예제 #1
def indexes(*,
            elements: st.SearchStrategy[Ex] = None,
            dtype: Any = None,
            min_size: int = 0,
            max_size: int = None,
            unique: bool = True) -> st.SearchStrategy[pandas.Index]:
    """Provides a strategy for producing a :class:`pandas.Index`.


    * elements is a strategy which will be used to generate the individual
      values of the index. If None, it will be inferred from the dtype. Note:
      even if the elements strategy produces tuples, the generated value
      will not be a MultiIndex, but instead be a normal index whose elements
      are tuples.
    * dtype is the dtype of the resulting index. If None, it will be inferred
      from the elements strategy. At least one of dtype or elements must be
    * min_size is the minimum number of elements in the index.
    * max_size is the maximum number of elements in the index. If None then it
      will default to a suitable small size. If you want larger indexes you
      should pass a max_size explicitly.
    * unique specifies whether all of the elements in the resulting index
      should be distinct.
    check_valid_size(min_size, "min_size")
    check_valid_size(max_size, "max_size")
    check_valid_interval(min_size, max_size, "min_size", "max_size")
    check_type(bool, unique, "unique")

    elements, dtype = elements_and_dtype(elements, dtype)

    if max_size is None:
        max_size = min_size + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
    return ValueIndexStrategy(elements, dtype, min_size, max_size, unique)
예제 #2
def times(
    min_value: dt.time = dt.time.min,
    max_value: dt.time = dt.time.max,
    timezones: SearchStrategy[Optional[dt.tzinfo]] = none()
) -> SearchStrategy[dt.time]:
    """times(min_value=datetime.time.min, max_value=datetime.time.max, *, timezones=none())

    A strategy for times between ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.

    The ``timezones`` argument is handled as for :py:func:`datetimes`.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards midnight, with the timezone
    component shrinking as for the strategy that provided it.
    check_type(dt.time, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.time, max_value, "max_value")
    if min_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("min_value=%r must not have tzinfo" % min_value)
    if max_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("max_value=%r must not have tzinfo" % max_value)
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    day = dt.date(2000, 1, 1)
    return datetimes(
        min_value=dt.datetime.combine(day, min_value),
        max_value=dt.datetime.combine(day, max_value),
    ).map(lambda t: t.timetz())
예제 #3
def integers(
    min_value: Optional[int] = None,
    max_value: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[int]:
    """Returns a strategy which generates integers.

    If min_value is not None then all values will be >= min_value. If
    max_value is not None then all values will be <= max_value

    Examples from this strategy will shrink towards zero, and negative values
    will also shrink towards positive (i.e. -n may be replaced by +n).
    check_valid_bound(min_value, "min_value")
    check_valid_bound(max_value, "max_value")
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")

    if min_value is not None:
        if min_value != int(min_value):
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "min_value=%r of type %r cannot be exactly represented as an integer."
                % (min_value, type(min_value)))
        min_value = int(min_value)
    if max_value is not None:
        if max_value != int(max_value):
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "max_value=%r of type %r cannot be exactly represented as an integer."
                % (max_value, type(max_value)))
        max_value = int(max_value)

    return IntegersStrategy(min_value, max_value)
예제 #4
def datetimes(
    min_value: dt.datetime = dt.datetime.min,
    max_value: dt.datetime = dt.datetime.max,
    timezones: SearchStrategy[Optional[dt.tzinfo]] = none(),
    allow_imaginary: bool = True,
) -> SearchStrategy[dt.datetime]:
    """datetimes(min_value=datetime.datetime.min, max_value=datetime.datetime.max, *, timezones=none(), allow_imaginary=True)

    A strategy for generating datetimes, which may be timezone-aware.

    This strategy works by drawing a naive datetime between ``min_value``
    and ``max_value``, which must both be naive (have no timezone).

    ``timezones`` must be a strategy that generates either ``None``, for naive
    datetimes, or :class:`~python:datetime.tzinfo` objects for 'aware' datetimes.
    You can construct your own, though we recommend using the :pypi:`dateutil
    <python-dateutil>` package and :func:`hypothesis.extra.dateutil.timezones`
    strategy, and also provide :func:`hypothesis.extra.pytz.timezones`.

    You may pass ``allow_imaginary=False`` to filter out "imaginary" datetimes
    which did not (or will not) occur due to daylight savings, leap seconds,
    timezone and calendar adjustments, etc.  Imaginary datetimes are allowed
    by default, because malformed timestamps are a common source of bugs.
    Note that because :pypi:`pytz` predates :pep:`495`, this does not work
    correctly with timezones that use a negative DST offset (such as

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards midnight on January 1st 2000,
    local time.
    # Why must bounds be naive?  In principle, we could also write a strategy
    # that took aware bounds, but the API and validation is much harder.
    # If you want to generate datetimes between two particular moments in
    # time I suggest (a) just filtering out-of-bounds values; (b) if bounds
    # are very close, draw a value and subtract its UTC offset, handling
    # overflows and nonexistent times; or (c) do something customised to
    # handle datetimes in e.g. a four-microsecond span which is not
    # representable in UTC.  Handling (d), all of the above, leads to a much
    # more complex API for all users and a useful feature for very few.
    check_type(bool, allow_imaginary, "allow_imaginary")
    check_type(dt.datetime, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.datetime, max_value, "max_value")
    if min_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("min_value=%r must not have tzinfo" %
                              (min_value, ))
    if max_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("max_value=%r must not have tzinfo" %
                              (max_value, ))
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    if not isinstance(timezones, SearchStrategy):
        raise InvalidArgument(
            "timezones=%r must be a SearchStrategy that can provide tzinfo "
            "for datetimes (either None or dt.tzinfo objects)" % (timezones, ))
    return DatetimeStrategy(min_value, max_value, timezones, allow_imaginary)
예제 #5
def integers(
    min_value: Optional[int] = None,
    max_value: Optional[int] = None,
) -> SearchStrategy[int]:
    """Returns a strategy which generates integers.

    If min_value is not None then all values will be >= min_value. If
    max_value is not None then all values will be <= max_value

    Examples from this strategy will shrink towards zero, and negative values
    will also shrink towards positive (i.e. -n may be replaced by +n).
    check_valid_bound(min_value, "min_value")
    check_valid_bound(max_value, "max_value")
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")

    if min_value is not None:
        if min_value != int(min_value):
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "min_value=%r of type %r cannot be exactly represented as an integer."
                % (min_value, type(min_value))
        min_value = int(min_value)
    if max_value is not None:
        if max_value != int(max_value):
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "max_value=%r of type %r cannot be exactly represented as an integer."
                % (max_value, type(max_value))
        max_value = int(max_value)

    if min_value is None:
        if max_value is None:
            return WideRangeIntStrategy()
            if max_value > 0:
                return WideRangeIntStrategy().filter(lambda x: x <= max_value)
            return WideRangeIntStrategy().map(lambda x: max_value - abs(x))
        if max_value is None:
            if min_value < 0:
                return WideRangeIntStrategy().filter(lambda x: x >= min_value)
            return WideRangeIntStrategy().map(lambda x: min_value + abs(x))
            assert min_value <= max_value
            if min_value == max_value:
                return just(min_value)
            elif min_value >= 0:
                return BoundedIntStrategy(min_value, max_value)
            elif max_value <= 0:
                return BoundedIntStrategy(-max_value, -min_value).map(lambda t: -t)
                return integers(min_value=0, max_value=max_value) | integers(
                    min_value=min_value, max_value=0
예제 #6
def dates(min_value: dt.date = dt.date.min,
          max_value: dt.date = dt.date.max) -> SearchStrategy[dt.date]:
    """dates(min_value=datetime.date.min, max_value=datetime.date.max)

    A strategy for dates between ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards January 1st 2000.
    check_type(dt.date, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.date, max_value, "max_value")
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    if min_value == max_value:
        return just(min_value)
    return DateStrategy(min_value, max_value)
예제 #7
def timedeltas(
    min_value: dt.timedelta = dt.timedelta.min,
    max_value: dt.timedelta = dt.timedelta.max,
) -> SearchStrategy[dt.timedelta]:
    """timedeltas(min_value=datetime.timedelta.min, max_value=datetime.timedelta.max)

    A strategy for timedeltas between ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards zero.
    check_type(dt.timedelta, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.timedelta, max_value, "max_value")
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    if min_value == max_value:
        return just(min_value)
    return TimedeltaStrategy(min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value)
예제 #8
def range_indexes(min_size=0, max_size=None):
    """Provides a strategy which generates an :class:`~pandas.Index` whose
    values are 0, 1, ..., n for some n.


    * min_size is the smallest number of elements the index can have.
    * max_size is the largest number of elements the index can have. If None
      it will default to some suitable value based on min_size.
    check_valid_size(min_size, 'min_size')
    check_valid_size(max_size, 'max_size')
    if max_size is None:
        max_size = min([min_size + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, 2**63 - 1])
    check_valid_interval(min_size, max_size, 'min_size', 'max_size')
    return st.integers(min_size, max_size).map(pandas.RangeIndex)
예제 #9
def range_indexes(min_size=0, max_size=None):
    # type: (int, int) -> st.SearchStrategy[pandas.RangeIndex]
    """Provides a strategy which generates an :class:`~pandas.Index` whose
    values are 0, 1, ..., n for some n.


    * min_size is the smallest number of elements the index can have.
    * max_size is the largest number of elements the index can have. If None
      it will default to some suitable value based on min_size.
    check_valid_size(min_size, "min_size")
    check_valid_size(max_size, "max_size")
    if max_size is None:
        max_size = min([min_size + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, 2 ** 63 - 1])
    check_valid_interval(min_size, max_size, "min_size", "max_size")
    return st.integers(min_size, max_size).map(pandas.RangeIndex)
예제 #10
def valid_tuple_axes(ndim, min_size=0, max_size=None):
    # type: (int, int, int) -> st.SearchStrategy[Shape]
    """Return a strategy for generating permissible tuple-values for the
    ``axis`` argument for a numpy sequential function (e.g.
    :func:`numpy:numpy.sum`), given an array of the specified

    All tuples will have an length >= min_size and <= max_size. The default
    value for max_size is ``ndim``.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards an empty tuple, which render
    most sequential functions as no-ops.

    The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.

    .. code-block:: pycon

        >>> [valid_tuple_axes(3).example() for i in range(4)]
        [(-3, 1), (0, 1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2, 2)]

    ``valid_tuple_axes`` can be joined with other strategies to generate
    any type of valid axis object, i.e. integers, tuples, and ``None``:

    .. code-block:: pycon

        any_axis_strategy = none() | integers(-ndim, ndim - 1) | valid_tuple_axes(ndim)

    if max_size is None:
        max_size = ndim

    check_type(integer_types, ndim, "ndim")
    check_type(integer_types, min_size, "min_size")
    check_type(integer_types, max_size, "max_size")
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    check_valid_interval(max_size, ndim, "max_size", "ndim")

    # shrink axis values from negative to positive
    axes = st.integers(0, max(0, 2 * ndim - 1)).map(
        lambda x: x if x < ndim else x - 2 * ndim
    return st.lists(axes, min_size, max_size, unique_by=lambda x: x % ndim).map(tuple)
예제 #11
def valid_tuple_axes(
    ndim: int,
    min_size: int = 0,
    max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[Tuple[int, ...]]:
    """All tuples will have a length >= ``min_size`` and <= ``max_size``. The default
    value for ``max_size`` is ``ndim``.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards an empty tuple, which render most
    sequential functions as no-ops.

    The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.

    .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> [valid_tuple_axes(3).example() for i in range(4)]
      [(-3, 1), (0, 1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2, 2)]

    ``valid_tuple_axes`` can be joined with other strategies to generate
    any type of valid axis object, i.e. integers, tuples, and ``None``:

    .. code-block:: python

      any_axis_strategy = none() | integers(-ndim, ndim - 1) | valid_tuple_axes(ndim)

    check_type(int, ndim, "ndim")
    check_type(int, min_size, "min_size")
    if max_size is None:
        max_size = ndim
    check_type(int, max_size, "max_size")
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    check_valid_interval(max_size, ndim, "max_size", "ndim")

    axes = st.integers(0, max(0, 2 * ndim - 1)).map(
        lambda x: x if x < ndim else x - 2 * ndim

    return st.lists(
        axes, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique_by=lambda x: x % ndim
예제 #12
def times(
    min_value: dt.time = dt.time.min,
    max_value: dt.time = dt.time.max,
    timezones: SearchStrategy[Optional[dt.tzinfo]] = none(),
) -> SearchStrategy[dt.time]:
    """times(min_value=datetime.time.min, max_value=datetime.time.max, *, timezones=none())

    A strategy for times between ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.

    The ``timezones`` argument is handled as for :py:func:`datetimes`.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards midnight, with the timezone
    component shrinking as for the strategy that provided it.
    check_type(dt.time, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.time, max_value, "max_value")
    if min_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"min_value={min_value!r} must not have tzinfo")
    if max_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"max_value={max_value!r} must not have tzinfo")
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    return TimeStrategy(min_value, max_value, timezones)
예제 #13
def indexes(
    elements=None,  # type: st.SearchStrategy[Ex]
    dtype=None,  # type: Any
    min_size=0,  # type: int
    max_size=None,  # type: int
    unique=True,  # type: bool
    """Provides a strategy for producing a :class:`pandas.Index`.


    * elements is a strategy which will be used to generate the individual
      values of the index. If None, it will be inferred from the dtype. Note:
      even if the elements strategy produces tuples, the generated value
      will not be a MultiIndex, but instead be a normal index whose elements
      are tuples.
    * dtype is the dtype of the resulting index. If None, it will be inferred
      from the elements strategy. At least one of dtype or elements must be
    * min_size is the minimum number of elements in the index.
    * max_size is the maximum number of elements in the index. If None then it
      will default to a suitable small size. If you want larger indexes you
      should pass a max_size explicitly.
    * unique specifies whether all of the elements in the resulting index
      should be distinct.
    check_valid_size(min_size, "min_size")
    check_valid_size(max_size, "max_size")
    check_valid_interval(min_size, max_size, "min_size", "max_size")
    check_type(bool, unique, "unique")

    elements, dtype = elements_and_dtype(elements, dtype)

    if max_size is None:
        max_size = min_size + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
    return ValueIndexStrategy(elements, dtype, min_size, max_size, unique)
예제 #14
def _from_dtype(
    xp: Any,
    dtype: Union[DataType, str],
    min_value: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
    max_value: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
    allow_nan: Optional[bool] = None,
    allow_infinity: Optional[bool] = None,
    allow_subnormal: Optional[bool] = None,
    exclude_min: Optional[bool] = None,
    exclude_max: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[Union[bool, int, float]]:
    """Return a strategy for any value of the given dtype.

    Values generated are of the Python scalar which is
    :xp-ref:`promotable <type_promotion.html>` to ``dtype``, where the values do
    not exceed its bounds.

    * ``dtype`` may be a dtype object or the string name of a
      :xp-ref:`valid dtype <data_types.html>`.

    Compatible ``**kwargs`` are passed to the inferred strategy function for
    integers and floats.  This allows you to customise the min and max values,
    and exclude non-finite numbers. This is particularly useful when kwargs are
    passed through from :func:`arrays()`, as it seamlessly handles the ``width``
    or other representable bounds for you.
    check_xp_attributes(xp, ["iinfo", "finfo"])

    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        dtype = dtype_from_name(xp, dtype)
    builtin = find_castable_builtin_for_dtype(xp, dtype)

    def check_valid_minmax(prefix, val, info_obj):
        name = f"{prefix}_value"
        check_valid_bound(val, name)
            val >= info_obj.min,
            f"dtype={dtype} requires {name}={val} to be at least {info_obj.min}",
            val <= info_obj.max,
            f"dtype={dtype} requires {name}={val} to be at most {info_obj.max}",

    if builtin is bool:
        return st.booleans()
    elif builtin is int:
        iinfo = xp.iinfo(dtype)
        if min_value is None:
            min_value = iinfo.min
        if max_value is None:
            max_value = iinfo.max
        check_valid_integer(min_value, "min_value")
        check_valid_integer(max_value, "max_value")
        assert isinstance(min_value, int)
        assert isinstance(max_value, int)
        check_valid_minmax("min", min_value, iinfo)
        check_valid_minmax("max", max_value, iinfo)
        check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
        return st.integers(min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value)
        finfo = xp.finfo(dtype)
        kw = {}

        # Whilst we know the boundary values of float dtypes from finfo, we do
        # not assign them to the floats() strategy by default - passing min/max
        # values will modify test case reduction behaviour so that simple bugs
        # may become harder for users to identify. We plan to improve floats()
        # behaviour in https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2907.
        # Setting width should manage boundary values for us anyway.
        if min_value is not None:
            check_valid_bound(min_value, "min_value")
            assert isinstance(min_value, Real)
            check_valid_minmax("min", min_value, finfo)
            kw["min_value"] = min_value
        if max_value is not None:
            check_valid_bound(max_value, "max_value")
            assert isinstance(max_value, Real)
            check_valid_minmax("max", max_value, finfo)
            if min_value is not None:
                check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value",
            kw["max_value"] = max_value

        # We infer whether an array module will flush subnormals to zero, as may
        # be the case when libraries are built with compiler options that
        # violate IEEE-754 (e.g. -ffast-math and -ftz=true). Note we do this for
        # the specific dtype, as compilers may end up flushing subnormals for
        # one float but supporting subnormals for the other.
        # By default, floats() will generate subnormals if they are in the
        # inferred values range. If we have detected that xp flushes to zero for
        # the passed dtype, we ensure from_dtype() will not generate subnormals
        # by default.
        if allow_subnormal is not None:
            kw["allow_subnormal"] = allow_subnormal
            subnormal = next_down(finfo.smallest_normal, width=finfo.bits)
            ftz = bool(xp.asarray(subnormal, dtype=dtype) == 0)
            if ftz:
                kw["allow_subnormal"] = False

        if allow_nan is not None:
            kw["allow_nan"] = allow_nan
        if allow_infinity is not None:
            kw["allow_infinity"] = allow_infinity
        if exclude_min is not None:
            kw["exclude_min"] = exclude_min
        if exclude_max is not None:
            kw["exclude_max"] = exclude_max

        return st.floats(width=finfo.bits, **kw)
예제 #15
def functions(draw,
		min_argc=None, # int
		max_argc=None, # int
		manual_argument_bindings=None, # {} dict
		manual_keyword_bindings=None, # {} dict
		decorators=None, # [] list
	"""DOCUMENT ME!!!"""

	# Replicates check_valid_sizes logic but with correct variable names
	check_valid_size(min_argc, "min_argc")
	check_valid_size(max_argc, "max_argc")
	check_valid_interval(min_argc, max_argc, "min_argc", "max_argc")

	min_argc = None if min_argc is None else ceil(min_argc)
	max_argc = None if max_argc is None else floor(max_argc)

	check_strategy(kwarginit, name="kwarginit")

	if decorators is not None:
		check_type(list, decorators, "decorators")
		for index, d in enumerate(decorators):
			_check_callable(d, name="iteration %r in 'decorators'" % (index))

	_check_callable(body, name="body")

	#if not hasattr(binding_regex, 'pattern'):
	#	# this has to be done later anyway inside the binding generator,
예제 #16
def datetimes(
    min_value: dt.datetime = dt.datetime.min,
    max_value: dt.datetime = dt.datetime.max,
    timezones: SearchStrategy[Optional[dt.tzinfo]] = none()
) -> SearchStrategy[dt.datetime]:
    """datetimes(min_value=datetime.datetime.min, max_value=datetime.datetime.max, *, timezones=none())

    A strategy for generating datetimes, which may be timezone-aware.

    This strategy works by drawing a naive datetime between ``min_value``
    and ``max_value``, which must both be naive (have no timezone).

    ``timezones`` must be a strategy that generates
    :class:`~python:datetime.tzinfo` objects (or None,
    which is valid for naive datetimes).  A value drawn from this strategy
    will be added to a naive datetime, and the resulting tz-aware datetime

    .. note::
        tz-aware datetimes from this strategy may be ambiguous or non-existent
        due to daylight savings, leap seconds, timezone and calendar
        adjustments, etc.  This is intentional, as malformed timestamps are a
        common source of bugs.

    :py:func:`hypothesis.extra.pytz.timezones` requires the :pypi:`pytz`
    package, but provides all timezones in the Olsen database.
    :py:func:`hypothesis.extra.dateutil.timezones` requires the
    :pypi:`python-dateutil` package, and similarly provides all timezones
    there.  If you want to allow naive datetimes, combine strategies
    like ``none() | timezones()``.

    Alternatively, you can create a list of the timezones you wish to allow
    (e.g. from the standard library, :pypi:`dateutil <python-dateutil>`,
    or :pypi:`pytz`) and use :py:func:`sampled_from`.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards midnight on January 1st 2000,
    local time.
    # Why must bounds be naive?  In principle, we could also write a strategy
    # that took aware bounds, but the API and validation is much harder.
    # If you want to generate datetimes between two particular moments in
    # time I suggest (a) just filtering out-of-bounds values; (b) if bounds
    # are very close, draw a value and subtract its UTC offset, handling
    # overflows and nonexistent times; or (c) do something customised to
    # handle datetimes in e.g. a four-microsecond span which is not
    # representable in UTC.  Handling (d), all of the above, leads to a much
    # more complex API for all users and a useful feature for very few.
    check_type(dt.datetime, min_value, "min_value")
    check_type(dt.datetime, max_value, "max_value")
    if min_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("min_value=%r must not have tzinfo" % (min_value,))
    if max_value.tzinfo is not None:
        raise InvalidArgument("max_value=%r must not have tzinfo" % (max_value,))
    check_valid_interval(min_value, max_value, "min_value", "max_value")
    if not isinstance(timezones, SearchStrategy):
        raise InvalidArgument(
            "timezones=%r must be a SearchStrategy that can provide tzinfo "
            "for datetimes (either None or dt.tzinfo objects)" % (timezones,)
    return DatetimeStrategy(min_value, max_value, timezones)