예제 #1
def omp_n_predict(X, centroids, num_active):
    ''' omp prediction
        X: the data matrix
        centroids: the centroids matrix
        num_active: the number of active components
    idx = np.empty((X.shape[0], num_active), dtype=np.int)
    val = np.zeros((X.shape[0], num_active))
    C = mathutil.dot(centroids, centroids.T)
    # find the most active k
    dots = None
    dots_abs = None
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start + _MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end - start
        if dots is None:
            dots = mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T)
            dots_abs = np.empty_like(dots)
            mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T, out=dots[:batchsize])
        # we only compute the dots once, and keep them for future use
        for i in range(num_active):
            np.abs(dots, out=dots_abs)
            idx[start:end, i] = np.argmax(dots_abs[:batchsize], axis=1)
            val[start:end, i] = dots[np.arange(batchsize), idx[start:end, i]]
            # remove the effect from dots
            dots[:batchsize] -= C[idx[start:end, i]] * \
                    val[start:end, i][:, np.newaxis]
    return idx, val
예제 #2
 def testdot_with_out(self):
     for A, B in self.test_matrices:
         result_ref = np.dot(A, B)
         result = np.empty(result_ref.shape, dtype=A.dtype)
         mathutil.dot(A, B, out=result)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, result_ref)
예제 #3
def omp_n_predict(X, centroids, num_active):
    """ omp prediction
        X: the data matrix
        centroids: the centroids matrix
        num_active: the number of active components
    idx = np.empty((X.shape[0], num_active), dtype=np.int)
    val = np.zeros((X.shape[0], num_active))
    C = mathutil.dot(centroids, centroids.T)
    # find the most active k
    dots = None
    dots_abs = None
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start + _MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end - start
        if dots is None:
            dots = mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T)
            dots_abs = np.empty_like(dots)
            mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T, out=dots[:batchsize])
        # we only compute the dots once, and keep them for future use
        for i in range(num_active):
            np.abs(dots, out=dots_abs)
            idx[start:end, i] = np.argmax(dots_abs[:batchsize], axis=1)
            val[start:end, i] = dots[np.arange(batchsize), idx[start:end, i]]
            # remove the effect from dots
            dots[:batchsize] -= C[idx[start:end, i]] * val[start:end, i][:, np.newaxis]
    return idx, val
 def testdot_with_out(self):
     for A, B in self.test_matrices:
         result_ref = np.dot(A,B)
         result = np.empty(result_ref.shape, dtype = A.dtype)
         mathutil.dot(A, B, out = result)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, result_ref)
예제 #5
    def obj(wb, solver):
        The objective function used by fmin
        # obtain w and b
        K = solver._K
        dim = solver._dim
        w = wb[: K * dim].reshape((dim, K))
        b = wb[K * dim :]
        # pred is a matrix of size [num_datalocal, K]
        pred = mathutil.dot(solver._X, w)
        pred += b
        # compute the loss function
        flocal, gpred = solver.loss(solver._Y, pred, solver._weight, **solver._lossargs)
        glocal = np.empty(wb.shape)
        glocal[: K * dim] = mathutil.dot(solver._X.T, gpred).flat
        glocal[K * dim :] = gpred.sum(axis=0)

        # add regularization term, but keep in mind that we have multiple nodes
        freg, greg = solver.reg(w, **solver._regargs)
        flocal += solver._num_data * solver._gamma * freg / mpi.SIZE
        glocal[: K * dim] += solver._num_data * solver._gamma / mpi.SIZE * greg.ravel()
        # do mpi reduction
        f = mpi.COMM.allreduce(flocal)
        g = np.empty(glocal.shape, dtype=glocal.dtype)
        mpi.COMM.Allreduce(glocal, g)
        return f, g
예제 #6
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: n-zhang/iceberk
 def process(self, image):
     '''Performs llc encoding.
     K = self.specs.get('k', 5)
     reg = self.specs.get('reg', 1e-4)
     D = self.dictionary
     shape = image.shape[:-1]
     X = image.reshape((np.prod(shape), image.shape[-1]))
     # D_norm is the precomputed norm of the entries
     if 'D_norm' not in self.specs:
         self.specs['D_norm'] = (D**2).sum(1) / 2.
     D_norm = self.specs['D_norm']
     distance = mathutil.dot(X, -D.T)
     distance += D_norm
     # find the K closest indices
     if bn is not None:
         # use bottleneck which would be faster
         IDX = bn.argpartsort(distance, K, axis=1)[:, :K]
         IDX = np.argsort(distance,1)[:, :K]
     # do LLC approximate coding
     coeff = np.zeros((X.shape[0], D.shape[0]))
     ONES = np.ones(K)
     Z = np.empty((K, D.shape[1]))
     for i in range(X.shape[0]):
         # shift to origin
         Z[:] = D[IDX[i]]
         Z -= X[i]
         # local covariance
         C = mathutil.dot(Z,Z.T)
         # add regularization
         C.flat[::K+1] += reg * C.trace()
         w = np.linalg.solve(C,ONES)
         coeff[i][IDX[i]] = w / w.sum()
     return coeff.reshape(shape + (coeff.shape[1],))
예제 #7
def get_predictions_nn(X, weights,arch):
    hid = mathutil.dot(X,weights[0])+weights[1]
    hid = 1.0/(1+np.exp(-hid)) #sigmoid
    pred = mathutil.dot(hid,weights[2])+weights[3]
    #prob = pred - pred.max(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
    #mathutil.exp(prob, out=prob)
    #prob /= prob.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    prob = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-pred))
    prob = mpi.COMM.gather(prob)
    hid = mpi.COMM.gather(hid)
    if mpi.is_root():
        return np.vstack(prob),np.vstack(hid)
        return np.zeros((0)),np.zeros((0))
예제 #8
 def coclassify_dag(self, prob, classifier_weight=1.):
     """Perform co-classification when the hidden concept is organized as
     a DAG.
     if self.graph == None:
         raise ValueError, "No graph given."
     # compute log(prob(y|s)) first
     prob_ys = mathutil.dot(prob, self.invconfprob.T)
     prob_ys /= prob_ys.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis]
     prob_ys += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
     np.log(prob_ys, out=prob_ys)
     # using the tree structure to compute the max_{y\in c} prob_ys for
     # each concept.
     # basically, we need to follow the inverse topological order
     max_prob_ys_in_c = np.zeros(
         (prob_ys.shape[0], len(self.graph.nodes())))
     for c in self.invtoporder:
         cid = self.concept2id[c]
         succ = [self.concept2id[s] for s in self.graph.successors(c)]
         if len(succ) == 0:
             # I am a leaf node
             max_prob_ys_in_c[:, cid] = prob_ys[:, self.leaf2id[c]]
             max_prob_ys_in_c[:,cid] = np.max(\
                     max_prob_ys_in_c[:, succ], axis=1)
     # now, combine the upstream probability and downstream probability to find
     # the argmax
     score = self.logprior + max_prob_ys_in_c.sum(0) * classifier_weight \
             - self.log_concept_sizes * prob.shape[0]
     best_cid = score.argmax()
     slice = np.array(list(self.membership_map[best_cid]))
     best_labels = slice[prob_ys[:, slice].argmax(1)]
     return best_cid, best_labels
 def coclassify_dag(self, prob, classifier_weight=1.0):
     """Perform co-classification when the hidden concept is organized as
     a DAG.
     if self.graph == None:
         raise ValueError, "No graph given."
     # compute log(prob(y|s)) first
     prob_ys = mathutil.dot(prob, self.invconfprob.T)
     prob_ys /= prob_ys.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis]
     prob_ys += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
     np.log(prob_ys, out=prob_ys)
     # using the tree structure to compute the max_{y\in c} prob_ys for
     # each concept.
     # basically, we need to follow the inverse topological order
     max_prob_ys_in_c = np.zeros((prob_ys.shape[0], len(self.graph.nodes())))
     for c in self.invtoporder:
         cid = self.concept2id[c]
         succ = [self.concept2id[s] for s in self.graph.successors(c)]
         if len(succ) == 0:
             # I am a leaf node
             max_prob_ys_in_c[:, cid] = prob_ys[:, self.leaf2id[c]]
             max_prob_ys_in_c[:, cid] = np.max(max_prob_ys_in_c[:, succ], axis=1)
     # now, combine the upstream probability and downstream probability to find
     # the argmax
     score = self.logprior + max_prob_ys_in_c.sum(0) * classifier_weight - self.log_concept_sizes * prob.shape[0]
     best_cid = score.argmax()
     slice = np.array(list(self.membership_map[best_cid]))
     best_labels = slice[prob_ys[:, slice].argmax(1)]
     return best_cid, best_labels
예제 #10
 def obj(wb,solver):
     The objective function used by fmin
     # obtain w and b
     K = solver._K
     dim = solver._dim
     w = wb[:K*dim].reshape((dim, K))
     b = wb[K*dim:]
     # pred is a matrix of size [num_datalocal, K]
     mathutil.dot(solver._X, w, out = solver._pred)
     solver._pred += b
     # compute the loss function
     if solver.gpredcache:
         flocal,gpred = solver.loss(solver._Y, solver._pred, solver._weight,
                                    solver._gpred, solver._gpredcache,
         flocal,gpred = solver.loss(solver._Y, solver._pred, solver._weight,
     mathutil.dot(solver._X.T, gpred,
                  out = solver._glocal[:K*dim].reshape(dim, K))
     solver._glocal[K*dim:] = gpred.sum(axis=0)
     # we should normalize them with the number of data
     flocal /= solver._num_data
     solver._glocal /= solver._num_data
     # add regularization term, but keep in mind that we have multiple nodes
     # so we only carry it out on root to make sure we only added one 
     # regularization term
     if mpi.is_root():
         freg, greg = solver.reg(w, **solver._regargs)
         flocal += solver._gamma * freg
         solver._glocal[:K*dim] += solver._gamma * greg.ravel()
     # do mpi reduction
     f = mpi.COMM.allreduce(flocal)
     mpi.COMM.Allreduce(solver._glocal, solver._g)
     ######### DEBUG PART ##############
     if np.isnan(f):
         # check all the components to see what went wrong.
         print 'rank %s: isnan X: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(solver._X)))
         print 'rank %s: isnan Y: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(solver._Y)))
         print 'rank %s: isnan flocal: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(flocal)))
         print 'rank %s: isnan pred: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(solver._pred)))
         print 'rank %s: isnan w: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(w)))
         print 'rank %s: isnan b: %d' % (mpi.RANK,np.any(np.isnan(b)))
     return f, solver._g
예제 #11
 def soap(self, X, out = None):
     """Performs second-order average pooling on a n*k matrix X. Returns a
     k*(k+1)/2 vector that is the upper triangular part of the average pooled
     X = np.ascontiguousarray(X, dtype = np.float64)
     if self._use_cov:
         self._cache_gram_matrix= np.cov(X, rowvar=0)
         mathutil.dot(X.T, X, out = self._cache_gram_matrix)
         self._cache_gram_matrix /= X.shape[0]
     if out is None:
         out = np.empty(X.shape[1] * (X.shape[1] + 1) / 2)
     out[:] = self._cache_gram_matrix[self._cache_triu_id[0],\
     return out
예제 #12
 def log_soap(self, X, out = None):
     """Performs matrix_log(second order average pooling)
     X = np.ascontiguousarray(X, dtype = np.float64)
     if self._use_cov:
         self._cache_gram_matrix= np.cov(X, rowvar=0)
         mathutil.dot(X.T, X, out = self._cache_gram_matrix)
         self._cache_gram_matrix /= X.shape[0]
     self._cache_gram_matrix.flat[::X.shape[1]+1] += self._reg
     # compute the matrix log
     logmat = scipy.linalg.logm(self._cache_gram_matrix)
     if out is None:
         out = np.empty(X.shape[1] * (X.shape[1] + 1) / 2)
     out[:] = logmat[self._cache_triu_id[0], self._cache_triu_id[1]]
     return out
예제 #13
def get_predictions_logreg_perclass(X, weights):
    pred = mathutil.dot(X,weights[0])+weights[1]
    prob = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-pred))
    prob = mpi.COMM.gather(prob)
    if mpi.is_root():
        return np.vstack(prob)
        return np.zeros((0))
예제 #14
def get_predictions_logreg(X, weights):
    pred = mathutil.dot(X,weights[0])+weights[1]
    prob = pred - pred.max(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
    mathutil.exp(prob, out=prob)
    prob /= prob.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    prob = mpi.COMM.gather(prob)
    if mpi.is_root():
        return np.vstack(prob)
        return np.zeros((0))
 def coclassify_oracle(self, prob, cid):
     """Perform coclassification when the hidden concept is just given in cid
     prob_ys = mathutil.dot(prob, self.invconfprob.T)
     prob_ys /= prob_ys.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis]
     prob_ys += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
     np.log(prob_ys, out=prob_ys)
     slice = np.array(list(self.membership_map[cid]))
     best_labels = slice[prob_ys[:, slice].argmax(1)]
     return cid, best_labels
예제 #16
 def coclassify_oracle(self, prob, cid):
     """Perform coclassification when the hidden concept is just given in cid
     prob_ys = mathutil.dot(prob, self.invconfprob.T)
     prob_ys /= prob_ys.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis]
     prob_ys += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
     np.log(prob_ys, out=prob_ys)
     slice = np.array(list(self.membership_map[cid]))
     best_labels = slice[prob_ys[:, slice].argmax(1)]
     return cid, best_labels
예제 #17
 def obj(wb,solver):
     The objective function used by fmin
     # obtain w and b
     Khidden = solver._Khidden
     dim = solver._dim
     whidden = wb[:Khidden*dim].reshape((dim, Khidden))
     tree = solver._regargs['tree']
     w = mathutil.dot(whidden, tree)
     b = wb[Khidden*dim:]
     # pred is a matrix of size [num_datalocal, K]
     mathutil.dot(solver._X, w, out = solver._pred)
     solver._pred += b
     # compute the loss function
     flocal,gpred = solver.loss(solver._Y, solver._pred, solver._weight,
     mathutil.dot(mathutil.dot(solver._X.T, gpred), tree.T,
             out = solver._glocal[:Khidden*dim].reshape(dim, Khidden))
     solver._glocal[Khidden*dim:] = gpred.sum(axis=0)
     # add regularization term, but keep in mind that we have multiple nodes
     freg, greg = solver.reg(whidden, **solver._regargs)
     flocal += solver._num_data * solver._gamma * freg / mpi.SIZE
     solver._glocal[:Khidden*dim] += solver._num_data * solver._gamma \
             * greg.ravel() / mpi.SIZE
     # do mpi reduction
     f = mpi.COMM.allreduce(flocal)
     mpi.COMM.Allreduce(solver._glocal, solver._g)
     return f, solver._g
예제 #18
 def process(self, image, out=None):
     '''Performs llc encoding.
     K = self.specs.get('k', 5)
     reg = self.specs.get('reg', 1e-4)
     D = self.dictionary
     shape = image.shape[:-1]
     X = image.reshape((np.prod(shape), image.shape[-1]))
     # D_norm is the precomputed norm of the entries
     if 'D_norm' not in self.specs:
         self.specs['D_norm'] = (D**2).sum(1) / 2.
     D_norm = self.specs['D_norm']
     distance = mathutil.dot(X, -D.T)
     distance += D_norm
     # find the K closest indices
     if bn is not None:
         # use bottleneck which would be faster
         IDX = bn.argpartsort(distance, K, axis=1)[:, :K]
         IDX = np.argsort(distance,1)[:, :K]
     # do LLC approximate coding
     if out is None:
         out = np.zeros((X.shape[0], D.shape[0]))
         out.resize((X.shape[0], D.shape[0]))
         out[:] = 0
     ONES = np.ones(K)
     Z = np.empty((K, D.shape[1]))
     for i in range(X.shape[0]):
         # shift to origin
         Z[:] = D[IDX[i]]
         Z -= X[i]
         # local covariance
         C = mathutil.dot(Z,Z.T)
         # add regularization
         C.flat[::K+1] += reg * C.trace()
         w = np.linalg.solve(C,ONES)
         out[i][IDX[i]] = w / w.sum()
     out.resize(shape + (out.shape[1],))
     return out
예제 #19
def omp_n_maximize(X, labels, val, k):
    """Maximization of omp_n, with the given labels and vals. 
    Note that X is the local data hosted in each MPI node.
    dim = X.shape[1]
    # G is the gram matrix of the activations
    AtA_local = np.zeros((k, k))
    AtX_local = np.zeros((k, dim))

    A = None
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start + _MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end - start
        if A is None:
            A = np.zeros((batchsize, k))
            A[:] = 0
        for i in range(batchsize):
            A[i, labels[start + i]] = val[start + i]
        AtA_local += mathutil.dot(A.T, A)
        AtX_local += mathutil.dot(A[:batchsize].T, X[start:end])
    AtA = np.empty_like(AtA_local)
    AtX = np.empty_like(AtX_local)
    mpi.COMM.Allreduce(AtA_local, AtA)
    mpi.COMM.Allreduce(AtX_local, AtX)
    # add a regularization term
    isempty = np.diag(AtA) == 0
    AtA.flat[:: k + 1] += 1e-8
    centroids = np.ascontiguousarray(np.linalg.solve(AtA, AtX))
    # let's deal with inactive guys
    for i in range(k):
        if isempty[i]:
            # randomly restart one
            centroids[i] = X[np.random.randint(X.shape[0])]
            mpi.COMM.Bcast(centroids[i], root=mpi.elect())
    scale = np.sqrt((centroids ** 2).sum(1)) + np.finfo(np.float64).eps
    centroids /= scale[:, np.newaxis]
    return centroids
예제 #20
def omp_n_maximize(X, labels, val, k):
    '''Maximization of omp_n, with the given labels and vals. 
    Note that X is the local data hosted in each MPI node.
    dim = X.shape[1]
    # G is the gram matrix of the activations
    AtA_local = np.zeros((k, k))
    AtX_local = np.zeros((k, dim))

    A = None
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start + _MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end - start
        if A is None:
            A = np.zeros((batchsize, k))
            A[:] = 0
        for i in range(batchsize):
            A[i, labels[start + i]] = val[start + i]
        AtA_local += mathutil.dot(A.T, A)
        AtX_local += mathutil.dot(A[:batchsize].T, X[start:end])
    AtA = np.empty_like(AtA_local)
    AtX = np.empty_like(AtX_local)
    mpi.COMM.Allreduce(AtA_local, AtA)
    mpi.COMM.Allreduce(AtX_local, AtX)
    # add a regularization term
    isempty = (np.diag(AtA) == 0)
    AtA.flat[::k + 1] += 1e-8
    centroids = np.ascontiguousarray(np.linalg.solve(AtA, AtX))
    # let's deal with inactive guys
    for i in range(k):
        if isempty[i]:
            # randomly restart one
            centroids[i] = X[np.random.randint(X.shape[0])]
            mpi.COMM.Bcast(centroids[i], root=mpi.elect())
    scale = np.sqrt((centroids**2).sum(1)) + np.finfo(np.float64).eps
    centroids /= scale[:, np.newaxis]
    return centroids
예제 #21
def omp1_predict(X, centroids):
    ''' omp1 prediction
    This function does one-dimensional orthogonal matching pursuit.
    the returned values are simply going to be the indices and 
    inner products.
    idx = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
    val = np.empty(X.shape[0])
    # in case we are going to deal with a large matrix, we buffer dots to avoid
    # multiple memory new / deletes.
    dots = np.empty((min(_MINIBATCH, X.shape[0]), centroids.shape[0]),
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start + _MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end - start
        mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T, out=dots[:batchsize])
        np.abs(dots, out=dots)
        idx[start:end] = np.argmax(dots[:batchsize], axis=1)
        val[start:end] = dots[range(batchsize), idx[start:end]]
    return idx, val
예제 #22
def omp1_predict(X, centroids):
    ''' omp1 prediction
    This function does one-dimensional orthogonal matching pursuit.
    the returned values are simply going to be the indices and 
    inner products.
    idx = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
    val = np.empty(X.shape[0])
    # in case we are going to deal with a large matrix, we buffer dots to avoid
    # multiple memory new / deletes.
    dots = np.empty((min(_MINIBATCH, X.shape[0]), centroids.shape[0]),
                    dtype = X.dtype)
    for start in range(0, X.shape[0], _MINIBATCH):
        end = min(start+_MINIBATCH, X.shape[0])
        batchsize = end-start
        mathutil.dot(X[start:end], centroids.T, out = dots[:batchsize])
        np.abs(dots, out=dots)
        idx[start:end] = np.argmax(dots[:batchsize], axis=1)
        val[start:end] = dots[range(batchsize), idx[start:end]]
    return idx, val
예제 #23
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: n-zhang/iceberk
 def train(self, incoming_patches):
     size = mpi.COMM.allreduce(incoming_patches.shape[0])
     b = - mpi.COMM.allreduce(np.sum(incoming_patches,axis=0)) / size
     # remove the mean from data
     patches = incoming_patches + b
     covmat = mpi.COMM.allreduce(mathutil.dot(patches.T, patches)) / size
     if mpi.RANK == 0:
         eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(covmat)
         reg = self.specs.get('reg', np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
         W = eigvec * 1.0 / (np.sqrt(np.maximum(eigval, 0.0)) + reg)
         eigval, eigvec, W = None, None, None
     W = mpi.COMM.bcast(W)
     eigval = mpi.COMM.bcast(eigval)
     eigvec = mpi.COMM.bcast(eigvec)
     return (W, b), (eigval, eigvec)
    confmats = None
for i in range(mpi.RANK, len(files), mpi.SIZE):
    # for the i-th file the gt label is i
    file = files[i]
    predfile = preds[i]
    fid = h5py.File(file, 'r')
    features = np.array(fid['features'])
    fid = h5py.File(predfile, 'r')
    pred = np.array(fid['pred'])
    # compute new prediction
    diff = mathutil.softmax(pred)
    diff[:, i] -= 1
    features **= 2
    weighted_direction = mathutil.dot(features, Hwinv) + Hbinv
    dpred = diff * weighted_direction
    if use_validation:
        iter = 0
        accu = sum((val_pred == i) & (val_label == i)) / float(
            sum(val_label == i))
        s_low = 0
        s_high = scales[0]
        while iter < 10:
            s = (s_low + s_high) / 2
            newprob = pred + dpred * s
            mathutil.softmax(newprob, out=newprob)
            newpred = newprob.argmax(1)
            my_accu = sum(newpred == i) / float(pred.shape[0])
            if my_accu > accu:
                s_low = s
def forward(X, outputs):
    output = mathutil.dot(X, w)
    output += b
예제 #26
 def testdot(self):
     for A, B in self.test_matrices:
         result = mathutil.dot(A, B)
         result_ref = np.dot(A, B)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, result_ref)
예제 #27
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(FLAGS.folder, '*.mat'))

count = 0
for i in range(mpi.RANK, len(files), mpi.SIZE):
    file = files[i]
    print '%d / %d: %s' % (i, len(files), file)
    fid = h5py.File(file, 'r')
    features = np.array(fid['features'])
    count += features.shape[0]
    pred = np.dot(features, w)
    pred += b
    prob = mathutil.softmax(pred)
    dpdp = prob * (1 - prob)
    # the gradient for b is simple
    hb += np.sum(dpdp, 0)
    features **= 2
    hw += mathutil.dot(features.T, dpdp)
del features
count = mpi.COMM.allreduce(count)
# we no longer need w and b, so we use them as mpi buffer
mpi.COMM.Allreduce(hw, w)
mpi.COMM.Allreduce(hb, b)
if mpi.is_root():
    hw /= count
    hb /= count
    # add regularization term
    hw += 2 * FLAGS.reg
    np.savez(FLAGS.output, count=count, hw=w, hb=b)
    confmats = None
for i in range(mpi.RANK, len(files), mpi.SIZE):
    # for the i-th file the gt label is i
    file = files[i]
    predfile = preds[i]
    fid = h5py.File(file, 'r')
    features = np.array(fid['features'])
    fid = h5py.File(predfile, 'r')
    pred = np.array(fid['pred'])
    # compute new prediction
    diff = mathutil.softmax(pred)
    diff[:,i] -= 1
    features **= 2
    weighted_direction = mathutil.dot(features, Hwinv) + Hbinv
    dpred = diff * weighted_direction
    if use_validation:
        iter = 0
        accu = sum((val_pred == i) & (val_label == i)) / float(sum(val_label == i))
        s_low = 0
        s_high = scales[0]
        while iter < 10:
            s = (s_low + s_high) / 2
            newprob = pred + dpred * s
            mathutil.softmax(newprob, out=newprob)
            newpred = newprob.argmax(1)
            my_accu = sum(newpred==i) / float(pred.shape[0])
            if my_accu > accu:
                s_low = s
예제 #29
def loss_multiclass_logreg(Y, X, weights):
    pred = mathutil.dot(X,weights[0])+weights[1]
    local_likelihood = classifier.Loss.loss_multiclass_logistic(classifier.to_one_of_k_coding(Y, 0), pred, None)[0]
    likelihood = mpi.COMM.allreduce(local_likelihood)
    num_data = mpi.COMM.allreduce(len(Y))
    return float(likelihood) / num_data
예제 #30
 def testdot(self):
     for A, B in self.test_matrices:
         result = mathutil.dot(A, B)
         result_ref = np.dot(A,B)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, result_ref)
def forward(X, outputs):
    output = mathutil.dot(X, w)
    output += b