예제 #1
def GenerateFeatures(prefix):
    # find the level of anisotropy
    resolution = dataIO.Resolution(prefix)
    zy = resolution[IB_Z] / resolution[IB_Y]
    zx = resolution[IB_Z] / resolution[IB_X]

    # assert isotropy in xy
    assert (zy == zx)

    # read the image 
    image = dataIO.ReadImageData(prefix)
    zres, yres, xres = image.shape

    zx_slice = image[:,0,:]
    zy_slice = image[:,:,0]

    dataIO.WriteImage('{}-zx.png'.format(prefix), zx_slice)
    dataIO.WriteImage('{}-zy.png'.format(prefix), zy_slice)

    for iv in range(zy):
        xcut = image[:,:,iv::zx]
        ycut = image[:,:,iv::zy]

        xfilename = 'super_resolution/{}-x-{}.h5'.format(prefix, iv + 1)
        yfilename = 'super_resolution/{}-y-{}.h5'.format(prefix, iv + 1)
        dataIO.WriteH5File(xcut, xfilename, 'main')
        dataIO.WriteH5File(ycut, yfilename, 'main')

        for iz in range(zres):
            xslice = xcut[iz,:,:]
            yslice = ycut[iz,:,:]
            zslice = image[iz,:,:]
            xfilename = 'super_resolution/images/{}-x-{}-{:04d}.png'.format(prefix, iv + 1, iz)
            yfilename = 'super_resolution/images/{}-y-{}-{:04d}.png'.format(prefix, iv + 1, iz)
            zfilename = 'super_resolution/images/{}-z-{:04d}.png'.format(prefix, iz)
            dataIO.WriteImage(xfilename, xslice)
            dataIO.WriteImage(yfilename, yslice)
            dataIO.WriteImage(zfilename, zslice)
예제 #2
파일: img2h5.py 프로젝트: silky/ibexHelper
def ImageStackToH5(image_directory, output_filename):
    # get all of the image file
    image_filenames = sorted(os.listdir(image_directory))

    zres = len(image_filenames)
    yres, xres = dataIO.ReadImage('{}/{}'.format(image_directory,
    image = np.zeros((zres, yres, xres), dtype=np.uint8)

    # get the number of images in the directory
    for iz, image_filename in enumerate(image_filenames):
        print image_filename

        # read the image file
        filename = '{}/{}'.format(image_directory, image_filename)
        image_slice = dataIO.ReadImage(filename)
        image[iz, :, :] = image_slice

    dataIO.WriteH5File(image, output_filename, 'main')
예제 #3
파일: util.py 프로젝트: houxianxu/ibex
def SaveFeatures(prefix_one, prefix_two, threshold, maximum_distance):
    # read in both segmentation and image files
    segmentations = (dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix_one),
    assert (segmentations[0].shape == segmentations[1].shape)
    images = (dataIO.ReadImageData(prefix_one),
    assert (images[0].shape == images[1].shape)
    bboxes = (dataIO.GetWorldBBox(prefix_one), dataIO.GetWorldBBox(prefix_two))
    world_res = dataIO.Resolution(prefix_one)
    assert (world_res == dataIO.Resolution(prefix_two))

    # get the radii for this feature
    radii = (maximum_distance / world_res[IB_Z],
             maximum_distance / world_res[IB_Y],
             maximum_distance / world_res[IB_X])
    width = (2 * radii[IB_Z], 2 * radii[IB_Y], 2 * radii[IB_X], 3)

    # get all of the candidates for these prefixes
    candidates = FindCandidates(prefix_one, prefix_two, threshold,
                                maximum_distance, True)
    ncandidates = len(candidates)

    # iterate over all candidates
    for iv, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
        # get the example with zero rtation
        example = ExtractFeature(segmentations, images, bboxes, candidate,
                                 width, radii, 0)

        # compress the channels
        compressed_output = np.zeros((width[IB_Z], width[IB_Y], width[IB_X]),
        compressed_output[example[0, :, :, :, 0] == 1] = 1
        compressed_output[example[0, :, :, :, 1] == 1] = 2
        # both candidates are present at this location
        compressed_output[np.logical_and(example[0, :, :, :, 0] == 1,
                                         example[0, :, :, :, 1] == 1)] = 3

        # save the output file
        filename = 'features/ebro/{}-{}/{}-{}nm-{:05d}.h5'.format(
            prefix_one, prefix_two, threshold, maximum_distance, iv)
        dataIO.WriteH5File(compressed_output, filename, 'main')
예제 #4
def SaveFeatures(prefix, threshold, maximum_distance, network_distance):
    # make sure the folder for this model prefix exists
    output_folder = 'features/skeleton/{}'.format(prefix)
    if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

    # read in relevant information
    segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)
    grid_size = segmentation.shape
    world_res = dataIO.Resolution(prefix)

    # get the radii for the bounding box
    radii = (maximum_distance / world_res[IB_Z],
             maximum_distance / world_res[IB_Y],
             maximum_distance / world_res[IB_X])
    width = (2 * radii[IB_Z], 2 * radii[IB_Y], 2 * radii[IB_X], 3)

    # read all candidates
    candidates = FindCandidates(prefix,
    ncandidates = len(candidates)

    for iv, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
        # get an example with zero rotation
        example = ExtractFeature(segmentation, candidate, width, radii, 0)

        # compress the channels
        compressed_output = np.zeros((width[IB_Z], width[IB_Y], width[IB_X]),
        compressed_output[example[0, :, :, :, 0] == 1] = 1
        compressed_output[example[0, :, :, :, 1] == 1] = 2

        # save the output file
        filename = 'features/skeleton/{}/{}-{}nm-{}nm-{:05d}.h5'.format(
            prefix, threshold, maximum_distance, network_distance, iv)
        dataIO.WriteH5File(compressed_output, filename, 'main')
예제 #5
def CollapseGraph(prefix, segmentation, vertex_ones, vertex_twos,
                  maintained_edges, algorithm):
    # get the number of edges
    nedges = maintained_edges.shape[0]

    # create the union find data structure and collapse the graph
    max_label = np.amax(segmentation) + 1
    union_find = [unionfind.UnionFindElement(iv) for iv in range(max_label)]

    # go through all of the edges
    for ie in range(nedges):
        # skip if the edge should not collapse
        if maintained_edges[ie]: continue

        # merge these vertices
        vertex_one = vertex_ones[ie]
        vertex_two = vertex_twos[ie]

        unionfind.Union(union_find[vertex_one], union_find[vertex_two])

    # create the mapping and save the result
    mapping = np.zeros(max_label, dtype=np.int64)
    for iv in range(max_label):
        mapping[iv] = unionfind.Find(union_find[iv]).label

    # apply the mapping and save the result
    seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    rhoana_filename = 'rhoana/{}-{}.h5'.format(prefix, algorithm)
    dataIO.WriteH5File(segmentation, rhoana_filename, 'main')

    # spawn a new meta file
    dataIO.SpawnMetaFile(prefix, rhoana_filename, 'main')

    # get the variation of information for this result
    new_prefix = rhoana_filename.split('/')[1][:-3]

    # read in the new gold data
    gold = dataIO.ReadGoldData(prefix)

    rand_error, vi = comparestacks.VariationOfInformation(
        new_prefix, segmentation, gold)

    #adapted_rand = comparestacks.adapted_rand(prefix, segmentation, gold)

    print 'Rand Error Full: {}'.format(rand_error[0] + rand_error[1])
    print 'Rand Error Merge: {}'.format(rand_error[0])
    print 'Rand Error Split: {}'.format(rand_error[1])

    print 'Variation of Information Full: {}'.format(vi[0] + vi[1])
    print 'Variation of Information Merge: {}'.format(vi[0])
    print 'Variation of Information Split: {}'.format(vi[1])

    #print 'Adapted Rand: {}'.format(adapted_rand)

    # make sure that the options are either multicut or lifted-multicut
    if 'lifted-multicut' in algorithm: output_folder = 'lifted-multicut'
    elif 'multicut' in algorithm: output_folder = 'multicut'
    elif 'graph-baseline' in algorithm: output_folder = 'graph-baselines'
    else: assert (False)

    with open('{}-results/{}-{}.txt'.format(output_folder, algorithm, prefix),
              'w') as fd:
        fd.write('Rand Error Full: {}\n'.format(rand_error[0] + rand_error[1]))
        fd.write('Rand Error Merge: {}\n'.format(rand_error[0]))
        fd.write('Rand Error Split: {}\n'.format(rand_error[1]))

        fd.write('Variation of Information Full: {}\n'.format(vi[0] + vi[1]))
        fd.write('Variation of Information Merge: {}\n'.format(vi[0]))
        fd.write('Variation of Information Split: {}\n'.format(vi[1]))
예제 #6
def GenerateEdges(prefix,
    # possible widths for the neural network
    widths = [(18, 52, 52)
              ]  #[(18, 52, 52), (20, 60, 60), (22, 68, 68), (24, 76, 76)]

    # create the directory structure to save the features in
    # forward is needed for training and validation data that is cropped
    CreateDirectoryStructure(widths, network_radius,
                             ['training', 'validation', 'testing', 'forward'],

    # get the size of the data
    zres, yres, xres = segmentation.shape

    # make sure the subset is one of three categories
    assert (subset == 'training' or subset == 'validation'
            or subset == 'testing')

    # crop the subset if it overlaps with testing data
    ((cropped_zmin, cropped_zmax), (cropped_ymin, cropped_ymax),
     (cropped_xmin, cropped_xmax)) = dataIO.CroppingBox(prefix)

    # call the function to actually generate the edges
    edges = EndpointTraversal(prefix, segmentation, seg2gold_mapping,

    # create list for all relevant examples
    positive_examples = []
    negative_examples = []
    unknown_examples = []
    forward_positive_examples = []
    forward_negative_examples = []
    forward_unknown_examples = []

    for edge in edges:
        zpoint, ypoint, xpoint = (edge[IB_Z], edge[IB_Y], edge[IB_X])
        label_one, label_two = edge[3], edge[4]

        # if the center of the point falls outside the cropped box do not include it in training or validation
        forward = False
        # however, you allow it for forward inference
        if (zpoint < cropped_zmin or cropped_zmax <= zpoint): forward = True
        if (ypoint < cropped_ymin or cropped_ymax <= ypoint): forward = True
        if (xpoint < cropped_xmin or cropped_xmax <= xpoint): forward = True

        # see if these two segments belong to the same neuron
        gold_one = seg2gold_mapping[label_one]
        gold_two = seg2gold_mapping[label_two]

        # create lists of locations where these point occur
        if forward:
            if gold_one < 1 or gold_two < 1:
            elif gold_one == gold_two:
            if gold_one < 1 or gold_two < 1:
            elif gold_one == gold_two:

    print 'No. Positive Edges: {}'.format(len(positive_examples))
    print 'No. Negative Edges: {}'.format(len(negative_examples))
    print 'No. Unknown Edges: {}'.format(len(unknown_examples))

    for width in widths:
        parent_directory = 'features/biological/edges-{}nm-{}x{}x{}'.format(
            network_radius, width[IB_Z], width[IB_Y], width[IB_X])

        if len(positive_examples):
            # save the examples
            positive_filename = '{}/{}/positives/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, subset, prefix)
            with open(positive_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(positive_examples)))
                for ie, example in enumerate(positive_examples):
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in positive_examples:

            positive_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, subset, prefix),
            del positive_examples_array

        if len(negative_examples):
            # save the examples
            negative_filename = '{}/{}/negatives/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, subset, prefix)
            with open(negative_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(negative_examples)))
                for example in negative_examples:
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in negative_examples:

            negative_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, subset, prefix),
            del negative_examples_array

        if len(unknown_examples):
            # save the examples
            unknown_filename = '{}/{}/unknowns/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, subset, prefix)
            with open(unknown_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(unknown_examples)))
                for example in unknown_examples:
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in unknown_examples:

            unknown_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, subset, prefix),
            del unknown_examples_array

        if len(forward_positive_examples):
            # save the examples
            forward_positive_filename = '{}/forward/positives/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, prefix)
            with open(forward_positive_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(forward_positive_examples)))
                for example in forward_positive_examples:
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in forward_positive_examples:

            forward_positive_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, prefix),
            del forward_positive_examples_array

        if len(forward_negative_examples):
            # save the examples
            forward_negative_filename = '{}/forward/negatives/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, prefix)
            with open(forward_negative_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(forward_negative_examples)))
                for example in forward_negative_examples:
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in forward_negative_examples:

            forward_negative_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, prefix),
            del forward_negative_examples_array

        if len(forward_unknown_examples):
            # save the examples
            forward_unknown_filename = '{}/forward/unknowns/{}.examples'.format(
                parent_directory, prefix)
            with open(forward_unknown_filename, 'wb') as fd:
                fd.write(struct.pack('q', len(forward_unknown_examples)))
                for example in forward_unknown_examples:
                        struct.pack('qqqqqq', example[0], example[1],
                                    example[2], example[3], example[4],

            # create new examples array to remove last element
            examples = []
            for example in forward_unknown_examples:

            forward_unknown_examples_array = GenerateExamplesArray(
                prefix, segmentation, examples, width, network_radius)
                                   parent_directory, prefix),
            del forward_unknown_examples_array
예제 #7
파일: forward.py 프로젝트: romil797/ibex
def Forward(prefix,
    # read in the trained model
    model = model_from_json(open('{}.json'.format(model_prefix), 'r').read())

    # get all of the examples
    examples, npositives, nnegatives = CollectExamples(prefix, width, radius,

    # get all of the large-small pairings
    pairings = CollectLargeSmallPairs(prefix, width, radius, subset)
    #assert (len(pairings) == examples.shape[0])

    # get the threshold in terms of number of voxels
    resolution = dataIO.Resolution(prefix)
    threshold = int(threshold_volume /
                    (resolution[IB_Z] * resolution[IB_Y] * resolution[IB_X]))

    # get the list of nodes over and under the threshold
    small_segments, large_segments = FindSmallSegments(segmentation, threshold)

    # get all of the probabilities
    probabilities = model.predict_generator(NodeGenerator(examples, width),

    # save the probabilities to a file
    output_filename = '{}-{}.probabilities'.format(model_prefix, prefix)
    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as fd:
        fd.write(struct.pack('q', examples.shape[0]))
        for ie, (label_one, label_two) in enumerate(pairings):
                struct.pack('qqd', label_one, label_two, probabilities[ie]))

    # create the correct labels for the ground truth
    ground_truth = np.zeros(npositives + nnegatives, dtype=np.bool)
    for iv in range(npositives):
        ground_truth[iv] = True

    # get the results with labeled data
    predictions = Prob2Pred(np.squeeze(probabilities[:npositives +

    # print the confusion matrix
    output_filename = '{}-{}-inference.txt'.format(model_prefix, prefix)
    PrecisionAndRecall(ground_truth, predictions, output_filename)

    # create a mapping
    small_segment_predictions = dict()
    for small_segment in small_segments:
        small_segment_predictions[small_segment] = set()

    # go through each pairing
    for pairing, probability in zip(pairings, probabilities):
        label_one, label_two = pairing
        # make sure that either label one or two is small and the other is large
        assert ((label_one in small_segments) ^ (label_two in small_segments))

        if label_one in small_segments:
            small_segment = label_one
            large_segment = label_two
            small_segment = label_two
            large_segment = label_one

            (large_segment, probability[0]))

    # begin to map the small labels
    max_label = np.amax(segmentation) + 1
    mapping = [iv for iv in range(max_label)]

    # look at seg2gold to see how many correct segments are merged
    seg2gold_mapping = seg2gold.Mapping(prefix)

    ncorrect_merges = 0
    nincorrect_merges = 0

    # go through all of the small segments
    for small_segment in small_segments:
        best_probability = -1
        best_large_segment = -1

        # go through all the neighboring large segments
        for large_segment, probability in small_segment_predictions[
            if probability > best_probability:
                best_probability = probability
                best_large_segment = large_segment

        # this should almost never happen but if it does just continue
        if best_large_segment == -1 or best_probability < 0.5:
            mapping[small_segment] = small_segment
        # get all of the best large segments
            mapping[small_segment] = best_large_segment

        # don't consider undetermined locations
        if seg2gold_mapping[small_segment] < 1 or seg2gold_mapping[
                best_large_segment] < 1:

        if seg2gold_mapping[small_segment] == seg2gold_mapping[
            ncorrect_merges += 1
            nincorrect_merges += 1

    print '\nResults:'
    print '  Correctly Merged: {}'.format(ncorrect_merges)
    print '  Incorrectly Merged: {}'.format(nincorrect_merges)

    with open(output_filename, 'a') as fd:
        fd.write('  Correctly Merged: {}\n'.format(ncorrect_merges))
        fd.write('  Incorrectly Merged: {}\n'.format(nincorrect_merges))

    # save the node mapping in the cache for later
    end2end_mapping = [mapping[iv] for iv in range(max_label)]

    # initiate the mapping to eliminate small segments
    seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    # reduce the labels and map again
    mapping, _ = seg2seg.ReduceLabels(segmentation)
    seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    # update the end to end mapping with the reduced labels
    for iv in range(max_label):
        end2end_mapping[iv] = mapping[end2end_mapping[iv]]

    # get the model name (first component is architecture and third is node-)
    model_name = model_prefix.split('/')[1]
    output_filename = 'rhoana/{}-reduced-{}.h5'.format(prefix, model_name)
    dataIO.WriteH5File(segmentation, output_filename, 'main')

    # spawn a new meta file
    dataIO.SpawnMetaFile(prefix, output_filename, 'main')

    # save the end to end mapping in the cache
    mapping_filename = 'cache/{}-reduced-{}-end2end.map'.format(
        prefix, model_name)
    with open(mapping_filename, 'wb') as fd:
        fd.write(struct.pack('q', max_label))
        for label in range(max_label):
            fd.write(struct.pack('q', end2end_mapping[label]))

    if evaluate:
        gold = dataIO.ReadGoldData(prefix)

        # run the evaluation framework
        rand_error, vi = comparestacks.VariationOfInformation(
            segmentation, gold)

        # write the output file
        with open('node-results/{}-reduced-{}.txt'.format(prefix, model_name),
                  'w') as fd:
            fd.write('Rand Error Full: {}\n'.format(rand_error[0] +
            fd.write('Rand Error Merge: {}\n'.format(rand_error[0]))
            fd.write('Rand Error Split: {}\n'.format(rand_error[1]))

            fd.write('Variation of Information Full: {}\n'.format(vi[0] +
            fd.write('Variation of Information Merge: {}\n'.format(vi[0]))
            fd.write('Variation of Information Split: {}\n'.format(vi[1]))
예제 #8
def Agglomerate(prefix, model_prefix, threshold=0.5):
    # read the segmentation data
    segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)

    # get the multicut filename (with graph weights)
    multicut_filename = 'multicut/{}-{}.graph'.format(model_prefix, prefix)

    # get the maximum segmentation value
    max_value = np.amax(segmentation) + 1

    # create union find data structure
    union_find = [UnionFind.UnionFindElement(iv) for iv in range(max_value)]

    # read in all of the labels and merge the result
    with open(multicut_filename, 'rb') as fd:
        # read the number of vertices and edges
        nvertices, nedges, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

        # read in all of the edges
        for ie in range(nedges):
            # read in both labels
            label_one, label_two, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

            # skip over the reduced labels

            # read in the edge weight
            edge_weight, = struct.unpack('d', fd.read(8))

            # merge label one and label two in the union find data structure
            if (edge_weight > threshold):
                UnionFind.Union(union_find[label_one], union_find[label_two])

    # create a mapping
    mapping = np.zeros(max_value, dtype=np.int64)

    # update the segmentation
    for iv in range(max_value):
        label = UnionFind.Find(union_find[iv]).label

        mapping[iv] = label

    # update the labels
    agglomerated_segmentation = seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    gold_filename = 'gold/{}_gold.h5'.format(prefix)

    # TODO fix this code temporary filename
    agglomeration_filename = 'multicut/{}-agglomerate.h5'.format(prefix)

    # temporary - write h5 file
    dataIO.WriteH5File(agglomerated_segmentation, agglomeration_filename,

    import time
    start_time = time.time()
    print 'Agglomeration - {}:'.format(threshold)
    # create the command line
    command = '~/software/PixelPred2Seg/comparestacks --stack1 {} --stackbase {} --dilate1 1 --dilatebase 1 --relabel1 --relabelbase --filtersize 100 --anisotropic'.format(
        agglomeration_filename, gold_filename)

    # execute the command
    print time.time() - start_time
예제 #9
def MergeGroundTruth(prefix, model_prefix):
    # read the segmentation data
    segmentation = dataIO.ReadSegmentationData(prefix)

    # get the multicut filename (with graph weights)
    multicut_filename = 'multicut/{}-{}.graph'.format(model_prefix, prefix)

    # read the gold data
    gold = dataIO.ReadGoldData(prefix)

    # read in the segmentation to gold mapping
    mapping = seg2gold.Mapping(segmentation, gold)

    # get the maximum segmentation value
    max_value = np.amax(segmentation)

    # create union find data structure
    union_find = [UnionFind.UnionFindElement(iv) for iv in range(max_value)]

    # read in all of the labels
    with open(multicut_filename, 'rb') as fd:
        # read the number of vertices and edges
        nvertices, nedges, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

        # read in all of the edges
        for ie in range(nedges):
            # read in the two labels
            label_one, label_two, = struct.unpack('QQ', fd.read(16))

            # skip over the reduced labels and edge weight

            # if the labels are the same and the mapping is non zero
            if mapping[label_one] == mapping[label_two] and mapping[label_one]:
                UnionFind.Union(union_find[label_one], union_find[label_two])

    # create a mapping
    mapping = np.zeros(max_value, dtype=np.int64)

    # update the segmentation
    for iv in range(max_value):
        label = UnionFind.Find(union_find[iv]).label

        mapping[iv] = label

    merged_segmentation = seg2seg.MapLabels(segmentation, mapping)

    gold_filename = 'gold/{}_gold.h5'.format(prefix)

    # TODO fix this code temporary filename
    truth_filename = 'multicut/{}-truth.h5'.format(prefix)

    # temporary write h5 file
    dataIO.WriteH5File(merged_segmentation, truth_filename, 'stack')

    import time
    start_time = time.time()
    print 'Ground truth: '
    # create the command line
    command = '~/software/PixelPred2Seg/comparestacks --stack1 {} --stackbase {} --dilate1 1 --dilatebase 1 --relabel1 --relabelbase --filtersize 100 --anisotropic'.format(
        truth_filename, gold_filename)

    # execute the command
    print time.time() - start_time