at runtime.
    # Finally, we run a variation of the subclass lookup in `st.from_type`
    # among generic types in the lookup.
    # Under 3.6 Union is handled directly in st.from_type, as the argument is
    # not an instance of `type`. However, under Python 3.5 Union *is* a type
    # and we have to handle it here, including failing if it has no parameters.
    if hasattr(thing, "__union_params__"):  # pragma: no cover
        args = sorted(thing.__union_params__ or (), key=type_sorting_key)
        if not args:
            raise ResolutionFailed("Cannot resolve Union of no types.")
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in args])
    if getattr(thing, "__origin__", None) == tuple or isinstance(
            thing, getattr(typing, "TupleMeta", ())):
        elem_types = getattr(thing, "__tuple_params__", None) or ()
        elem_types += getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or ()
        if (getattr(thing, "__tuple_use_ellipsis__", False)
                or len(elem_types) == 2 and elem_types[-1] is Ellipsis):
            return st.lists(st.from_type(elem_types[0])).map(tuple)
        elif len(elem_types) == 1 and elem_types[0] == ():
            return st.tuples()  # Empty tuple; see issue #1583
        return st.tuples(*map(st.from_type, elem_types))
    if (hasattr(typing, "Final") and getattr(thing, "__origin__", None)
            == typing.Final):  # pragma: no cover  # new in Python 3.8
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in thing.__args__])
    if is_typing_literal(thing):  # pragma: no cover  # new in Python 3.8
        args_dfs_stack = list(thing.__args__)
        literals = []
        while args_dfs_stack:
            arg = args_dfs_stack.pop()
            if is_typing_literal(arg):
        return st.sampled_from(literals)
    # Now, confirm that we're dealing with a generic type as we expected
    if not isinstance(thing, typing_root_type):  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed("Cannot resolve %s to a strategy" % (thing, ))

    # Some "generic" classes are not generic *in* anything - for example both
    # Hashable and Sized have `__args__ == ()` on Python 3.7 or later.
    # (In 3.6 they're just aliases for the collections.abc classes)
    origin = getattr(thing, "__origin__", thing)
    if (typing.Hashable is not collections.abc.Hashable
            and origin in vars(collections.abc).values()
            and len(getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or []) == 0
        ):  # pragma: no cover  # impossible on 3.6 where we measure coverage.
        return st.from_type(origin)

    # Parametrised generic types have their __origin__ attribute set to the
    # un-parametrised version, which we need to use in the subclass checks.
    # e.g.:     typing.List[int].__origin__ == typing.List
    mapping = {
        k: v
        for k, v in _global_type_lookup.items()
        if is_generic_type(k) and try_issubclass(k, thing)
    if typing.Dict in mapping:
        # The subtype relationships between generic and concrete View types
        # are sometimes inconsistent under Python 3.5, so we pop them out to
        # preserve our invariant that all examples of from_type(T) are
        # instances of type T - and simplify the strategy for abstract types
        # such as Container
        for t in (typing.KeysView, typing.ValuesView, typing.ItemsView):
            mapping.pop(t, None)
    if len(mapping) > 1:
        # issubclass treats bytestring as a kind of sequence, which it is,
        # but treating it as such breaks everything else when it is presumed
        # to be a generic sequence or container that could hold any item.
        # Except for sequences of integers, or unions which include integer!
        # See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2257
        # This block drops ByteString from the types that can be generated
        # if there is more than one allowed type, and the element type is
        # not either `int` or a Union with `int` as one of its elements.
        elem_type = (getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or ["not int"])[0]
        if getattr(elem_type, "__origin__", None) is typing.Union:
            union_elems = elem_type.__args__
        elif hasattr(elem_type, "__union_params__"):  # pragma: no cover
            union_elems = elem_type.__union_params__  # python 3.5 only
            union_elems = ()
        if not any(
                isinstance(T, type) and issubclass(int, T)
                for T in list(union_elems) + [elem_type]):
            mapping.pop(typing.ByteString, None)
    strategies = [
        v if isinstance(v, st.SearchStrategy) else v(thing)
        for k, v in mapping.items() if sum(
            try_issubclass(k, T) for T in mapping) == 1
    empty = ", ".join(repr(s) for s in strategies if s.is_empty)
    if empty or not strategies:
        raise ResolutionFailed(
            "Could not resolve %s to a strategy; consider using "
            "register_type_strategy" % (empty or thing, ))
    return st.one_of(strategies)
예제 #11
def from_typing_type(thing):
    # We start with special-case support for Union and Tuple - the latter
    # isn't actually a generic type. Then we handle Literal since it doesn't
    # support `isinstance`. Support for Callable may be added to this section
    # later.
    # We then explicitly error on non-Generic types, which don't carry enough
    # information to sensibly resolve to strategies at runtime.
    # Finally, we run a variation of the subclass lookup in st.from_type
    # among generic types in the lookup.
    import typing

    # Under 3.6 Union is handled directly in st.from_type, as the argument is
    # not an instance of `type`. However, under Python 3.5 Union *is* a type
    # and we have to handle it here, including failing if it has no parameters.
    if hasattr(thing, "__union_params__"):  # pragma: no cover
        args = sorted(thing.__union_params__ or (), key=type_sorting_key)
        if not args:
            raise ResolutionFailed("Cannot resolve Union of no types.")
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in args])
    if getattr(thing, "__origin__", None) == tuple or isinstance(
        thing, getattr(typing, "TupleMeta", ())
        elem_types = getattr(thing, "__tuple_params__", None) or ()
        elem_types += getattr(thing, "__args__", None) or ()
        if (
            getattr(thing, "__tuple_use_ellipsis__", False)
            or len(elem_types) == 2
            and elem_types[-1] is Ellipsis
            return st.lists(st.from_type(elem_types[0])).map(tuple)
        elif len(elem_types) == 1 and elem_types[0] == ():
            return st.tuples()  # Empty tuple; see issue #1583
        return st.tuples(*map(st.from_type, elem_types))
    if (
        hasattr(typing, "Final") and getattr(thing, "__origin__", None) == typing.Final
    ):  # pragma: no cover  # new in Python 3.8
        return st.one_of([st.from_type(t) for t in thing.__args__])
    if is_typing_literal(thing):  # pragma: no cover  # new in Python 3.8
        args_dfs_stack = list(thing.__args__)
        literals = []
        while args_dfs_stack:
            arg = args_dfs_stack.pop()
            if is_typing_literal(arg):
        return st.sampled_from(literals)
    if isinstance(thing, typing.TypeVar):
        if getattr(thing, "__bound__", None) is not None:
            strat = unwrap_strategies(st.from_type(thing.__bound__))
            if not isinstance(strat, OneOfStrategy):
                return strat
            # The bound was a union, or we resolved it as a union of subtypes,
            # so we need to unpack the strategy to ensure consistency across uses.
            # This incantation runs a sampled_from over the strategies inferred for
            # each part of the union, wraps that in shared so that we only generate
            # from one type per testcase, and flatmaps that back to instances.
            return st.shared(
                st.sampled_from(strat.original_strategies), key="typevar=%r" % (thing,)
            ).flatmap(lambda s: s)
        if getattr(thing, "__constraints__", None):
            return st.shared(
                st.sampled_from(thing.__constraints__), key="typevar=%r" % (thing,)
        # Constraints may be None or () on various Python versions.
        return st.text()  # An arbitrary type for the typevar
    # Now, confirm that we're dealing with a generic type as we expected
    if not isinstance(thing, typing_root_type):  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed("Cannot resolve %s to a strategy" % (thing,))
    # Parametrised generic types have their __origin__ attribute set to the
    # un-parametrised version, which we need to use in the subclass checks.
    # e.g.:     typing.List[int].__origin__ == typing.List
    mapping = {
        k: v
        for k, v in _global_type_lookup.items()
        if isinstance(k, typing_root_type) and try_issubclass(k, thing)
    if typing.Dict in mapping:
        # The subtype relationships between generic and concrete View types
        # are sometimes inconsistent under Python 3.5, so we pop them out to
        # preserve our invariant that all examples of from_type(T) are
        # instances of type T - and simplify the strategy for abstract types
        # such as Container
        for t in (typing.KeysView, typing.ValuesView, typing.ItemsView):
            mapping.pop(t, None)
    strategies = [
        v if isinstance(v, st.SearchStrategy) else v(thing)
        for k, v in mapping.items()
        if sum(try_issubclass(k, T) for T in mapping) == 1
    empty = ", ".join(repr(s) for s in strategies if s.is_empty)
    if empty or not strategies:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ResolutionFailed(
            "Could not resolve %s to a strategy; consider using "
            "register_type_strategy" % (empty or thing,)
    return st.one_of(strategies)