def main():
    stack_path = './data/stacks/'
    stack_fname = 'enderlin_velocity_stack.hdf5'
    pre_transect_fname = 'landsat_pre_transect.npy'
    transect_fname = 'landsat_transect.npy'
    landsat8_raster_fname = './data/landsat8/LC08_L1TP_066017_20140224_20170306_01_T1/LC08_L1TP_066017_20140224_20170306_01_T1_B1.TIF'

    # Load Stack header
    hdr = ice.RasterInfo(stackfile=stack_path + stack_fname)

    # Load landsat 8 Raster
    e = hdr.extent
    proj_win = [e[0], e[3], e[1], e[2]]
    raster = ice.Raster(rasterfile=landsat8_raster_fname, projWin=proj_win)

    # Get reference x, y points to extract centerline from
    x, y = get_transect_points(raster, stack_path + pre_transect_fname)

    # plot_transect(raster, x, y, 'Hand crafted transect')
    xs, ys = resample_transect(raster, x, y)

    # Save transect
    s = 100  # Start point along transect (bottom is very noisy) + transect_fname, [xs[s:], ys[s:]])
    plot_transect(raster, xs[s:], ys[s:],
                  'Columbia Manual Centerline Transect')
예제 #2
def calc_optimal_proj_win(path, rasterfiles):
    """ Find the window of maximum extent shared by all Rasters in dataset.

    path: str
        Path to directory storing all rasters
    rasterfiles: list
        List with the name of each rasterfile in the path

    proj_win: list 
        Optimal projection window for the data, with form
        [min_x, max_y, max_x, min_y]
    min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = [], [], [], []
    for rasterfile in rasterfiles:
        extent = ice.RasterInfo(path + rasterfile).extent

    return [max(min_x), min(max_y), min(max_x), max(min_y)]
예제 #3
def main():
    enderlin_data_path = './data/enderlin2018/'
    stack_path = './data/stacks/'
    stack_fname = 'enderlin_velocity_stack.hdf5'
    landsat8_raster_fname = './data/landsat8/LC08_L1TP_066017_20140224_20170306_01_T1/LC08_L1TP_066017_20140224_20170306_01_T1_B1.TIF'

    # Get all raster files from manifest
    rasterfiles = []
    with open(enderlin_data_path + 'MANIFEST.TXT', 'r') as f:
        for line in f:

    # plot_with_landsat(landsat8_raster_fname, enderlin_data_path + rasterfiles[0], 'Enderlin velocity on Landsat 8 Image')

    # Get dates and data from files
    init_tdec, init_data = [], []
    for rasterfile in rasterfiles:
        # Parse date from filename
        date = rasterfile.split('_')[1]
        tdec = ice.datestr2tdec(yy=int(date[0:4]),
        # Load file and get data
        raster = ice.Raster(rasterfile=enderlin_data_path + rasterfile)
        # Data is flipped - not sure why
        init_data.append(np.flip(, axis=0))

    # Create Stack
    hdr = ice.RasterInfo(rasterfile=enderlin_data_path + rasterfiles[0])
    stack = ice.Stack(stack_path + stack_fname,
    stack.fid.create_dataset("data", data=np.array(init_data))

    plot_mean_with_landsat(landsat8_raster_fname, stack_path + stack_fname,
                           "Mean Velocity")
예제 #4
def main(args):

    # Get rasterinfo
    if args.rasterfile.endswith('.h5'):
        stack = ice.Stack(args.rasterfile)
        hdr = stack.hdr
        tdec = stack.tdec
        hdr = ice.RasterInfo(args.rasterfile, match=args.match)
        tdec = None

    print('Image shape: (%d, %d)' % (hdr.ny, hdr.nx))

    print('Geographic extent: %f %f %f %f' % tuple(hdr.extent))

    print('Geographic spacing: (dy = %f, dx = %f)' % (hdr.dy, hdr.dx))

    if tdec is not None:
        print('Time span: %f -> %f' % (tdec[0], tdec[-1]))
        print('Median time spacing: %f' % np.median(np.diff(tdec)))

    print('EPSG:', hdr.epsg)
예제 #5
def main(args):

    # Check if nothing is passed
    if args.projWin is None and args.srcWin is None and args.tWin is None:
        print('No cropping parameters provided.')

    # Load stack
    stack = ice.Stack(args.stackfile)

    # Construct spatial slices
    if args.projWin is not None:

        # Unpack projWin parameters
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = args.projWin

        # Convert geographic coordinates to image coordinates
        i0, j0 = stack.hdr.xy_to_imagecoord(x0, y0)
        i1, j1 = stack.hdr.xy_to_imagecoord(x1, y1)
        islice = slice(i0, i1)
        jslice = slice(j0, j1)

    elif args.srcWin is not None:

        # Unpack srcWin parameters
        j0, i0, xsize, ysize = args.srcWin
        j1 = j0 + xsize
        i1 = i0 + ysize
        islice = slice(i0, i1)
        jslice = slice(j0, j1)

        islice = slice(0, stack.Ny)
        jslice = slice(0, stack.Nx)

    # Construct temporal subset if provided
    tdec = stack.tdec
    if args.tWin is not None:
        t0, tf = args.tWin
        k0 = np.argmin(np.abs(tdec - t0))
        k1 = np.argmin(np.abs(tdec - tf))
        tslice = slice(k0, k1)
        tdec = tdec[tslice]
        tslice = slice(0, stack.Nt)

    # Make meshgrid of coordinates
    X, Y = stack.hdr.meshgrid()
    # Apply slices
    if islice is not None and jslice is not None:
        X = X[islice, jslice]
        Y = Y[islice, jslice]

    # Create RasterInfo header
    hdr = ice.RasterInfo(X=X, Y=Y)

    # Create output stack
    ostack = ice.Stack(args.output, mode='w')
    ostack.initialize(tdec, hdr, data=True, weights=True,
                      chunks=(1, args.chunks[0], args.chunks[1]))

    # Manually fill in the data
        ostack['data'][:, :, :] = stack['data'][tslice, islice, jslice]
    except KeyError:
        ostack['data'][:, :, :] = stack['igram'][tslice, islice, jslice]
    ostack['weights'][:, :, :] = stack['weights'][tslice, islice, jslice]
def main():
    # Options
    choose_start_end = False
    save_transect = True
    smooth = True

    head = None
    terminus = None
    # Penalty for not following path of highest velocity
    # (prevents path from taking shortcuts)
    penalty = 12

    if not choose_start_end:
        head = (671, 2035)  # (row, col)
        terminus = (1958, 1406)  # (row, col)

    # Open velocity Stack and get data
    print('Getting Stack mean ...............................................')
    stack_path = './data/stacks/'
    stack_fname = 'columbia_surface_velocities.hdf5'
    mean_fname = 'mean_columbia_surface_velocities.tif'
    transect_fname = 'columbia_centerline_transect.npy'
    mean, hdr = get_stack_mean(stack_path, stack_fname, mean_fname)

    # Find velocity inverse
    inv = 1 / mean**penalty

    # Request start and stop if not provided
    print('Getting path start and end points ................................')
    if head is None:
        head = get_point(mean, 'Please identify the glacier head', hdr)
    print('Columbia Glacier head at row, col =', head)

    if terminus is None:
        terminus = get_point(mean, 'Please identify the terminus', hdr)
    print('Columbia Glacier terminus at row, col =', terminus)

    # Dijkstra's shortest path
    print('Finding transect .................................................')
    start = time.time()
    transect, vis = dijkstra_transect(inv, head, terminus)
    dt = time.time() - start

    print('Found transect in', int(dt), 'seconds.')

    if smooth:
        transect = moving_avg(transect[0], transect[1])

    hdr = ice.RasterInfo(stackfile=stack_path + stack_fname)
    tx, ty = hdr.imagecoord_to_xy(transect[0], transect[1])
    plot_transect_visited(mean, hdr, tx, ty, vis)
    plot_transect_landsat(mean, hdr, tx, ty)

    print('Transect length:', int(ice.compute_path_length(tx, ty)[-1]), 'm')

    # Save path to file
    if save_transect:
            'Saving transect to file ..........................................'
        ) + transect_fname, [tx, ty])