def findTopology():
   #sys.stderr.write( sys.argv[0] + ': Info: reading ibnetdiscover file.\n' )
   switchTree, blah, lidPortHost, blah = parseIbnetdiscover()
   #print 'switchTree (len', len(switchTree), ')' # , switchTree  # by switch LID

   s = {}
   sOld = {}
   keys = {}
   cmd = {}
   lp = {}
   for t in chipTypes:
      s[t] = {}
      sOld[t] = {}
      keys[t] = findLidsByType( switchTree, t )
      cmd[t], cnt, lp[t] = buildIbCmd( switchTree, keys[t] )
      #print 'cmd', t, cmd[t]
      #print 'lp', t, lp[t]
      #for l,p in lp[t]:
      #   print t,l,switchTree[l][0],p
   return s, sOld, cmd, lp
예제 #2
    if pick >= len(pairs):
        print 'sorry. there aren\'t that many sets of IB files. max', len(pairs), 'pick', pick
    elif pick < 0:
        print 'IB file set number must be >0'

    pair = p0, p1 = pairs[-pick]
    grp0 = groups[p0]
    grp1 = groups[p1]
    if debug:
        print 'pick', pick, 'using', pair, 'grp0', grp0, 'grp1', grp1

    ibNetFile = grp1['ibnetdiscover'][1]
    switchTree, byName, lph, rates = parseIbnetdiscover( ibNetFile=ibNetFile )
    #print 'switchTree (len', len(switchTree), ')' # , switchTree  # by switch LID
    #print 'byName (len', len(byName), ')' # , byName  # by hostname
    #print 'lph (len', len(lph), ')' # , lph  # swlid, swport, lid, host
    #print 'rates (len', len(rates), ')', rates  # swlid, swport, lid, host

    errs = parseIbcheckerrors( allErrs, grp1['ibcheckerrors'][1] )
    #print 'errs', errs  # by (lid, port), but hostname in 'name' field for hosts

    if 'rebooted' in grp1.keys():
        # use rebooted file...
        f = open( ibDir + '/' + grp1['rebooted'][1], 'r' )
        ff = f.readlines()
        ignore = []
        for i in ff:
    if sys.argv[1] == "--host":
        hostMode = "host"
    elif sys.argv[1] == "--switch":
        hostMode = "switch"
        print "needs --host or --switch"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    first = 1


    blah, blah, lidPortHost, blah = parseIbnetdiscover()
    # print lidPortHost, len(lidPortHost)

    sOld = {}
    while 1:
        if not first:

        up = listOfUpHosts(aliveTime)
        # hack ->
        # up = []
        # for i in range(1033,1152+1):
        #   up.append( 'v%d' % i )
        # if first:
        #   print 'up', up
예제 #4
def parseArgs():
   global dumpFile

      opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help' ] )
   except getopt.GetoptError:
      usage()  # print help information and exit

   for o, a in opts:
      if o in ('-h', '--help'):
   if len(args) != 1:

   dumpFile = sys.argv[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

   switchTree, byName, lidPortHost, r = parseIbnetdiscover( ibDir=ibDir )
   #print 'switchTree (len', len(switchTree), ')' # , switchTree  # by switch LID
   #print 'byName (len', len(byName), ')' # , byName  # by hostname
   #print 'lph (len', len(lidPortHost), ')' # , lidPortHost  # swlid, swport, lid, host

   lpn, hCnt, swCnt = lidPorts( lidPortHost, switchTree )
   #print 'hCnt', hCnt, 'swCnt', swCnt, 'len(lpn)', len(lpn) #, 'lpn', lpn

   s = runChunkedIbperfs( lpn )
   dumpStats( s )
예제 #5

def usage():
   print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], '[-v] [-q] switchName1 switchName2'
   print ' output is lid,port\'s on switchName1 that connect to switchName2'
   print '   -v will print name,lid,port at both ends'
   print '   -q will print qnem<->qnem traces as well as cabled connections'
   print ' eg.', sys.argv[0], 'qnem-07-4a M9-4-LC-0c'

if len(sys.argv) > 3:

if __name__ == '__main__':
   switchTree, byName, lph, r = parseIbnetdiscover( ibDir=ibDir )
   #print 'switchTree (len', len(switchTree), ')' # , switchTree  # by switch LID
   #print 'byName (len', len(byName), ')' # , byName  # by hostname
   #print 'lph (len', len(lph), ')' # , lph  # swlid, swport, lid, host

   s1 = sys.argv[1]
   s2 = sys.argv[2]
   if lidType(s2) == 'qnem' and lidType(s1) != 'qnem':
      # swap them to put the qnem first
      s = s1
      s1 = s2
      s2 = s

   l1 = findLidByName( switchTree, lph, s1 )
   if l1 == None:
      print 'Error: could not find s1', s1, 'in switchTree. please check switch name'
    return s

def m9number( name ):
    # convert eg. M9-4-LC-1c to '4'
    return int(name.split('-')[1])

def lcChipName( name ):
    # convert eg. M9-4-LC-1c to '1c'
    return name.split('-')[3]

def isM2( name ):
    return ( name[:2] == 'M2' )

if __name__ == '__main__':
   if len(sys.argv) == 2:
       switchTree, byName, lph, r = parseIbnetdiscover( ibNetFile=sys.argv[1] )
       switchTree, byName, lph, r = parseIbnetdiscover( ibDir=ibDir )
   print 'switchTree (len', len(switchTree), ')' # , switchTree  # by switch LID
   print 'byName (len', len(byName), ')' # , byName  # by hostname
   print 'lph (len', len(lph), ')' # , lph  # swlid, swport, lid, host

   chipPorts = 36
   lcFcLinks = chipPorts/2    # full fat tree
   lcQnemLinks = chipPorts/2  # full fat tree
   lcM2Links = 12
   m9s = ( 1,2,3,4 )
   qnemLcLinks = 12   # 12 to nodes, 12 to LC, 12 to other qnem

   ioLC = ( 'M9-1-LC-5d', 'M9-2-LC-5d', 'M9-3-LC-5d', 'M9-4-LC-5d' )
   partialLC = ( 'M9-1-LC-4c', 'M9-2-LC-4c', 'M9-3-LC-4c', 'M9-4-LC-4c', 'M9-1-LC-5c', 'M9-2-LC-5c', 'M9-3-LC-5c', 'M9-4-LC-5c', 'M9-1-LC-5d', 'M9-2-LC-5d', 'M9-3-LC-5d', 'M9-4-LC-5d' )