예제 #1
    def test_add_biotype_attribute1(self):
        gene_content = {
            'gene': create_interval_from_list(
                ['1', '.', 'gene', '1', '200', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_biotype "G";']
            'transcript1': list_to_intervals([
                ['1', '.', 'CDS', '1', '5', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_biotype "G"; transcript_biotype "A";'],
                ['1', '.', 'ncRNA', '1', '5', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_biotype "G"; transcript_biotype "A";'],
                ['1', '.', 'intron', '1', '5', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            'transcript2': list_to_intervals([
                ['1', '.', 'ncRNA', '1', '5', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_biotype "G"; transcript_biotype "B";'],
                ['1', '.', 'intron', '1', '5', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        out = segment._add_biotype_attribute(gene_content)

        for transcript_id, tr_intervals in sorted(out.items()):
            if transcript_id == 'gene':
                # I this case tjhi is single interval not a list of intervals:
                self.assertEqual(tr_intervals.attrs['biotype'], 'A, B, G')
            elif transcript_id == 'transcript1':
                for interval in tr_intervals:
                    self.assertEqual(interval.attrs['biotype'], 'A')
            elif transcript_id == 'transcript2':
                for interval in tr_intervals:
                    self.assertEqual(interval.attrs['biotype'], 'B')
예제 #2
    def test_all_good(self):
        gtf_in_data = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '400', '430', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "1"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '410', '430', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '470', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "2"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
        gtf_in_file = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(gtf_in_data))

        gtf_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False)

        genome_file = make_file_from_list(
                ['1', '2000'],
                ['MT', '500'],
            ], bedtool=False)

        gtf_out_data = list_to_intervals(make_list_from_file(segment.get_regions(
            gtf_in_file, gtf_out.name, genome_file), fields_separator='\t'))

        expected = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '399', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '2000', '.', '-', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '400', '409', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";exon_number "1";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; biotype "[.]";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '410', '430', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '431', '469', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '491', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";exon_number "2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '501', '2000', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['MT', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['MT', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '500', '.', '-', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],

        self.assertEqual(expected, gtf_out_data)
예제 #3
    def test_1(self):
            * no stop codons
            * 1 "empty" exon before first cds
            * 1 "empty" exon after last cds
            * 1 exons shared by UTR5 and CDS
            * 1 exons shared by UTR3 and CDS
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than one interval is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '20', '90', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '30', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '40', '50', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '80', '90', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '45', '50', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '65', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '45', '50', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '65', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '20', '30', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '40', '44', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '66', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '80', '90', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)

        # Also test for negative strand:
        intervals, exons, cdses = map(reverse_strand,
                                      [intervals, exons, cdses])

        expeted_new_cdses = reverse_strand(expeted_new_cdses)
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '20', '30', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '40', '44', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '66', '70', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '80', '90', '.', '-', '.', '.'],

        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)
예제 #4
    def test_get_introns(self):
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '1', '10', '.', '+', '.', 'transcript_id "42"; exon_number "1"'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '30', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_name "42"; '],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '40', '50', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "FHIT"; useless_data "3"'],

        expected = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '11', '19', '.', '+', '.', 'transcript_id "42";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '31', '39', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "FHIT";'],
        self.assertEqual(segment._get_introns(exons), expected)
예제 #5
    def test_complement(self):

        genome_file = make_file_from_list(
                ['1', '2000'],
                ['2', '1000'],
                ['MT', '500'],
            ], bedtool=False)

        genes = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'gene1', '200', '400', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'gene2', '300', '600', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'gene3', '200', '500', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['2', '.', 'gene4', '100', '200', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['2', '.', 'gene5', '100', '300', '.', '-', '.', '.'],

        complement = make_list_from_file(segment._complement(genes, genome_file, '+'), fields_separator='\t')

        empty_col8 = 'ID "inter%s"; gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'
        expected = [
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '199', '.', '+', '.', empty_col8 % "P00000"],
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '601', '2000', '.', '+', '.', empty_col8 % "P00001"],
            ['2', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '99', '.', '+', '.', empty_col8 % "P00002"],
            ['2', '.', 'intergenic', '201', '1000', '.', '+', '.', empty_col8 % "P00003"],
            ['MT', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '500', '.', '+', '.', empty_col8 % "P00004"],

        self.assertEqual(complement, expected)
예제 #6
    def test_all_good(self):
        gtf_in_data = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '400', '430', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "1"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '410', '430', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '470', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "2"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
        gtf_in_file = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(gtf_in_data))

        gtf_out = get_temp_file_name()

        genome_file = make_file_from_list([
            ['1', '2000'],
            ['MT', '500'],
        ], bedtool=False)

        segment.get_segments(gtf_in_file, gtf_out, genome_file)
        gtf_out_data = list_to_intervals(make_list_from_file(gtf_out, fields_separator='\t'))

        expected = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '399', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '2000', '.', '-', '.', 'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '400', '409', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";exon_number "1";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; biotype "[.]";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '410', '430', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '431', '469', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '491', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";exon_number "2";transcript_id "T3"; biotype ".";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '501', '2000', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['MT', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            ['MT', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '500', '.', '-', '.', 'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],

        self.assertEqual(expected, gtf_out_data)

        out_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(gtf_out))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(out_dir, region.REGIONS_FILE)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(out_dir, 'landmarks.bed.gz')))
예제 #7
    def test_no_exons(self):
        Fail if no exons are given.
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
예제 #8
    def test_filter_col8(self):
        interval = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '1', '2', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_name "B"; transcript_id "A"; key42 "A"; key43: "?";'],

        expected = 'gene_name "B"; transcript_id "A";'
        self.assertEqual(segment._filter_col8(interval), expected)

        expected = 'gene_name "B"; key42 "A";'
        self.assertEqual(segment._filter_col8(interval, keys=['gene_name', 'key42']), expected)
예제 #9
    def setUp(self):
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", (ResourceWarning, ImportWarning))
        self.gtf_data = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '99', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],
            # Gene #1:
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '100', '499', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1";'],
            # Transcript #1
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '100', '249', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '100', '149', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '150', '199', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '200', '229', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '230', '239', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '240', '249', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "3";'],

            # Transcript #2
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '240', '499', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '240', '299', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '300', '399', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '400', '499', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "2";'],

            # intergenic
            ['1', '.', 'intergenic', '500', '599', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'],

            # Gene #1:
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '600', '999', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2";'],

            # Transcript #3
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '600', '799', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '600', '649', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '650', '749', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '750', '799', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "2";'],

        self.gtf = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(self.gtf_data))
        self.strange = get_temp_file_name()
        self.cross_tr = get_temp_file_name()
        self.out = get_temp_file_name()
예제 #10
    def test_check_consistency_fail3(self):
        Unallowed order of types.
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '1', '49', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '50', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
예제 #11
    def test_check_consistency_fail2(self):
        Overlaping intervals.
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '1', '50', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '50', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
예제 #12
    def test_check_consistency_pass(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '1', '9', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '10', '49', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '50', '59', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '89', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '90', '100', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        # If no AssertionError is raised, this is succes:
예제 #13
    def setUp(self):
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", (ResourceWarning, ImportWarning))
        self.gtf_data = list_to_intervals([
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '2', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'
            # Gene #1:
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '3', '7', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G1";'],
            # Transcript #1
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '3', '6', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '3', '3', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "2";'
                '1', '.', 'intron', '4', '6', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'
                '1', '.', 'UTR3', '5', '6', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "3";'

            # Transcript #2
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '4', '7', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2";'
                '1', '.', 'ncRNA', '4', '5', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "1";'
                '1', '.', 'intron', '6', '6', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2";'
                '1', '.', 'ncRNA', '7', '7', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "2";'

            # intergenic
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '8', '9', '.', '+', '.',
                'gene_id "."; transcript_id ".";'
        self.gtf = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(self.gtf_data))
예제 #14
    def test_all_good(self):
        * second gene has no 'gene' interval - but it is present in output as it should
        * last interval is on chromosome 2, but it is not in the output
        gtf_data = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '100', '300', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '100', '250', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '100', '150', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '200', '250', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T1"; exon_number "2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '150', '300', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '150', '200', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '250', '300', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G1"; transcript_id "T2"; exon_number "2";'],
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '400', '430', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "1"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '410', '430', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '470', '500', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3"; exon_number "2"'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G2"; transcript_id "T3";'],
            ['2', '.', 'CDS', '470', '490', '.', '+', '.',
             'gene_id "G3"; transcript_id "T4";'],
        gtf = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(gtf_data))

        gene1, gene2 = list(segment._get_gene_content(gtf, ['1', 'MT'], report_progress=True))

        expected1 = {
            'gene': gtf_data[0],
            'T1': gtf_data[1:4],
            'T2': gtf_data[4:7],

        extra_gene = create_interval_from_list(
            ['1', '.', 'gene', '400', '500', '.', '+', '.', 'gene_id "G2";'])
        expected2 = {
            'gene': extra_gene,
            'T3': gtf_data[7:-1],

        self.assertEqual(gene1, expected1)
        self.assertEqual(gene2, expected2)
예제 #15
    def test_merging_stop_codons_4(self):
            * 1 stop codon split in two exons
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than one interval is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '20', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '40', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '60', '61', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '30', '39', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '30', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '61', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '20', '29', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '62', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)

        # Negative strand:
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than one interval is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '20', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '39', '40', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '60', '60', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '40', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '61', '65', '.', '-', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '65', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '39', '40', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '20', '38', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'UTR5', '66', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)
예제 #16
    def test_fail_validating(self, print_mock):
        Fail on validation.

        Mock the print function to suppress the actual printing during test.
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '200', '.', '+', '.', 'transcript_id "42";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '1', '30', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '100', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "2";'],

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
        self.assertEqual(print_mock.call_count, 8)
예제 #17
    def test_merging_stop_codons_1(self):
            * stop codon and CDS completely overlap
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '20', '62', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '60', '62', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '62', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '20', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '62', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '20', '40', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '62', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = []
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)

        # Negative strand:
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '20', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '20', '22', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '20', '22', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '80', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '20', '22', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '20', '22', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '80', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = []
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)
예제 #18
    def test_merging_stop_codons_3(self):
            * 1 stop codon given on same exon as CDS, bit inside CDS!
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than one interval is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '60', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '63', '65', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '65', '.', '+', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '60', '65', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '66', '70', '.', '+', '.', '.'],
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)

        # Negative strand:
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            # for this test no more than one interval is needed...
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '60', '70', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
            ['1', '.', 'stop_codon', '65', '67', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        exons = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '70', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        cdses = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '65', '70', '.', '-', '.', '.'],

        expeted_new_cdses = [
            ['1', '.', 'CDS', '65', '70', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        expeted_utrs = [
            ['1', '.', 'UTR3', '60', '64', '.', '-', '.', '.'],
        new_cdses, utrs = segment._get_non_cds_exons(cdses, exons, intervals)
        new_cdses, utrs = intervals_to_list(new_cdses), intervals_to_list(utrs)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_new_cdses, new_cdses)
        self.assertEqual(expeted_utrs, utrs)
예제 #19
    def test_no_transcript_interval(self):
        If not transcript interval is given, it is determined by function
        Also this is the case if no CDS are given - all exons turn to ncRNA.
        intervals = list_to_intervals([
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '1', '30', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'exon', '60', '100', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "2";'],

        expected = [
            ['1', '.', 'transcript', '1', '100', '.', '+', '.', ''],
            ['1', '.', 'intron', '31', '59', '.', '+', '.', ''],
            ['1', '.', 'ncRNA', '1', '30', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "1";'],
            ['1', '.', 'ncRNA', '60', '100', '.', '+', '.', 'exon_number "2";'],

        output = intervals_to_list(segment._process_transcript_group(intervals))
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)
예제 #20
    def setUp(self):
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", (ResourceWarning, ImportWarning))

        self.gtf_data = list_to_intervals([
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '799', '.', '-', '.',
                attrs(tid='.', iid='interN00000')
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '1', '99', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs(tid='.', iid='interP00000')
            # Gene #1:
                '1', '.', 'gene', '100', '499', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', bio='.')
            # Transcript #1
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '100', '249', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'UTR5', '100', '149', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', 1, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intron', '150', '199', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '200', '229', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', 2, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intron', '230', '239', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'UTR3', '240', '249', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', 3, bio='.')

            # Transcript #2
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '240', '499', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T2', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '240', '299', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T2', 1, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intron', '300', '399', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T1', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '400', '499', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G1', 'T2', 2, bio='.')

            # intergenic
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '500', '599', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs(tid='.', iid='interP00001')

            # Gene #1:
                '1', '.', 'gene', '600', '799', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G2', bio='.')

            # Transcript #3
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '600', '799', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G2', 'T3', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '600', '649', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G2', 'T3', 1, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intron', '650', '749', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G2', 'T3', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '750', '799', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs('G2', 'T3', 2, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '800', '999', '.', '+', '.',
                attrs(tid='.', iid='interP00002')

            # Gene #3:
                '1', '.', 'gene', '800', '899', '.', '-', '.',
                attrs('G3', bio='.')

            # Transcript #3
                '1', '.', 'transcript', '800', '899', '.', '-', '.',
                attrs('G3', 'T4', bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'CDS', '800', '899', '.', '-', '.',
                attrs('G3', 'T4', 1, bio='.')
                '1', '.', 'intergenic', '900', '999', '.', '-', '.',
                attrs(tid='.', iid='interN00001')

        self.gtf = make_file_from_list(intervals_to_list(self.gtf_data),
        self.strange = get_temp_file_name(extension='bam')
        self.cross_tr = get_temp_file_name(extension='tsv')
        self.out = get_temp_file_name(extension='tsv')