예제 #1
def x_iterate(t, xguess=X0, Tguess=400, eps=0.02):
    """Iterate to find x(t) and T(t)
		t:          time in s
		xguess:     where to start x at
		Tguess:     where to start T at (K)
		eps:        fractionally, how close to get
					[Default: 0.02]
		x:          quality
		T:          Temperature (K)
    # Q_DOT is given as constant; the integral is trivial
    Q_decay = Q_DOT * t
    u_target = u0 + Q_decay / M0

    Tmin = int(liquid0.T)
    Tmax = Tmin + 200
    for Tguess in range(Tmin, Tmax, 5):
        #print("\n\n\nTguess:", Tguess)
        xguess = 0.5
        last_x = 10 * xguess
        last_u = 0.0
        c = 0
        converged = True
        overflooded = False
        while abs(xguess - last_x) / xguess > eps or abs(
                u_target - last_u) / u_target > eps:
            last_x = xguess
            liquid1 = steam(T=Tguess, x=0)
            vapor1 = steam(T=Tguess, x=1)
            u_fg = vapor1.u - liquid1.u
            v_fg = vapor1.v - liquid1.v
            v1 = liquid1.v + v_fg * xguess

            # Revise the x guess based on specific volume
            xguess = (v0 - liquid1.v) / v_fg
            #print("xguess = {:.4e}".format(xguess))
            last_u = liquid1.u + u_fg * xguess

            c += 1
            if c > 10:
                converged = False

        if converged or v1 > v0 or v1 == 0:
            if converged:
            if v1 > v0:
                overflooded = True
                print("Overflooded at t = {:.3} hours!".format(t / 3600))

    return v1, overflooded
예제 #2
def FW_main(A2, B, B2, Mi, Me):

    if (A2):
        Me.h = Mi.h + (B.m * (B.h - B2.h) + A2.m * (A2.h - B2.h)) / Mi.m
        Me.h = Mi.h + B.m * (B.h - B2.h) / Mi.m

    Me.P = Mi.P
    Me.T = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).T
    Me.s = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).s
예제 #3
def Reheat(Mi, Me, temp):

    Me.T = temp
    Me.P = Mi.P
    Me.m = Mi.m
    Me.h = steam(T=Me.T, P=Me.P).h
    Me.s = steam(T=Me.T, P=Me.P).s

    Q = Me.m * (Me.h - Mi.h)
    return Q
예제 #4
def Pump(Mi, Me, efficiency):

    Me.m = Mi.m
    ses = Mi.s
    hes = steam(s=ses, P=Me.P).h
    Me.h = (hes - Mi.h) / efficiency + Mi.h
    Me.T = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).T
    Me.s = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).s

    Power = Me.m * (Me.h - Mi.h)
    return Power
예제 #5
def Deaerator(A2, B, Mi, Me, deaerationCondensate):

    if (A2):
        Me.m = A2.m + B.m + Mi.m
        Me.h = (Mi.h * Mi.m + A2.h * A2.m + B.h * B.m) / Me.m
        Me.m = B.m + Mi.m
        Me.h = (Mi.h * Mi.m + B.h * B.m) / Me.m

    Me.P = deaerationCondensate.condPressure
    Me.T = deaerationCondensate.T = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).T
    Me.s = deaerationCondensate.s = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).s
    deaerationCondensate.h = steam(P=Me.P, h=Me.h).h
예제 #6
def Condenser(F2, Mi, Me):

    if (F2):
        mMF = Me.m = Mi.m + F2.m
        hMF = (Mi.m * Mi.h + F2.m * F2.h) / mMF
        mMF = Me.m = Mi.m
        hMF = Mi.h

    Me.P = Mi.P
    Me.h = steam(P=Me.P, x=0).h
    Me.s = steam(P=Me.P, x=0).s
    Me.T = steam(P=Me.P, x=0).T

    Q = mMF * (hMF - Me.h)
    return Q
예제 #7
파일: p07-9.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
def iterate(p_air2=0, tguess=1000.0, xguess=0.1, T2=liquid_in.T):
    # Initialize some guesses before iterating
    last_t = 1200
    #v2 = V_WATER0/mguess
    V_gas2 = V_VAPOR0
    while abs(tguess - last_t) / last_t > EPS:
        last_t = tguess
        mflow = MDOT * last_t
        mguess = M0 + mflow

        if p_air2:
            # Partial pressure of air at T2
            p_air2 = T2 * M_AIR * R_AIR / V_gas2 * 1E-6  # MPa
            psat = P_BURST - p_air2  # MPa
            de_air = M_AIR * CV_AIR * (T2 - T_AIR0) * 1E-3  # kJ
            psat = P_BURST
            de_air = 0

        liquid2 = steam(P=psat, x=0)
        vapor2 = steam(P=psat, x=1)
        T2 = liquid2.T  # K
        vmix2 = lambda x: liquid2.v * (1 - x) + vapor2.v * x
        umix2 = lambda x: liquid2.u * (1 - x) + vapor2.u * x
        u_fg = vapor2.u - liquid2.u  # kJ/kg

        # Control volume
        xguess = (V_TOTAL / mguess - liquid2.v) / (vapor2.v - liquid2.v)
        # Conservation of energy
        u2 = umix2(xguess)
        mflow = (U0 - de_air - M0 * u2) / (u2 - liquid_in.u)
        # This calculation is unstable. Underrelax it!
        # (I'd like to thank Sterling for telling me to try this)
        tguess = Y * mflow / MDOT + (1 - Y) * tguess

    return mguess, xguess, tguess
예제 #8
def CycleHP(load,massFlow):
    # Initial Design Conditions
    #load = 1.0                  # load as percentage of designed mass flow
    #massFlow = 450              # mass flow rate at 100% load (kg/s)
    mainTemp =   585 + 273      # temperature at inlet of HP turbine (K)
    reheatTemp = 585 + 273      # temperature at inlet of IP turbine (K)
    highPressure = 19           # pressure at inlet of HP turbine (MPa)
    intPressure = 2             # pressure at inlet of IP turbine (MPa)
    lowPressure = 0.8           # pressure at inlet of LP turbine (MPa)
    condPressure = 0.01         # pressure at inlet of condensor  (MPa)
    pE_A = 10/100               # percent of mass flow extracted at A
    pE_B = 10/100               # percent of mass flow extracted at B
    pE_C = 5/100                # percent of mass flow extracted at C
    #pE_D = 000                 # percent of mass flow extracted at D
    #pE_E = 000                 # percent of mass flow extracted at E
    #pE_F = 000                 # percent of mass flow extracted at F
    TTD = 5/1.8                 # terminal temperature difference (K)
    DCA = 10/1.8                # drain cooler approach (K)
    deaeratorInletPressure = 0.2
    # Power Cycle
    # set inital state at the high pressure turbine inlet
    M1 = state()
    M1.T = mainTemp
    M1.P = highPressure
    M1.m = massFlow * load
    M1.h = steam(T=M1.T, P=M1.P).h
    M1.s = steam(T=M1.T, P=M1.P).s

    # set deaeration conditions for determining extraction flows
    deaerationConditions = components.preheatConditions()
    deaerationConditions.condPressure = condPressure
    deaerationConditions.P = deaeratorInletPressure
    deaerationConditions.T = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P,x=0).T
    deaerationConditions.h = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P,x=0).h
    deaerationConditions.s = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P,x=0).s
    deaerationConditions.TTD = TTD
    deaerationConditions.DCA = DCA
    deaeratorCondensate = components.preheatConditions()
    deaeratorCondensate.condPressure = 0.02
    deaeratorCondensate.P = M1.P
    deaeratorCondensate.TTD = -5/1.8
    deaeratorCondensate.DCA = 10/1.8
    # high pressure turbine states and function
    M2 = state()
    A = state()
    PR_HP = intPressure / M1.P   # pressure ratio of the high pressure turbine
    PowerHP = components.Turbine(M1,M2,A,None,None,pE_A,None,None,None,PR_HP,load)
    deaeratorCondensate.T = steam(P=A.P,x=0).T
    # reheat after high pressure turbine
    M3 = state()
    Qin_reheat = components.Reheat(M2, M3, reheatTemp)
    # intermediate pressure turbine states and function
    M4 = state()
    B = state()
    C = state()
    PR_IP = lowPressure / M3.P    # pressure ratio of the intermediate pressure turbine
    PowerIP = components.Turbine(M3,M4,B,C,None,pE_B,pE_C,None,None,PR_IP,load)
    # low pressure turbine states and function
    M5 = state()
    D = state()
    E = state()
    F = state()
    PR_LP = condPressure / M4.P    # pressure ratio of the low pressure turbine
    PowerLP = components.Turbine(M4,M5,D,E,F,None,None,None,deaerationConditions,PR_LP,load)
    # extracted steam through closed feedwater heaters
    A2 = state()
    B2 = state()
    D2 = state()
    E2 = state()
    F2 = state()
    # [main + extracted steam from LP] though condenser
    M6 = state()
    Qout = components.Condenser(F2, M5, M6)
    M7 = state()
    M7.P = deaerationConditions.P
    PowerPump1 = components.Pump(M6, M7, 0.85)
    # feedwater heaters for LP section
    M8 = state()
    M9 = state()
    M10 = state()
    M10.m = M9.m = M8.m = M7.m
    # deaerator combining extracted steam at C, 
    # combined feedwater from HP & IP, and main steam
    M11 = state()
    # pump 2 to reach high pressure for the HP turbine
    M12 = state()
    M12.P = M1.P
    PowerPump2 = components.Pump(M11, M12, 0.85)
    # feedwater heating from HP and IP turbines
    M14 = state()
    M13 = state()
    M13.m=M14.m = M12.m
    # heat in from the steam generator
    Qin_main = components.SteamGenerator(M14, M1, 0.95)
    # efficiency calculations
    Power = PowerHP+PowerIP+PowerLP-PowerPump1-PowerPump2
    Qin = Qin_reheat + Qin_main
    nth = Power/Qin
    nc = 1 - M6.T / M1.T
    return PowerHP/1000
예제 #9
def Turbine(Mi, Me, A, B, C, pE_A, pE_B, pE_C, preheatConditions, PR, load):

    efficiency = (0.86 - 0.72) / (1.0 - 0.6) * load + 0.51

    # find exit properties
    ses = Mi.s  # isentropic exit entropy (kJ/kg/K)
    Me.P = Mi.P * PR
    # set rest of state with steam tables
    hes = steam(P=Me.P, s=ses).h
    Me.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hes)
    Me.T = steam(h=Me.h, P=Me.P).T
    Me.s = steam(h=Me.h, P=Me.P).s

    numExtract = 0
    if (A):
        numExtract += 1
    if (B):
        numExtract += 1
    if (C):
        numExtract += 1

    if (preheatConditions):
        if (numExtract == 3):

            P0 = preheatConditions.condPressure
            h0 = steam(P=P0, x=0).h
            s0 = steam(P=P0, x=0).s

            m2 = m3 = Mi.m
            P1 = P2 = P3 = preheatConditions.P
            s1s = s0
            h1s = steam(s=s1s, P=P1).h
            h1 = (h1s - h0) / preheatConditions.pumpEfficiency + h0
            T1 = steam(P=P1, h=h1).T

            T4 = preheatConditions.T
            h4 = preheatConditions.h

            T2 = 1 * (T4 - T1) / 3 + T1
            T3 = 2 * (T4 - T1) / 3 + T1
            h2 = steam(T=T2, P=P2).h
            h3 = steam(T=T3, P=P3).h

            A.P = PA2 = steam(T=(T4 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            TA2 = T3 + preheatConditions.DCA
            hA2 = steam(T=TA2, P=PA2).h
            hAs = steam(P=A.P, s=ses).h
            A.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hAs)
            A.T = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).T
            A.s = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).s
            A.m = mA2 = m3 * (h4 - h3) / (A.h - hA2)

            B.P = PB2 = steam(T=(T3 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            TB2 = T2 + preheatConditions.DCA
            hB2 = steam(T=TB2, P=PB2).h
            hBs = steam(P=B.P, s=ses).h
            B.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hBs)
            B.T = steam(P=B.P, h=B.h).T
            B.s = steam(P=B.P, h=B.h).s
            B.m = (m2 * (h3 - h2) - mA2 * (hA2 - hB2)) / (B.h - hB2)
            mB2 = B.m + mA2

            C.P = PC2 = steam(T=(T2 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            TC2 = T1 + preheatConditions.DCA
            hC2 = steam(T=TC2, P=PC2).h
            hCs = steam(P=C.P, s=ses).h
            C.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hCs)
            C.T = steam(P=C.P, h=C.h).T
            C.s = steam(P=C.P, h=C.h).s
            C.m = (m2 * (h2 - h1) - mB2 * (hB2 - hC2)) / (C.h - hC2)

            Me.m = Mi.m - A.m - B.m - C.m

            Power = Mi.m * (Mi.h - A.h) + (Mi.m - A.m) * (A.h - B.h) + (
                Mi.m - A.m - B.m) * (B.h - Me.h)
            print("ERROR: Turbine()")
        if (numExtract == 1):
            A.P = Me.P
            A.h = Me.h
            A.T = Me.T
            A.s = Me.s
            A.m = Mi.m * pE_A
            Me.m = Mi.m - A.m
            Power = Mi.m * (Mi.h - Me.h)
        elif (numExtract == 2):
            TH = steam(P=Mi.P, x=1).T
            TL = steam(P=Me.P, x=1).T
            TA = (TH - TL) / (numExtract) + TL
            A.P = steam(T=TA, x=1).P
            hAs = steam(P=A.P, s=ses).h
            A.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hAs)
            A.T = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).T
            A.s = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).s
            A.m = Mi.m * pE_A
            B.P = Me.P
            B.h = Me.h
            B.T = Me.T
            B.s = Me.s
            B.m = Mi.m * pE_B
            Me.m = Mi.m - A.m - B.m
            Power = Mi.m * (Mi.h - A.h) + (Mi.m - A.m) * (A.h - Me.h)
        elif (numExtract == 3):
            TH = steam(P=Mi.P, x=1).T
            TL = steam(P=Me.P, x=1).T
            TA = 2 * (TH - TL) / (numExtract) + TL
            A.P = steam(T=TA, x=1).P
            hAs = steam(P=A.P, s=ses).h
            A.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hAs)
            A.T = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).T
            A.s = steam(P=A.P, h=A.h).s
            A.m = Mi.m * pE_A
            TB = (TH - TL) / (numExtract) + TL
            B.P = steam(T=TB, x=1).P
            hBs = steam(P=B.P, s=ses).h
            B.h = Mi.h - efficiency * (Mi.h - hBs)
            B.T = steam(P=B.P, h=B.h).T
            B.s = steam(P=B.P, h=B.h).s
            B.m = Mi.m * pE_B
            C.P = Me.P
            C.h = Me.h
            C.T = Me.T
            C.s = Me.s
            C.m = Mi.m * pE_C
            Me.m = Mi.m - A.m - B.m - C.m
            Power = Mi.m * (Mi.h - A.h) + (Mi.m - A.m) * (A.h - B.h) + (
                Mi.m - A.m - B.m) * (B.h - Me.h)
            Me.m = Mi.m
            Power = Mi.m * (Mi.h - Me.h)

    return Power
예제 #10
파일: xplot.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
def x(temp):
    vf = steam(T=temp, x=0).v
    vg = steam(T=temp, x=1).v
    return (VOL - vf) / (vg - vf)
예제 #11
파일: xplot.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
V_TOT = 2500  # m^3
M_TOT = 2.12E6  # kg
VOL = V_TOT / M_TOT  # specific volume
T0 = 373  # K

def x(temp):
    vf = steam(T=temp, x=0).v
    vg = steam(T=temp, x=1).v
    return (VOL - vf) / (vg - vf)

temperatures = linspace(T0, T0 + 110)
qualities = array([x(ti) for ti in temperatures])
for i, q in enumerate(qualities):
    if q == max(qualities):
txmax = temperatures[i]
plot(temperatures, qualities, label="X")
plot([temperatures.min(), temperatures.max()], [q, q], 'gray')
plot([txmax, txmax], [qualities.min(), qualities.max()], 'gray')
     1.05 * q,
     "$X_{max} = $" + "{:.3e}".format(q) + " @ {:.4} K".format(txmax),
vmin = steam(T=txmax, x=0).v * M_TOT * (1 - q)
print("Minimum water volume: {:.5} m^3".format(vmin))
예제 #12
파일: p07-14.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
R_VESSEL = 6.5  # m
AXS_VESSEL = math.pi * R_VESSEL**2  # m^2; cross-sectional area of vessel
ZCORE = 2.0  # m
ZCYL = 14.5  # m
ZSTEAM0 = 2.17  # m
V_STEAM0 = AXS_VESSEL * ZSTEAM0  # m^3; volume of the initial steam
V_BELOW = math.pi * 2 / 3 * R_VESSEL**3  # m^3; volume below core
V_ZCORE = AXS_VESSEL * ZCORE  # m^3; volume around core
V_ABOVE = AXS_VESSEL * Z_ABOVE  # m^3; volume above core
V_LIQUID0 = V_BELOW + V_ZCORE + V_ABOVE  # m^3; volume if the initial liquid water
V_VESSEL = V_LIQUID0 + V_STEAM0  # m^3; entire pressure vessel volume

# Thermal hydraulic parameters
P0 = 0.10135  # MPa
liquid0 = steam(P=P0, x=0)
vapor0 = steam(P=P0, x=1)
M_LIQUID0 = V_LIQUID0 / liquid0.v
M_VAPOR0 = V_STEAM0 / vapor0.v
X0 = M_VAPOR0 / M0
U0 = M_LIQUID0 + liquid0.u + M_VAPOR0 * vapor0.u
u0 = liquid0.u * (1 - X0) + vapor0.u * X0
v0 = V_VESSEL / M0
	1. T2 or P2  at one week
	2. X2        at one week
	3. U, V      at one week
예제 #13
#pE_F = 000                 # percent of mass flow extracted at F

TTD = 5 / 1.8  # terminal temperature difference (K)
DCA = 10 / 1.8  # drain cooler approach (K)
deaeratorInletPressure = 0.2

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Power Cycle
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# set inital state at the high pressure turbine inlet
M1 = state()
M1.T = mainTemp
M1.P = highPressure
M1.m = massFlow * load
M1.h = steam(T=M1.T, P=M1.P).h
M1.s = steam(T=M1.T, P=M1.P).s

# set deaeration conditions for determining extraction flows
deaerationConditions = components.preheatConditions()
deaerationConditions.condPressure = condPressure
deaerationConditions.P = deaeratorInletPressure
deaerationConditions.T = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P, x=0).T
deaerationConditions.h = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P, x=0).h
deaerationConditions.s = steam(P=deaerationConditions.P, x=0).s
deaerationConditions.TTD = TTD
deaerationConditions.DCA = DCA

deaeratorCondensate = components.preheatConditions()
deaeratorCondensate.condPressure = 0.02
deaeratorCondensate.P = M1.P
예제 #14
# Constants
V_C = 50970  # m^3
R_AIR = 286  # J/kg-K
M_AIR = 5.9E4  # kg
CV_AIR = 719  # J/kg-K
EPS = 0.02

# Starting conditions from Example 7.1
P0 = 0.523  # MPa
Pa0 = 0.137  # MPa
T0 = 415.6  # Kelvins
X0 = 0.505
m_pw = 2.1E5  # kg
m_pg = 2.11E5  # kg
mp = m_pw + m_pg
sat_liquid0 = steam(T=T0, x=0)
sat_vapor0 = steam(T=T0, x=1)
st0 = steam(T=T0, x=X0)
V_vapor0 = m_pg * sat_vapor0.v
e_p0 = m_pw * sat_liquid0.u + m_pg * sat_vapor0.u
#print("Partial pressure of st0 =", st0.P)

# Saturated liquid released from the secondary system
PS = 6.89  # MPa
VS = 89  # m^3
sts = steam(P=PS, x=0)
print("Temperature of the secondary coolant at break: {:.4} K".format(sts.T))
ms = VS / sts.v
e_s0 = ms * sts.u
#print("Mass of secondary coolant released at {:.4} K: {:.4} kg".format(sts.T, ms))
m_w = ms + mp  # Total mass of coolant (primary + secondary)
예제 #15
파일: p07-9.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
from iapws import IAPWS97 as steam

# Constants
EPS = 0.02  # How close to converge
Y = 0.2  # Underrelaxation factor
# Given parameters:
# Tank itself
P_TANK0 = 3  # MPa
P_BURST = 10  # MPa
P_SAT0 = 15.4  # MPa
V_TOTAL = 12  # m^3
V_WATER0 = 2  # m^3
V_VAPOR0 = V_TOTAL - V_WATER0  # m^3
# Water in tank
water0 = steam(P=P_TANK0, x=0)
vapor0 = steam(P=P_TANK0, x=1)
M_l0 = V_WATER0 / water0.v  # kg
M_v0 = V_VAPOR0 / vapor0.v  # kg
M0 = M_v0 + M_l0  # kg
X0 = M_v0 / (M_l0 + M_v0)
U0 = M_l0 * water0.u + M_v0 * vapor0.u  # kJ
# Flow in
MDOT = 3  # kg/s
liquid_in = steam(P=P_SAT0, x=0)
# Air in tank (for part C only)
M_AIR = 11.93  # kg
R_AIR = 268  # J/kg-K
CV_AIR = 719  # J/kg-K
T_AIR0 = vapor0.T
예제 #16
def FW_extracted(A, A2, B, B2, C, C2, preheatConditions):

    numExtract = 0
    if (A):
        numExtract += 1
    if (B):
        numExtract += 1
    if (C):
        numExtract += 1

    if (preheatConditions):
        P0 = preheatConditions.condPressure
        h0 = steam(P=P0, x=0).h
        s0 = steam(P=P0, x=0).s

        P1 = preheatConditions.P
        s1s = s0
        h1s = steam(s=s1s, P=P1).h
        h1 = (h1s - h0) / preheatConditions.pumpEfficiency + h0
        T1 = steam(P=P1, h=h1).T

        if (numExtract == 1):
            T2 = preheatConditions.T

            A2.P = steam(T=(T2 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            A2.T = T1 + preheatConditions.DCA
            A2.h = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).h
            A2.s = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).s
            A2.m = A.m

        elif (numExtract == 2):
            T3 = preheatConditions.T
            T2 = (T3 - T1) / 2 + T1

            A2.P = steam(T=(T3 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            A2.T = T2 + preheatConditions.DCA
            A2.h = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).h
            A2.s = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).s
            A2.m = A.m

            B2.P = steam(T=(T2 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            B2.T = T1 + preheatConditions.DCA
            B2.h = steam(T=B2.T, P=B2.P).h
            B2.s = steam(T=B2.T, P=B2.P).s
            B2.m = B.m + A2.m

        elif (numExtract == 3):
            T4 = preheatConditions.T
            T2 = 1 * (T4 - T1) / 3 + T1
            T3 = 2 * (T4 - T1) / 3 + T1

            A2.P = steam(T=(T4 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            A2.T = T3 + preheatConditions.DCA
            A2.h = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).h
            A2.s = steam(T=A2.T, P=A2.P).s
            A2.m = A.m

            B2.P = steam(T=(T3 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            B2.T = T2 + preheatConditions.DCA
            B2.h = steam(T=B2.T, P=B2.P).h
            B2.s = steam(T=B2.T, P=B2.P).s
            B2.m = B.m + A2.m

            C2.P = steam(T=(T2 + preheatConditions.TTD), x=0).P
            C2.T = T1 + preheatConditions.DCA
            C2.h = steam(T=C2.T, P=C2.P).h
            C2.s = steam(T=C2.T, P=C2.P).s
            C2.m = C.m + B2.m
        print("ERROR: no preheat conditions")
예제 #17
파일: p07-2.py 프로젝트: tjlaboss/22.312
from iapws import IAPWS97 as steam
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# Fixed parameters
P_MAX = 0.4  # MPa
V_C = 5.05E4  # m^3 (containment volume)
C0 = 273.15  # 0 degrees Celcius
EPS = 0.005  # Get within 0.5% of the answer
MAX_ITER = 100  # Prevent infinite loops

# Initial conditions
P0 = 0.1013  # MPa (containment pressure)
T_c0 = 300  # K   (containment temperature)
P_p0 = 15.5  # MPa (primary coolant pressure)
V_p0 = 500  # m^3 (primary coolant volume)
st0 = steam(P=P_p0, x=0)  # primary coolant, sat liquid
mp = V_p0 / st0.v

# Ice
T_ice0 = 263  # K
lf_ice = 333  # kJ/kg
c_ice = 4.230  # kJ/kg-K
c_water = 4.18  # kJ/kg-K
liquid_ice = steam(T=T_c0, x=0)

# Air
R_AIR = 268  # J/kg-K
CV_AIR = 719  # J/kg-K
# PV = mRT --> m = PV/RT
M_AIR = (P0 * 1E6 * V_C) / (R_AIR * T_c0)  # kg
MRV_AIR = M_AIR * R_AIR / (V_C - V_p0) * 1E-6  # MPa